Re: Bullying-Thanks for explaining
aquarius7000 said:
Do allow me some, well what should I say, feedback or response as below
Feedback is good
I think it is out of a need to keep my values intact (sort of keep the faith, also assoiated with house 2- where my Pluto is) more than "out of a need to earn money"
I understand what you are saying and yes, that will be a part of it, but I don't know anybody who lies awake at night worrying about their values: money on the other hand...

Okay, I know what you mean by this, but all I was pointing at is that Pluto in the second signifies obsessions relating to money; more specifically with Libra configured it would suggest obsessive financial relationships. I think it is worth thinking about how the 2nd operates in keeping with the 6th and the 10th. The 2nd (actually this is not my idea but Donna Cunningham's, and I think she makes a lot of sense) as the 2nd determines factors of work which we do
only for money, as opposed to the 6th which suggests work for its own sake (or the work ethic) and the 10th, which is all about status as you know, but rather the career is simply an expedient means to realising status which is why it has become the house of the "career". I can relate to this as well, because I have several planets in the 2nd. Anything in the second, and the ruler of it, gives an insight into what work we do just for money, rather than because we want to, or are ambitious for fame or whatever. That was my reasoning: since Libra on the second would somewhat suggest relationships that we make just for the purpose of making some money, and let us not forget that Libra, in keeping with its opposite Aries, is extremely competitive; so it is fair I think to consider competitve relationships that we endure because we have to make money.
On a more vaguely philosophical note it is worth remembering that none of us are very good at Pluto. It is after all where we most need to change and are least able to. Why should we have this difficulty? Only because we cannot see that we need to change. If you say that you have a need to keep your values intact rather than a money issue that is fine; I was not saying that you had a problem with money although I know people with Pluto in the 2nd and they really are quite fixated on money. Maybe with Libra you might be drawn to marry someone rich, but whatever the minutiae, I would be surprised if money wasn't a blind spot for you with Pluto placed there, and so tensely configured too.
All of which I say without knowing the first thing about you or your situation of course; I perhaps make a lot of talk here on these boards and I guess I do tend to the didactic, but I put that down to an unaspected Mercury in Scorpio, sharp, perhaps with a reception with Pluto it makes my communications uncomfortable and slightly tactless. I have no idea really, my intention is only to learn and to help where I can.
This bit about the double Venus.. I can't understand, perhaps I missed that, can you explain please?
It is only a reference to having Pluto in Libra in Taurus' house, thus double Venus. That's another way of saying life must be pleasant... or else
Actually I sympathise a lot with your situation. My last job I programmed software systems for Nortel, the Canadian Telecomms company and I made plenty of money although my employer - actually a middleman between myself and the actual company itself - stole a quarter of a million dollars from me after which I lost my house and everything of much financial worth in my life. I know what it is to have irrational and difficult experiences connected with your career, maybe it is because I have Ur/Pl rising, so I am sympathetic. I also know that it takes a real power of compassion to forgive someone for destroying everything you have worked for over a decade, but I managed that and in fact I am coming to see that in a very real way, he did me a big favour by ruining me; I would not go back to being the person I was before the swindle, that's for sure.
Whatever happens, I hope you can come out intact. Some people in this life there is no answer for, so perhaps you just have to know where to pick your battles and where to retire. There are always other jobs.
I wish you luck and happiness,