Can something GOOD come out of tr.Jupiter-Uranus conjunction sq. natal 4th-house sun?

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2005
northern New Mexico
This will be coming up for me with the collective Jupiter-Uranus conjunction happening at 29 Pisces soon. I read interpretations of Uranus square Sun, which can sometimes indicate accidents or involuntary changes coming where things seemed to be going just fine, and tr. Jupiter square Sun sometimes indicating over-reaching or some sort of power struggle. I don't like to be fearful of transits and would like to see something positive here. I'm very happy in my current locale and activities(artist who has retired for the time being from what little public life I did have, i.e. exhibitions, marketing my art, etc.). Very happy right now to keep things private in San Francisco, and have not felt really social in real life either, although we do get out to public events. I have more interaction online with distant friends, etc. In good health and fitness too, always refining that. I'm looking into taking hoop dancing classes starting next month, in addition to my regular gym workouts.
I've attached my chart here so anyone can take a peek. It has the transits for today, but you can see where this is going.


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This will be coming up for me with the collective Jupiter-Uranus conjunction happening at 29 Pisces soon. I read interpretations of Uranus square Sun, which can sometimes indicate accidents or involuntary changes coming where things seemed to be going just fine, and tr. Jupiter square Sun sometimes indicating over-reaching or some sort of power struggle.
What you should understand about transits is that they ALL act as background influences until they make a mathamatical aspect to something within the chart ie: planet or an Angle Asc/Desc MC/IC

So the earlier thing you have is N Node at 2'17", then saturn then neptune. Node is in 3rd house of communications, so this Jupiter/Uranus 0' Aries may be some interesting sudden (uranus) helpful expansive (jupiter) invitations or communications. has a free 'personal portrait' interpretation of a natal chart in the free horoscope section, plus a six month free transit report in 'short report'

I use--- 1' approaching, 1' exact and 1' departing. If you click on the link listed below for the online ephemeris it will list all planets at any given time. Learning astrology is like learning a new ‘language’ and obviously the more effort you put into something the more your knowledge and understanding will increase. All transits act as ‘background’ influences through a house, until it makes a mathematical aspect to a planet inside or an Angle.

For 'timings' I would look to the retrograde hit as the most important trigger, then look to see what the quicker planets are doing especially mars & mercury -- has fee six month transit forecast plus when you get into Extended chart selection, look at the three tabs after calculating a chart under ‘method’ default is circular wheels (on left), middle is special charts and in their you get graphic ephemeris 1yr (or 5years) with natal = transits for 1yr and lots more. BUT you first must learn or memorise the 'glyphs' ie: shorthand for recognising what these maps/graphics mean.

For example when you post or reply to a chart the 'smilies' to the right and just under them [more] if you click on there it will bring up a whole loads of 'glyphs' :mercury:Mercury :uranus:Uranus :conjunct:conjunction (+or - 8') :trine:trine aspect 120' :libra:Libra

Now it's more important to focus on transits from Jupiter to Pluto (poss mars as this is the ignition key)and these planets when aspecting something in your natal chart 'set off' the difficult or nice 'aspects - potential - problems' that your chart expresses. By that I mean if a benefic planet like Jupiter hits/touches/transits your venus, mars or uranus these could be experienced very pleasantly. BUT if your natal venus is afflicted, or badly aspected say conj saturn then jupiter will not has such a good effect. It all depends on how the natal planet is 'aspected'

For me I would say external 'events' must be seen by transits, progressions or Solar arcs to Angles ie: Asc/Desc & MC/IC most other times these events are 'internal, psychological matters as in between the ears'

This last website link is rather nice because it gives interpretations of what the ‘Lord’ of the house cusp ruler means ie: T Jupiter sextiles natal sun, so wherever Leo rules in your chart is connected to the area this transit will be affecting –

T Uranus will be squaring your sun which is also conj Uranus, so not a typical gemini then, more Aquarius/Uranus with this conjunction. So maybe looking to do some unusual that involves the pride and ego connected to 4th house matters.

"This is often a time when surprising external events upset your course of action, purpose or intentions with the effect of testing your resolve or determination. Plans may change, or your connections to your superiors may be severed so that you have no apparent access to do the things that you had planned on doing. Someone new may take charge in a department above you at work, who insists on upsetting the status-quo, changing the way you do things. Or your supervisor may come along and question your work performance and unexpectedly gives you an unsatisfactory evaluation. This is a time when the need for freedom works at odds with your sense of who you are."

Thanks - I've already seen many of these links on my own here. but you make a good point when commenting that outer events tend to express when a transiting or progressed planet is on one of the angles. I sure had that while tr. Pluto was on my MC, and in the lead-up to, and even AFTER tr. Uranus was on my Ascendant 7 years ago.
I'm sensing more internal stuff myself, rather than outer, but my inner life is the emphasis now due to my lifestyle. In many ways, even though I live in a large vibrant city, I'm kind of out of the whole rat-race and happy to be so! The only thing I could think of with Jupiter-Uranus squaring Sun is an involuntary change in our home circumstances. I even asked my husband about that possibility, and he didn't think that was something to be worried about due to our particular living arrangement. A few years ago, when we took this position, we went over this possibility with a fine-toothed comb, since in the few years before, we had moved 14 times in the space of 3.5 years. That was during the period of tr. Pluto over my MC, and several times opposing Uranus in 4th, as well as the tr. Uranus over Ascendant, when I was ITCHING like crazy to get out of that endless moving loop in a village that I really wanted to leave. We did, finally, during the collective Jupiter-Uranus trine in late '06 - an amazing stroke of luck that really freed us, and it was like doors opening the whole way.
This time around though, with tr. Jupiter in 1st, I just haven't felt the love - all the horoscopes out there are saying how Jupiter in Pisces in first house should be "the year of your life", but I don't feel that. If anything, maybe due to larger things going on in the world, my spirits feel dampened and like I'm sitting something out. As I said in my first post, I live pretty privately, being highly-sensitive by nature and introverted to boot. I'm married, by the way, happily. But I will say that with tr. Uranus well into my 1st, that I have been able to be more counter-cultural and this suits me just fine. Much more experimental with clothing, color, hair, etc.