Breast Cancer

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Apr 30, 2014
Rochester, MI
With love of learning astrology, I post my chart with the progression chart in the outer ring. Permission is given to use the data.

On Oct. 27 I asked a horary question about the health of my breast after finding a small lump. Progressed Moon in 11th was making a square aspect to the Progressed Mercury/Chiron conj. in the 3rd house. Mercury natally rules my 8th/11th houses. So began the visits to doctors and getting tests done to discover I do have stage 4 breast cancer. Interestingly, back when P. Moon conj Pluto in my 10th house in Jan. of 2021, my blood work showed low iron, I was anemic. They sent me home with iron pills. This time the doctor said we have to find out what is causing the anemia leading us to find the cancer. My P. MC was applying a conj. to P. Mars in the 12th house. So, I believe the presence of cancer has been with me for a few years and thus very slow moving, if the tests didn't reflect illness, I wouldn't know it physically.

The other significant aspect is P. Venus squaring N. Mars, rulers of my 1st/7th and 6th/12th houses showing health issues being prominent this year. P. Moon is also coming into a conj. with a Mercury/Pluto midpoint (9'27 Libra) which effects my nervous system. Last few days, my blood pressure has moved into stage 2 hypertension after being in the normal range for most of my life. Developing a strong meditation practice is top of my to-do list. P. Moon is also making a conj. with N. Saturn and moving to conj. with P. Saturn this summer. Another major aspect coming this summer is Directed Pluto making a conj to the N. Asc.

Think I've always dealt with the nervous energy of Mercury/Pluto midpoint conj. Saturn through exercise. My day job was cleaning homes and businesses, a lot of homes and businesses. lol I was a swimmer and skier. In 2020 I had retired to a sedentary lifestyle in comparison to my work days. Makes me think without the strong outlet for my nervous energy, the seeds of cancer germinated. All comment welcome.

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All comment welcome.
What do you mean by this, Moondancing, as you have been very specific in detail of your disease's cause?
Do you seek other reasons?
When there is a major life challenge, the whole chart speaks to the issue. This is how I analyzed the chart and if I know anything about astrology, it's that practitioners often see things in a different light. If someone has insight that makes the chart even clearer, I'd be interested to hear them.
Progressed Moon, ruling the breast, approaching natal Saturn. A time to retreat. A time to cry. A time to be disappointed. A time of sadness.
This is very sombre news that you have been diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. Will you be getting any treatment? There are several cures I've heard about on X about Ivermectin + another natural cure. Some people swear by them. It's not unusual with a Moon, Saturn transit, to have anemia as the two go hand in hand. Liquid iron works best or even iron transfusions.

I would like to see the natal map with the current transits as progressions are much slower + not very precise for predictions. If you feel like it, post that chart.

You are naturally born with a Moon, Pluto opposition. Did you have problems with your mother or women in your life? I mean, more than the average person. Or was your home a place where extremely dramatic events took place? Again, much more than the average person.

Your natal Venus is in disharmony with Chiron, much pain there regarding money + romance. But you must have learned important lessons in this area too. The pain can thrust you into a teacher role, the epitome of Sagittarius wisdom.
Hi JupiterinCap: It's come as a surprise. Fenbendazole is another natural cure but my reg. doc said he would not prescribe meds, I have to talk with oncologist. That appointment isn't until the end of the month, after I have a CT scan to determine where the cancer has spread.

Yes, very difficult relationship with mother. When the Moon was directed to opposition to Pluto, my mother abandoned me, my brother, and sister (who were younger than me). Life was chaos for 5 years when she married a wonderful man and he gave us a stable life. To this day it's still bad but passable. Relationships have been painful but I've always had enough money to take care of my needs.

What I see coming is Uranus SSQ Saturn in April. That looks challenging. And Mars SemiSquare Saturn in June as PMoon gets close to 12th house and P. Saturn. Never as bad as we imagine, eh?

When there is a major life challenge, the whole chart speaks to the issue. This is how I analyzed the chart and if I know anything about astrology, it's that practitioners often see things in a different light. If someone has insight that makes the chart even clearer, I'd be interested to hear them.
Thank you for the extra information you have supplied. Personally, I had difficulty associating the 'nervous energy' of Mercury and Uranus, which appear to be out of orb, with a susceptibility towards breast cancer. Neither planet is linked to the houses associated with physical complaints.
Yes, very difficult relationship with mother. When the Moon was directed to opposition to Pluto, my mother abandoned me, my brother, and sister (who were younger than me). Life was chaos for 5 years when she married a wonderful man and he gave us a stable life. To this day it's still bad but passable. Relationships have been painful but I've always had enough money to take care of my needs.
I's said that the cancer gen lies in everyone, but is not always problematic.
Reading the highlighted, I looked up the position of MEAN Black Moon lilith in the chart, an astrological point that has been observed to relate to the images from childhood that can 'haunt' one until they are seen for what they are, true or false. Deeply hidden feelings that do not see the light of day and can find an association with surfacing physical complaints. MEAN BML is on13+ degrees Cancer!

Going further, Mars and Uranus-MEAN BML aspects are both in a stressful aspect with natal Moon, and it is Mars that rules the Ascendant sign in youth, as well the 6th house of physical complaints. Mars and Uranus are not linked by aspect, so one cannot think of the YOD 'finger of God'.

When looking at the effect of directions (solar arcs?) it must be remembered that the same aspects remain throughout life. When Moon opposed Pluto in childhood, the two separate T-squares were also making aspects, with S.A. Jupiter completing its natal opposition to natal Saturn.

Could it be that the very young child who felt so abandoned by that which was beyond her personal control to change, carried its traumatic effect deep within for so long that it finally surfaced in the worst possible way?

Thank you for the extra information you have supplied. Personally, I had difficulty associating the 'nervous energy' of Mercury and Uranus, which appear to be out of orb, with a susceptibility towards breast cancer. Neither planet is linked to the houses associated with physical complaints.
Hi Frisiangal:

The midpoint I was referring to is Mercury/Pluto conj. Saturn. The Combination of Stellar Influences show it to represent nervous energy and separation. Mercury rules 11th/8th houses, Pluto sits in my 10, Saturn is on cusp of 11th/12th. My job was the only way I socialized. Eleventh house is very important to my wellbeing. Mars, Asc. ruler in 11th and ruler Mercury in my first. When I retired, I left the state and have not found a way to fulfil my 11th house needs. Instead I've been confronted with and ignored my lack. The P.Moon at this point and my rising blood pressure is telling me something.
I's said that the cancer gen lies in everyone, but is not always problematic.Reading the highlighted, I looked up the position of MEAN Black Moon lilith in the chart, an astrological point that has been observed to relate to the images from childhood that can 'haunt' one until they are seen for what they are, true or false. Deeply hidden feelings that do not see the light of day and can find an association with surfacing physical complaints. MEAN BML is on13+ degrees Cancer!

Going further, Mars and Uranus-MEAN BML aspects are both in a stressful aspect with natal Moon, and it is Mars that rules the Ascendant sign in youth, as well the 6th house of physical complaints. Mars and Uranus are not linked by aspect, so one cannot think of the YOD 'finger of God'.
Yes, Lilith is very strong in my chart, all three of them. Astroid Lilith conj. my Moon in 4th house and Dark Moon Lilith conj. my Asc. I was overwhelmed with fear and saw danger everywhere. It has been a lifelong labor of love.
When looking at the effect of directions (solar arcs?) it must be remembered that the same aspects remain throughout life. When Moon opposed Pluto in childhood, the two separate T-squares were also making aspects, with S.A. Jupiter completing its natal opposition to natal Saturn.

Could it be that the very young child who felt so abandoned by that which was beyond her personal control to change, carried its traumatic effect deep within for so long that it finally surfaced in the worst possible way?
It is sad to think I'm still haunted by my past despite the efforts to heal. But, I'm proud of what I've accomplished and always knew I could also not complete the work. D.Pluto making a conj with my N. Asc. shows an intense period of personal change coming. It's not over until... :)
Frisiangal said:

"When Moon opposed Pluto in childhood, the two separate T-squares were also making aspects, with S.A. Jupiter completing its natal opposition to natal Saturn."

I have not seen that aspect before, ty! So even as I have the experience of the trauma, there is the ability to be happy through separation and seclusion. So true! A memory comes to me of hiking in the woods behind our house and learning my way. One day I came across an opening in the woods and saw the vast ocean. To this day I still seek out adventure.

SolarArc Pluto is midpoint N.Uranus/Mercury!
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I admit to never having worked with midpoint positions as defining guidelines, so your own approach to your chart will be directed via different attitude meanings than my 'basic astrology chart techniques' type perspective. Consequently, I was unable to work out the degree to which S.A Pluto approaching natal Asc., yet on Uranus/Mercury referred.

I wish you well in continuing strength in the future to combat the dis-ease.
This particular aspect I see on the 90 degree dial that shows planetary combinations that you don't see on the traditional wheel. Unfortunately, this combination shows my scattered energies and inclination to be confusing. I need to watch that.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and I wish you a good year ahead.
I don't have much time but do want to point out that Neptune 12TH in your natal map is conflicted with Uranus. Since 12Th is the house of hidden health, hospitals, your diagnosis may not be correct or something lacking in information.

Fenbendazole is another natural cure but my reg. doc said he would not prescribe meds, I have to talk with oncologist. That appointment isn't until the end of the month, after I have a CT scan to determine where the cancer has spread.

If your regular doc won't prescribe a natural med like this one then you need to get another doctor. I have heard that people have been cured from Stage V cancer with this drug + Ivermectin. It can't harm you like chemotherapy but that's what the doctors always recommend as it's a money business in the end.

YOU must take control of your own health, your map indicates that YOU can have original thoughts, original ideas. YOU can become in expert in health, your Virgo planets attest to this, along with your Mercury in intuitive, radar Scorpio in great balance with Jupiter. Your Moon in harmony with Neptune + you have great ability to understand your own body + its needs much better than a doctor.

Saturn is nipping at your heels but there are great transits ahead. It is a lonely time for you, nobody wants to get this type of bad news but do what is necessary to stay alive, try those natural cures. Don't put all your power into the hands of the medical establishment, with a Sun Pluto aspect, you need to be very wary of doing this.

I have to run now but I will come back at another point.

Wishing you all the best.
I don't have much time but do want to point out that Neptune 12TH in your natal map is conflicted with Uranus. Since 12Th is the house of hidden health, hospitals, your diagnosis may not be correct or something lacking in information.

Fenbendazole is another natural cure but my reg. doc said he would not prescribe meds, I have to talk with oncologist. That appointment isn't until the end of the month, after I have a CT scan to determine where the cancer has spread.

If your regular doc won't prescribe a natural med like this one then you need to get another doctor. I have heard that people have been cured from Stage V cancer with this drug + Ivermectin. It can't harm you like chemotherapy but that's what the doctors always recommend as it's a money business in the end.

YOU must take control of your own health, your map indicates that YOU can have original thoughts, original ideas. YOU can become in expert in health, your Virgo planets attest to this, along with your Mercury in intuitive, radar Scorpio in great balance with Jupiter. Your Moon in harmony with Neptune + you have great ability to understand your own body + its needs much better than a doctor.

Saturn is nipping at your heels but there are great transits ahead. It is a lonely time for you, nobody wants to get this type of bad news but do what is necessary to stay alive, try those natural cures. Don't put all your power into the hands of the medical establishment, with a Sun Pluto aspect, you need to be very wary of doing this.

I have to run now but I will come back at another point.

Wishing you all the best.
Thank you for your encouraging thoughts. My Sun/Moon midpoint makes a partile conj to Chiron which I believe represents a strong drive to heal myself. You make good planetary explanation to show the innate skills that are open to me to develop. It has been true.

Fenbendazole can be found in a canine dewormer product at the pet store. I've started to take it along with Quercetin, which is equivalent to Ivermectin but I get it at the health food store. Doctors today are tied in with the hospitals to serve the hospitals system of care for profit. I know I'm on my own. What bothers me most is my family are very concerned about my alternative path. They are frightened for me. Can't be helped until I show good results from this challenge.

Thank you! I wish you a thriving 2025!
P.S. I want to say that Fenbendazole has gone through human clinical trials and deemed safe for human consumption. So has Ivermectin but that medication can only be obtained by prescription. Ivermectin is found in horse meds. and I'm not sure about taking that.
you are willing to kill yourself with self medication and self diagnosis? you are guzzling god knows what chemicals in quanitities with equal god knows what combo results. its a chemical factory. its truly bizare.

i reckon if you carry on this way next year august will see a massive reaction with the august eclipse sun moon and pluto. that will be more or less a case of what you fear being upon you.
What I am taking is non-toxic. The path of the cancer medication from the doctors (chemo, radiation, etc) are toxic and people get sick from taking them and die. Many insurance company's don't pay for these treatments at stage 4, I certainly can't pay for them. If I went the medical route, there is no guarantee that eclipse would still do me in. What would you do?

Not sure where you got the idea I self-diagnosed. I had two biopsies and the doctor made the determination.
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Moondancing what you are drinking is going to cause you health problems, probably kidney and other knock on health digestive issues as you destroy the digestive route.

yes chemo and other treatments are toxic and do cause harm that takes years to correct but at least they are targeted to the tumours. you are not. you are destroying your digestive system.

you could try get on trials. that would be a far better help.

nothing about what you are doing is going to reach any part your cancer at all. it will though cause you additional health diverse problems.

there are many diets relying on vitamins that you can try. but trials are best.

dont go ingesting dog chemicals.

it is sad that we have come to the point where many have been failed by health services and costs. its inevitable with microplastics, that the number dying will increase exponentially.

all we can do is really live our lives as best we can and prepare our families for our departure.
Where do you get your information that "drinking my tea is going to cause me health problems and destroy the digestive route?" If you are seeing this astrologically, please post those configurations.

Anyway, at 3 months, I'll get tested to see if there is progress in reducing the cancer. If not, I'll no longer use that protocol.
you are willing to kill yourself with self medication and self diagnosis? you are guzzling god knows what chemicals in quanitities with equal god knows what combo results. its a chemical factory. its truly bizare.

i reckon if you carry on this way next year august will see a massive reaction with the august eclipse sun moon and pluto. that will be more or less a case of what you fear being upon you.

The drugs mentioned are natural + not harmful, unlike chemotherapy which kills good cells.

What effect will the solar eclipse has on her chart? Can you post the chart with transits for that time period? Solar eclipses are very positive, the start of a new day so to speak.

It could be an extremely fortunate time for Moon's health depending on how it's impacted in her natal map.

People have been cured of Stage V cancer with Ivermectin + the other one mentioned.
Moondancing what you are drinking is going to cause you health problems, probably kidney and other knock on health digestive issues as you destroy the digestive route.

yes chemo and other treatments are toxic and do cause harm that takes years to correct but at least they are targeted to the tumours. you are not. you are destroying your digestive system.

you could try get on trials. that would be a far better help.

nothing about what you are doing is going to reach any part your cancer at all. it will though cause you additional health diverse problems.

there are many diets relying on vitamins that you can try. but trials are best.

dont go ingesting dog chemicals.

it is sad that we have come to the point where many have been failed by health services and costs. its inevitable with microplastics, that the number dying will increase exponentially.

all we can do is really live our lives as best we can and prepare our families for our departure.

It's this type of fear mongering that went on during the pandemic where they ridiculed + mocked Ivermectin which is an award wining drug. Has saved millions of lives around the world.

Big pharma are behind the banning of natural cures. A healthy patient doesn't need to be reliant on their drugs. That's why Rockerfeller banned ALL natural cures + smeared + banned every naturopathic doctor.

Ivermectin proved to be even more of a 'Wonder drug' in human health, improving the nutrition, general health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide ever since it was first used to treat Onchocerciasis in humans in 1988.

Ivermectin, thanks to its high efficacy, versatility, and safety of use, has so significantly influenced medical treatments, that many scientists call it a “wonder drug”, comparing ivermectin to aspirin or penicillin

I DO HOPE POSTER is more sensible + open minded to consider taking the two natural cures; appears she is open to at least one of them.

MOON, would you like to post your chart with transits for the solar eclipse that was mentioned?
Checking in Moondancing, how are you doing.

I went for a checkup recently and they found suspicious things. Now waiting for the merry go round to continue. It's a mind game. Hope yours is going in your favor.

It's so annoying that environmental sources of health and wellbeing aren't deeply considered in this era! Unless they get serious about that, exiting the WHO just isn't enough.