Can one Saturn aspect kill an entire chart?

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Jun 13, 2018
Hi hi,

I've just met this man and I'm head over heels in love. You could say, I'm completely consumed and it's intense as hell. It's deep familiarity, but also the intellectual stimulation AND physical compatibility, that has my head spinning.

Our synastry is amazing, no dealbreakers there, vertex and NN and sun/moon midpoint connections. Composite - also vertex conjunct descendant, and NN conjunct moon.

However, theres a square from Saturn to Sun and Venus in the composite. I can perhaps see this might be related to him being a 5x Capricorn and lack of certain affection between us, or the fact he's 5 years younger and is in a different life stage.
BUT Saturn also sextiles our ascendant, so longevity....

What do you make out of this Saturn square?
Can a relationship survive this?

I'm attaching synastry and composite.



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Hi, from what I have read there is no way an aspect can kill a chart.

Especially Saturn sometimes can work as glue even on the hardest aspects. Saturn square sun can work as a teacher or a mentor even push the planet person a little bit harder to get the lesson he/she is supposed to learn.

After all we all have free will.
Hi, from what I have read there is no way an aspect can kill a chart.
Exactly - the entire chart requires consideration :smile:

to focus on solely one aspect
is generalisation
which may be fun but is notoriously unreliable

Especially Saturn sometimes can work as glue even on the hardest aspects. Saturn square sun can work as a teacher or a mentor even push the planet person a little bit harder to get the lesson he/she is supposed to learn.

After all we all have free will.
Within individual limitations of differing circumstances of life :smile:

There is no such thing as perfect synastry, so far as I am aware. Sort of like in real life, where there are no totally perfect Ken and Barbie doll relationships. If you're concerned about just one aspect, that's actually pretty good as synastry charts go.

The midpoint composite chart (of the relationship) actually looks somewhat stressed to me. The Pluto Mars opposition, for example, can indicate a power struggle within the relationship.

Unfortunately I can't read the degrees easily off either chart, but will give more feedback if you can change the chart format or include the aspectarians.

In bi-wheel synastry, normally I would look for suns sextiled or trines, moons conjunct, sextiled or trined, and conjunctions, sextiles or trines with Venus-Mars inter-aspects. To these we can add harmonious inter-aspects among the other personal planets plus the ascendants.

thanks for all your replies. Attaching a Composite view with degrees.

Synastry looks really good to me, I don't stress about it, it's very harmonious, we get along really well, it feels like we've been together since ever haha.

The Composite seems under heavy Saturn influence, with Saturn squaring Sun/Venus, and sextile Ascendant, and trine Mars and Vertex. Looking to synastry for clarification, His Saturn trine my Venus, and my Saturn very wideeely conjuncting his NN/Moon.
The Pluto Mars opposition somehow comes from Pluto Mars TRINE DW in synastry (talking about intoxicating feelings...) so I wonder if it would really manifest negatively? Doesn't synastry explain the composite aspect?

I think unafflicted Ascendant can aid a lot towards harmony, and here it's sextiled by Mars and Saturn and trined by Pluto. We've come together very quickly and without doubt.

What do you think?


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I am going to go way out on a limb here in a way I do not normally do, and say that this relationship appears to have a purpose beyond ordinary "happily ever after" stuff.

The term "soul mate" is really over-worked, notably by lonely women hoping Prince Charming is just around the corner. Some of us think that a soul mate is someone who is in our lives at a particular time for a particular reason. Although the relationship may be life-long, often it will end once the purpose has been fulfilled.

In your composite chart I am looking at the moon (emotional or spiritual nature) conjunct the north node (personal growth.) The vertex relates to impactful individuals or events in our lives. The vertex is right on the descendant, the 7th house cusp for committed relationships.

Squares are often really difficult to experience, but they force us to grow in the areas indicated by the paired planets.

The sun is the identity of the relationship, so I think you will be challenged to grow in a way that is very disciplined (Saturn) and not easy; and possibly with a lot of grounded reality-checks along the way.

I don't know if you both have accurate birth times, but if so, the 11th house deals both with friendships, and your hopes and wishes for the future. The first house sun says something about how you appear as a couple to the people around you; and your relationship's basic personality.

Hopefully you are both mature enough to handle disagreements and periods of irritability, which Mars opposite Pluto can indicate.
Hi Waybread,

thanks for your response and your reading into this.

It feels very much like that, we've come together to serve a larger purpose, and we actively speak about that too - our future plans. He always "jokes" this (what we speak of achieving) is larger than you and me.
(which inspires me but also slightly annoys me because I also want a good relationship)

And the Node connections in Synastry and angle connections, seem very meaningful.

But do you know how he feels in this relationship? Vs me?
Your charts are still very hard to read, with so many extraneous aspect lines drawn in. Probably the best way to post an Astrodienst chart is at a 75% reduction, using a format where the planetary degrees are legible, and then including the table of degrees--where the other points will show up. Include only the planets' aspects within the chart itself, which I think is their default chart.

Also, I think your question is better posed as a horary question. In a composite chart, we don't actually separate out him vs. her. A horary chart goes by the moment when the question first became a burning issue for you (not your birth chart or the moment when you post the chart.)

It can also be helpful to post the two individual birth charts. That way you can more easily see what life issues the person is dealing with, and whether they are long-term relationship material.

attached new charts - do you mean like this?

I'm the Cancer of the two charts.



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