California Fires were Geo-Engineered

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The fact that he said that during a Mercury retrograde period is really interesting. It's like the truth slipped out unintentionally. I am inclined to believe this.

I have been tracking Los Angeles' using Ingress charts for a few years now because I was interested in moving there. I have not done it carefully until this year because I thought I saw in the charts, escalating earthquake activity. The magnitude of earthquakes has incrementally increased this year. I think it is a good idea to look at the Ingress charts over the past years to see how fire storms, mud slides, and drought have manifested.
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Brown, as governor in 1981, authorized the widespread aerial spraying of Malathion amidst a medfly invasion. This was so unpopular he lost the next election. Eventually, people forgot, and elected him again. He's no good.

Perhaps Rahu, you should read the thread. I was responding to David Starling's comment. In addition, I am commenting on this thread because I have not seen astrological support for your assertions as I have noticed in other threads you have started.
Perhaps Rahu, you should read the thread. I was responding to David Starling's comment. In addition, I am commenting on this thread because I have not seen astrological support for your assertions as I have noticed in other threads you have started.

perhaps you and david should read the thread topic. I don't respond to off topic comments. perphaps you and david should start a thread on pesticides in general. you are not the first or best troll to attack me.bye bye
perhaps you and david should read the thread topic. I don't respond to off topic comments. perphaps you and david should start a thread on pesticides in general. you are not the first or best troll to attack me.bye bye

I've made on-Thread comments, such as the weaponized microwave technology, and the lasers as well. At the time, I was against the WHOLESALE spraying of a pesticide, when the problem was localized in the nurseries and orchards.
How is aerial spraying the environment off-Thread? It seems to be fundamental to the geo-engineering program.
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There's another angle as to the motives behind the last two fires. Trump is anti-alcohol, and anti-marijuana, and there were plenty of vineyards and wineries, as well as marijuana growing in the first case. Hollywood is generally anti-Trump, in the second case. In addition, California caused Trump to lose the Popular-vote, which was a real thorn in his side, and still is. Interesting that Gov. Brown recently vetoed a (non-binding) bill that called on Trump to release his tax-returns.
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Not saying Trump is behind the geo-engineering program itself. He was the pick of the Military Industrial Complex, which is the driving force of the Saturn/Mars axis now ruling the planet, which IS behind it. But, he may may have been allowed to choose between potential targets.
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This is a matter of mundane astrology. It was discussed back in August around the time of the Solar eclipse which can indicate violent events especially if Mars is near by. The eclipse was in Leo a fire sign and I wrote at the time that it predicted fires in the USA. Leo also rules the Jews and predicts adverse events effecting them especially in the USA.

The fires and recent storms are geo-engineered, but that is not my term for it. Also I have been reluctant to say who is behind it, as they are an extremely dangerous lot. The technology was developed during WWII by Nazi scientists, and was captured by the Soviet Union because development of the wonder weapons, as they were callled was done in eastern Europe out of range of Allied bombers. Putin and the Russians currently control this energy ray technology, and they are not afraid to use it. The Americans have been trying to catch up but their spies just get disinformation from the Russians.

This is not point and shoot system, it has a long range and can be very accurate. A metal target is required, but other materials close by will then be effected. Cars are good targets as are wire fence and power lines. They can then set fires in near by dry vegetation or in structures that that have lots of metal. The Russians look like they are sending a message to the Jews as well as drawing attention away from what their clients are doing in other areas.

The first time I learned what sign (Leo) ruled the Jewish people, I was told it was Scorpio and for Ashkenazi divisions: Capricorn and Aquarius. The Jewish people are diverse and has multiple ethnic or national divisions, as well various denominations and differing beliefs. The nation of Israel formed in 1948 (May 14) under a Taurus sun+Leo moon, but it has a self-defense militarist Aries nature.
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There's another angle as to the motives behind the last two fires. Trump is anti-alcohol, and anti-marijuana, and there were plenty of vineyards and wineries, as well as marijuana growing in the first case. Hollywood is generally anti-Trump, in the second case. In addition, California caused Trump to lose the Popular-vote, which was a real thorn in his side, and still is. Interesting that Gov. Brown recently vetoed a (non-binding) bill that called on Trump to release his tax-returns.

or Trump wants to penalize California for 3 reasons: 1. the highest number of popular votes for Hillary Clinton last year, 2. the state recently declared itself a sanctuary state for undocumented immigrants, and 3. the secession proposal (Californians might vote on whether to leave or stay in the USA next year).
I don't troll people. I just feel that when assertions are made about an event that is in progress, Astrologers should back up what they are saying with some astrology. Especially if the astrological observation can help people who are going through the event deal with what is happening to them.
I don't troll people. I just feel that when assertions are made about an event that is in progress, Astrologers should back up what they are saying with some astrology. Especially if the astrological observation can help people who are going through the event deal with what is happening to them.

If it's a specific, deliberate act, rather than an "Act of Nature", that would be Electional-astrology. A terrorist attack like this is the general result of long range Age-factors, and transits involving Saturn, Mars, and Pluto especially.
so I ran a horary

were any humans involved in the fires?
answer is NO

No linkage from 10th house
nothing from 1st or 7th

4th house nature is unaffected by 10, 1st 7th .. it is safe to say nature is combusting not humans

so I ran a horary

were any humans involved in the fires?
answer is NO

No linkage from 10th house
nothing from 1st or 7th

4th house nature is unaffected by 10, 1st 7th .. it is safe to say nature is combusting not humans


Just curious--did you run one for the 9/11 Towers event? As to whether it was anything other than what the official version says it was?
Just curious--did you run one for the 9/11 Towers event? As to whether it was anything other than what the official version says it was?

if you think I didn't.. you are in for a surprise

here is what I dug out

the feds KNEW something was coming ... but I remember it was the SUn on MH was preventing CIA L10 from acting to prevent.

Did CIA/US govt plan this on purpose? NO but they knew .. they let it happen to get into a war... my hutch was it was something to do with mujahedeen cause something about rejection from L11th reception that got me thinking .. something happened between US and L11 .. (11th house is ally)
if you think I didn't.. you are in for a surprise

here is what I dug out

the feds KNEW something was coming ... but I remember it was the SUn on MH was preventing CIA L10 from acting to prevent.

Did CIA/US govt plan this on purpose? NO but they knew .. they let it happen to get into a war...

That was my initial opinion. But then, other facts came to light that make it seem there was more to it, especially concerning Building 7, which was never thoroughly examined because the evidence was so quickly removed.
So, just a natural disaster "on steroids", for these fires?
That was my initial opinion. But then, other facts came to light that make it seem there was more to it, especially concerning Building 7, which was never thoroughly examined because the evidence was so quickly removed.
So, just a natural disaster "on steroids", for these fires?

I don't touch asteroids.. .. combustion gave it away it is natural
That was my initial opinion. But then, other facts came to light that make it seem there was more to it, especially concerning Building 7, which was never thoroughly examined because the evidence was so quickly removed.
So, just a natural disaster "on steroids", for these fires?

look, you can dig ONLY so much out of a horary .. I never asked about building 7.. I don't wanna touch it cause I don't get any of it... I cant verify anything I cant even speculate.
I don't touch asteroids.. .. combustion gave it away it is natural

You probably know what I meant by "on steroids"--unusually (not necessarily unnaturally) amped up--not normal fire behavior. Nothing to do with asteroids. I do associate Mars with the power of Nature, both regenerative and destructive.
You probably know what I meant by "on steroids"--unusually (not necessarily unnaturally) amped up--not normal fire behavior. Nothing to do with asteroids. I do associate Mars with the power of Nature, both regenerative and destructive.

anytime you have fire.. you have to look at sun... combustion...
