California Fires were Geo-Engineered

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I recently read a article I the san jose mercury news that tells on a state plan to make people sell their burnt homes because of the future fire risk. these people who were burned out and will not be allowed to rebuild and the land will lay fallow. this is exactly what the rothschild agenda 21 is aiming for, large areas of fallow land ,all the while forcing the population in to a few mega cities.
here is an article of a kindred view.

California Fires: They Are Burning People off the Land on Purpose
Most have heard of the massive and destructive fires ravaging California, but no one knows exactly how they were started. And now many who have researched the fires are claiming that the elites are intentionally burning people off the land.
YouTuber DIY Camper made his own video detailing what he believes is the harsh reality of the horrific fires destroying homes and land in the Golden State. He starts by saying that if he had his own property, there is “no doubt” in his mind that he’d have a concrete reinforced structure underground for use during a disaster -but that isn’t what his video is about because an underground bunker won’t help you if the elites want your land.
“Nobody is saying how these fires out in California started,” says DIY Camper. “With what’s coming in the world today and the way things clearly are, I think people are going to be moved off their property and people are gonna be pushed into city living,” says DIY Camper. “I know this is happening.”
“Now, the fires out in California…I’ve been following it extensively,” he says. “I have been researching it and looking into it as deep as I can. And I found a bunch of maps and plans for the southern end of California…and this is a fact you guys, you can search this and research it yourself to see what I am about to tell you is true.”
He says there are maps and plans from developers working with the California government that overlap the areas of the fires “street for street” and “neighborhood by neighborhood,” and that cannot be a coincidence. “…I believe that these fires are being allowed to burn out of control. Why would I say that? Because if you look at these developers plans for two reasons…the mayor admitted on the news when he was being interviewed that they have plans for these areas that are burning,” says DIY Camper. He believes there are two reasons the people in California are being burned off the land. One is for high-speed trains and the other is low-cost housing.​
“You don’t have to take my word for it. If you don’t believe what I’m telling you, look into what I’m telling you and you’ll see what I’m telling you is true.”​
When looking at both the above images, DIY Camper seems a lot less crazy. These maps were fairly easy to come by too. Could he be right? Could the elites be intentionally burning people off land they want to use and develop?​
This article has been contributed by SHTF Plan. Visit for alternative news, commentary and preparedness info.


California Fires: Laser Beams From The Sky – Be Warned – They Are In Full Swing!
What are the chances that 3 of the largest avionics military laser companies are located in the same exact area as the Santa Rosa, CA fires occurred, yet none got torched?
L-3 technologies, Keysight, AEG Industries and Sonoma Design Group are all in Santa Rosa and are held by some of the largest weapons manufactures in the world!

Additionally, over two weeks now, and no official ‘story‘ about how so many fires self ignited all at once in the middle of the dark of night.

5G, Pacific Gas and Electric? Climate Change w/ Diablo Winds? Are all being talked about but none come close to explain the hell fires that occurred and torched metal, glass, rubber, granite, etc. to the ground in minutes, yet left trees and other buildings in tact.
The second video shows Debora Tavares’ interview with Jeff Rense in 2015 conclusively provides documented proof of premeditation of fire destruction of Sonoma and Mendocino Counties, in Northern California using microwave weaponry.
Additionally, RFID trackers are being used to locate victims in the vaporized rubble that is left of former residences.
Part II will cover the logging companies efforts to provide massive fuel for West Coast forest fires using the hackn’ squirt tree destroying methods of the Fischer Brothers, of Levi Strauss Jeans and GAP Stores fame.
This is all part of Agenda 21, which we will show is in full swing directly after the fires.

this video was published over 2years by Deborah Tavares .she confronts PGE and others.
show predicted the north cal fires fire exactly as they happen.
she has now disappeared and can not be fund.
must see..

interestingly PGE is in cahoots with the Rothschilds. they already have in place space based solar collectors that turn the sunlight into microwaves which are then transmitted to collectors on earth. and guess where these microwave collectors are....Sevastopol California... ground zero of the wild fires.
these micro wave canbe aimed anywhere and the microwaves can cause fires and human deaths where ever thes are aimed.....again these are now operational theyare functioning and in orbit. so it is clear the southern California fires are being created by the same way the notrthern California fires were.

Thanks [URL][/URL]

it is public record that PGE and Rothschild financiers had built a solar array in space that was collecting solar wind and transmitting this as micro wave to receptive stations to turn the microwaves into electricity, in their electric grid. these collectors have been in service for a couple of years, but not published.
it turns out that that the 3 companies involved in this technological process are all located in the santa rosa area. in the middle of the fires, let none of these companies suffered any damage.

these wild fire were obviously geo engineered.
last week a article appeared in the san Francisco chronicle which told of how the ignition point of all 4 wild fires happen at a point of a significant PGE "appliance".

one had a branch fall across a line that was specifically designed to shut down if any problems occurred on that line. so this wild fire was started when a appliance failed and gave un impeded electricity to fed the fire.
the other 3 had similar association with PGE lines or machines. what is the probability that all 4 fires just coincidentally all started at a PGE entity.

all the while PGE is receiving microwaves transmission at the exact spot and time.

since November, the epicenter of the 4 wild fires had been know to be around PGE installations, but PGE said the fires starred on lines that were connected to PGE but not part of PGE's transmission system.

the new data shows conclusively that all 4 wild fires ignited at a known PGE appliance or installation.

yet like the 9/11 "kerosene can melt steel" psychosis,
PGE is counting of this type of psychosis to blind the populous to the fsct that PGE in collaboration with the Rothschilds burned northern California.rahu
BOMBOGENESIS: Geoengineers Using Weather Weapons of Mass Destruction Against America

California Droughts and Deluges, Firestorms and Mudslides are all Manmade, so was the “Bomb Cyclone” of 2018

A “bomb cyclone” is certainly no fluke of Mother Nature; rather, it’s a relatively new form of advanced weather weaponry that was quite purposefully rolled out during the 2017 hurricane season as well as the 2018 New Year. “Bombogenesis” is nothing but weather warfare which was also used by the geoengineers to set up the catastrophic and out-of-season firestorms in California last year. Those DEW-triggered wildfires then set the stage for the unparalleled mudslide calamities now occurring all over the same region. “Bombogenesis”: Is this new weather term describing the geoegineering cause of the California firestorms? (Video)

There’s an epic war raging for absolute control of the planet’s biosphere. The globalist cabal implementing the New World Order agenda has two primary goals in their quest to establish a One World Government: (i) to exert complete command and control over the Earth’s natural resources, and (ii) to possess the technological capability and legal authority to manipulate local weather patterns and regional climate trends globally. The worldwide alliance of opponents to this NWO scheme seeks to maintain the current international order marked by national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Reference for the uninitiated: NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources
The main weapons in this relentless war on humanity are weather modification, climate engineering and atmospheric manipulation.
Those who currently possess the geoengineering weaponry know that whoever controls the local weather patterns and the regional climate trends essentially controls the planet.
KEY POINT: The New World Order agenda has multiple planetary goals, some of which appear to be mutually exclusive. Others appear to work at cross purposes with each other. That’s because there are different NWO factions currently vying for power and influence throughout the world community of nations.
Nevertheless, it is the NWO globalists who currently own and operate all the geoengineering technology and equipment, which allow them to effectively alter the weather around the globe at will. Because they employ most of the geoengineers, it’s quite easy for them to experiment with new storm manufacturing and manipulation techniques such as “bombogenesis”.
Not only do the resulting natural disasters and manmade catastrophes significantly advance their pet projects like U.N. Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, they also serve to facilitate the achievement of other totalitarian objectives.

‘Bombogenesis’ Replaces ‘Polar Vortex’ as Global Warming Excuse for Extreme Cold — NewsBusters

Bombogenesis & Bomb Cyclones

Whenever the USA is bombarded with the likes of a Hurricane Katrina or Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Harvey or Hurricane Irma, the timing, location and severity of these frankenstorms are essential to understanding their true purpose.
Given the fairly recent meteorological phenomena known as “bombogenesis”, it’s clear that the geoengineers are the new artillery men of the 3rd Millennium. In fact, they are painstakingly manufacturing new weather weapons by the year which can then be stealthily employed to launch attacks anywhere on planet Earth. The U.S. mainland has been the primary testing ground for these geoengineered frankenstorms as the entire South witnessed during the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. That was the year that “bombogenesis” first went prime time.
Given the state of the art of weather modification, climate engineering and weather weaponization, it’s now quite simple for the geoengineers to hijack a small fledgling storm brewing in the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico and methodically intensify it into a massive powerful superstorm. This is exactly what the geoengineers did during the hurricane season of 2005 with Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. That’s not to say that all hurricanes are geoengineered; however, those that possess the telltale signatures of artificial manipulation are very easy to spot. This link contains incriminating satellite imagery that conclusively demonstrates the fabrication of a 2015 superstorm in Texas: TEXAS FLOODS: A Geoengineered Weather Event Using Chemtrails And HAARP[1]
Now fast forward to 2017: the United States experienced an unprecedented hurricane season last summer that was used to terrorize the South, the Caribbean Islands and the Bahamas. Not only was the greater Houston area overwhelmed by torrential rains delivered by Hurricane Harvey, Florida sustained pervasive damage from Hurricane Irma. Puerto Rico is still recovering from Hurricanes Irma, Maria and Jose; many do not yet have electricity in their homes and businesses. “Dominica sustained catastrophic damage from Maria, with nearly every structure on the island damaged or destroyed.”[2]
What’s the critical point here?
That the geoengineers are fabricating a whole new weather lexicon to accommodate their newfangled weather weapons. They have no choice but to do this lest they be found out by those states and cities, coastal communities and other locales that have been targeted for destruction. The preceding graphic and following link well illustrate just how determined the geoengineers are to provide cover for their highly destructive weather weaponry experiments. How is it, after all, that 14 of twenty hurricanes were the product of “bombogenesis” during such a short two-month period in 2014?!
“Bomb Cyclone”: Geoengineers invent new weather event to cover up their meteorological manipulation
Even though geoengineering has been conducted for several decades, very few have yet to realize that there is a whole new generation of weather weaponry being used against the American people. Of course, these weaponized superstorms are also being directed at other nations with extremely damaging effects, but it’s the USA that has become the primary target of the NWO globalists. See: Full-Scale Weather War Being Waged Against America
False Flag Weather Warfare

The crucial understanding for the U.S. citizenry is that the 50 states are under unrelenting attack, as they have been since the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks. The Deep State globalists have executed numerous black operations and psyops throughout the country since September 11, 2001. But only those initiated in the realm of geoengineering arcana know that many of these “shock and awe” attacks have been made via weaponized weather.
Unknown to most, the primary weapons of choice are now catastrophic weather events and calamity-causing climate engineering. In this way the globalists and geoengineers had hoped to avoid the scrutiny of the ever-probing criminal investigators since highly distracting false flag operations can be much more easily carried out via weather weaponry.
Moreover, the Atlantic hurricane season comes and goes with each passing year providing a perfect context for the geoengineering perpetrators to literally hijack natural weather events. The geoengineers can greatly intensify any hurricane through the clandestine utilization of chemtrail aerosols, satellite and sea-based HAARP frequencies, Nexrad transmitting stations and strategically located power plants for massive moisture production. As follows:
Special Note:
It appears to be quite difficult for many readers to understand how superstorms are first created and then carefully guided to their predetermined destinations. Highly advanced scientific techniques and applied technology are now routinely utilized within the realm of geoengineering. Chemical geoengineering via chemtrails & chembombs, HAARP frequencies, Nexrad transmitters, power plants, as well as secret satellite-based modalities, are used with great dexterity in the manufacturing and steering of major hurricanes. However, in order to maintain plausible deniability, the geoengineers are now quite adept at taking a nascent and natural storm brewing off the coast of Africa and ramping it up to a Category 4 or 5 within hours. (Read: Is purposeful geoengineering causing the ‘rapid intensification’ of the 2017 hurricanes?) Geoengineering frankenstorms during hurricane season provides all the cover the globalists need to get away with these acts of war and terror practically scot-free.
(Source: HURRICANE MARIA:Another Weaponized Weather Event Geoengineered To Terrorize and Subjugate)
Let’s face it, there’s no better way to surreptitiously invade a territory than to launch a bomb cyclone or chembomb at it. The worldwide populace has seen so many chemtrails in the skies above them that they are now inured to these chemical assaults. Hence, false flag weather attacks are quite easily carried out virtually anywhere on the planet in broad daylight. In fact, they have become the: Ultimate False Flag Operation: Blaming Mother Nature for Terror Attacks Using Weather Weapons of Mass Destruction

A home on Glen Oaks Road damaged by mudslides in Montecito, California, U.S., January 10, 2018. Kenneth Song/Santa Barbara News-Press via REUTERS

California Mudslides

If the many photos (at the following link) of this week’s mudslides in California do not tell you that something is very wrong with their weather, then it’s high time to learn about geoterrorism. CALIFORNIA MUDSLIDES: Photos Reveal Awesome Devastation
It’s important to note that these geoengineered mudslides occurred after the worst wildfire season on record in California. Those geoengineered firestorms took place with such unrelenting ferocity because of the geoengineered drought that officially began during Governor Jerry Brown’s first term in January of 2011.
Herein lies the root of the problem of the Golden State’s terrible plight-GEOTERRORISM. What follows is an in-depth treatment of this frequently misunderstood subject: FIREGEDDON: Geoengineered California Firestorms Propagated to Terrorize and Manufacture Consent
Because Governor Brown was installed by the globalists to lead the pacesetting state of California into the New World Order, he has shown an extraordinary willingness to advance their agenda(s). This specifically includes the U.N. Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In reality, the Jesuit-trained Brown works for his NWO masters, not the people of the California. And folks from San Diego to Sacramento are finally getting wind of his incessant and reprehensible betrayals. CA Governor Jerry Brown Being Recalled By Furious Grassroots Movement
While the preceding observations about the Governor may seem harsh to some, all one has to do is perform a retrospective assessment of his actions and inactions since he took office. Brown has consistently acted contrary to the safety of the residents as he has against interests of the state. And his adamant refusal to even consider the massive body of hard scientific evidence supporting one geoengineered calamity after another is proof positive of his outright complicity.
it is public record that PGE and Rothschild financiers had built a solar array in space that was collecting solar wind and transmitting this as micro wave to receptive stations to turn the microwaves into electricity, in their electric grid. these collectors have been in service for a couple of years, but not published.
it turns out that that the 3 companies involved in this technological process are all located in the santa rosa area. in the middle of the fires, let none of these companies suffered any damage.

these wild fire were obviously geo engineered.
last week a article appeared in the san Francisco chronicle which told of how the ignition point of all 4 wild fires happen at a point of a significant PGE "appliance".

one had a branch fall across a line that was specifically designed to shut down if any problems occurred on that line. so this wild fire was started when a appliance failed and gave un impeded electricity to fed the fire.
the other 3 had similar association with PGE lines or machines. what is the probability that all 4 fires just coincidentally all started at a PGE entity.

all the while PGE is receiving microwaves transmission at the exact spot and time.

since November, the epicenter of the 4 wild fires had been know to be around PGE installations, but PGE said the fires starred on lines that were connected to PGE but not part of PGE's transmission system.

the new data shows conclusively that all 4 wild fires ignited at a known PGE appliance or installation.

yet like the 9/11 "kerosene can melt steel" psychosis,
PGE is counting of this type of psychosis to blind the populous to the fsct that PGE in collaboration with the Rothschilds burned northern California. rahu

the new data shows conclusively that all 4 wild fires ignited at a known PGE appliance or installation

the abnormality of the wild fires is so obvious that insurance companies in California have banded together to sue PGE for starting the fires. of course they are going to focus on the fact that PGE cut off devices are at fault and not considered the initial causal element where the microwave transmission from the orbiting satellites.
rahu 3356

California Fires: Laser Beams From The Sky – Be Warned – They Are In Full Swing!
What are the chances that 3 of the largest avionics military laser companies are located in the same exact area as the Santa Rosa, CA fires occurred, yet none got torched?
L-3 technologies, Keysight, AEG Industries and Sonoma Design Group are all in Santa Rosa and are held by some of the largest weapons manufactures in the world!

Additionally, over two weeks now, and no official ‘story‘ about how so many fires self ignited all at once in the middle of the dark of night.

5G, Pacific Gas and Electric? Climate Change w/ Diablo Winds? Are all being talked about but none come close to explain the hell fires that occurred and torched metal, glass, rubber, granite, etc. to the ground in minutes, yet left trees and other buildings in tact.
The second video shows Debora Tavares’ interview with Jeff Rense in 2015 conclusively provides documented proof of premeditation of fire destruction of Sonoma and Mendocino Counties, in Northern California using microwave weaponry.
Additionally, RFID trackers are being used to locate victims in the vaporized rubble that is left of former residences.
Part II will cover the logging companies efforts to provide massive fuel for West Coast forest fires using the hackn’ squirt tree destroying methods of the Fischer Brothers, of Levi Strauss Jeans and GAP Stores fame.
This is all part of Agenda 21, which we will show is in full swing directly after the fires.

this video was published over 2years by Deborah Tavares .she confronts PGE and others.
show predicted the north cal fires fire exactly as they happen.
she has now disappeared and can not be fund.
must see..

interestingly PGE is in cahoots with the Rothschilds. they already have in place space based solar collectors that turn the sunlight into microwaves which are then transmitted to collectors on earth. and guess where these microwave collectors are....Sevastopol California... ground zero of the wild fires.
these micro wave canbe aimed anywhere and the microwaves can cause fires and human deaths where ever thes are aimed.....again these are now operational theyare functioning and in orbit. so it is clear the southern California fires are being created by the same way the notrthern California fires were.

Thanks [URL][/URL]

this video was published over 2years by Deborah Tavares .she confronts PGE and others.
show predicted the north cal fires fire exactly as they happen.

interestingly PGE is in cahoots with the Rothschilds. they already have in place space based solar collectors that turn the sunlight into microwaves which are then transmitted to collectors on earth. and guess where these microwave collectors are....Sevastopol California... ground zero of the wild fires.
these micro wave canbe aimed anywhere and the microwaves can cause fires and human deaths where ever thes are aimed.....again these are now operational theyare functioning and in orbit. so it is clear the southern California fires are being created by the same way the notrthern California fires were.

the above video is no longer available because youtube/google/cia terminated the account.

this video had pictures of the email correspondence that Deborah Tavares had with state regulators who admitted that PGE and the rothschilds had huge reflectors in near earth orbit which were collecting solar wind, turning it into micros waves and transmitting these micro wave to facilities that were in the middle of the area of the wild fires.

clearly the /rothschilds/government is covering up the existence of this reflectors in space as the visual evidence of government officials admitting to the existence has been deleted.
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( in 2012 there were 00 PPM of aluminum oxide in the ground water and soil of northern ccalifornia. in 2016 there were 67,000 PPM of aluminum oxide in the soil in Shasta county CA rahu)

Plans to Burn-Up California & Beyond in Execution Phase ~ Wake Up All Video
(here's an interesting video claiming that the BLM is making the current forest fires 2:25 the video relates that a experienced fire fighter saw the forest fire get bigger after a plane dropped what was supposed to be flame retardants but actually was fire accelerators of some sort. other fire fighters saw the same thing happen. the normal chemical is reddish. this newchemical was slivery. when a fire fighter asked his superior about this, he was told this was a new chemical BLM was using. the fire fighter took a sample of the chemeical substance and it was anaylized . the results were shocking as ther residue wasmade up of phosphor, sulphur dioxide ,solidified turpentine, and thermite all of which are highly combustible agents............why is BLM trying to burn down the forest they are supposed to protect??????? rahu )

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(redding is in the first county(Shasta county) to hold public meetings about chemtrails in2014. at that time environmental scientist said that concentrations of aluminum oxide in the water in soil was 67,000 PPM whereas in 2012 there were 000PPM of aluminum oxide in the environment.
as already mentioned in this thread aluminum oxide is a fire accelerator. this is why these fires are ragging out of control and spreading so fast.rahu)

Wildfire near Redding nearly triples in size, triggers evacuations

Interstate 5 remains closed in Shasta County because of a fast-moving wildfire. The Delta Fire is burning about ten miles north of Redding. So far, the fire has grown to 23 square miles and has zero percent containment.

California wildfire devastates 34 square miles of land

The Telegraph California wildfire devastates 34 square miles of land

Telegraph Video,The Telegraph 9 hours ago


The Delta Fire in northern California near the Oregon border has burned more than 34 square miles of timber and brush and prompted evacuation orders for scattered homes and buildings in three counties in and around the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. At times, flames shot up 300 feet high.
The main West Coast highway between Mexico and Canada was a ghost road Friday morning along a 45-mile northern stretch that remained closed since the fire two days earlier swept down and turned hills on either side into walls of flame.
Crews managed to remove the burned and abandoned trucks on Thursday but flames continued to burn along an edge of the road in some areas, fire spokesman Brandon Vacarro said.
A decision was expected Friday on whether to reopen the highway but first authorities had to check the safety of the pavement and cut down burned trees next to the road - some of them 70 feet tall - that might be in danger of falling down.
Although the fire wasn't burning near any large towns, Vacarro said about 280 homes were considered threatened. There were some reports that homes had burned but Vacarro could only confirm that an outbuilding and two mixed-use commercial and residential buildings had been damaged
Everybody Here Is Dead"! Cars With Skeletons Burned in California DEW Attack! Most Harrowing Video Since 911!

Most Harrowing Video Since 911!! “Everybody Here Is Dead” Cars With Skeletons Burned in California DEW Attack!!

Folks… something is extremely wrong here…
“Everybody here is dead” says man.
Why wouldn’t someone leave their car if it as burning?
Is it because of DEW weapons?

Invisible weapons?
Invisible weapons that torch vehicles and houses faster than anyone can cope, AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT?
California Is Being “Lasered”!! Watch Athena War Lasers Demonstration In The Frickin’ News!!
Yup…. check the link!
Some more things to note:

The satellites play a key role in DEW attacks!!

Old guy had an old jeep… not a fancy car hooked up to satellites!!!

Oh ****… my theory is that the car doors were electronically locked and engines shut off by satellites.. that’s why we see no footage of burning moving vehicles! That’s why in this brief footage, only one skeleton was on the road… the rest of the skeletons were literally people TRAPPED IN THE CARS WHICH WERE ATTACKED BY AN INVISIBLE WEAPON THAT WAS SILENT AND TRAVELLED AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT.

The mainstream media is, of course, covering this up!!

There is so much more going on than just a series of regular fires.
Everybody Here Is Dead"! Cars With Skeletons Burned in California DEW Attack! Most Harrowing Video Since 911!

Most Harrowing Video Since 911!! “Everybody Here Is Dead” Cars With Skeletons Burned in California DEW Attack!!

Folks… something is extremely wrong here…
“Everybody here is dead” says man.
Why wouldn’t someone leave their car if it as burning?
Is it because of DEW weapons?

Invisible weapons?
Invisible weapons that torch vehicles and houses faster than anyone can cope, AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT?
California Is Being “Lasered”!! Watch Athena War Lasers Demonstration In The Frickin’ News!!
Yup…. check the link!
Some more things to note:

The satellites play a key role in DEW attacks!!

Old guy had an old jeep… not a fancy car hooked up to satellites!!!

Oh ****… my theory is that the car doors were electronically locked and engines shut off by satellites.. that’s why we see no footage of burning moving vehicles! That’s why in this brief footage, only one skeleton was on the road… the rest of the skeletons were literally people TRAPPED IN THE CARS WHICH WERE ATTACKED BY AN INVISIBLE WEAPON THAT WAS SILENT AND TRAVELLED AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT.

The mainstream media is, of course, covering this up!!

There is so much more going on than just a series of regular fires.

Enormous California Blast Plume Detected Off The Coast!!
Eerie Photos Suggest California Fires Is Waaar!! Especially After That Strange Explosion That Started It All!
Major Explosion in California Baffling Researcher, May Have Come From Inside Earth, or Directed Energy Weapon
West Coast “Radioactive Ash” Alert!! California Fire Burned Old Los Angeles Partial Nuclear Meltdown Site!!!
California Fires Started To Declare State Of Emergency To Pay Off Debt!! Crazy Theory, But Q Suggested It!!
Mystery in Malibu California! Steel and Asphalt Bridge “Buckled and Melted” While Trees Next to it Are Still Standing
California Fires And Natural Events Used To Advance Globalization Of California!! Agenda 2030, Highly Unusual Seismic Activity, And DEW Fires Happening At Same Time!!

California Arsonist Caught! Video Proof that Firestorms Started by DEW!

A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation

TMR Editor’s Note: It appears that the authorities were told by TPTB to find some arsonists to blame for the worst California firestorm season ever. See: Another Suspected Arsonist Arrested in Southern California
How else will they cover up the dual use of DEWs and chemical geoengineering that really started and quickly spread these devastating ’wildfires’.
The Millennium Report
November 12, 2018

How do out-of-control wildfires only burn down houses to the ground while leaving nearby trees completely unaffected?!
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(Psst Rahu... I'm on same page about all this UN Agenda stuff.......but can you flick over to Vedic and help out with my question? My RAHU placement is a huge huge issue in my life to understand...for years & years now..actually for longer even..!)


**(clip) means you must look at the video…have I ever let you down yet? Didn’t think so. Government is good at one thing. They’ll break your legs, steal money from somebody else to buy you crutches and say, see, if it weren’t for government, you wouldn’t be able to walk.

Weather modification, also known as climate intervention, is not the hair-brained concoction of some half-baked conspiracy theorist. It’s really happening all around us every single day of our lives to one extent or another.
There’s even a weath

California Fires Revelation! Fires Line Up Exactly in the Path as CA High Speed Rail System (Video)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 17:45


Scott L. Biddle

Anyone paying attention knows these fires are being caused by Direct Energy Weapons, but you may not know the back story…
Now to the new breaking information; These fires were pre-planned decades ago to line up EXACTLY with the new proposed Agenda 2030 high speed monorail system going from San Francisco to LA in lightning speeds.
The terminal is being built as we speak, only many homes and personal property lie in the way of this new rail system! Now it makes sense as to why the fires have picked up drastically, to complete the rail system as soon as possible!
I will link an article about the monorail system, oddly enough the government wants the entire system to be completed by 2029, one year before Agenda 2030 is online.

What do you think about the graphic above and this situation? Definitely interesting to say the least. Not one video about it but I did add some videos on evacuation routes and fire updates below via Leak Project etc.
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PERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation

TMR Editor’s Note: It appears that the authorities were told by TPTB to find some arsonists to blame for the worst California firestorm season ever. See: Another Suspected Arsonist Arrested in Southern California

How else will they cover up the dual use of DEWs and chemical geoengineering that really started and quickly spread these devastating ’wildfires’.
The Millennium Report
November 12, 2018

How do out-of-control wildfires only burn down houses to the ground while leaving nearby trees completely unaffected?!

Globalists Use Geoengineers to Conduct
False Flag Environmental Terrorism
to Distract from Election Theft

Operation Torch California is a very real ongoing black operation being
conducted by the U.S. Intelligence Community in collusion with Operation Gladio.
These false flag terrorist attacks are first and foremost a highly sophisticated psyop.
They have many goals. And they will continue until California has been completely
subjugated by the globalists.”

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

State of the Nation
The apocalyptic firestorms that have afflicted the state of California over the past 4 to 5 years are the direct result of deliberate acts of state-sponsored environmental terrorism. Specific regions around the state have been purposefully geoengineered to explode into massive conflagrations resembling various types of natural wildfires—forest fires, brush fires and grass fires. See: (CALIFORNIA FIRESTORMS GEOENGINEERED: Here’s why and who’s doing it)
The very same New World Order globalist cabal responsible for turning the Northern Levant (i.e. Syria and Iraq) into a dystopian, post-apocalyptic wasteland is also behind so many manmade calamities that are disguised as natural events across America. Hurricane Michael is another example of a geoengineered catastrophe that was aimed at the Florida Panhandle. HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!
Whereas the globalists utilized ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra terrorists to wage war against Syria and Iraq, they harness the forces of Mother Nature to stealthily wage weather warfare against the American people. And they get away with these highly destructive and deadly disasters by blaming ‘the weather’. They also use mass illegal immigration to flood the border states in order to carry out their Purple Revolution.
California firestorms are false flags and engineered

No one is saying that these biannual wildfire seasons haven’t threatened California every year for many decades. However, what the geoengineers are doing now is significantly intensifying each successive period of these out-of-control and massive infernos. The recent firestorm calamities have never taken place with such speed and ferocity, even during the worst wildfire seasons.
It’s what they are doing between the fire seasons that is particularly offensive to the people of California. The geoegineers have been overseeing a regimen of chemical geoengineering that rains downs a tremendous amount of aluminum oxide onto the land below. This chemical compound (‎‎Al2O3) comes from coal fly ash and is eventually incorporated into the plant structure of all vegetation. See: U.S. Government Spraying Tons Of Toxic Coal Fly Ash Into Atmosphere Via Chemtrails
In the aftermath of the unrelenting spraying of the skies across America with chemtrail aerosols, forests are slowly dying as the grasslands and brush are drying out at an unprecedented rate. 1875f mobilized aluminum has never been so prevalent throughout the atmosphere and it’s contaminating everything on the earth and in the seas. Vegetation of every kind is particularly susceptible to dehydration and therefore vulnerable to blight.
Then, after months or even years of droughts that are purposefully geoengineered, it doesn’t take much to trigger these telltale firestorms. Especially when the perpetrators are employing arson drones and satellite-based laser weapons is it quite easy to start a spate of fires like the “Camp Fire” that just destroyed Paradise, California. California’s Camp Fire: “Most destructive fire in state history”

KEY POINT: To name the most devastating fire in California history “Camp Fire”represents the profound cynicism associated with this well-planned pyro-psyop. How easy it is to now blame that geoengineered wildfire on a simple ‘camp fire’.
Not only was that horrific fire a fastidiously fabricated false flag operation, it was set by arsonists who were sponsored by and materially supported by the U.S. Federal Government. How else could the geoengineers get away with the deployment of fire-starting drones and laser-firing satellites except with government approval and the use of state assets. Massive Blue Laser Weapon Being Used in Unidentified City (Video)
KEY POINTS: The laser weapons involved with these acts of terrorism could only be permitted to be placed in the perfect positions to trigger these massive fires with the consent of the state and federal government. Airspace is, in fact, so tightly controlled and monitored that any intrusion via sky-based weaponry would be known in advance and warily tracked by the appropriate government agencies. Why, then, is this naked criminal activity always permitted in the skies of California? Why has Governor Brown allow unfettered spraying of the skies with chemtrails?
Now that the “false flag” component of these manmade fires is understood, the “engineered” aspect ought to be obvious. These manufactured fires neither start nor spread in the normal vectors associated with a natural wildfire. Hence, there’s only one explanation: arsonists have been enlisted in various capacities to do the dirty work. Some of those arsonists are flying drones that function as flame-throwers; others push the button from weaponized aircraft flying overhead. Then there are the satellite controllers directing laser beams on their targets below. See: Video Evidence of Tech Arson Being Used to Start the ‘Camp Fire’ that Destroyed Paradise CA

Malibu Fire Jumps to 35,000 Acres as Dozens of Homes Destroyed
Arsonists on the ground are frequently used by the perps to make sure these wildfires happen in certain locations. These arsonists vary widely depending on their assigned mission. Some are expertly CIA-trained arsonists who are also extremely competent at covering up their crime and not getting caught. Others are set up as fall guys who may have to be apprehended should the scheme start to unravel. Then there are those patsies who are purposely sent into the fire zone so that they can be accused (and convicted) of arson, although they are innocent. See: Arson Arrest Made In Fast-Moving Southern California Fire
Hard evidence

The great thing about unaltered satellite footage is that they always possess the classic signatures of unnatural events. While they can be misinterpreted, they don’t lie. Hence, in the case of these unnatural firestorms, there is plenty of incriminating hard evidence now available to the trained eye.
The following firsthand and quite revealing witness account is provided by a former volunteer firefighter. It sums of what many of us armchair investigators have known for years. However, this particular explanation goes far deeper into these black operations than any other we have seen. No. Cal. Witness Account of Suspicious Firestorm Activity by Former Volunteer Firefighter
Then there is satellite footage like that provided in this video. There are anomalies which appear in this video which can only be explained as the hand of man, not Mother Nature. VIDEO: CALIFORNIA BURNING BECAUSE OF DEW ATTACK (DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON)? The screen-capture below, which was taken from this video footage, is especially telling.

Take note of the 3 symmetrical blue dots (located in the center of this screenshot) that appeared on the satellite image exactly where the “Camp Fire” exploded out of nowhere in No. California. These laser signatures occurred just prior to the starting of the “Camp Fire” that completely destroyed Paradise, California.
Truly, there are so many manmade pieces to this Firegeddon scenario that they cannot all be covered in this one report. For instance, look at the melted metal hub caps from this moving video that shows the charred bodies of several individuals trapped in their incinerated vehicles. California Camp Fire Graphic Aftermath (Video)
The photos in the following link show a road in Malibu that buckled even though there was nothing of note that would burn to the high temperatures necessary to melt asphalt and twist the steel guard rails. Really, how did that happen unless it was somehow torched from above by a very powerful pyro-weapon. How does steel twist and asphalt buckle when there’s nothing to burn under bridge in Malibu fire?
There are many photos at the following link which tell a story that is substantially different from the official narrative. It’s impossible for houses to burn down to the ground and all sorts of trees and other structures nearby remain completely untouched by the flames. It’s also impossible for vehicles to get so burned out that the metal tire rims melt into streams of molten fluid, especially when trees a few feet away are unscathed by the fire.
How did these vehicles burn up in the Cali. fires when trees nearby remain untouched?

There’s also evidence emerging of weather modification being used to create favorable conditions for these firestorms to start and then “spread like wildfire”. Various geoengineering investigators are posting their reports about weather anomalies which can only be explained by the various atmospheric manipulation techniques. See: Satellite Transmitter-Generated Blockade Prevents Weather From Moving Into California (Video)

How did all these vehicles burn so badly on a wide highway surrounded by sparse vegetation?
Who’s behind this and why are they burning down California?

The best way to understand how these disastrous acts of firestorm terrorism are being carried out is to identify who’s doing it and why. Only then will the true scope of Operation Torch California be properly comprehended. As follows:

.S. Air Force Pilot Exposes Top Secret Chemtrail Program — It's Called 'Operation Indigo Skyfold'

Chemical Geoengineering Operations Are Carried Out Worldwide — 24/7 — with False ‘National Security’ Justification

Chemtrail Pilot Speaks Out:

The following video exposé is quite extraordinary by any standard.

A secret chemtrail pilot speaks out for the first time in modern history.

He reveals information that’s so classified and data so radioactive, he surely risked his life by releasing it.

This brave military pilot makes clear the false justification for the patently unlawful and highly toxic chemtrail spraying of skies across America that has been taking place for decades — ‘National Security’.

For years many folks have asked why do the chemtrail jet pilots participate in an atmosphere-polluting program that’s so harmful to both people and planet.

ANSWER: Because they have been thoroughly mind-controlled into believing their chemtrail missions are undertaken to protect the American people.

This is how Deep State has always gotten away with so many deadly and destructive programs over the past century; they couch them within the fake context of national security.

In point of fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Chemtrail aerosols contain aluminum oxide, barium salts, strontium and other poisonous chemical compounds that have no business being in our atmosphere.

The name of this illicit chemical geoengineering program is:


“Maybe my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as well.”

Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers.

In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences.

No matter what the stated reasons are given to those who fly the chemtrail jets, they are always told by their superiors that this ongoing and illegal atmosphere-altering program is being conducted in the interest of NATIONAL SECURITY.

You’ll notice that NATIONAL SECURITY appears crooked because the whole intention behind geoengineering is as dangerously misguided as it is deceptively false. The indiscriminate, wide-area and systematic spraying of toxic aerosols throughout the skies of the world couldn’t possibly have anything to do with ‘national security’.

Those that buy into such a ridiculous notion have obviously been either brainwashed or bribed into believing such an absurd and nonsensical agenda.

That’s precisely why this unprecedented exposé is so important. Never before has anyone directly involved with the piloting of chemtrail airliners ever gone public.

Not only does “Blue Jay 1”, as he is known, go public, he completely blows the lid off of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD. This single act of identifying the name of what is perhaps the most destructive government program in recorded history is extremely critical.


Because it now gives the worldwide anti-geoengineering advocacy groups a target to hit within their own nations and governments. How, after all, could government officials and political leaders at every level — federal, state, county and city — be so clueless about a massive aerosol spraying program that is going on in the skies right above them?!

Can any responsible representative continue to plead such ignorance or indifference and get away with it?

That’s why this critical development is so huge! Really HUGE! It is what we have all been waiting for, yet so few in the movement really get it. Which is why this particular message has to be taken to the wider public.

Because at the end of the day — every day — every human being on every continent will REALLY abhor two things about the now ubiquitous chemtrails.

I. Chemtrails routinely transform warm sunny days into cool cloudy ones.

No one likes to see their clear sunny days stolen after a couple of hours of chemtrailing. Day after day of overcast skies have profoundly changed many a locale which have traditionally experienced clear skies. Is there anyone who prefers damp cloudy days to dry sunny ones? Certainly the people of Florida and California want their fun in the sun! So does the rest of the USA.

II. Chemtrails contain a mix of toxic chemicals and poisonous compounds such as barium salts, aluminum oxide, strontium, mercury among many others, which eventually end up falling to Earth.

The chemtrail mix of toxins inevitably leaves its residues on farm fields and forests, lakes and ponds, and lawns and gardens.

How does one possibly stop the noxious chemicals from entering one’s home and automobiles, office building and shopping malls? Who ever wants a toxic chemtrail brew dropped on them every other day?!

Geoengineering has proven — unequivocally — to be extremely detrimental to both human health and the greater planetary environment. As for the many adverse health effects, the link below gives an excellent summary.

Chemtrail Pilot Speaks Out:

“First of all I would like to say that I do not agree with my mission assignments, but what soldier ever truly does? Several of us have considered bucking the ranks, and going AWOL from time to time. We are kept in the dark when it comes to getting honest answers about what we are really spraying. Should they discover that we or our families are actively enquiring about the so-called ‘chemtrails’ term, then automatic and swift disciplinary action would be taken.

HAARP and radar are two other non-allowed research subjects. Unless our children are learning about these in base schools, we cannot educate ourselves or our children through any public education system. I would not intentionally spray my children or family with toxic aerosols, but as you must know, perhaps 80% of the pilots do not have any family or children.

Indigo pilots are chosen from top ranks within the Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard. Most of the pilots are ‘hardened to humanity’ and could care less killing off unwanted or leaching aspects of America and the world. I swear to you, the majority of the pilots are like machines, I call them “Tanker Terminators”.

I should not be telling you this, but nearly 1/3 of all flights are being orchestrated from small unnamed islands, where newly constructed bases are being built at a rate of 8 per year. On these extremely remote islands there are HAARP rays of every possible design, with many arrays surrounding these islands within the depths of the ocean itself.

The Navy has developed sophisticated underwater construction technology that allows fully autonomous robot submersibles to travel great distances, and even manufacture parts for these massive underwater arrays as they progress across the open sea floor.

Every time that you see or hear about military exercises at sea, they’re basically there to give support and resupply their army of underwater robotic minions. There is possibly one aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that. You will never be able to Google Earth or Search any of this.

Other than an occasional error in blurring some island bases, or smudged images of underwater arrays, it is impossible to locate all these advanced technological devices. They even paint fake clouds over some of our island installations to keep prying eyes away.

I have been shown some of these images by civilian friends. That is the reason I know this. I completely understand your concern for human safety, and here is the kicker. We are shown videos in our training of catastrophic destruction to our homeland by very sophisticated weapons, then told that these will be the consequences if we don’t fly.

Our efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapon shield are the only missions of its kind in the world. We are paid more than any other pilot for our service, other than Air Force One pilots who make as much or more and are kept in a dark, secret world for their own protection. They tell us that secrecy is our protection, and not to listen to any public rhetoric.

We all know about cyber program flash-point or FP- 03 as it is known within the veteran community. This program is a self-destruct sequence that can be remotely activated from any ground, water surface, underwater base, as well as any other air mobile unit. The signal is encrypted through three satellites and cannot be jammed or blocked. At any given moment you could have only 15 seconds to make your peace with your God.

They tell us that FP exists to keep planes from accidentally going down in heavily populated areas. They can remotely detonate our planes over safe zones, but in the back of your minds, our minds, we’re pretty sure this is a fail-safe program to keep pilots from turning over assets to any public, private, or civilian authorities.

Have you ever seen any member of the crew survive the few crashes that have occurred? Every plane that has gone down was completely destroyed … for good reason, I am sure. We risk our lives in more ways than one, every single time we fly, especially during night flights.

They are ordering us to fly at lower and lower altitudes. We feel like a massive “Dark Force Empire”of crop dusters, and know that one night Bubba, or Billy Joel, will fire there long rifles at us when we spray their moonshine-making operation, or pass over an illegal Mary Jane crop.

I know for a fact that some planes have been shot at, and subsequently brought down by mostly Russian, Chinese, and Korean weaponry, but the media will never cover these events as they are not allowed to report on our flights either. That must be true, for I have yet to see a detailed or in lengthy report of our missions on any public venue other than conspiracy shows and anti-government websites.

I risk everything for disclosing so much information and you will find very few like me. Even my own flight crew would have me arrested and court martialed if they knew of this dialogue. That is why I cannot email you directly, but from what your cousin tells me you are also risking everything just to get this information out to your colleagues.

I salute you sir, for standing up to the establishment and Big Brother. I would love to go home tomorrow and not rack up one more single minute of flight time, except for a sweet little Piper Cub, or Rat Tail Barn Racer. I miss those beautiful blue skies from my youth, and I am ashamed for hazing over that dream.

More importantly, maybe my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as well. I only know a small fraction of the larger picture, as they compartmentalize everything. Should I become aware of any new significant developments I will email your cousin.

The man I have contact with says he senses a wavering within the ranks, and that a kind of mutiny is beginning to boil to the surface of this whole geoengineering global whitewashing, if you catch my drift. My cousin still has friends in high places too, so he is helping to protect the pilot.

*** ***

Last word from the pilot and I quote. “All pilots on leave are required to report to their CO by Dec 15th for special training operations, to qualify for Indigo Phase 2 flights, expected to be initiated by January 21.”

Those were his words, not the actual Air Force message. He wanted me to stress that. He believes that the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of California and Texas, in order to advance the drought further into the heartland; plus, he feels that a very new and extremely toxic chemtrail mix is going to be sprayed, using new technology that makes these special chemtrails completely invisible.

“Atmosphere shield of protection”, he doesn’t believe that either. So that is the end of the message from this chemtrail pilot.

From my own experience I’ve had a lot of contact with this guy for six months via the Internet, and basically everything he told me has turned out to be true, so I have no reason to doubt any of this, and hope you forward it.

This also points out how difficult it is to fight this program because people inside the program are not subject to public opinion or exposed to public information sources. Therefore, we need to brainstorm and come up with the way to shut down this program, as it is actually heating the planet, and killing everything with elevated UV rays, and toxic metals.

Thank you for listening.


An active chemtrail pilot has quite courageously stepped out of the shadows at great risk to his career and his life. Such a sacrifice ought to compel the fast-growing community of anti-chemtrail advocates to disseminate his much needed message. Raising the worldwide awareness around this pilot’s unprecedented disclosures seems essential toward shutting down the current form of global geoengineering.

Operation Indigo Skyfold has been OUTED. We now know its name. We now know how it works. We have been informed that it is being expanded in 2015 and is now more dangerous than ever.


Smoking Gun: Hard Evidence Shows Camp Fire Was Manmade, Genocide & Mass Destruction of Paradise Carefully Planned

Devastation left in the wake of the Camp Fire in November 2018

November’s Camp Fire Conflagration Was Fanned by Microwaves Disseminated by 3 GWEN Stations (See satellite imagery)

Evidence submitted by MAGA**PROUD TEXAN** (@drew91172026); Same ID at
Additional evidence will be posted at which will be activated within a week
*MPT has done a superb job of capturing the incriminating satellite imagery which proves conclusively what took place in Northern California to start the devastating Camp Fire. This evidence alone is strong enough to issue a citizen’s indictment against a whole host of characters who were deeply involved in the genocide at Paradise, CA. His extraordinary efforts are a great example of what a courageous citizen journalist and smart forensic investigator can do. The irrefutable hard evidence he found has the potential to lock up the perps up and down the whole chain of command. Since such a crime spree inevitably involved a vast criminal conspiracy at the federal, state, county and city levels, the ongoing cover-up will assist with the identification of each individual and institutional perpetrator.

Satellite image shows incredible fiery heat of Camp Fire…that’s what microwaves do especially when they’re turned way up by GWEN Stations
SOTN Editor’s Note: Proof has been presented via the hard scientific evidence provided by Nexrad Radar, Autocad Civil 3D, Modis 6 and VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) satellite hot-spot data that microwaves produced from 3 GWEN stations were utilized to trigger the California’s devastating Camp Fire. What follows are 2 screenshots showing the cluster of microwaves that were transmitted throughout the exact area where the Camp Fire exploded.

GWEN Stations: The Preferred Weapon of Pyro-terrorism

Now here’s a real-time video of the Camp Fire getting hit by microwaves just as the fire was getting started and spreading. Pay special attention to the blips on the screen that occur in the northwest quadrant of the screen which are surreptitiously emanating from one of the GWEN stations.
MAGA**PROUD TEXAN**@drew91172026

· Dec 12, 2018

Replying to @drew91172026
his youtube videos are amazing!! everyone needs to check out above ground world news live. he has everything there in extremely well done videos​

MAGA**PROUD TEXAN**@drew91172026

here’s the camp fire getting hit with microwaves​

5:28 AM – Dec 12, 2018

The precise location of the three GWEN Stations have been pinpointed as seen on the maps below:

GWEN Stations actually have many applications as the following excerpt explains, especially controlling the weather.

MPT has included his own seasoned opinion in the tweet below:
MAGA**PROUD TEXAN**@drew91172026

· Dec 12, 2018

Replying to @drew91172026
*******EVERYONE………..THIS IS ALL REAL!!******​
i have read the research papers, academic journals, government and private results of experiments, scholarly peer reviewed articles, government patents, etc.
i know its not pleasant to think about, but it exists nonetheless

MAGA**PROUD TEXAN**@drew91172026

even though its being used for evil, this is not some kind of dark force which cant be fought back against. its all happening thru the laws of man & nature which means we have the ability to do something about it.
we cant stay low and hope it gets better. Trust me, it won’t!​

11:31 AM – Dec 12, 2018

The following screenshot from Wikipedia offers some very relevant history of GWEN military technology (AN/URC-117 Ground Wave Emergency Network).

MAGA**PROUD TEXAN**@drew91172026

here is the last one everybody. there is no need to search any further. in my post yesterday i only found one beam hitting the camp but there was actually two. that came from my friend @Kt23kartracer

5:28 AM – Dec 12, 2018

Notice the straight line diagonal from the upper left to the lower right in the first image below. There are other frequency signatures that stand out which serve as categorical evidence of an obvious directed energy attack. This kind of phenomenon does NOT exist in nature and can only be explained as a manmade event using highly advanced military technology.

MAGA**PROUD TEXAN**@drew91172026

· Dec 12, 2018

Replying to @drew91172026
pretty sure this is where they are coming from. the lines match. they are gwen sites​

MAGA**PROUD TEXAN**@drew91172026

@Kt23kartracer we were right buddy. i know what the blue lights are. notice where they appear and the angle.
three dots in the beginning are coming directly from the east because the are full square pixels and they seem to be hitting it directly like its coming north that lake.​

9:18 AM – Dec 12, 2018

Timestamp Comparisons

What follows are the exact timestamp comparisons between the developing Camp Fire via satellite imagery and the GWEN Station transmissions that fueled these engineered fires. Please click on each of the 5 screenshots to enlarge or go the “Addendum” below to see the critical data in even greater detail.


Important video from Daily Motion Embed code doesn’t work here.

While the foregoing presentation is only a preliminary news report, the conclusive proof provided herein represents a complex and convoluted crime spree committed against the American people.
The degree of power and influence necessary to carry out such a deadly and destructive crime wave goes way above even the Very Deep State, the hidden hierarchy that has total command and control over the notorious Deep State.
Therefore, the proper prosecution of these “crimes against humanity” committed throughout California during November of 2018 hold the possibility of taking down the entire World Shadow Government and its ubiquitous Global Control Matrix.
In light of this urgent and weighty task, SOTN respectfully requests that every reader circulate this radioactive report as quickly and widely as possible.
We’ve got ’em this time! The New World Order globalist cabal really ******* up in California and it will come back to haunt them—BIG TIME!
To follow more technical developments of this criminal case, please go to
Patriot Action Plan

#StopCAGenocide … Before Operation Torch California Enters Final Phase

State of the Nation
December 14, 2018
Author’s Note

Another excellent reference site for these DEW black operations is the following YouTube channel: What follows is just one of many informative videos created by Mike Morales.
DEW Weapons Leave Telltale Satellite Signatures at Camp Fire Site (Video)
Recommended Reading

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation
PARADISE CALIFORNIA: Target of a Highly Organized Attack by the NWO Globalist Cabal to Steal the Land
CALIFORNIA DEW ATTACKS: NWO Globalists Can’t Believe They Got Away With So Much Mass Murder and Destruction

HARD EVIDENCE: Images Documenting the Microwaves that Started the “Camp Fire”
*Additional evidence will be linked in this section as soon as it is uploaded by the crime scene investigators.


Trees Turned Blue Then Exploded in Flames! CA Fires Witness Testimony!


New evidence coming in from witnesses from the fires in Paradise California and it’s shocking! One person who speaks on this video spent 50 hours trying to escape!
Here’s some of the things you’ll learn in this video.

Everything turned blue before exploding in flames! Trees turned blue and then exploded! Pictures of this shown in the video! You’ll also see a directed energy weapon (DEW) beam hitting a tree in the video.
All the cars this witness saw had bodies in them! What type of a weapon did this? One thing is sure, this weapon torched everything connected to power as well as cars attempting to flee! Anything with metal seems to be affected. There were people severely burned by the metal in their pants zippers! Power poles on fire with nothing burning around them! Trees fine but things connected to power or containing metal burst into flame! Seems like some type of a microwave weapon to me.

(here is clear evidence that trump is just a pawn of the Rothschild's new world order. he claims the rents violent fires in California are due to poor management and is covering up the fact that years of spraying aluminum oxide on the forest from chemtrails and the conscious arson by PGE, FEMA and the Rothschild's micros reflector in orbit are the cause of these
the latest violent fires were all on the path of he much maligned "bullet train" path that the Rothschild corporatism want home owners who have refused to sell their properties have few option as here estates are smoldering ashes. rahu)

Trump threatens to cut FEMA funding for California wildfires

President Trump threatened to cut federal emergency funding for California’s firefighters in the middle of a partial government shutdown.
On Wednesday morning, Trump complained that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sends billions of dollars to California to fight fires that are the result of poor forest management.
“Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forrest [sic] fires that, with proper Forrest [sic] Management, would never happen. Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, I have ordered FEMA to send no more money. It is a disgraceful situation in lives & money!” Trump tweeted.
Based on Trump’s phrasing, it’s unclear whether he meant that he has already ordered the funding to stop until the issue is addressed or if he would order the funding to stop if the issue isn’t addressed.
When reached for comment, the FEMA news desk responded with a boilerplate email about the partial government shutdown, which is the result of an impasse over the proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. It read: “Thank you for contacting the Federal Emergency Management Agency Press Office. Due to the federal funding hiatus, we are not able to respond to general press queries.”
California Gov. Gavin Newsom responded on Twitter that the people of California and the town of Paradise in particular should not be the victims of partisan bickering. Paradise was incinerated in the Camp Fire last November, and suffered a death toll of 86 people.
“Disasters and recovery are no time for politics. I’m already taking action to modernize and manage our forests and emergency responses,” Newsom said.
The Trump administration routinely argues that California’s forests need to be thinned out so that flames cannot spread from one tree to the other as quickly and blames “radical environmentalists” for opposing these proposals.
Environmental groups have long opposed the commercial logging of large healthy trees and dispute the notion that it would help prevent fires. It’s true that removing dead undergrowth, such as twigs and needles, would help, but conservationists say that cutting the largest, most fire-resistant trees would leave saplings and other smaller, fire-vulnerable trees exposed.
Jonathan Cox, an assistant chief with San Mateo County Fire Department and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire), told Yahoo News this epidemic has many variables and that there’s no silver bullet. Over the last 100 years, overdevelopment, population growth and climate change have all contributed to the problem. He said solving the crisis would require long-term, systemic social change.
Nevertheless, the Trump administration is ignoring the role of climate change in drying out fields, trees and other vegetation in California — turning much of the state’s forested land into a tinderbox. Just last year, the Golden State suffered some of the largest and most destructive wildfires in its history.
The staff at Cal Fire has stopped thinking in terms of a fire season, which traditionally ran from around June until late October, and are now on alert for destructive wildfires all year round. As the world grapples with global warming, the trend toward more frequent, more powerful wildfires in California is expected to continue.
Steve Reaves, president of FEMA’s union, appeared alongside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer at a press conference Wednesday. He said FEMA is recovering from one of the most active hurricane seasons in recent memory and last year’s historic wildfires.
“Normally, this is when we restock. This is when we rest our people. This is when we prepare for the next big disaster. What this means is, anyone who needs insurance claims, property damages while we’re out, and the American people ask, ‘Where’s FEMA?’ We’re furloughed,” Reaves said. “We need the government opened now.”