I can't pull up these charts from my phone, so I can only comment on this on general terms.
If you have Saturn in the 7H, that doesn't mean you'll be denied a fulfilling relationship. If anything, Saturn shows us the area of life that one takes very seriously. It may mean delays in that area, but that's a good thing in the long run because it's Saturn giving you the opportunity to really crystalize that area of life in real, lasting terms based on hard-earned or practical reality. It may be painful at first, because Saturn's a heavy energy, but it's a process that actually produces results. So look at how that Saturn is aspected, along with your dc ruler, to get a look at what your unique relationship needs are in life. In terms of long term relationships, the holy trinity in synastry are the sun, moon, and ac, so anybody significant in your life on a long term basis should ideally hit these points if you really want to fly.
Next, keep your age in mind. And chill. It's important to fall in love with yourself before you try to find that validation through others.
Regarding synastry and composites.....I have mixed thoughts on composites just based on experience. Keep in mind....this is where we start stepping into theoretical territory, so allow for margins of error, IMO. But it's a good tool to play around with, just try all the different types of composites. All will be revealing in it's own way.
Synastry shows how each of your energies can harmonize or conflict with one another. It's a lot more sensitive of a process to pull out youyr relationship needs from a chart by looking deeper st the underlying psychology in it than just following cookbook definitions for piecemeal aspects. But on a general level, you can tell how well you can meet one another's needs....and it's the needs that vary from person to person. For ex, one may not particularly enjoy feeling someone's Saturn on his/her asc, while another thrives under it. It's different for everyone.
For matters of unrequited love, it could simply be a period of transits where the universe is asking you to focus on yourself right now. It's quite possible that these love interests in your life did like you, but the timing wasn't right. It doesn't necessarily have to be about something that's "wrong" with you. People change....so we look at progressions, etc.
The composite is considered a third entity.....the third thing that's created by taking the midpoints between two charts. It's not you, or the other, but simply the third body of energy that's created. That's why oppositions can have a totally different meaning in composites than in synastry. Interestingly, some oppositions in a composite show the innate harmony in synastry.....it gets complicated, lots of geometry.
Anyway, one trick can be to take each Natal and match it up to the composite to see what points in the composite hit the natal. One may be hit directly on significant personal points by the composite, thus is more deeply impacted by the relationship, while the other is not. The nature of the connections between composite and natals will show how that "third entity" impacts each individual, if at all.
Hope I helped.... S.