Hi hi,
I've just met this man and I'm head over heels in love. You could say, I'm completely consumed and it's intense as hell. It's deep familiarity, but also the intellectual stimulation AND physical compatibility, that has my head spinning.
Our synastry is amazing, no dealbreakers there, vertex and NN and sun/moon midpoint connections. Composite - also vertex conjunct descendant, and NN conjunct moon.
However, theres a square from Saturn to Sun and Venus in the composite. I can perhaps see this might be related to him being a 5x Capricorn and lack of certain affection between us, or the fact he's 5 years younger and is in a different life stage.
BUT Saturn also sextiles our ascendant, so longevity....
What do you make out of this Saturn square?
Can a relationship survive this?
I'm attaching synastry and composite.
I've just met this man and I'm head over heels in love. You could say, I'm completely consumed and it's intense as hell. It's deep familiarity, but also the intellectual stimulation AND physical compatibility, that has my head spinning.
Our synastry is amazing, no dealbreakers there, vertex and NN and sun/moon midpoint connections. Composite - also vertex conjunct descendant, and NN conjunct moon.
However, theres a square from Saturn to Sun and Venus in the composite. I can perhaps see this might be related to him being a 5x Capricorn and lack of certain affection between us, or the fact he's 5 years younger and is in a different life stage.
BUT Saturn also sextiles our ascendant, so longevity....
What do you make out of this Saturn square?
Can a relationship survive this?
I'm attaching synastry and composite.