Vir 12°59'
in house 6
in Virgo
Major Aspects
sextile Sun orb:2°06'
trine Moon orb:6°22'
conjunct Jupiter orb:6°51'
square Neptune orb:5°50'
conjunct North Node orb:6°37'
opposed South Node orb:6°37'
conjunct Mean North Node orb:8°01'
trine Chiron orb:1°27'
According to, BML is my most powerful point, Jupiter being my most powerful planet.
It talks about people being in touch with there shadow side. I think it might be safe to say that I can blame Lilith on my feelings of emptiness and loneliness. I'm no stranger to the dark of depression. I have also read that people with a powerful BML will never find what they are looking for without a full Spiritual realization.
Yes, I know Lilith well. And in the long run, it just might prove to be a blessing in disguise.