can a psychic be gay?

Astrologers' Community

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AHHHH ET NOW i know who posed for Michelangelo's David statue...
Astrologer, Psychic, Gay ,Straight, Male , Female = HUMAN
Homosexual.Hetrosexual.Bisexual.Transexual = HUMAN
White.Black,Red,Yellow.Brown = HUMAN
to believe otherwise = IGNORANCE
Stop the hatred and spread the hugs. HUGS are GOOD. They relay love and warmth.

I am a new member and hope to make a few friends.
Blessings to the room
Whomever You share a bed with has NOTHING to do with how Intuitive and Perceptive You are. How well a person is plugged into the Socket of Spirit Central has nothing to do with whether they're dating Charlie Or Charlene. That is completely silly.
I have deleted the off topic comments, and sexually orientated crude jokes. Can we please stay on the topic of the thread.
