With love of learning astrology, I post my chart with the progression chart in the outer ring. Permission is given to use the data.
On Oct. 27 I asked a horary question about the health of my breast after finding a small lump. Progressed Moon in 11th was making a square aspect to the Progressed Mercury/Chiron conj. in the 3rd house. Mercury natally rules my 8th/11th houses. So began the visits to doctors and getting tests done to discover I do have stage 4 breast cancer. Interestingly, back when P. Moon conj Pluto in my 10th house in Jan. of 2021, my blood work showed low iron, I was anemic. They sent me home with iron pills. This time the doctor said we have to find out what is causing the anemia leading us to find the cancer. My P. MC was applying a conj. to P. Mars in the 12th house. So, I believe the presence of cancer has been with me for a few years and thus very slow moving, if the tests didn't reflect illness, I wouldn't know it physically.
The other significant aspect is P. Venus squaring N. Mars, rulers of my 1st/7th and 6th/12th houses showing health issues being prominent this year. P. Moon is also coming into a conj. with a Mercury/Pluto midpoint (9'27 Libra) which effects my nervous system. Last few days, my blood pressure has moved into stage 2 hypertension after being in the normal range for most of my life. Developing a strong meditation practice is top of my to-do list. P. Moon is also making a conj. with N. Saturn and moving to conj. with P. Saturn this summer. Another major aspect coming this summer is Directed Pluto making a conj to the N. Asc.
Think I've always dealt with the nervous energy of Mercury/Pluto midpoint conj. Saturn through exercise. My day job was cleaning homes and businesses, a lot of homes and businesses. lol I was a swimmer and skier. In 2020 I had retired to a sedentary lifestyle in comparison to my work days. Makes me think without the strong outlet for my nervous energy, the seeds of cancer germinated. All comment welcome.

On Oct. 27 I asked a horary question about the health of my breast after finding a small lump. Progressed Moon in 11th was making a square aspect to the Progressed Mercury/Chiron conj. in the 3rd house. Mercury natally rules my 8th/11th houses. So began the visits to doctors and getting tests done to discover I do have stage 4 breast cancer. Interestingly, back when P. Moon conj Pluto in my 10th house in Jan. of 2021, my blood work showed low iron, I was anemic. They sent me home with iron pills. This time the doctor said we have to find out what is causing the anemia leading us to find the cancer. My P. MC was applying a conj. to P. Mars in the 12th house. So, I believe the presence of cancer has been with me for a few years and thus very slow moving, if the tests didn't reflect illness, I wouldn't know it physically.
The other significant aspect is P. Venus squaring N. Mars, rulers of my 1st/7th and 6th/12th houses showing health issues being prominent this year. P. Moon is also coming into a conj. with a Mercury/Pluto midpoint (9'27 Libra) which effects my nervous system. Last few days, my blood pressure has moved into stage 2 hypertension after being in the normal range for most of my life. Developing a strong meditation practice is top of my to-do list. P. Moon is also making a conj. with N. Saturn and moving to conj. with P. Saturn this summer. Another major aspect coming this summer is Directed Pluto making a conj to the N. Asc.
Think I've always dealt with the nervous energy of Mercury/Pluto midpoint conj. Saturn through exercise. My day job was cleaning homes and businesses, a lot of homes and businesses. lol I was a swimmer and skier. In 2020 I had retired to a sedentary lifestyle in comparison to my work days. Makes me think without the strong outlet for my nervous energy, the seeds of cancer germinated. All comment welcome.

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