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Well, one thing we know about antisocial behavior is that most people who are guilty of this have themselves been victims of it.

People who are "sexiual" bullies...I am not an expert about. But I do know that all impulse to antisocial behavior has things in common. As said above, low self esteem + being paranoid, having NO sense of normal social "limitations" (Saturn issues).....
and having NO ability to laugh at oneself..and not being able to take NO for an answer...
NOT having ANY talent for changing behavior to fit the occasion... And taking EVERYthing so personally .....that all forms of debate or difference of opinion or personal choice have no bearing on the immediate need to dominate.

BUT the impulse to manipulative behavior has many sources...we think of the "outer planets" issues.... and as they relate to Moon, Venus, Mars...especially.

We can't "generalize" about this.
But.....Like pornography, I would know it (in a chart) when I see it (in the chart.)


(Some humor)

"Ah, I see you have a pornographic chart! So, what are your plans for tonight?":wink:
HUH?? I have no idea what you mean.

My point was that trying to describe in advance the type of person who would bully is like all other generalizations. You have to SEE a chart to know why THAT particular person is prone to anti social behaviors of all types...as each chart is unique.
There are some dynamics one would expect to see in the chart of someone prone to bad behaviors....but it's bad astrology to speculate and generalize.

The sentiment about "pornography" is from a very famous quote...when it was thought that one could legislate against porn.
But the problem was...that one could not "generalize" ...enough to know what is or is not pornography.
But it was said...as I mentioned above...that one might not be able to define it perfectly but the person who first said it...said, "I can't define it but I know it if I see it."

In this same way, I could never describe every type of anti social behavior..but if I SAW a chart of someone suspected of having this type of behavior...I probably would know it.
I hope this clears up this point,
P.S.: here is the quote I referred to:

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously said in his 1964 Order that he could not use words to describe pornography, but “I know it when I see it.”
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Yes, Moon's placement, I think is very important when it comes to social integration and acceptance -> a 2-way street. I've noticed that Airy Moons and those in Fire signs do very well in this regard (I have an Earth Monn & that's in Capricorn, it can make you lonely)

Also, look for if any & what planets are there in 11. Venus, Moon, Sun, Jup might be very helpful in making one popular (menaing well-liked) in his social circle. A Saturn on the other hand (as in my chart :( ) might bring about the reverse effect.
I have an Air Moon (Libra Moon) and a Fire Sun (Sag Sun), and even an air ASC (Gemini ASC), but I've been bullied from preschool till now. I think it is because I'm too different from others (Uranus square ASC, square Sun, inconjunct Moon), and a prominent Chiron (Neptune, Jupiter conj. Chiron, North Node, Uranus semisextile Chiron, Pluto septile Chiron, Mars opp. Chiron, Moon, ASC trine Chiron, Sun sextile Chiron). I'm trying to be my true self, but my shadow wants to bully others (Mars octile Saturn and sesquisquare + contraparallel Pluto).
I have more bullies in my new class now, and it seems that my Uranian "can't be controlled" energy triggers my new friends, and so they want to bully me to discourage me to achieve my goals, and fortunately, when I drove my attention away from my new bullies, the bullying situation improved, although my friends still bully me on social media (I offed AW more than usual also for this reason, too).
Friends never bully. Hence, they are NOT your friends...they are acquaintances. Don't encourage their interaction....it's better to be alone than with bad friends.
When you expect more of "friends" and don't TAKE abuse, you will begin to attract better friends.

And if it feels like abuse, it's abuse.

It’s difficult to navigate the friend world because, in my experience - I have been able to see a side to an acquaintance that I did not like, and therefore prevented me from trusting her or forming a fully-fledged friendship, even if technically they haven’t done anything that wrong to me yet. Until they do, then it still hurts me when they finally do hurt me, even if I saw it in them before they did.
It's always difficult to navigate the "friendship world" because as you say....unless yo KNOW the person tends to be a bully you don't know if they will do that...in your friendship.

So yeah...it's good to be cautious. BUT...you need to have a "ZERO TOLERANCE" for bullying behaviors .....one strike and they are OUT....unless they profusely apologize and there was a reason....(they were going thru a trauma or some other issue which was temporary)....but otherwise....once a bully, always a bully.

Remember: tolerating bullying can become a habit until you are a perpetual victim. Don't let that happen. I don't know how old you are but...you'll have plenty of chances to make good friends....good friends "appreciate" each other....
I have Pluto in my 11th and I have been severely bullied form childhood into adulthood.

My 11th lord venus is also conjunct mars in my 7th house and my mars is in opp to Neptune in my first. I thought a lot of people were my friends but was betrayed constantly and they only hung out with me to use me.
Have a checklist...or priority list when meeting new friends....ask around about their past friendships....be IN THE MOMENT and don't trust before the person shows they can be trusted. Don't "fantasize" the perfect friendship and PROJECT in on to that person or any person.....until you see the reality.

