California Fires were Geo-Engineered

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Understood. What about Mars ruling a Fire-sign?

water sign...

mars is more quake related with Saturn ..

we should see dry soil 4th house ....

or hot wind.. I am horrible with weather forecast

i'd ask Fensi.. she is more familiar with weather
water sign...

mars is more quake related with Saturn ..

we should see dry soil 4th house ....

or hot wind.. I am horrible with weather forecast

i'd ask Fensi.. she is more familiar with weather

There was definitely hot wind involved, and conditions were extremely dry. L.A.'s had a lot of fires over the years, but these were something new and scary.
Um. Yea i am behind getty zone fire... I drive on that freeway almost every day lol yea we are not in evac zone ... We didnt even smell fire
Wind blew into ocean side.

Under control i think...we are more worried about santa barbara and carpentaria fire. Sb has nowhere to go other rhan north
Good. Didn't even know you lived there! I'm glad to be FROM there. :biggrin: Yeah, you learn to just take everything in stride, unless you're directly involved.

I just got off the argument with some british troll why we dont use nor want russian ilushkin 76or75 i forgot which
Conspiracy theories are blossoming...
No matter how much i tried that numbnuts could not understand the logic or reasoning

Cant fix dumb
Besides Horary charts, I have found that event charts are quite telling. You can get a lot of detail from them. I know the Santa Ana fire started after 10 PM on October 8, but I do not have any time for the Ventura county fire on December 4, 2017. Does anyone have a better start time for the Santa Ana fire and a start time for the Ventura county fire?
Besides Horary charts, I have found that event charts are quite telling. You can get a lot of detail from them. I know the Santa Ana fire started after 10 PM on October 8, but I do not have any time for the Ventura county fire on December 4, 2017. Does anyone have a better start time for the Santa Ana fire and a start time for the Ventura county fire?

According to wiki
On December 4, 2017, the Thomas Fire was reported at 6:28 PM PST, to the north of Santa Paula, near Steckel Park and Thomas Aquinas College.[2][7]
until proven otherwise ,these new wildfires are more geo engineered facts.
the cause is unknown. I was raised in California and these sudden deadly fires have never happened before. the last sudden wildfires a month ago were obviously geo engineered. the defining imager was a photo was of a row of homes that were totally incinerated, granite table tops and all. yet across the street trees were left intact. it is scientifically impossible just as 9/11 was scientifically impossible, for these tree to have not burst into flames given how close they were to the temperatures needed to vaporize granite rock. yet this photo has been erased from the internet.

this fire was in ventura calif. this is not a area of heavy forest. this is a area of rows of homes.

the intial lies say that violent winds arouse. but the truth is "violent" winds called Santa annas do exist but they arise from the high Mojave deserts more than a hundred miles inland. why did these violent winds not cause fires near the desert.

again the cause remains unknown.

again look at the video in the above post by of a fire captain explain these fires are like anything he has ever seen.
this video is of the words of the fire fighters themselves. starting out with fire captain john lord of lake county ca

if you think this thread is a joke, you need to look at this video

Origins of CA Fires: Fire Captain Exclusive Interview Video

the phot below is similar a photo in the lst geo-engineered wild fire. in that photo which has now been erased from the internet, a rows of houses were completely incinerated, imcluding the granite counter tops, yet rows of trees across the street were left impossibly unscathed by the thousands of degree temperatures necessary to vaporize granite.

KEY POINT: How did so many vehicles sustain melted metal when the trees and grass and asphalt were left completely unscathed by the flames? A burning fire in
a car will last only so long before it burns out, and it certainly will not get hot enough to melt the metal components.
Melted metal flows from a burned out car abandoned on a highway during the Valley fire in Middletown, California on September 13, 2015. (Photo credit should read Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images)

There is nothing more sacred to the New World Order agenda than the covert plan to establish a One World Government. The ultimate goal of that misguided agenda is to completely own and manage all natural resources on planet Earth, as well to control the weather around the globe—24/7. This game plan also includes controlling all human resources, of course.
NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources
Only with the understanding provided by the preceding exposé can anyone begin to apprehend the true depth and breadth of this highly organized, multi-century conspiracy. In fact, all of the natural disasters and manmade catastrophes are used to carry out this master plan.
What is of paramount importance is to correctly comprehend both the strategy and the tactics being used by the NWO ruling cabal. Weather warfare, geoterrorism and environmental destruction reign supreme in the outworking of their agenda. As follows:

  1. TPTB possess the in situ technology to create virtually any type of natural calamity they so choose to, many from scratch.
  2. TPTB can manipulate an existing hurricane (or tornado swarm) by intensifying it and directing it to a specific location. The can also trigger earthquakes in active fault zones, as well as volcanic eruptions when they are semi-active.
  3. TPTB can bring about any number of dramatic manmade catastrophes such as the BP Gulf oil spill, the SoCal Gas natural gas leak, the Oroville Dam Spillway collapse and the Hanford nuclear site leak.
California Fires of 2017

In light of the preceding assertions, it ought to be quite easy to grasp the utter simplicity of purposefully starting a series of fires in the once great state of California.
The entire state has been the victim of a geoengineering scheme that was significantly accelerated when [JESUIT] Governor Jerry Brown’s term began in January of 2011. As a matter of historical fact, the Great California Drought is known to have officially commenced in the first quarter of that same year.
Even though Brown has been made aware of the relentless chemical geoengineering operations that have occurred in the state’s skies, as well as over the Pacific Ocean, he has never once publically acknowledged it. California Governor Has Received Evidence Proving Drought Was Geoengineered
The coordinated combination of chemtrails and HAARP technologies, together with the various power plants and Nexrad transmission stations, has allowed the geoengineers to wreak havoc on every square inch of California. Hence, it’s imperative that the residents become aware that their ongoing Armageddon is being fastidiously manufactured…in the air, on the land and with the waters.
Relentless Chemtrail Spraying and HAARP-manufactured weather events radically alter California’s climate
Nothing illustrates this fabricated phenomenon better than the currently raging California wildfires. The daily firestorms are actually the product of a multi-year strategy to set the state up for the full-scale implementation of the UN’s Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The following photos show just how powerful and destructive these geoengineered firestorms can be.
CALIFORNIA FIRESTORM PHOTOS: How does this type fire damage even happen? Defies scientific explanation!
How did they do it?
First they geoengineered the worst drought in the recorded history of California. Then they deliberately triggered the worst natural gas leak in world history. The Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility in the northwestern San Fernando Valley was the site of the largest methane gas leak ever in USA. Conveniently located just north of Los Angeles, the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility near Porter Ranch released a record amount of methane into the atmosphere in 2015. And it’s still leaking today!
ALERT: Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility Is Still Leaking
Aliso Canyon methane gas leak mapped out in the surrounding area by volume in 2015 in red.

Why was the SoCal gas leak so integral to their yearly firestorm scheme?
Think about the natural combustibility of methane gas. Then consider how explosive any given locale would be that has a steady stream of natural gas leaking into the environment. Particularly when the leaking gas is coming from the largest storage facility west of the Mississippi it ought to be clear that not only does “Houston have a major problem”, so does Los Angeles. And it’s not going away until the state addresses these leaks in a decisive manner.
Gas still leaking at Aliso Canyon and elswhere

It is quite inconceivable that state oversight and federal regulatory authorities have permitted the Aliso Canyon storage facility to continue to leak right up to this very day since it was discovered in October of 2015. That wasn’t the first time, either. It has been known to leak for decades without any meaningful remedial actions taken by SoCal Gas. The following article published by Southern California Public Radio on August 28, 2017 spells out the current predicament.
California state regulators see methane spikes at Aliso Canyon
The critical point here is that methane is a highly volatile gas that moves in ways that can cause it to accumulate in certain areas depending on the prevailing weather patterns. Were it to exist above certain concentrations in any particular locale, it could substantially contribute to and/or exacerbate a raging firestorm. Surely this is what’s happening in those places that have a history of similar leaks.
Given the ferocity of the firestorms now plaguing different parts of California, as well as the speed by which they come and go, it appears that they are being fueled by something extraordinary. It should be noted that the wildfire seasons — throughout the whole state — have been getting progressively longer and more destructive over the years. Certainly the historic drought has contributed greatly to this new reality, but so have the unrelenting methane gas releases.
The gas leaks are by no means limited to Aliso Canyon. The Natural Gas Storage and Transport Industry has facilities (and pipelines) across the state, many of which have proven to be similarly problematic, although not such an astronomically high volume of leakage. When these large and small leaks are viewed in the aggregate, it becomes clear that the state of California has been inexorably transformed into an enormous tinderbox.
Weather warfare triggers firestorms

The 2017 firestorm back story is very complex and difficult to piece together. Given the massive atmospheric engineering programs being conducted above California and the 3 contiguous states, as well as over the ocean, there are new definite weather patterns which have been observed since Brown took office. Not that the state had not already been targeted before Brown took office as the premier Agenda 21 laboratory in the nation.
Truly, Kalifornia is ground zero for the UN’s stealthy initiative to impose Agenda 21 dictates disguised as friendly environmental laws. Likewise, the less surreptitious but equally deceptive 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is also seeing blind support from the heavily Democratic legislature in Sacramento. The shadow government knows that the way to compel the legislators to lend their political and personal support to the UN agendas is to stage apocalyptic wildfires in those locations that will produce the greatest effect (aka terror). California Wildfires: Devastation this year nearly the worst in state history
California has always had its fair share of wildfires, which manifest as humongous forest fires, fast-spreading grass fires and highway-jumping brush-fires. Hence, it’s quite easy for the arsonists to get away with starting these various fires in close proximity to Los Angeles (targeting Hollywood) and San Francisco (targeting Silicon Valley), and Sacramento (targeting the state capital). Given the overwhelming influence that these three demographics have both within California and upon the nation-at-large, the hidden strategy becomes apparent.
KEY POINTS: How easy is it to convince Hollywood moguls and actors of the need to address [what is essentially GEOENGINEERED] climate change when wildfires are licking their neighborhoods with towering flames? How easy is it to persuade the politicians to pass any legislation that penalizes businesses in the state that have gigantic carbon footprints? How easy is it to influence the Sultans of Silicon Valley to use their global social media platforms to favor all content that pushes any draconian legislation that fraudulently addresses climate change?​
Nothing motivates the movers and shakers quicker than a sea of yellow flames in their back yard while air thick with smoke and ash is wafting through the neighborhood. Often referred to as the “Golden State”, it is slowly turning black. Once a paradise for all the “beautiful people”, it’s gradually becoming a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland and home to more illegal aliens than U.S. citizens. Of course, many years of a Democrat-led state government is very much to blame, as is the predominant ultra-liberal mindset found in all the urban centers. Wherever common sense has fled from the leaders, and the use of the faculty of human reason has been suspended indefinitely, things will not go well. Welcome to K A L I F O R N I A 2 0 1 7 ! ! !

Wildfire anomalies of 2017

What has really distinguished the violent firestorms during the 2017 wildfire season, which have simply blown up out of nowhere, is the extraordinary heat they are generating. The temperatures are so high they are melting steel and other materials normally not seen in the aftermath of these seasonal wildfires. Furthermore, the tornado-like winds that whip up before, during and after are quite unusual according to those who have lived in the affected areas for decades. California Fires In Napa Valley: What twisted the steel?
The other anomaly about these firestorms is the number of fires that jump off at one time in a relatively large area. Many researchers have circumstantially proven that many large wildfires in the past were actually started by arsonists on the ground. The fires were set at one location, and were then spread by the wind. Because of the timing of some of them, it appears that many of those fires were strategically set to produce a certain outcome. Sometimes they are started merely to distract the public from a significant local event. However, the fires this year follow a completely different pattern, though the intentions may be similar.
The recent spate of firestorms in the Napa Valley and around Sonoma County has produced a whole new dynamic that residents have never seen before. These fires seem to pop us spontaneously as though they are being started by some giant magnifying glass in the sky that is quickly moved unpredictably from location to location like a hopscotching fire tornado. Some investigators have labeled this inexplicable phenomenon a new form of geoterrorism.
GEOTERRORISM: 60 Geoengineered Firestorms In California Come Out Of Nowhere
How these firestorms are really created eludes even the best scientific investigators. However, their extremely destructive nature and the unprecedented damage associated with these fires indicate that the hand of man is somehow present. Everything from DEWs (directed energy weapons) to space-based invisible lasers have been conjectured. The following video has catalogued some of the anomalies, as well as surmised their causation.
VIDEO: Northern California Wildfires: How These Firestorms Were Created Agenda 21 United States Map


At this late date, there’s one particular remedy for the assaulted and beleaguered people of California that could reverse the race to the bottom. It might also permit an honest investigation of these and other weighty matters. The expeditious IMPEACHMENT of Governor Jerry Brown would serve to send a message to the other crazymakers who now populate state government. As a primary state and national leader of George Soros’s Purple Revolution against the Trump administration, Brown needs to be removed from public office post-haste.
Groups Joining Forces To Form Grassroots Organization to Remove Brown From Office Before California ‘Crashes and Burns’

Once a convicted Edmund Gerald Brown Jr. is securely behind bars for life for gross negligence, official misconduct and seditious malfeasance, California can begin the process of reclaiming its state rights and legal sovereignty as guaranteed by the US Constitution.
There’s only one way that such a necessary development will occur. The citizenry must take back their power from those who have stolen it. They must also stand in their own truth and speak that truth to power like never before. When a critical mass of truth speakers do this in unison, the whole place changes in an LA moment.
The Jerry Browns of the world, and especially those who lead the current “crash and burn” approach to governance in Sacramento, must fear We the People more than they fear their masters in Deep State. In order for this major shift to take place, the citizens may have to show up in force with their “torches and pitchforks”.[/QUOTE]
The first time I learned what sign (Leo) ruled the Jewish people, I was told it was Scorpio and for Ashkenazi divisions: Capricorn and Aquarius. The Jewish people are diverse and has multiple ethnic or national divisions, as well various denominations and differing beliefs. The nation of Israel formed in 1948 (May 14) under a Taurus sun+Leo moon, but it has a self-defense militarist Aries nature.

Jesus was the Jewish Messiah of the beginning of the Piscean Age. Whish I swhy the Maige were searching for him.

(keep in mind that all these wildfires erupted over night with no obvious source of ignition rahu)

Ferocious Wildfires Ravage Northern California Wine Country; 17 Are Dead

Ferocious Wildfires Ravage Northern California Wine Country; 17 Are Dead


Written by JayWill7497
NAPA, Calif. – With roads still obstructed by the authorities and fires still raging across broad swaths of Northern California, Matt Lenzi hiked through smoke-choked vineyards and waded the Napa River to access the home his father resided in for 53 years. In its place, he discovered only blackened debris, blackened earth, and ash.
“Every piece of vegetation was gone,” stated Mr. Lenzi on Tuesday, after going back in the vain anticipation of discovering the pet cat that his dad, Carl Lenzi, who is in his 80s, left behind when he fled for his life. “Even the barbecue melted, and that’s built to take heat.”
The fires ravaging California’s wine country since Sunday night – part of an outbreak of blazes stretching almost the whole length of the state – continued to burn out of control on Wednesday, as the result increased to at least 17 folks verified dead, hundreds hospitalized, and thousands of buildings demolished or damaged. But state and local officials cautioned that with several hundred folks still missing and unaccounted for, and some areas still out of reach of emergency crews, those figures are almost sure to increase.
The two biggest and most destructive fires had absorbed more than 70,000 acres in Napa and Sonoma Counties by Wednesday morning, up from 52,000 on Tuesday afternoon, based on Cal Fire, the state’s firefighting agency. In all, six fires had burned more than 91,000 acres in the two counties, and Cal Fire rated all but the smallest of them as 3 percent secured, or less.
The high winds that had powered the blazes died down on Tuesday, but factors were anticipated to get worse on Wednesday and Thursday.
“The wind’s going to pick up this afternoon, and there’s a lot of concerns about where the fires will go,” Robert Giordano, the Sonoma County sheriff, stated on Wednesday. “If you have a place to go, go. The less people we have here and the less area we have to evacuate, the better.”
More than 20,000 folks have listened to evacuation warnings, fleeing on foot and by car as the fires overtook their towns – local governments issued new evacuation orders early Wednesday – and many of them have spent nights in dozens of evacuation centers set up around the region. Survivors told of narrow escapes from walls of flame that appeared to erupt from nowhere on Sunday night and Monday morning, driving them to run even before text messages and other alerts were sent out by emergency warning systems.

Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday visited the California Office of Emergency Services close to Sacramento to announce that President Trump had authorized Gov. Jerry Brown’s request for a major disaster declaration and ordered federal aid to assist the state in recovery initiatives.
Ken Pimlott, chief of Cal Fire, stated that the cause of the fires was still uncertain and would be investigated. He mentioned that 95 percent of fires in the state were triggered by humans in some manner, and stated that even a small spark in windy, dry conditions could grow quickly into a large fire.
Fires interrupted utilities in and around wine country, which includes cellular service, which ranged from spotty to nonexistent, making it more difficult for individuals to reach family and friends and for emergency workers to search for the missing. Mark Ghilarducci, director of the state Office of Emergency Services, stated that about 77 cellphone sites were damaged or demolished.

Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where’d the houses go??)
For eyes that can see… there is something wrong here, the melting/ burning point of common household materials like glass (2600℉) and stainless steel (2800℉) are DOUBLE the temperature of house and forest fires (1100℉) … and you might expect Rod Sterling to pop out at any moment in this footage..bc it’s like the Twilight Zone!! __________________

Santa Rosa, CA Hit by a Classified Energy Weapon or GeoEngineered Fire Storm? — Or Both
California Fires Were Not “Wild” They Were Engineered! Jim Stone
Before It's News)
California Fires Were Not “Wild” They Were Engineered! Jim Stone


Browsing anything much about the fires this week in California will likely lead to the understanding that they weren’t natural. Jim goes into the scientific aspect of the situation involving technology, chemtrails, the physics of electricity, etc.
It’s definitely not natural to notice “spontaneous combustion” in so many places simultaneously. And who knew chemtrails had so many applications?!
Strangely enough, Thomas Williams noted yesterday that the cabal’s vineyards remained untouched by fire. Go figure.

Fires in California were not “wild”, they were caused

Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist
October 2017
At first I was skeptical, but I went over numerous social media posts several videos, and a few messages and it appears the fires were set by an atmospheric weapon.
First to clear something up – the manner in which the cars burned was normal. But there are some instances with what went on that prove a weather weapon did this.
Weather weapons work by using multiple transmitters to create a collision zone where differently phased EM waves cancel each other out, and drop their electrical potential into the air (which is a semiconductor) where they cancel. This is the equivalent of biasing a transistor. Semiconductors won’t simply break down and start conducting just because a bias field is applied, in order for them to conduct in a controlled fashion they need a doping agent. In silicon the doping agents are arsenic and boron. In air, the doping agent is most likely whatever is in the chem trails.
If enough voltage is applied to a semiconductor, it will suddenly discharge it in one big burst. This is seen in the air as lightning. The weather/geoengineering systems try to avoid this. But this time around, in California, the effects of excess voltage were readily observed by MANY MANY people, and it manifested itself in more than one way.
Evidently the people running the geoengineering systems have become more bold, like a thief that steals more and more and more, the more the thief gets away with stealing. The same is happening with weather warfare, and this time around in California, the effects of the system in use were easily observed.
1. Some people got heart palpitations from having their bodies charged.
2. MANY MANY people saw electrical flashes that made no thunder in perfectly clear blue sky, and worse, some people even saw small sparks everywhere in the air around them.
3. MOST DAMNING: People are reporting that their electronics malfunctioned before the fires hit, with the most pronounced and spoken about malfunction being at a hotel, where ALL of the electrical systems in the hotel malfunctioned, including the electronic access doors, forcing people to jump from windows (because they could not leave their rooms) to escape an approaching fire that instantly appeared out of nowhere in perfect weather.
It is very important to take note of the malfunctioning doors, because a simple power outage will not stop those from working. Something jammed the circuits in the doors.
Simultaneously the hotel lost main power, generator backup, UPS backup, and local battery backup. Not even the always operational emergency hall lights worked. That would be totally consistent with a massively potent EM weapon causing complete electronic malfunction because not even the circuits in the emergency backup lighting that turn it on (which operate independent of everything off of a small battery right in the light itself), not even circuits at that small level worked.
There are people trolling social media (perhaps because they don’t understand how things work, but perhaps not) and they are saying there is no way the air could have been so electrically charged that sparks would be everywhere because it would electrocute anyone standing in it. This is not true at all. Tesla proved it. There are lots of photos of Tesla sitting on a chair with an electrical storm all around him, because it does not take much to make a show (relative to what the body can take, because the body is a much better conductor than air.)
Additionally, the frequency at which the air is charged makes a big difference, once the frequency goes beyond approximately 40 khz the body won’t conduct it deeply due to an electrical effect known as the skin effect, where electrical charges travel on the outside of objects rather than through them. All the unbelievable Tesla photos were the result of super high voltage low current electricity traveling around the outside of objects due to the skin effect caused by that electricity also being at a high frequency.
So how would this start forest fires? The answer is an easy one.
1. a dry leaf is thin, which eliminates the benefit of conduction via the skin effect, and
2. A dry leaf will try to be an insulator, which will force all of the electricity that flows through it to turn itself into heat. And additionally, if the air is sparking everywhere as some witnesses said, one of those sparks would probably set off dry tinder somewhere.
POOF, instant fire, there should have been several cases of exploding dry trees where there was no fire there before at all. Lots of people are saying these fires suddenly “exploded out of nowhere” – no hint of any previous fire, no lightning, no NOTHING, just a sudden high wind happening at the same time the forest nearby suddenly burst into flames. That would be a telltale sign of a sudden massive electric field heating everything up (everything that could not conduct electricity very well, which means air and dry leaves) There are people saying space-based laser systems are doing this, (and that absolutely would work, so I “get it”,) but I still believe they are using phase cancellation of radio waves to cause a bias field, because whatever happened when a laser was used would not be easily controllable and would too easily result in the creation of massive ionosphere to ground lightning bolts. That is not happening, which is why I am sticking with the EM wave approach to this. Maybe as they get more brazen and not caring about noticeable effects, they will start using lasers, which would be a whole lot easier.
How could you possibly get 66 widely spaced massive wildfires appearing instantly with no natural weather causing them, growing rapidly, with perfectly calm weather before, sudden massive winds at the initiation of the fires, blue sparks in the air, malfunctioning electronics, and in some people heart palpitations?

n-i-n-e e-l-e-v-e-n Again! California Was Attacked With Energy Weapon! Analysis: Trees Standing, But Glass Melted, Steel Bent, Houses Disappeared, Atmospheric Glow

California Was Attacked With Energy Weapon! Analysis: Trees Standing, But Glass Melted, Steel Bent, Houses Disappeared, Atmospheric Glow

Where did the people go who were forced to evacuate? FEMA?

Firegeddon: Weather Warfare and Environmental Terrorism With a Hidden Purpose

Geoengineered California Firestorms
Propagated to Terrorize
and Manufacture Consent

Globalist Governor Jerry Brown Using FIREGEDDON To Push Fraudulent Climate Change Legislation

Relentless Acts of Geoterrorism in California
Perpetrated by Shadow Government
to Compel Compliance
with UN Agenda 21 and
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

State of the Nation
Special Note:
The only way to truly apprehend the enormity and gravity of the raging California firestorms is to see them: FIREGEDDON: Southern California Burns Again, Wildfires Mysteriously Spring Up Everywhere (Photos)

There’s no place like L.A. and especially Hollywood to stage a world-captivating drama.
This is what the globalists do whenever they need the perfect set to produce a show that’s necessary to fear-monger and bamboozle the entire planetary civilization.
Let’s face it: there’s simply no greater boogeyman than the Global Climate Changebeast.
It was fabricated by TPTB in order to implement the final phase of the New World Order agenda, and especially to foist a One World Government upon the world community of nations.
UN Agenda 21 & 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Before such a One World Government can be imposed on the planet, TPTB know that they must sufficiently manufacture consent around the most threatening environmental issue of the day–climate change.
KEY POINT: As the world watches Southern California burn…and burn…and burn, the covert directors of this stealth production hope to shock the American audience into submission. Surreptitiously using the Hegelian DialecticProblem ~ Reaction ~ Solution — has almost always enabled TPTB to manufacture consent to further lock down the place. No other ploy is so effective than those which convince the citizenry to request their own debt enslavement, economic limitation and/or territorial imprisonment (See this revealing map of the USA).
Toward that end, the United Nations was first used to pitch the sovereignty-busting Agenda 21.
With that fraudulent plan stalling and stagnating, the same clandestine UN perps fabricated the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Both of these highly oppressive schemes were designed to strip nations of their sovereignty and cede extraordinary amounts of power to an unelected international body—the U.N.
The penultimate objective is to build the foundation and create the framework for a global communist superstate much like the European Union. EU Exposé: A Planned Totalitarian Superstate to Destroy Europe
However, the ultimate goal is to activate the currently hidden One World Governmentin order to exert complete command and control over all of the Earth’s natural resources, as well as the local weather and regional climate patterns.
NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources
Distraction, Diversion & Misdirection

Like any false flag terror operation, the geoengineered California firestorms have been perpetrated by the usual suspects for a variety of reasons.
Whenever a dramatic black operation and overwhelming psyop on the order of magnitude of California’s FIREGEDDON is executed, you can be sure it is also serving the explicit purpose of distracting from a major piece of legislation under consideration in the nation’s capital.
Of course, the only bill of any gravity that’s being bandied about is Trump’s tax proposal. Hence, there’s no question that FIREGEDDON is meant to distract from that unmitigated disaster of a bill. See: When both McCain & Corker back Trump’s tax plan, you know it’s a catastrophe for the American people!
In the case of naked false flag terror attacks like FIREGEDDON, there’s usually a HUGE international event transpiring that is also being diverted from. The sheer horror and impending peril to so many [LIBERAL] residents in Southern California is simply too great for there not to be a carefully hidden agenda of global proportions. And so there is.
The very day that the wildfires intensified into a very serious threat, the globalists also had this purpose in mind. California Wildfire: A Geoengineered Firestorm to DISTRACT from Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration

Jesuit-trained Globalist Jerry Brown

Lastly, we come to the star of the show—Jesuit Jerry Brown.
Brown didn’t receive his moniker “Governor Moonbeam” for nothing. Given his utterly calamitous tenure in Sacramento, it ought to be clear to every Californian why this guy needs to go…YESTERDAY!
Yes, Governor Brown is that dangerous to the state, to the people, to the country. After all, he permitted this slow-motion cataclysm(s) (both the Great California Drought and 2017 Firestorms) to take place on his watch without so much as lifting a finger to address the true causes. California drought geoengineered to pass future ‘climate change’ legislation
Rather than spend money on conducting statutory fire protection, prevention and management statewide, the guv has supported a recently estimated $64 billion boondoggle known as the LA-SF Hyperloop.
And that’s the good news as it pertains to Governor Brown.
The bad news is that he’s a stone-cold globalist who was shoehorned into high office by his Jesuit handlers and globalist bagmen. And, that Brown was put there to carry out an extremely nefarious agenda; just look at the quickly deteriorating condition of the once “Golden State”.
This is a guy who has been given volumes of evidence proving that the California drought was geoengineered, and yet he continues to hawk the fictitious CO2-driven global warming scam as the cause.
Geoengineering Is The Primary Cause Of Global Climate Change, Not CO2
Because Brown has pitched the false climate change data for so many years, he has no choice but to perpetuate the sham where it concerns FIREGEDDON. The two go hand in hand calculated by the geoterrorists for obvious reasons.
Now the country knows why California is a sanctuary state, and has been at the forefront of promoting instant citizenship for illegal aliens. Brown has led the fight for the DACA crowd like no other governor as this [ILLEGAL] voting demographic constitutes his voting base. The massive number of illegal immigrants in California is such that Democratic majorities in the statehouse are now guaranteed for perhaps decades…barring a 12.0 on the San Andreas fault or in the Hayward fault zone.
Brown has become America’s #1 advocate for violating U.S. immigration law. His globalist masters selected him because he has always shown complete disregard for both federal and state law by way of willful negligence. As a attorney by education and training, he knows how to circumvent the law as well as anyone in the Golden “Charcoal State”.
More importantly, Brown has allowed California to be geoengineered into a tinderbox so that every square inch of the state is now combustible. Then he blames climate change for FIREGEDDON, which was actually caused by unrelenting chemical geoengineering operations being conducted nationwide via chemtrail spraying and chembomb aerosols.
CA Governor Jerry Brown says wildfires caused by climate change, tells victims this is ‘new reality’

The only way that state-sponsored environmental terrorism such as FIREGEDDON will be stopped is for the victims (and their families and friends) to demand it.
If the people won’t even attempt to defend themselves from the transparent and ongoing weather warfare, what can be done?! Full-Scale Weather War Being Waged Against the USA in 2017
When the vast majority of folks don’t even look up at the sky, much less question how blue skies are turned overcast in an hour or two, what are the aware citizens to do?
Because of this grim reality, the single best way to terminate these daily invasions of our personal sovereignty is to go after the Jerry Browns of the nation. These profoundly corrupt politicians must be removed from power. Their influence must be diminished to zero—post haste!
CA Governor Jerry Brown Being Recalled By Furious Grassroots Movement
Not only should Governor Brown be impeached, he needs to be aggressively prosecuted for crimes against the people. The list of his transgressions is long and serious: (i) official misconduct, (ii) willful and malicious neglect, (iii) misfeasance, nonfeasance, and malfeasance, (iv) nepotism, (v) personal enrichment, (v) political corruption, etc.
Only when these career criminal politicians fear We the People more than they fear their masters in Deep State, will the government stop terrorizing the citizenry.
national oceanic and atmospheric administration aeronautic NOAA admitting on the record that atmosphere is now full of particulates and they don't know where they are coming from so this is quite astounding when you have the agencies that are suppose to study this issue that literally unable to identify the source........they acknowledged thesate was losing 20 -40 % of its rainfall form particulates og unknown origin....we have a know and indisputable contamination issue ... and very dangerous UV level... the bark is being burned off tress... UVB level 12oo% higher than we are being told... the national science foundation acknowledging injecting sulfate particles(geo-engineering)into the stratosphere will decimate the ozone layer... strongest UV waves ever recorded on earth.
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California Fires: Laser Beams From The Sky – Be Warned – They Are In Full Swing!
What are the chances that 3 of the largest avionics military laser companies are located in the same exact area as the Santa Rosa, CA fires occurred, yet none got torched?
L-3 technologies, Keysight, AEG Industries and Sonoma Design Group are all in Santa Rosa and are held by some of the largest weapons manufactures in the world!
Additionally, over two weeks now, and no official ‘story‘ about how so many fires self ignited all at once in the middle of the dark of night.

5G, Pacific Gas and Electric? Climate Change w/ Diablo Winds? Are all being talked about but none come close to explain the hell fires that occurred and torched metal, glass, rubber, granite, etc. to the ground in minutes, yet left trees and other buildings in tact.
The second video shows Debora Tavares’ interview with Jeff Rense in 2015 conclusively provides documented proof of premeditation of fire destruction of Sonoma and Mendocino Counties, in Northern California using microwave weaponry.
Additionally, RFID trackers are being used to locate victims in the vaporized rubble that is left of former residences.
Part II will cover the logging companies efforts to provide massive fuel for West Coast forest fires using the hackn’ squirt tree destroying methods of the Fischer Brothers, of Levi Strauss Jeans and GAP Stores fame.
This is all part of Agenda 21, which we will show is in full swing directly after the fires.

this video was published over 2years by Deborah Tavares .she confronts PGE and others.
show predicted the north cal fires fire exactly as they happen.
must see..

interestingly PGE is in cahoots with the Rothschilds. they already have in place space based solar collectors that turn the sunlight into microwaves which are then transmitted to collectors on earth. and guess where these microwave collectors are....Sevastopol California... ground zero of the wild fires.
these micro wave canbe aimed anywhere and the microwaves can cause fires and human deaths where ever thes are aimed.....again these are now operational theyare functioning and in orbit. so it is clear the southern California fires are being created by the same way the notrthern California fires were.

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