California Fires were Geo-Engineered

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California Under Full-Scale Attack! Secret Agenda No Longer Hidden!

Geoengineered Firestorms
Terrorize to Advance the Agenda(s)

UN Agenda 21
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Will Not Be Thwarted by President Trump
Even if California Must Be Destroyed

There is nothing more sacred to the New World Order agenda than the covert plan to establish a One World Government. The ultimate goal of that misguided agenda is to completely own and manage all natural resources on planet Earth, as well to control the weather around the globe—24/7. This game plan also includes controlling all human resources, of course.

NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources

Only with the understanding provided by the preceding exposé can anyone begin to apprehend the true depth and breadth of this highly organized, multi-century conspiracy. In fact, all of the natural disasters and manmade catastrophes are used to carry out this master plan.

What is of paramount importance is to correctly comprehend both the strategy and the tactics being used by the NWO ruling cabal. Weather warfare, geoterrorism and environmental destruction reign supreme in the outworking of their agenda. As follows:

  • TPTB possess the in situ technology to create virtually any type of natural calamity they so choose to, many from scratch.
  • TPTB can manipulate an existing hurricane (or tornado swarm) by intensifying it and directing it to a specific location. The can also trigger earthquakes in active fault zones, as well as volcanic eruptions when they are semi-active.
  • TPTB can bring about any number of dramatic manmade catastrophes such as the BP Gulf oil spill, the SoCal Gas natural gas leak, the Oroville Dam Spillway collapse and the Hanford nuclear site leak.

California Fires of 2017

In light of the preceding assertions, it ought to be quite easy to grasp the utter simplicity of purposefully starting a series of fires in the once great state of California.
The entire state has been the victim of a geoengineering scheme that was significantly accelerated when [JESUIT] Governor Jerry Brown’s term began in January of 2011. As a matter of historical fact, the Great California Drought is known to have officially commenced in the first quarter of that same year.
Even though Brown has been made aware of the relentless chemical geoengineering operations that have occurred in the state’s skies, as well as over the Pacific Ocean, he has never once publically acknowledged it. California Governor Has Received Evidence Proving Drought Was Geoengineered
The coordinated combination of chemtrails and HAARP technologies, together with the various power plants and Nexrad transmission stations, has allowed the geoengineers to wreak havoc on every square inch of California. Hence, it’s imperative that the residents become aware that their ongoing Armageddon is being fastidiously manufactured…in the air, on the land and with the waters.
Relentless Chemtrail Spraying and HAARP-manufactured weather events radically alter California’s climate
Nothing illustrates this fabricated phenomenon better than the currently raging California wildfires. The daily firestorms are actually the product of a multi-year strategy to set the state up for the full-scale implementation of the UN’s Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The following photos show just how powerful and destructive these geoengineered firestorms can be.
CALIFORNIA FIRESTORM PHOTOS: How does this type fire damage even happen? Defies scientific explanation!
How did they do it?
First they geoengineered the worst drought in the recorded history of California. Then they deliberately triggered the worst natural gas leak in world history. The Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility in the northwestern San Fernando Valley was the site of the largest methane gas leak ever in USA. Conveniently located just north of Los Angeles, the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility near Porter Ranch released a record amount of methane into the atmosphere in 2015. And it’s still leaking today!
ALERT: Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility Is Still Leaking

Aliso Canyon methane gas leak mapped out in the surrounding area by volume in 2015 in red.
Why was the SoCal gas leak so integral to their yearly firestorm scheme?
Think about the natural combustibility of methane gas. Then consider how explosive any given locale would be that has a steady stream of natural gas leaking into the environment. Particularly when the leaking gas is coming from the largest storage facility west of the Mississippi it ought to be clear that not only does “Houston have a major problem“, so does Los Angeles. And it’s not going away until the state addresses these leaks in a decisive manner.

Gas still leaking at Aliso Canyon and elswhere

It is quite inconceivable that state oversight and federal regulatory authorities have permitted the Aliso Canyon storage facility to continue to leak right up to this very day since it was discovered in October of 2015. That wasn’t the first time, either. It has been known to leak for decades without any meaningful remedial actions taken by SoCal Gas. The following article published by Southern California Public Radio on August 28, 2017 spells out the current predicament.
California state regulators see methane spikes at Aliso Canyon
The critical point here is that methane is a highly volatile gas that moves in ways that can cause it to accumulate in certain areas depending on the prevailing weather patterns. Were it to exist above certain concentrations in any particular locale, it could substantially contribute to and/or exacerbate a raging firestorm. Surely this is what’s happening in those places that have a history of similar leaks.Given the ferocity of the firestorms now plaguing different parts of California, as well as the speed by which they come and go, it appears that they are being fueled by something extraordinary. It should be noted that the wildfire seasons — throughout the whole state — have been getting progressively longer and more destructive over the years. Certainly the historic drought has contributed greatly to this new reality, but so have the unrelenting methane gas releases.
The gas leaks are by no means limited to Aliso Canyon. The Natural Gas Storage and Transport Industry has facilities (and pipelines) across the state, many of which have proven to be similarly problematic, although not such an astronomically high volume of leakage. When these large and small leaks viewed in the aggregate, it becomes clear that the state of California has been inexorably transformed into an enormous tinderbox.
Weather warfare triggers firestorms

The 2017 firestorm back story is very complex and difficult to piece together. Given the massive atmospheric engineering programs being conducted above California and the 3 contiguous states, as well as over the ocean, there are new definite weather patterns which have been observed since Brown took office. Not that the state had not already been targeted before Brown took office as the premier Agenda 21 laboratory in the nation.
Truly, Kalifornia is ground zero for the UN’s stealthy initiative to impose Agenda 21 dictates disguised as friendly environmental laws. Likewise, the less surreptitious but equally deceptive 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is also seeing blind support from the heavily Democratic legislature in Sacramento. The shadow government knows that the way to compel the legislators to lend their political and personal support to the UN agendas is to stage apocalyptic wildfires in those locations that will produce the greatest effect (aka terror). California Wildfires: Devastation this year nearly the worst in state history
California has always had its fair share of wildfires, which manifest as humongous forest fires, fast-spreading grass fires and highway-jumping brush-fires. Hence, it’s quite easy for the arsonists to get away with starting these various fires in close proximity to Los Angeles (targeting Hollywood) and San Francisco (targeting Silicon Valley), and Sacramento (targeting the state capital). Given the overwhelming influence that these three demographics have both within California and upon the nation-at-large, the hidden strategy becomes apparent.
KEY POINTS: How easy is it to convince Hollywood moguls and actors of the need to address [what is essentially GEOENGINEERED] climate change when wildfires are licking their neighborhoods with towering flames? How easy is it to persuade the politicians to pass any legislation that penalizes businesses in the state that have gigantic carbon footprints? How easy is it to influence the Sultans of Silicon Valley to use their global social media platforms to favor all content that pushes any draconian legislation that fraudulently addresses climate change?
Nothing motivates the movers and shakers quicker than a sea of yellow flames in their back yard while air thick with smoke and ash is wafting through the neighborhood. Often referred to as the “Golden State”, it is slowly turning black. Once a paradise for all the “beautiful people”, it’s gradually becoming a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland and home to more illegal aliens than U.S. citizens. Of course, many years of a Democrat-led state government is very much to blame, as is the predominant ultra-liberal mindset found in all the urban centers. Wherever common sense has fled from the leaders, and the use of the faculty of human reason has been suspended indefinitely, things will not go well. Welcome to K A L I F O R N I A2 0 1 7 ! ! !

(keep in mind that all these wildfires erupted over night with no obvious source of ignition rahu)

Ferocious Wildfires Ravage Northern California Wine Country; 17 Are Dead

Ferocious Wildfires Ravage Northern California Wine Country; 17 Are Dead


Written by JayWill7497
NAPA, Calif. – With roads still obstructed by the authorities and fires still raging across broad swaths of Northern California, Matt Lenzi hiked through smoke-choked vineyards and waded the Napa River to access the home his father resided in for 53 years. In its place, he discovered only blackened debris, blackened earth, and ash.
“Every piece of vegetation was gone,” stated Mr. Lenzi on Tuesday, after going back in the vain anticipation of discovering the pet cat that his dad, Carl Lenzi, who is in his 80s, left behind when he fled for his life. “Even the barbecue melted, and that’s built to take heat.”
The fires ravaging California’s wine country since Sunday night – part of an outbreak of blazes stretching almost the whole length of the state – continued to burn out of control on Wednesday, as the result increased to at least 17 folks verified dead, hundreds hospitalized, and thousands of buildings demolished or damaged. But state and local officials cautioned that with several hundred folks still missing and unaccounted for, and some areas still out of reach of emergency crews, those figures are almost sure to increase.
The two biggest and most destructive fires had absorbed more than 70,000 acres in Napa and Sonoma Counties by Wednesday morning, up from 52,000 on Tuesday afternoon, based on Cal Fire, the state’s firefighting agency. In all, six fires had burned more than 91,000 acres in the two counties, and Cal Fire rated all but the smallest of them as 3 percent secured, or less.
The high winds that had powered the blazes died down on Tuesday, but factors were anticipated to get worse on Wednesday and Thursday.
“The wind’s going to pick up this afternoon, and there’s a lot of concerns about where the fires will go,” Robert Giordano, the Sonoma County sheriff, stated on Wednesday. “If you have a place to go, go. The less people we have here and the less area we have to evacuate, the better.”
More than 20,000 folks have listened to evacuation warnings, fleeing on foot and by car as the fires overtook their towns – local governments issued new evacuation orders early Wednesday – and many of them have spent nights in dozens of evacuation centers set up around the region. Survivors told of narrow escapes from walls of flame that appeared to erupt from nowhere on Sunday night and Monday morning, driving them to run even before text messages and other alerts were sent out by emergency warning systems.

Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday visited the California Office of Emergency Services close to Sacramento to announce that President Trump had authorized Gov. Jerry Brown’s request for a major disaster declaration and ordered federal aid to assist the state in recovery initiatives.
Ken Pimlott, chief of Cal Fire, stated that the cause of the fires was still uncertain and would be investigated. He mentioned that 95 percent of fires in the state were triggered by humans in some manner, and stated that even a small spark in windy, dry conditions could grow quickly into a large fire.
Fires interrupted utilities in and around wine country, which includes cellular service, which ranged from spotty to nonexistent, making it more difficult for individuals to reach family and friends and for emergency workers to search for the missing. Mark Ghilarducci, director of the state Office of Emergency Services, stated that about 77 cellphone sites were damaged or demolished.

Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where’d the houses go??)
For eyes that can see… there is something wrong here, the melting/ burning point of common household materials like glass (2600℉) and stainless steel (2800℉) are DOUBLE the temperature of house and forest fires (1100℉) … and you might expect Rod Sterling to pop out at any moment in this footage..bc it’s like the Twilight Zone!! __________________

Santa Rosa, CA Hit by a Classified Energy Weapon or GeoEngineered Fire Storm? — Or Both'%20Community&

Proof CA Fires Started by HAARP Matches! Insane!

Saturday, October 14, 2017 9:39

(Before It's News)

Get on my Newsletter so I can reach you since Google banned my 80,000 member Youtube channel! Tweet this information to Trump and tell him to stop the deep state from killing us by fire! Take away their toys!
The tree pictured above is burning from the inside out! Was it hit by lighting bolts generated by HAAP technology or was it hit by microwave energy from the weather weapons that caused the nano aluminum particles from the chemtrails to spontaneously combust?

Cali-Fires-Engineered from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.
The video above is a VERY important video with eyewitness testimony proving HAARP EMP weapons being used to start California fires. Some witnesses saw blue sparks and flashes in the sky that were NOT lightning! Some felt a weird energy in the air that made their heart palpitate! Some felt an “energy vortex” move through their homes!
A firefighter known by one of the guests on Scott Bennett’s radio show on the Rense Radio Network told some shocking details on the air! He said a cop went and knocked on the door of a house and told them they had to be out of there in one hour. The fire was nowhere around the home at that point and that’s why they had an hour. The policemen came back to that same house in 5 minutes and the house was fully engulfed in flames! No way the fire would have moved from nowhere around there to fully engulfing the house in 5 minutes! Sorry that just cannot happen!
I think they might be turning up the HAARP toys to a high level that can cause spontaneous combustion of trees or structures. All trees and structures are now covered with nano particles of aluminum. What happens when you put aluminum foil in a microwave? You get massive heat, sparks and things combust spontaneously! I think this is what’s happening! They are starting and intensifying these wildfires with microwave energy from their HAARP toys. That’s why so many fires are starting at one time and this means not enough firefighters to fight the fires.
Why was the aluminum wheels on this car melted! It’s on pavement, trees aren’t burned around it and it’s protected by a brick wall that did not burn! Nothing around this car burned to generate this type of heat! This makes no sense to me unless a weapon was used in the area. You saw this same thing on the melted cars on 9/11!

Some of the neighborhoods were burned so thoroughly there was only 2 inches of ash left of the entire house! Why are the trees not burned up in most cases? A firefighter reported to one of the radio hosts on Scott Bennett’s radio show there are over 700 are missing over the california fires! He relayed how many were burned alive in their homes or were burned trying to drive out in their cars! Reports of people driving cars that were on fire!
Something is wrong here. The firefighter reported they have never seen these types of fires before especially in October. I believe H.W. Bush and the deep state have gone insane with the weather warfare toys and plan on causing chaos to bring in their satanic new world order now before they can be arrested for treason! They want Trump dead or impeached fast but God told me his hand is on Trump and he will barely survive their evil!
Tweet this article to Trump @potus @realdonaldtrump and tell him to release the files on JFK showing all who were involved in it! Tell Trump to identify those responsible for these weather weapons we know are being used. Tell him to send in Seal Team 6 immediately to the facilities controlling the satellites and HAARP installations! I’m not joking, we must take away these toys before they burn the **** planet up! These weapons can literally kill anybody with what they are doing with them now. They’ll assassinate anybody and simply blame it on a tragic fire they started with their HAARP matches!
California Fires Were Not “Wild” They Were Engineered! Jim Stone
Before It's News)
California Fires Were Not “Wild” They Were Engineered! Jim Stone


Written by JayWill7497

Browsing anything much about the fires this week in California will likely lead to the understanding that they weren’t natural. Jim goes into the scientific aspect of the situation involving technology, chemtrails, the physics of electricity, etc.
It’s definitely not natural to notice “spontaneous combustion” in so many places simultaneously. And who knew chemtrails had so many applications?!
Strangely enough, Thomas Williams noted yesterday that the cabal’s vineyards remained untouched by fire. Go figure.

Fires in California were not “wild”, they were caused

Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist
October 2017
At first I was skeptical, but I went over numerous social media posts several videos, and a few messages and it appears the fires were set by an atmospheric weapon.
First to clear something up – the manner in which the cars burned was normal. But there are some instances with what went on that prove a weather weapon did this.
Weather weapons work by using multiple transmitters to create a collision zone where differently phased EM waves cancel each other out, and drop their electrical potential into the air (which is a semiconductor) where they cancel. This is the equivalent of biasing a transistor. Semiconductors won’t simply break down and start conducting just because a bias field is applied, in order for them to conduct in a controlled fashion they need a doping agent. In silicon the doping agents are arsenic and boron. In air, the doping agent is most likely whatever is in the chem trails.
If enough voltage is applied to a semiconductor, it will suddenly discharge it in one big burst. This is seen in the air as lightning. The weather/geoengineering systems try to avoid this. But this time around, in California, the effects of excess voltage were readily observed by MANY MANY people, and it manifested itself in more than one way.
Evidently the people running the geoengineering systems have become more bold, like a thief that steals more and more and more, the more the thief gets away with stealing. The same is happening with weather warfare, and this time around in California, the effects of the system in use were easily observed.
1. Some people got heart palpitations from having their bodies charged.
2. MANY MANY people saw electrical flashes that made no thunder in perfectly clear blue sky, and worse, some people even saw small sparks everywhere in the air around them.
3. MOST DAMNING: People are reporting that their electronics malfunctioned before the fires hit, with the most pronounced and spoken about malfunction being at a hotel, where ALL of the electrical systems in the hotel malfunctioned, including the electronic access doors, forcing people to jump from windows (because they could not leave their rooms) to escape an approaching fire that instantly appeared out of nowhere in perfect weather.
It is very important to take note of the malfunctioning doors, because a simple power outage will not stop those from working. Something jammed the circuits in the doors.
Simultaneously the hotel lost main power, generator backup, UPS backup, and local battery backup. Not even the always operational emergency hall lights worked. That would be totally consistent with a massively potent EM weapon causing complete electronic malfunction because not even the circuits in the emergency backup lighting that turn it on (which operate independent of everything off of a small battery right in the light itself), not even circuits at that small level worked.
There are people trolling social media (perhaps because they don’t understand how things work, but perhaps not) and they are saying there is no way the air could have been so electrically charged that sparks would be everywhere because it would electrocute anyone standing in it. This is not true at all. Tesla proved it. There are lots of photos of Tesla sitting on a chair with an electrical storm all around him, because it does not take much to make a show (relative to what the body can take, because the body is a much better conductor than air.)
Additionally, the frequency at which the air is charged makes a big difference, once the frequency goes beyond approximately 40 khz the body won’t conduct it deeply due to an electrical effect known as the skin effect, where electrical charges travel on the outside of objects rather than through them. All the unbelievable Tesla photos were the result of super high voltage low current electricity traveling around the outside of objects due to the skin effect caused by that electricity also being at a high frequency.
So how would this start forest fires? The answer is an easy one.
1. a dry leaf is thin, which eliminates the benefit of conduction via the skin effect, and
2. A dry leaf will try to be an insulator, which will force all of the electricity that flows through it to turn itself into heat. And additionally, if the air is sparking everywhere as some witnesses said, one of those sparks would probably set off dry tinder somewhere.
POOF, instant fire, there should have been several cases of exploding dry trees where there was no fire there before at all. Lots of people are saying these fires suddenly “exploded out of nowhere” – no hint of any previous fire, no lightning, no NOTHING, just a sudden high wind happening at the same time the forest nearby suddenly burst into flames. That would be a telltale sign of a sudden massive electric field heating everything up (everything that could not conduct electricity very well, which means air and dry leaves) There are people saying space-based laser systems are doing this, (and that absolutely would work, so I “get it”,) but I still believe they are using phase cancellation of radio waves to cause a bias field, because whatever happened when a laser was used would not be easily controllable and would too easily result in the creation of massive ionosphere to ground lightning bolts. That is not happening, which is why I am sticking with the EM wave approach to this. Maybe as they get more brazen and not caring about noticeable effects, they will start using lasers, which would be a whole lot easier.
How could you possibly get 66 widely spaced massive wildfires appearing instantly with no natural weather causing them, growing rapidly, with perfectly calm weather before, sudden massive winds at the initiation of the fires, blue sparks in the air, malfunctioning electronics, and in some people heart palpitations? My answer: just ask D

n-i-n-e e-l-e-v-e-n Again! California Was Attacked With Energy Weapon! Analysis: Trees Standing, But Glass Melted, Steel Bent, Houses Disappeared, Atmospheric Glow

California Was Attacked With Energy Weapon! Analysis: Trees Standing, But Glass Melted, Steel Bent, Houses Disappeared, Atmospheric Glow

Where did the people go who were forced to evacuate? FEMA?


Trump Was RIGHT! Look Who Was Just BUSTED For Starting DEADLY Cali Fire That Killed 41 So Far – Here’s Why

(as I've mentioned alt news is just as susceptible to giving false news as is the main stream media. in this link, it is claimed that Mexican cartel drug dealers set these fires because the fires occurred in areas were marijuana is being grown. this is ridiculous in fact of the facts of this unprecedented fire storm. but it is a attempt to ignore the geo engineered nature of this disaster, rahu)

The California wildfires have been raging for quite some time which has caused unprecedented damage in the region.
Now, it is important to note that fires in the California area are not unheard of, but they typically occur in December and January, and not October.
These fires have forced thousands of residents to leave their homes in terror not knowing what they will return to when they are able.
Law enforcement officials have been working tirelessly to figure out who started these horrific wildfires and it appears they may have the culprits that prove President Trump was right yet again.
On Monday, firefighters have been able to gain control of the raging wildfires in the northern California area.
However, even though these brave firefighters have been able to make headway in containing the fire the death toll has risen to 41.
Over the last week, these raging fires have scorched more than 200,000 acres, destroyed or damaged more than 5,500 homes, and displaced 100,000 people. Though by some miracle on Sunday, the winds changed and the firefighters were able to take advantage of that situation and contain some of the fires.
Now that the firefighters have been able to make some headway in these deadly fires, law enforcement has been focusing on what caused them, and what they found is shocking. As officials were studying the fires, they noticed a pattern of where the majority of them occurred. It seems that areas hardest hit by these fires were in areas within the legal marijuana business, and they are now suspecting foul play.
As it turns out the areas that are being hit the hardest happens to be pot farms.(actually the heaviest pot growing is much further north of the bay area. on the other hand the article ignores the fact that these fires occurred in the middle of the billion dollars wine growing region, this article is just fake news to take peoples attention away from the unprecedented manner these fires started and raged, in the same manner as the fbi is covering up the real dynamics in las vegas. rahu)
Jesus Fabian Gonzalez who was arrested Sunday on suspicion of arson in the Wine Country fires that have killed at least 40 residents and resulted in rendering thousands homeless is, you got it, an Illegal Criminal Alien residing in our country.
Gonzalez, who is currently homeless and reportedly known by law enforcement to have been living under a nearby bridge in Sonoma County has actually said he was cold and had lit the fire to stay warm that night.

But here is the issue with his story, it was 78 degrees when he and the plume of smoke were first observed.
78 degrees is not cold, not even for folks in California.

(the fires started though various areas and started at the same time. there is no way a homeless man could lite all these widely separated fires. the government is simply finding a poor scape goat to hide the geo engineered origin of these fire rahu)
Calif Gets Cooked, Fires Created by Microwave Directed Energy Weapon + How and Why CA Fires Were DEW Created – Videos
Before It's News)
ODD Reality
Published on Oct 18, 2017​
In science fiction, futuristic soldiers are often shown wielding light emitting weapons. Flash Gordon used a ray gun, Captain Kirk carried a phaser, and Darth Vader brandished a light saber. But, today, the imagined future of science fiction is a reality. The United States is deploying a new generation of weapons that discharge light-wave energy, the same spectrum of energy found in your microwave, or in your TV remote control. They’re called “directed-energy weapons”. Lasers, high-powered microwaves, and particle beams. They claim that this technology is new and that first directed energy weapons are being tested right now, but the fact is that advanced technology is always suppressed from the general public. What is Directed Energy? How do direct energy weapons work? What can these direct energy weapons do? Serbian Conspiracy – California Wildfire Oct.2017 ; TREE BURNING FROM INSIDE- Directed Energy Laser Weapons! –… The Potters Clay – California Wildfires: More than Meets the Eye –…
ICE Director: Suspected Wine Country Arsonist Is Illegal Alien Mexican National

(once again the feds are ignoring the impossibility of these fires being natural and they are going to use a illegal alien as a scapegoat .the fires were so wide spread and appeared so quickly and in widely separated areas, that it is impossible that one guy,homelss to boot, could have scurried around and started these historic wild fires. it is convenient that the feds are tying this catastrophe to illegal immigration issues , while ignoring the evidence of geo engineering.rahu)

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tom Homan confirmed on Thursday that a man arrested in connection with setting a fire in Sonoma County Wine Country is an illegal alien from Mexico who has been twice returned to his “home country.”
Homan also confirmed that ICE has issued detainer requests for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez five times now in the past year alone, including the one issued on October 16 in relation to his most recent arrest on suspicion of arson. All of the arrests were made “by Sonoma County on various felony and misdemeanor charges,” according to Homan.
Sonoma County is considered a sanctuary jurisdiction and does not fully cooperate with federal immigration officials. That includes not honoring ICE detainer requests. “ICE was never notified of Mr. Gonzalez’ various releases,” Homan wrote in the statement regarding Gonzalez.
There were several fires in the region, and it is not clear what role the fires Gonzales allegedly set played in the overall disaster.
that is not too far fetched as all the forest have nano aluminum oxide coating them from all the years of chemtrail spraying. so virtually any forest could be sparked into a forest fire as the laser sets off the aluminum


Some of the trees actually exploded. Reminds me of the thermite explosions on 9-11.
Some of the trees actually exploded. Reminds me of the thermite explosions on 9-11.

there is one photo of a tree burning from the inside could only have been geo less that 24 hors these fires became the worst in California ........impossible as such fires take many days and weeks to get that bad.

Final Proof CA Fires Set By High Tech Weapons!

Final Proof CA Fires Set By High Tech Weapons!

Saturday, October 21, 2017 13:18

Proof California Fires Caused by High Tech Weapons! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Please pray against the evil using high technology weapons to start the fires in California. I have several interesting things put into this video. First proof the US used high tech lasers in the illegal war on Panama. These lasers literally melted people together and cut cars in half! Next is a great youtube video where you can actually see a laser being shot into the California fires! You’ll also see footage of animals burned to a crisp still standing!
I think one of the most telling shots is where you see a vineyard burn area stop in a perfectly straight line! That would never happen naturally. Finally at the end, I include some riveting footage from a fire crew deploying to a fire. They were told to stage at the K-Mart. When they got there, the K-Mart was fully ablaze! They were shocked by what they saw. Great footage here and you can tell the firemen were not used to seeing this type of a fire where it spread so quickly!
In one section of the video you’ll see what looks like a fire tornado but I just remembered I had seem something similar before. Here’s footage from the Persian Gulf that the eyewitness says completely burned up fish and dolphins! It looks almost EXACTLY what you’ll see in the video above. The only difference being that there is fire being swirled around whereas in this video below it does not have fire. What if this is the same weapon being used and it only looks different because there is already fire present in the California fire? This does not look like a normal whirlwind to me. It looks like a weapon.

The tree pictured above is burning from the inside out! Was it hit by lighting bolts generated by HAAP technology or was it hit by microwave energy from the weather weapons that caused the nano aluminum particles from the chemtrails absorbed into the tree to spontaneously combust?

Cali-Fires-Engineered from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.
The video above is a VERY important video with eyewitness testimony proving EMP weapons being used to start California fires. Some witnesses saw blue sparks and flashes in the sky that were NOT lightning! Some felt a weird energy in the air that made their heart palpitate! Some felt an “energy vortex” move through their homes!
A firefighter known by one of the guests of Scott Bennett’s radio show, on the Rense Radio Network told some shocking details on the air! He said how a cop went and knocked on the door of a house and told them they had to be out of there in one hour. The fire was nowhere around the home at that point and that’s why they had an hour. The policemen came back to that house in 5 minutes and the house was fully engulfed in flames! No way the fire would have moved from nowhere around there to fully engulfing the house in 5 minutes! I think they might be turning up the HAARP toys to a high level that can cause spontaneous combustion of trees or structures. All trees and structures are now covered with nano particles of aluminum. What happens when you put aluminum foil in a microwave? You get massive sparks and things combust! I think this is what’s happening! They are starting and intensifying these wildfires with microwave energy from their HAARP toys.

Why was the aluminum wheels on this car melted! It’s on pavement, trees aren’t burned around it and it’s protected by a brick wall that did not burn. Nothing around this car burned to generate this type of heat! This makes no sense to me unless a weapon was used in the area. You saw this same thing on the melted cars on 9/11!

Some of the neighborhoods were burned so thoroughly there was only 2 inches of ash left of the entire house! Why are the trees not burned up in most cases? A firefighter reported to one of the radio hosts on Scott Bennett’s radio show that over 700 are missing over the california fires! He relayed out many were burned alive in their homes or were burned trying to drive out in their cars. Reports of people driving cars that were on fire!
Something is wrong here. The firefighter reported they have never seen these types of fires before especially in October. I believe H.W. Bush and the deep state has gone insane with the toys and plans on causing chaos to bring in their satanic new world order now before he is arrested for treason!
Tweet this article to Trump @potus @realdonaldtrump and tell him to release the files on JFK showing all who were involved in it! Tell Trump to identify those responsible for these weather weapons we know are being used and send in Seal Team 6 immediately to the facilities controlling the satellites! I’m not joking, we must take away these toys before they burn the **** planet up! These weapons can literally kill anybody with what they are doing with them now. They’ll assassinate anybody and simply blame it on a tragic fire they started with their HAARP matches!
Last edited:
bout 5,000 firefighters were still battling 10 wildfires in California on Monday and the authorities said they hope to have many of them fully contained in the next few days.
The death toll remained at 42, meanwhile, from the deadliest blazes in the history of the sprawling western US state.

The wildfires ignited on October 8 and as many as 11,000 firefighters -- some from as far away as Australia -- were involved at one point in battling move than two dozen large blazes.
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Prevention (Cal Fire) said Monday that only 10 active fires remained, "many of which are projected to be fully contained within the next few days."
Cal Fire warned, however, that there was "potential high fire activity" in southern California due to gusty winds and low humidity.
Cal Fire said the wildfires had burned more than 245,000 acres (99,150 hectares), forced the evacuation of 100,000 people and destroyed an estimated 8,400 homes and businesses.
The highest death toll was in wine-producing Sonoma County, where 22 people lost their lives.
Entire neighborhoods of Santa Rosa, population 175,000, the county seat of Sonoma, were razed to the ground.
Forest fires are common in the western United States during the summer, but this year's blazes in California are the deadliest series of fires to hit the state.
The Griffith Park fire in Los Angeles County in 1933 killed at least 29 people, and 25 people died in the 1991 Oakland Hills fire.

( keep in mind that these fires,the worst in history exploded in 1 night, and are still not totally contained. no natural wild fire has ever acted like this just as no hurricane acted like either Harvey or Irma rahu)
AP Explains: Hot, dry Diablo Wind scorched wine country
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Notorious winds linked to many of California's worst wildfires are known by various names — Diablo, Santa Ana and Sundowner — but all share the common trait of being able to whip a spark into a deadly inferno that seems to come out of nowhere.
Here's a look at where and when these winds occur:
This wind fanned the deadly firestorms that turned swaths of Northern California wine country into an ashen moonscape on Monday.
The name is informally applied to a hot, dry wind in the San Francisco Bay region that blows from the interior toward the coast.

(absolute coverup as the survivors of the historic fires said the wind was calm when these fires spontaneously erupted rahu)
Plan To Burn Down California Exposed!


Government Plan To Burn Up California Exposed! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.
Researcher and activist Deborah Tavarez discovered the elite’s plan to burn up California! It’s explained in the video above. The state is paying a Rothschild company called Mendicino Redwood Company to go around and gash trees with hatchets and pour herbicide in the gashes to kill the trees! The people in the area are outraged they are the killing the trees but they get ignored at the county meetings! Of course when these dead trees catch fire, this spreads fire to the tops of the trees making the forest fires impossible to put out! They want to literally burn people out of their homes and make it so expensive to rebuild they can’t live there anymore!
It gets worse though. Deborah was actually burned out of her own home in Sonoma wine country! She called a radio show host and told him there were armed FBI agents walking around her neighborhood telling everybody to evacuate and they wouldn’t be allowed to come back unless all infrastructure was repaired! In other words they are going to kick people off their land! Tweet this video to Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump as I’m sure he is not aware of what the evil communist state of California is doing!
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Not seeing Trump as being someone who would be against such a plan. Strange that Californians have a tendency to elect right-wing Governors, even though the Presidential vote is Democrat. Jerry Brown, although nominally a Democrat, recently vetoed a bill that would have called on Trump to release his mysterious tax-returns.
California is where the elite live! It is complete nonsense to say they are trying to burn themselves and their employees out. Florida is another place they favor and it has been hit too. The logical conclusion is that someone is sending the elitea message.