As Einstein said, "time is an illusion"'s only on this plane not the other or in between life. The Moon (on this plane) is symbolic in Astrology for how we get here, i.e. the mother. Synastry gives you ideas of the "other" and how you two may mesh or not.
p.s. I liked this definition best: (the one about traffic) Point being, - TIME is not an absolute nor is it a noun. YOU and I are "swept up" in it
as an EVENT, and so are our reincarnational selves.
What did Einstein mean when he said that 'time' doesn't exist but only 'events'?
Look around you. The only empirical, observable evidence of ‘time passing’ are change-events; quintillions of individual change-events and change-event series.
The universe expanding, the earth spinning, tides turning, life breathing, molecules moving, atoms vibrating, photons fizzing, quarks decaying etc. All examples of change-events or event series, depending on your reference-frame.
Time is merely the way we reference the underlying reality of change-events.
The word Time has many uses, but boils down to two core, distinct meanings:
1. Time is the dimension of change, i.e. the framework of standard units (seconds, hours, years etc) that we use to measure/ calibrate relative change-rate and index relative change-events. Like we measure changing position in, say, miles per hour. Or position an event ‘in time’ by reference to a standard date index.
2. Time is the collective ‘flow’ of change-events. Time is a non-specific collective noun. A what? The word Traffic is a non-specific collective of vehicles. We give Traffic physical properties (e.g it starts, it stops, it flows). But collective nouns are abstract representation of an underlying reality. Fundamentally Traffic doesn’t exist, individual vehicles do. So too Time. Fundamentally Time doesn’t exist, individual change-events do. Time is a non-specific set of change-events.
So Time, one word, two distinct meanings, both reference the underlying reality of change/change-events in two distinct contexts. And both are abstract nouns. Time only exists in our collective conscious. Change is real.
I think that’s what Einstein was getting at…
And btw, change is event / reference-frame specific. Not a universal absolute as people wrongly presume time to be.