With natal Saturn @18 degrees Pisces, the Saturn Return will not come into effect until mid May 2024. In determining the natal influence in the chart, we pay special attention to the rulership of the planet , as well as the aspects involved.
Typically Saturn in Pisces represents spiritual receptivity, and the yearning to break free from the restrictions and limitations of material reality. With Saturn in your 4th House natally, you might look to “patterns” of difficulty or restriction that have been passed down to you through your parental / ancestral histories. You may need to further explore any difficulties with a ‘father figure’ that might interfere with your own intuitive, artistic, compassionate tendencies. Saturn helps to bring definition to our lives, despite its challenges which help make us aware of the need for certain boundaries, limitations and self control.
Saturn in your chart interacts with your Sagittarius energies, in stressful aspects affecting Venus and Mars in your first house, as well as Jupiter in your 2nd : these will be especially activated during the Saturn Return and may have influence over your relationships and perhaps interactions with any siblings.
At the same time, the Sun and Mercury straddling your ASC will be favourably activated by Saturn at the time, by helping to bring more stability and awareness to your sense of self and possibly your communications with others.