Can we talk about past life?

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I was interested to read about time and the Einstein quote and your understanding of what it might mean.
Since time doesn't exist, maybe we all exist at the same time, all our past, present and future lives are lived together. If they are essentially happening at the same time, then in a sense we have one life. Ha, just a thought.
It's said during the synapses, (the in-between pauses) that we are not here, we then are "there" or can possibly be in touch with our "other selves". Likely easier when we sleep. Remember, everything is vibration.
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It's said during the synapses, (the in-between pauses) that we are not here, we then are "there" or can possibly be in touch with our "other selves". Likely easier when we sleep. Remember, everything is vibration.
This reminds me of the “1-2 meditation” practice where eventually the breath becomes suspended in between breaths opening up the 3rd eye perceptual faculties.
This reminds me of the “1-2 meditation” practice where eventually the breath becomes suspended in between breaths opening up the 3rd eye perceptual faculties.
Wow. Is this what call "1-2 meditation"?
Would it help to practice this to help us see more about past lives?
It's said during the synapses, (the in-between pauses) that we are not here, we then are "there" or can possibly be in touch with our "other selves". Likely easier when we sleep. Remember, everything is vibration.
By the way, speaking of dreams. Today I had a strange dream. I was in some strange place where you couldn't get out, there were no windows and you had to send buckets of water down the elevator or there was some kind of slurry. As if it was another world in which you get when in reality you are in a coma.
Then, in that strange place, it was as if my eyes turned white and I fell into a coma, but this meant that in reality I came to my senses. And when I woke up, somebody put a long thing in my throat. And when I tried to swallow, it hurt and I felt this thing in my throat.
It was as if in this dream I fell into a coma and they put something down my throat. Then I woke up.
Hell, when I was taking a bath a couple of hours ago, I was just thinking about this dream and involuntarily I started crying.
It may be worth looking to where asteroid Vesta and Juno sit in your chart to discern more about what these positions were potentially about.
How do I find out where they are located? Are there any online calculations for this?I am also interested to know what they mean, taking into account what you said above.
I have read that we play out our “past” more or less from birth up until our first Saturn return. And our centre of gravity sits predominantly in our SN until around this time as well (unless there are other factors such as conjunctions to the SN, squares to the nodal axis, etc.) So reflecting on how the above themes may have already been playing out in your current life is sure to give you first hand insight into how, what is relevant in this life from, your past lives played out.
How can I find out when the first Saturn return will be or was in my case?
Speaking of what has already been played out in my current life, I would say that my early life was difficult, I lived in different places, with relatives or even with strangers. And i felt like a puppy who did not have a home. It was all like that because my mother abused alcohol, because of this, one day I ended up in an orphanage.
By the way, speaking of dreams. Today I had a strange dream. I was in some strange place where you couldn't get out, there were no windows and you had to send buckets of water down the elevator or there was some kind of slurry. As if it was another world in which you get when in reality you are in a coma.
Then, in that strange place, it was as if my eyes turned white and I fell into a coma, but this meant that in reality I came to my senses. And when I woke up, somebody put a long thing in my throat. And when I tried to swallow, it hurt and I felt this thing in my throat.
It was as if in this dream I fell into a coma and they put something down my throat. Then I woke up.
Hell, when I was taking a bath a couple of hours ago, I was just thinking about this dream and involuntarily I started crying.
1) water is emotions (your emotions)
2) coma - probably a pun suggesting a temporary lapse of consciousness
3)coma i.e. reality i.e. senses - that's a nice sign that your higher self was letting you know \
4) probably not this at all, but it sounds to me like a UFO kidnapping event - ....and missing time. "they" the doctor alien, usually does similar things to the one they choose.
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IF you recall the time of the dream or close to the minute or time you can then do a chart for the dream. There are tons of asteroids you can always add one or two of them with names such as your own or another that might come to you that seems to fit into the dreamscape. You'll see where your named asteroid is in relation to the other.

For example, if you had the dream around 4 A.M. you might find the Moon in a position which speaks to your emotions. The 3rd house is the house of communications, and dreams, and it's opposite hour 9th higher things. (spiritual ones)
The 12th is deep sleep -
By the way, speaking of dreams. Today I had a strange dream. I was in some strange place where you couldn't get out, there were no windows and you had to send buckets of water down the elevator or there was some kind of slurry.
I have read that dreams with stairs, elevators, where there is movement downwards to another placement, etc. can symbolise making contact with or journeying down into deeper, unconscious levels of the psyche. I wonder if the buckets of water could be a symbol of a need to bring “renewal” or “replenishment” to your unconscious?

“Some strange place where you couldn’t get out, there were no windows” - could this be how you feel currently in your conscious life? No windows to look out, so you are needing to bring replenishment to your unconscious instead?
As if it was another world in which you get when in reality you are in a coma.
Then, in that strange place, it was as if my eyes turned white and I fell into a coma, but this meant that in reality I came to my senses. And when I woke up, somebody put a long thing in my throat. And when I tried to swallow, it hurt and I felt this thing in my throat.
It was as if in this dream I fell into a coma and they put something down my throat. Then I woke up.
So it was like a dream within a dream? Sorry, could you explain this a bit more so I can properly understand?
1) water is emotions (your emotions)
2) coma - probably a pun suggesting a temporary lapse of consciousness
3)coma i.e. reality i.e. senses - that's a nice sign that your higher self was letting you know \
4) probably not this at all, but it sounds to me like a UFO kidnapping event - ....and missing time. "they" the doctor alien, usually does similar things to the one they choose.
To be honest, I didn't think of it as a UFO abduction.
IF you recall the time of the dream or close to the minute or time you can then do a chart for the dream. There are tons of asteroids you can always add one or two of them with names such as your own or another that might come to you that seems to fit into the dreamscape. You'll see where your named asteroid is in relation to the other.

For example, if you had the dream around 4 A.M. you might find the Moon in a position which speaks to your emotions. The 3rd house is the house of communications, and dreams, and it's opposite hour 9th higher things. (spiritual ones)
The 12th is deep sleep -
Unfortunately, I don't know the time to dream. It was one of the dreams, then I woke up and had another dream.
I have read that dreams with stairs, elevators, where there is movement downwards to another placement, etc. can symbolise making contact with or journeying down into deeper, unconscious levels of the psyche. I wonder if the buckets of water could be a symbol of a need to bring “renewal” or “replenishment” to your unconscious?
I'm not sure what the buckets of water mean, but it was like we were delivering these buckets downstairs, like it was a hotel or something.
“Some strange place where you couldn’t get out, there were no windows” - could this be how you feel currently in your conscious life? No windows to look out, so you are needing to bring replenishment to your unconscious instead?
Oh, if you analyze this moment with my conscious life, then I have to admit that it can be suitable. Maybe I also felt that I was somewhere or a situation and it couldn't be solved. The meaning of the absence of windows there could mean that there is no access to contact with others, with the world.
So it was like a dream within a dream? Sorry, could you explain this a bit more so I can properly understand?
You know, yes, this can probably also be interpreted as a Dream within a dream. I almost never had a dream within a dream. But this dream can be called in this way.
In the dream, there was also another room, there was a man there and he did something to the woman. When I tried to look there, it seemed that this woman had no eyes because the man had ripped them out.
Then I also seemed to want to do something to find a way out, and there was a narrow corridor or passageway, but there was no exit. And I knew that man would find me in that bottleneck anyway.
Then there was another woman, she was the first to fall into a coma with white eyes. And it was strange that my cousin was there, too.
This is a story about a boy and a photo.

I was still in school at the time and there was a boy in my class. When we went to 7th grade, he came home after the summer holidays with his hair growing out a bit. Then his hair got longer and longer and it made me think that he reminded me of someone like that, but I couldn't remember the person he reminded me of. It had been bothering me for almost 3 years. Every time I saw him, I thought he looked like someone, but I couldn't remember until I accidentally saw a picture on the internet. And I was amazed and fascinated, my jaw dropped to the floor because I was kind of furious and at the same time it hit me, like something had just come over me. It's the kind of moment where someone would hit themselves in the forehead because how could they not remember this before.

At that point, I had never seen the guy in the photo and didn't know his name. There were other guys in the photo too, who I also knew nothing about.
I also seemed to realize that I had found the person I had been thinking about all this time, looking at my classmate. By the way, my classmate didn't look much like that guy, but nevertheless he had an external resemblance and maybe this made me think that he looked like someone I can't remember.

The point is that this guy in the photo was a friend of that fame.

Anyone else interested in this?
Not sure this is on your topic, but SN gives such an interesting emotional experience. I notice more projections by me onto people who have Suns or multiple placements in my SN or NN signs. One friend has a daughter who shares the same birthday as me (she is Sagittarius). Her father, my friend, has his SN in Sagittarius. I can't help but feel he was my sibling in a past life. There is a strong, comfortable sympathy.
Thank you.
I checked this guy's moon in Sagittarius too. I have the Moon and the South Node in Sagittarius. Maybe this also means something.

Your own human mind or brain can be deceiving. Deja vu could be simply a mistake of neuronal firing in human brain trying to correlating inputs with the past. You have Pluto trine Mercury, and very soon Neptune trine Mercury transits coming up. Utilize Pluto trine Mercury to learn something in depth. I learned almost everything about astrology during this transit when it happened to me. Neptune trine Mercury would give you lots of extra imaginative power. I would utilize it for some good purpose, like writing a novel.

Exploring past lives all you want, but learn something from it. This life for all practical purposes is all you've got. The only thing that matters is PRESENT. If we all had many many reincarnations, then the chance for all of us to be someone important or famous in the past may be a statistical certainty. So what? If we can't do something in this life, then we would have wasted this precious gift of being alive.

There are billions of people on Earth that you are bound to find someone who looks very similar to you or your friend. Now, if you include all the people that have ever existed, the chance of you finding resemblance goes up by another notch.

I know this is not what you want to hear. But you would have been much better served if you spend more time focusing on present, or at least gleaning & contemplating over the lessons from your past or your past reincarnation.
You have Pluto trine Mercury, and very soon Neptune trine Mercury transits coming up. Utilize Pluto trine Mercury to learn something in depth
How long will this transit take?
Exploring past lives all you want, but learn something from it. This life for all practical purposes is all you've got. The only thing that matters is PRESENT. If we all had many many reincarnations, then the chance for all of us to be someone important or famous in the past may be a statistical certainty. So what? If we can't do something in this life, then we would have wasted this precious gift of being alive.
I agree. I know that all that really matters is the present and what's happening in life right now. For me, exploring a past life is like finding a part of myself to become a "whole", to better understand who I am. Although, in fact, it is not so important what was there in the past, if it existed, of course.
There are billions of people on Earth that you are bound to find someone who looks very similar to you or your friend. Now, if you include all the people that have ever existed, the chance of you finding resemblance goes up by another notch.
Really. I remember how many years ago I saw through the window a girl looking like me and she had exactly the same jacket and hat as me. I was surprised and thought my cousin had put on my jacket. But my jacket hung in the closet.
I know this is not what you want to hear. But you would have been much better served if you spend more time focusing on present, or at least gleaning & contemplating over the lessons from your past or your past reincarnation.
I understand. I am not against any opinions.
Well, what I could learn from the lessons is maybe not doing some things that everyone knows are bad. I also realized that what I had been through since early childhood was right, as if this was how it should have been for me. I needed it.
Is there a connection between a past life and what we like now, our preferences, tastes, something that attracts us without any particular reason?
I like many things, but I don’t know why I like them and why I do what I do.
Hello everyone. I wasn't really sure where I could post this on this forum. So, sorry if I got it wrong.

I've been trying to figure out on my own who I was in my past life, specifically my last reincarnation, which was before my current incarnation.

I've tried meditations for memories and analyzed my life to find anything that could point to a past life. But I'm still learning.

So, I just came up with one guess, which is that I may have had a famous past life. Ha, yeah, I know there are a lot of claims like that on the Internet and I've read them too.

But right now I'm not saying that and I can't actually say that because I don't have any solid proof and I just want to figure it out. And this is just a guess and nothing more.

I would not like to talk about this person because I do not want to look like a liar and a fool. I just want to find the truth for myself.

Actually, I have not told anyone about this yet. I would be glad to talk to someone here about it. And also, are there any ways to check my guesses better?
Why is it so important to for you to know this? I speak as someone who understands and accepts karma and reincarnation. One thing I think we can all agree on is that people can live very full, meaningful, and rewarding lives without accepting reincarnation. The same holds for those who do accept it but know nothing of their prior incarnations. So again, why is it so important that you know? What would you better accomplish in the current incarnation by knowing?

Ok, with all of that said, I have studied this question some and learned one thing in Esoteric Astrology that might help you...we re-incarnate in the same sign in which we last died. That is to say, if you died in Aries in your last life, you re-incarnate as an Aries.
IF you recall the time of the dream or close to the minute or time you can then do a chart for the dream. There are tons of asteroids you can always add one or two of them with names such as your own or another that might come to you that seems to fit into the dreamscape. You'll see where your named asteroid is in relation to the other.

For example, if you had the dream around 4 A.M. you might find the Moon in a position which speaks to your emotions. The 3rd house is the house of communications, and dreams, and it's opposite hour 9th higher things. (spiritual ones)
The 12th is deep sleep -
You could also check the Sabian Symbol for the position of the Moon at the time of the dream. I started doing that several years ago. It's surprising how often I find that there is a correspondence or relationship.