can a psychic be gay?

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Of course they can be gay. What a silly idea of that astrologer to think otherwise. Never heard such nonsense, sorry!

the last psychic i went to tried to hug me :love: so i never came back

Well, mine always hugs me when I arrive and when I leave. She is married with children and I have been married for 34 years and also have children. I am a "man" woman , I love them!!
LOL. I definately know a gay psychic. They can be gay, black, a woman even!

Seriously, is this something you heard about placements in their natal - psychic ability and sexual orientation not lining up? Please explain.
Ummm, have you ever seen/heard James Van Prague? Sorry, couldn't resist.

Lol, sorry but this is really the weirdest thing I have ever heard. And as long as your astrologer isn't trying to grab your privates, I'm sure it's all on the up and up. :lol: Seriously though, if you don't want someone to hug you, just ask them not to.
ROTFMAOOOOOO! Templeton!!!! you get a nobel prize for sense of humor
I think the more important question is, can a catholic priest be straight??
Although it's unheard of in the annals of human history, I think science wouldn't deny the possibility.
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Seriously? Why the in the world couldn't an astrolger or psychic be gay? This place is full of gay astrologers, start a thread about it and you'll see, plus many people here try to develop their psychic sense.

On a different note, why would you not go back to a psychic/astrologer because they tried to hug you? Many of these professionals, like people I know who teach humanities, are the exact opposite of 'business people', they always put people ahead of money, so I'd expect compassion and friendship to be far more important to them than money and competition...

So odd...:andy:


Here is the definition of a hug, from the

hug (h
g)v. hugged, hug·ging, hugs To clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace.
2. To hold steadfastly to; cherish: He still hugs his outmoded beliefs.
3. To stay close to: a sailboat hugging the shore.

v.intr. To embrace or cling together closely.

n.1. A close, affectionate embrace.
2. A crushing embrace, as in wrestling.

Nothing about these statements would indicate sexual desire, as they stand alone. So, if someone hugs you, and you feel sexual desire, that has to do with the "vibe" of the hug. If your astrologer/psychic was sending you sexual vibes, you'd know, you wouldn't immediately connect it to their supposed sexuality. That just seems a bit uncouth and improper, and very damaging to the hug, and your rapport and relationship with this said psychic.

Astrologers, psychic, all sorts of intuitive types, as was said, can be gay, straight, bisexual, or queer of some kind. Definition of "queer" here:

It really doesn't impact their performance in these matters, because your sexual orientation, though a way you may identify at times, for certain reasons, is not the core of who you are. As Tikana suggested, it might be able to allow for one to be more sensitive or intuitive, but not always, and I certainly wouldn't treat this as fact. We are more than who we have sex with, or who we desire, and we are not defined by these desires, nor our actions based on our desires. (Pedophiles and Rapists are completely different in this respect.) We are much freer than that. It ultimately comes down to how we conduct ourselves in our romantic/intimate/sexual encounters, that matters most. This, as an aside, sounds nothing like a sexual encounter, or even close. These identifiers as gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, can be co-opted, reclaimed even, to make a statement regarding how people are mistreated based on who they love or desire, but they again, are not the core of who someone is. Injustice and discrimination is a reason to co-op one of these identity categories, but it is no reason to see them as a total or complete representation of who one is. That's just illogical, in my opinion. That's like saying all you are is the color of your skin, or the clothes on your back. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't. In this case, I don't think it mattered one iota how this person identified, it was what they had to offer you as a psychic in this instance.

So this hug was probably representative of this person's genuine concern and connection to you. Psychics share a great deal of themselves with others, and the energetic exchange in a hug can be quite valuable, and way to replenish this resource, or connect in a grounded way. It happens independent of the money received, because money doesn't immediately restore our energetic needs, the way a hug might. Maybe she/he needed to know you were ok, or that you both felt understood by one another. Privacy is a huge concern with psychics and astrologers, and creating tangible boundaries through hugging can be important.

As for the fear of bias? :shrugs: Aren't we all a little biased? :looks around at the community:

Now, if this hug was seen as a sexual threat, or a sexual advance, perhaps there is something to that, but I have not seen you write anything like that here, so this is only my assumption on the matter. If this person was projecting desires on to you, which made you feel uncomfortable, gay, straight, independent, cheesy, and so on, and it went so far as to make you feel uncomfortable during hug, well that's a very different story.
Yea that is a completely crazy thing to tell your friend.

A person's skills have nothing to do with their sexual orientation, perhaps the astrologer had something against being gay? For a few years, I went to see a tarot reader who was gay, he was the only one I went to because he was always accurate.

Lucky you, having a hug offered! In this day and age, they can be hard to come by..

I would approciate if you stick to the facts of what has been and has not been said

"sexual orientation has nothing to do with preventing someone from being psychic. As far as i know, a lot of gay guys would be very good psychics because they are more intune with their feminine side. They are very receptive to women, why else a lot of women have gay guys as their best friends!???!!!!!! "

"As Tikana suggested, it might be able to allow for one to be more sensitive or intuitive, but not always, and I certainly wouldn't treat this as fact."

In simple English 101, I NEVER stated this as a fact.
The difference is i said "A LOT OF GAY GUYS" I do not know how good is your english but A LOT does not mean your "ALWAYS."

Gotta go
Yea that is a completely crazy thing to tell your friend.

A person's skills have nothing to do with their sexual orientation, perhaps the astrologer had something against being gay? For a few years, I went to see a tarot reader who was gay, he was the only one I went to because he was always accurate.

Lucky you, having a hug offered! In this day and age, they can be hard to come by..

Neptune.... so true. Especially the hug part. Physical touching is incredibly important to our well-being. :)
Actually, thinking about it, I've had gay tarot readers, straight tarot readers, gay mediums and straight mediums talk to me, I had a male astrologer hit on me, I presume he was not gay...

Lacellrein, I would be curious to see what provoked the astrologer to say that to your friend.
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Actually, thinking about it, I've had gay tarot readers, straight tarot readers, gay mediums and straight mediums talk to me, I had a male astrologer hit on me, I presume he was not gay...

Lacellrein, I would be curious to see what provoked the astrologer to say that to your friend.

I'm interested too Lacellrein.

Perhaps this astrologer had had negative experiences with people who had abused their trust through sexual means. Perhaps this one had been done during a time of something spiritual and far-removed from the act of sex and it's many constituents, placements, and contexts. An astrology reading or psychic reading is not a place I think people would expect to get hit on, and for some, that can be a bit intense when they've left their spiritual guards down, but sometimes, it can be a bit relaxing too, since you're all open and what not, and sharing so much. This vulnerability can be appealing or endearing in others, even attractive. It could be kind of a perfect time, it all depends on how you see it. This is something Neptune could be referring to her in her experience. Or she could just be being remotely objective here.

It sounds like, this astrologer, for some reason, that may have something to do with them, or their way of seeing the world for some reason, is critical of sexuality in the workplace, particularly the "non-normative demarcations." Moreover, this extends into them having something to say/criticize/indict with spiritually about those who are "gay" or perform sexual acts we "call" gay." You appear to be connecting this (what the astrologer thinks about gay people or those who perform gay acts) with an issue of these "kinds" of person's capacity to be unbiased when giving an astrology reading. Excuse me but I still do not understand this. Why does it matter so much?

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I suppose...
I don't really know...but I'd assume...
This is stereotypes....but stereoscopically psychics are I'd assume psychics could be gay....


Any gay psychics here?
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that and his readings were also off. he kept telling me i was a beautiful person inside and out and he didn't know whether to push me or hug me. well i guess i know what he chose. :sick:

So, you'd rather he have pushed you? see this is what I don't understand. You're saying two different things at once... you'd *rather* he push you then express his loving desire for you. (sounds like "loving desire/loving kindness" because of the "beautiful person inside and out" bit) Is this because at least the physical violence would have made sense to you? Perhaps you imagined him to be thinking: get away from me, I am a Man, and you're a Man, and I shouldn't want you, but I do? And you (lacellrein) would have rathered, for your own sanity and sense of things (as I am guessing by your "puke face") have him act like this, than hug you? Am I right in this? Do tell me if I am wrong.

he probably meant psychic since it wouldn't make sense why an astrologer cannot be gay. it's pretty scientific.

Hang on, which is scientific, the astrologer, or the sexuality?

why is that? is this a known fact? this is like the reverse of what the astrologer said but on a positive bias.

personally, i see this belief system around sexuality as part of colloquialisms, or commonly held beliefs in society based on a number of factors which are all related to each other somehow. I don't see the science of this anywhere, even as a psychology of sorts. i think it's all layers of fabrication through words and language which create certain distorted perceptions of things.just my opinion of course.
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you're taking it too literally.:lol: those were his words not mine, which he kept repeating. of course i would not prefer he push me. that would even be weird. i would prefer nothing actually.

Well I don't blame you for "preferring" nothing, as you were probably not expecting this relationship with this person to extend beyond what it was intended to be. But still, I think you've been a bit harsh about this person's behavior. That's just me though. I think you read into it too much. :tongue:

i meant astrology. in that there is a method for it.

ah thanks, just wanting to be clear, appreciate you spelling it out for me here.

it doesn't. in short the astrologer said gay men cannot be psychics.

so you're saying this astrologer said that *just* gay men can't be psychics? I'm still curious Lacellrein, what were the grounds that the astrologer said this on, to use as proof that people, gay male people in this respect, cannot be psychics? Why did they feel this way? What was the context of this conversation?
Perhaps this astrologer had had negative experiences with people who had abused their trust through sexual means. Perhaps this one had been done during a time of something spiritual and far-removed from the act of sex and it's many constituents, placements, and contexts. An astrology reading or psychic reading is not a place I think people would expect to get hit on, and for some, that can be a bit intense when they've left their spiritual guards down, but sometimes, it can be a bit relaxing too, since you're all open and what not, and sharing so much. This vulnerability can be appealing or endearing in others, even attractive. It could be kind of a perfect time, it all depends on how you see it. This is something Neptune could be referring to her in her experience. Or she could just be being remotely objective here.

Hmmm what is Neptune doing...?

I would be very careful not to project anything at all onto what I think the astrologer was doing, so as not to misunderstand the intentions of the astrologer. We each have our own personal experience of this world and the reasons for one person doing something will be completey different from anothers'. In this, I am refering to the astrologer mentioned in the initial post as well as anyone else.

As for me, and my little 'hit on' experience, it was only a half hour session i took spur of the moment. I think my Scorpio Uranus was conjunct his ascendant, so how could he help himself ;) Seriously though, there was nothing really in it at all, it wasn't an amazing magical experience where I was sharing myself and open, I was just being my usual self, he found me attractive as I did him a little but didn't take it further. I simply took it as a compliment.

Sticking to the facts


I SAID: As Tikana suggested

(as facts cannot be suggested)


(it being the "gay male thing" which appears to be our point of reference)

MIGHT be able to allow for one

(ONE = gay male individual in question or in reference)

to be more sensitive or intuitive

(this meaning "feminine" and could have little or nothing to do with sexuality, and more with bodies.)

but not always,

(hence not saying this is fact, and nor were you)

certainly wouldn't treat this as fact.
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maybe she had a reading with the astrologer and were making small talk about other new age non astro stuff. i don't know. he is not my astrologer.

this is possible, but what a strange comment to let slip out. I still don't understand this context! :throws hands up: I'm just confused please explain to me why anyone would be saying such things. I still don't get it! If it's not true, why are people saying these things?

maybe it's bias like if i believed male interior decorators that were straight were the best because they loved women, while gay men and women decorators loved men, which are the less beautiful of the species. :sideways: that wouldn't make sense. what about lesbian decorators? they love women too.

Some men are beautiful, more beautiful than women it seems. :sideways:
Some men are beautiful, more beautiful than women it seems.
I'm a living example of that. :smile:

Reading this thread, one thought kept entering my mind. It doesn't matter if the person is into "New Age mumbo jumbo" or not; generational, societal, cultural, regional, moral, religious, etc. etc. beliefs will still be present, and not always consciously. And it just so happens that, historically, many people did not approve of/like gay men. I don't know the proper term for the phenomenon I'm trying to describe, but hopefully you'll understand my point.

Either way, the opinion of one individual, through hearsay, is uninteresting to me. There are obviously many well-known gay male psychics; whether they are actually psychic or not is a mystery, but the fact remains: there are gay male psychics.

I don't understand why so much discussion is coming out of this. It's really quite amusing. I think some of you/us are guilty of using the forum as a therapy session. :smile: