Can you please read my chart? Anger issues, trust issues, and just completely broken right now.

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Nov 12, 2024
This is perhaps the lowest point of my life. I don't know what to do anymore, and I just feel completely out of it. I have a strange feeling I won't make it to see my 28th birthday next year. I keep having anger outbursts out of nowhere, mostly politically related (and mostly at my own party tbh) and it has gotten so bad that I have been either ousted and/or gotten into trouble for it. I don't mean light anger either, I mean absolutely uncontrolled raged and shouting as horrible insults as I possible can, to the point people think I am Borderline and/or schizophrenic. Honestly I do have trouble composing my thoughts these days and I feel empty. Anyways here is my chart.



I am living in the car with my parents and they constantly fight and argue. My mom has always been a huge control freak and even now controls what I wear and is always on me. She is very invasive as well, and within the past several months wanted to wipe me down because she is sort of a perfectionist in terms of looks (a hotel worker said she had the cleanest room she has ever seen or something) and some of what my mom did would probably border on the lines of being at the very least inappropriate to do (she asked me to take off my shorts and undies once too).

I don't have all day to go over her history as she was much worse in high school always washing my face and hair for me, never letting me do anything.

Anyways with her stuff out of the way I also want to know a few things.

1. Are there any positive coming soon?
2. What is the root of my communication and anger issues? I apparently should be a good at communicating but I absolutely suck at it. I was "homeschooled" from 4th to 9th grade but I basically did nothing, but still managed to go back to school in the 10th grade and somehow graduate high school with high grades. I feel several blows to my head throughout my life might not help that. I just feel unable to express myself at all.
3. What is my purpose you think?
4. Also should I try to get away from my parents? They have been just as bad as me, heck my mom has hit my dad several times in the past few months and yelled at him in public. Also yell at my dad that he should have been beaten more as a kid by his parents and maybe he would be more normal or something. Though my dad keeps making mistakes and is probably showing some early dementia symptoms. Still not an excuse.

Anyways I apologize for this mess, I am not okay right now, and I just feel something horrible is going to happen to me soon.
you are living in a car with two your parents? full time?

look you have a very difficult chart full of control issues and that would make life very difficult to cope with in a normal situation, but if you add three grown people in a small car as a full time home….it hits the ball right out the park into nightmare territory even for the most easy going balanced person. For you it will certainly drive you into insanity just as a means of coping.

I think you need to call a local helpline and ask for help for yourself and yes, separate from the cause of this nightmare.

Get help urgently.
Hello Lilith97,

you must set yourself the goal of understanding yourself thoroughly in order to tend to naturally impose your ideas, by making them evolve from your interests, and by making them advance, by taking it to heart. You really must absolutely decide on the problems posed by being your concern.

It seems that you have entered a period of affirmation in order to arouse the interest that you want to be shown in you according to everything that you feel and the fact of wanting to evolve through an objective by being voluntary. You absolutely hold on to what you love, that is what is your interest. It is with a great passionate impulse that you absolutely want to be loved. There is the need for you to make things evolve by being convinced of what is of interest to you and to want to take up a challenge in relation to your thoughts and your ideas. This is in favor of wanting to cross the barriers in relation to the objective set. This leads you to want to achieve a certain way of being, by promoting what you like... From mid-January 2025, you will want to commit to your ideas and interests while wanting to advance them, which will awaken your thinking and will have an impact on you. This will contribute to wanting to understand thoroughly what your goal should be in order to promote relationships with others and to fulfill yourself. You will tend to show yourself committed in order to promote what you like and what you love in life. From the beginning of February 2025 to mid-May 2025, this will lead you to a passionate surge between what you love and what is difficult to achieve. You will tend to devote yourself to your ideas and what you love. You will need to bring your ideas to fruition in relation to what is difficult to access.

In 2026 - 27, what will have an impact on you will be to commune with what you love, while showing commitment, thus promoting it. This will help you perceive and deduce the objectives to pursue. This will lead you to get involved yourself in order to promote what you like. What will awaken your reflection will be wanting to improve the relationship with others by knowing your objectives. Try to live this as positively as possible by avoiding having a mind that is too rigid, exacerbated intransigence, having difficulty changing your mind and having a fixed idea in relation to the objectives set. Also know how to moderate the fact of wanting to impose yourself. This should lead you to improve your thoughts and ideas. From the end of May 2026 to the beginning of April 2027, you will tend to change the relationship with others and what you like...

I hope this will be useful for you to progress.
Ecliptique. :)
Well maybe it's hard to think when you're constantly in flight or fight mode? You may just be experiencing long term effects of trauma on your mind. I would suggest that you try to get away from your very dysfunctional situation as quickly as possible.

Now, I couldn't help but realise that the tyrant in your situation seems to be your mother. And maybe you have not paid it much mind since it is wide, but it is apparent in your story that the Moon Pluto conjunction on the Ascendant is the dominant feature of the chart. Now, instead of me providing you with a blurb on the aspect, I would rather direct your attention to a book called The Hades Moon: Pluto in Aspect to the Moon.
Using mythology, archetypal symbolism, and a wealth of case histories, this study provides new material and insight into the many facets of this major, transformative contact between the Moon and Pluto. Hall explains why PlutoMoon aspects are so important, and gives a description of the Hades Moon through the signs and houses. She shows us the symptoms and offers practical information about flower essences and techniques that can help people handle Hades Moon energy.

I suggest this book so that you may gain further understanding of this key aspect in your chart, and therefore, your life. I will share with you a copy of the book for you to read.

Once you are out of the very dismal situation that you have described, you would be able to focus on actualising your "intelligence". How would it be possible to do that?
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you have several conflict and control indicators.

pluto moon mercury sun is one

mars uranus jupiter is another

and then the thors hammer config consisting of pluto mercury saturn is the third

just to add the saturn venus in as well since the above three make you a very prickly person that a coldness and standoffish attitude in relationships would be the natural result. it would invite people who you cant form relationships with. but given your circumstances i would say you stay in your current situation because of perverse purpose to prevent relationships.

we all chose our poison and then complain about the taste of it.

intelligence is set during teenage formative years. the right food, the right environment to foster need for the brain to make allowance for extra capacity…. all that memorising, analysis, learning etc that normally takes place together with nutrition to fuel the needed infrastructure…all goes towards increasing intelligence.

but the brain is also the only organ that can rebuild itself given the right circumstances, nutrition and perseverance of use. many afyer strokes have rebuild their brain functions so there is no reason you cant also.

so eat right….nutrition is crucial. the brain is 100% fat. you need good fat and good supply of all vitamins but first make sure your gut can break them down to absorb them so start with prebiotics and probiotics. otherwise you are wasting your time eating stuff that the gut cant process. and start exercising it by forcing it to learn and to memorise. you need memory because without that the brain cannot recall to analyse. so start memorising. if you dont force it to memorise, it wont build capacity. start small and build in that. it will be hard at this stage, not natural as in the teens and it will take stubborn persistence…but something can be achieved.
1. Are there any positive coming soon?
2. What is the root of my communication and anger issues? I apparently should be a good at communicating but I absolutely suck at it. I was "homeschooled" from 4th to 9th grade but I basically did nothing, but still managed to go back to school in the 10th grade and somehow graduate high school with high grades. I feel several blows to my head throughout my life might not help that. I just feel unable to express myself at all.
3. What is my purpose you think?
4. Also should I try to get away from my parents? They have been just as bad as me, heck my mom has hit my dad several times in the past few months and yelled at him in public. Also yell at my dad that he should have been beaten more as a kid by his parents and maybe he would be more normal or something. Though my dad keeps making mistakes and is probably showing some early dementia symptoms. Still not an excuse.

Anyways I apologize for this mess, I am not okay right now, and I just feel something horrible is going to happen to me soon.
Hey, no need to apologize. People often end up in incomprehensibly horrible (or at least disagreeable) situations. Disclaimer: whenever I tell people I'm just a beginner at astrology, someone usually chimes in to diminish my sincere attempt at modesty by saying "we're all beginners here" -- but please do keep in mind that I might really be kind of an "Aunt Clara" as astrologers go (cf. "Bewitched" and my presidential predictions).

1. At the moment I don't have any astro software installed (cat in the doorway between Windows and Linux) -- I'm sure there are some here more experienced than I who could check your upcoming transits in that regard. But in general please remember "Everything Changes" -- and also (at almost 65, having somewhat stunted myself along the way out of fear of various "imminent" global catastrophes), I would like to advise that optimism -- even a foolish and baseless optimism -- or at least a vigilant "wait-and-see attitude" are better to cultivate in any circumstances, rather than succumbing to fear -- even if only to keep the head clear for the sake of scouting for better opportunities. [Sorry for the complicated way I wrote that.]

2a. At first glance, you have a Saturn-bucket configuration, but don't worry -- that's not as bad as it sounds. The leading planet (albeit retrograde) is Jupiter, and the trailing planet is Mercury (and I think Jupiter is in the house ruled by Mercury, and Mercury in the house ruled by Jupiter*) -- I think that's a great pair of planets to have on the rim of the bucket -- to me this suggests that you have wide-ranging interests and really are capable of good communication skills, especially with Mercury in its home sign of Virgo* sextile (harmonious aspect) Venus in her home sign of Libra* -- and on a side-note, your Chiron (wounded healer) is nearly conjunct Venus in the 11th house of friends and social groups. Oh, just noticed that you have Sagittarius rising (ruled by Jupiter) -- another good sign.

2b. As for the root of communication and anger issues, I see two perhaps relevant things here: Mars in his home sign of Scorpio, but in the 12th sign of imprisonment, confinement, or some other form of restriction (the 12th house can also mean voluntary withdrawal for introspection, such as taking a time-out for a spiritual retreat), and Saturn the Restrictor (the handle of the bucket) in Aries (ruled by Mars).

2c. Not astrological, but one of the biggest causes of anger and resentment among people is one person trying to control another -- but to be fair to all of us, I think that tendency comes with the territory of being human: we'd all like to control our environments to make them safer and more to our own liking, but might very well run into some objections when we treat other people as just part of our environment instead of as equal, independent spirits.

3. I already had something in mind re: Saturn being the handle of the bucket, placed where it is, but I have just noticed at time of typing that Chiron is currently transiting your natal Saturn -- which confirms what I had in mind: something along the lines of you being a serious and responsible person who wants to do something (Saturn in Aries) in a creative way (5th house) in a way that will help others (Chiron, also mentioned above).

Edit: But please take care of yourself first. And another thing I had in mind and forgot to write is that what you are going through now might give you some understanding that might help you to help others.

4. Yes, you should try to get away from your parents, but in the kindest and most appreciative way you can honestly manage. Your mother might have learned how to behave the way she does from her own parents, and she might understandably be frustrated or angry at your father that you are all living in a car. But your father has his own backstory, too.

5. Unrequested, but maybe important: With Pluto just below the Ascendant, you might more easily be able to see through charades, cons, facades, pretenses, and the like -- but when dealing with individuals whether apparently proud or hurting, please be kind and careful with that ability (if you have it), as a kind of psychic etiquette -- meaning that even if you can see more than they say, respect where they place their public/private or outer/inner boundary, and only discuss what they have voluntarily brought up for discussion.

So much verbiage!

Executive summary: I think it would not be foolish or groundless for you to cultivate and maintain some level of optimism while scouting for better opportunities. Some good changes are possible, but you might have to make them happen instead of passively waiting for them to happen on their own.
* Corrections welcome.
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Thanks for the replies so far! Anyways what indicates these power struggles? Is it mostly the Pluto energy? I heard that is probably most of it. Also I still want to know how I can really reach my potential in terms of intelligence. I'm American, 27 years old, biologically male, and live in Texas so going by that i should be completely dumb, but each reading chart says I am not and as a kid people told me I'm sharp. Though I'm only smart compared to the absolutely dumbest folks aka Americans. Drop me off anywhere else I'm the dumbest person in the room. I can do things tho like convert to Celsius and Fahrenheit in my head. I also make lots of weather charts but anyone can do that.
Discard the stereotypes and cultivate your own talents -- that's my recommendation.
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Hello Lilith97,

as early as 2025 you should be able to draw on resources within yourself to develop yourself and even, possibly, access a better version of yourself. You will be able to start taking a step back and understand that your current difficulties do not entirely define who you are, but rather reflect a restrictive environment. This will allow you to separate your self-image from external judgments and to become aware of acquired negative patterns. Communication problems and your anger are probably responses to years of frustration, misunderstanding and struggle to be heard or accepted. Working on these aspects, for example by consulting a therapist or a support group or community support can help transform this anger into creative energy and develop more assertive and clearer means of communication. This should allow you to express your needs and feelings in a constructive way. In addition to academic or logical skills, there is also emotional intelligence, resilience and adaptability. You can regain the liveliness of your childhood by working on your internal environment. By freeing yourself from this fear of being "stupid", you give yourself back the right to think, create and learn with less self-criticism. In this difficult family environment, power struggles may be a way of compensating for deep insecurities, and realizing these struggles allows you to no longer participate in them. Beyond family expectations and the roles you play in them, what do you really want for yourself? The therapist helps you identify these struggles and learn to respond to them in a detached way. Know how to find what interests you and feeds your curiosity and your spirit. You will find thoughts and ideas that bring you joy and satisfaction. This will awaken your spirit by promoting a feeling of competence and fulfillment. To move forward, you can fight to accept yourself and see yourself in a more favorable light. You identify the limiting beliefs and negative massages you have received in the past to restore self-esteem. With patience and regular efforts, you can take back control of your journey, reclaim your intelligence and reach your potential...
The transit of Mars, to which are added those of Pluto and Venus, are significant in your birth chart.

I hope this will help you.
Ecliptique. :)
I keep having anger outbursts out of nowhere, mostly politically related (and mostly at my own party tbh) and it has gotten so bad that I have been either ousted and/or gotten into trouble for it. I don't mean light anger either, I mean absolutely uncontrolled raged and shouting as horrible insults as I possible can, to the point people think I am Borderline and/or schizophrenic.
Aww, I really feel for you. Sometimes when I was in my teens and 20s, I would get to the point that I'd say incoherent, angry things and scare people like that... it didn't really start to get easier until I hit like 25 or 30 honestly. For me at least, it seemed like the anger issues and feeling out of control got better as I aged and gained weight (I'm 35 now), but yeah, being emotionally sensitive and feeling things deeply while also having your youthful hormones raging is a really bad combination.

Honestly I do have trouble composing my thoughts these days and I feel empty. Anyways here is my chart.

View attachment 115165

View attachment 115166

I am living in the car with my parents and they constantly fight and argue. My mom has always been a huge control freak and even now controls what I wear and is always on me. She is very invasive as well, and within the past several months wanted to wipe me down because she is sort of a perfectionist in terms of looks (a hotel worker said she had the cleanest room she has ever seen or something) and some of what my mom did would probably border on the lines of being at the very least inappropriate to do (she asked me to take off my shorts and undies once too).

I don't have all day to go over her history as she was much worse in high school always washing my face and hair for me, never letting me do anything.
Interestingly, the moon can be a significator of the mother in some instances, and in this case you have the moon in your first house. It seems to suggest that your Mom has an influence on your appearance and how others see you. In this case, your Mom taking care of your grooming directly and choosing your clothes would seem to fit the symbolism. It definitely is a little inappropriate for your age, and like she doesn't quite see you as an adult... like she's still treating you like her baby in some ways, if that makes sense?
1. Are there any positive coming soon?
I'm not an expert on predictions, but I don't really see any transits coming up immediately that I would associate with a positive result. Nothing stands out to me as moving things forward in that sense until sometime next year or so.
2. What is the root of my communication and anger issues? I apparently should be a good at communicating but I absolutely suck at it. I was "homeschooled" from 4th to 9th grade but I basically did nothing, but still managed to go back to school in the 10th grade and somehow graduate high school with high grades. I feel several blows to my head throughout my life might not help that. I just feel unable to express myself at all.
Ah, I know what you mean. I was "homeschooled" from 3rd to 7th grade myself, went back to school in 8th grade and graduated high school with high grades. As far as communication, it seems like on an intellectual level, you communicate just fine when you're in a calm state of mind. You have a Virgo sun in the 10th house, and a Virgo Mercury in the 9th house. That seems to suggest strong communication skills. I'm guessing the main issue is that you struggle with tone, alternating between struggling to make your needs heard, or going too far and seeming unreasonable and demanding. Pluto is conjunct your Ascendant, which already lends itself to obsession and power struggles, and it's also squaring your Mercury... suggesting that your communication struggles to work effectively with that energy. You also have Mars in Scorpio in the 12th house, which suggests that you aren't always aware of your anger brewing beneath the surface until it erupts, and even hints at how your anger can lead to you being "exiled" or kicked out of things.
3. What is my purpose you think?
Well, your North Node is actually conjunct your Lilith in Virgo in the 10th house. So Lilith energy may actually be relevant to your purpose or goals in life. Having your NN in the 10th house seems to suggest that you need to seek independence and self-sufficiency, and break a pattern of dependency on your family that has become entrenched. Having the NN in Virgo suggests a need to build a structured, practical life and get organized, and move away from having blurry boundaries and losing perspective on where you end and another person begins.
4. Also should I try to get away from my parents? They have been just as bad as me, heck my mom has hit my dad several times in the past few months and yelled at him in public. Also yell at my dad that he should have been beaten more as a kid by his parents and maybe he would be more normal or something. Though my dad keeps making mistakes and is probably showing some early dementia symptoms. Still not an excuse.
Well, your North Node symbolism seems to support it strongly, especially with Lilith on NN. Not to mention you have a Sagittarius rising, which hints at long-distance journeys. But on a more basic level, it seems to me like you have little to lose if you're all living in a car anyway, by trying to find shelter. I don't think they can really hold it against you if you would rather have a roof over your head and take government assistance of some kind if you can get it, rather than keep living in the car with them. They're objectively falling down on their job as adults.

Let me put it this way... people usually move back in with their parents because they messed up their life and the alternative would be living in the car. In this case, your parents messed up the whole family's life, you're all living in a car, and it seems like there's nowhere left to turn. If anything, if you want them to continue being a part of your life, you might be the one that has to take care of them, rather than being able to rely on them. It doesn't sound like they can take care of themselves, let alone you. Apologies if that sounded a bit judgmental on my part.

I mean, besides... what are they going to do if you upset them? They can't exactly kick you out of the house if you're all living in the car... I wouldn't call that leverage that compels you to obey them.

Anyways I apologize for this mess, I am not okay right now, and I just feel something horrible is going to happen to me soon.

Aww, don't worry, it wasn't too much of a mess for me. I was able to follow it just fine. :)

Thanks for the replies so far! Anyways what indicates these power struggles? Is it mostly the Pluto energy?
That's definitely a big part of it. It's conjunct your ascendant and squaring Mercury. Mars is also squaring Jupiter, which is the ruler of your ascendant.
I'm American, 27 years old, biologically male, and live in Texas so going by that i should be completely dumb, but each reading chart says I am not and as a kid people told me I'm sharp.
Ah, same here, I'm also male and living in Texas. Anyway, I just want to let you know I appreciate how authentic and vulnerable you're being here, talking about your mental health, your raw emotions, the way your Mom treats you, etc. I hope things get easier for you, I know it's not easy to be a sensitive, emotionally vulnerable person, especially not as a guy in Texas.
I hope that @Lilith97 is doing okay. (I imagine one possibility is that they only get on the internet once in a while at the public library.)

I also hope that they have their own source of income and control over their own money (e.g., their own independent banking account).

This is clearly a crisis -- but the good news is that a crisis can be a turning point for the better.
Thank you all so much. Sort of pressed on time due to inconsistent internet access, but I just wanted to let you all know I appreciate everything. Also one more question. I noticed that I tend to attract aggressive people, like full on violent folks and ones that often talk about their fantasies of just horrible stuff. Even my mom often talks like that as well and I noticed when I'm in a certain mental state I just start spouting that stuff too out of nowhere but I don't really mean it. I think it's horrible but ugh. Feels like there is something inside me that isn't me I suppose. Do you all suppose that is shown in my chart as well?
It might be your strong Pluto aspects that set you off sometimes? [Pluto conjunct Moon and Ascendant, Square Mercury]

But that same Pluto can be your strength and determination to change your life and circumstances for the better. Pluto is like Phoenix arising from the ashes. Your difficult life can eventually make you a good counsellor or activist to help others in the future.

You did ask about if you should leave your parents. I'm sure it seems difficult if not impossible---but I'd try if you could....If you could get yourself into a better situation then you could reach out and maybe help them, if possible.

But I think you need some boundaries and you need to think about yourself right now. Your Saturn Return is approaching and it can help you make a stand, make important changes in order to reach maturity, and stand up for yourself. I don't think your parents are going to help you better yourself.

You have transiting Jupiter in the 7th house opposing your Moon. I think you can maybe find some opportunities, programs, for job placement, residential housing, if you really work at it now. Jupiter represents good luck and new circumstances, benefactors, and in your 7th it can help you connect with those kinds of opportunities.
You have very good potential, a sun conj MC in virgo with virgo mercury it's a sign of a logic and organized smart mind. It could bring you success career-wise, but you need to be able to use your drive for good. I could tell you, as probably many here before - I haven't read all the comments - that mars in scorpio in 12th house + pluto conj ascendant and moon are explosive regarding anger and aggressive issues, but what I really want you to know is that you need to seek help, not on the internet in an astrology forum, but right where you are. You cannot deal anymore with an abusive mother, an ill father, you cannot live all three in a car. Your parents are unable to get the help they need so you need to do that for yourself at least and possibly for them, it they want to be helped. If you do not use your anger, you Mars/Pluto energy constructively, it can destroy you or destroy someone else, and I don't mean it figuratively. Trust your Virgo, pragmatic side and find some social service that can support your future path out of the tunnel. Saturn is opposing your sun now so it's the right time to start building a new sense of self.

All the best

L. :sagittarius:
Whew, sort of a violent night last night. Though I explain this better here

Yeah my mom basically kicked my dad quite a bit last night, but luckily no one got really hurt. My mom did say if I try to break up the fight again I will certainly get hurt next time so I am just gonna let people do what they want. I only tried to stop the fight since it was my parents, as if it was anyone else I certainly wouldn't. Hell I am not even gonna stop them from fighting anymore.
According to the chart, the rising sign Sagittarius shows the desire for freedom and search for truth, while the Sun in Virgo can describe perfectionism and critical nature, which may be connected to family issues. Considering the position of transiting Pluto’s potential aspect with the houses of communication, it points to deep emotional patterns associated with past experiences that define the way of self-expression.

As much as it is possible that there are future prospects for development and transformation if you are willing to seek individualism and recovery. With such support, pondering over these dynamics might help you discover your life’s purpose – which is to serve and be free. In any other case, consult the right authority to help you overcome the odds.
This is perhaps the lowest point of my life. I don't know what to do anymore, and I just feel completely out of it. I have a strange feeling I won't make it to see my 28th birthday next year. I keep having anger outbursts out of nowhere, mostly politically related (and mostly at my own party tbh) and it has gotten so bad that I have been either ousted and/or gotten into trouble for it. I don't mean light anger either, I mean absolutely uncontrolled raged and shouting as horrible insults as I possible can, to the point people think I am Borderline and/or schizophrenic. Honestly I do have trouble composing my thoughts these days and I feel empty. Anyways here is my chart.

View attachment 115165

View attachment 115166

I am living in the car with my parents and they constantly fight and argue. My mom has always been a huge control freak and even now controls what I wear and is always on me. She is very invasive as well, and within the past several months wanted to wipe me down because she is sort of a perfectionist in terms of looks (a hotel worker said she had the cleanest room she has ever seen or something) and some of what my mom did would probably border on the lines of being at the very least inappropriate to do (she asked me to take off my shorts and undies once too).

I don't have all day to go over her history as she was much worse in high school always washing my face and hair for me, never letting me do anything.

Anyways with her stuff out of the way I also want to know a few things.

1. Are there any positive coming soon?
2. What is the root of my communication and anger issues? I apparently should be a good at communicating but I absolutely suck at it. I was "homeschooled" from 4th to 9th grade but I basically did nothing, but still managed to go back to school in the 10th grade and somehow graduate high school with high grades. I feel several blows to my head throughout my life might not help that. I just feel unable to express myself at all.
3. What is my purpose you think?
4. Also should I try to get away from my parents? They have been just as bad as me, heck my mom has hit my dad several times in the past few months and yelled at him in public. Also yell at my dad that he should have been beaten more as a kid by his parents and maybe he would be more normal or something. Though my dad keeps making mistakes and is probably showing some early dementia symptoms. Still not an excuse.

Anyways I apologize for this mess, I am not okay right now, and I just feel something horrible is going to happen to me soon.
Quick question: how certain are you about the birthtime? It reads at 530PM. Is it correct to assume that this information comes directly from your birth certificate or some other record of live birth?
Quick question: how certain are you about the birthtime? It reads at 530PM. Is it correct to assume that this information comes directly from your birth certificate or some other record of live birth?
Oh that be the time of the transits, my birth time is 12:58PM which is oddly the same time my mom was born, and it is on both of our birth certificates yeah! I am certain.
According to the chart, the rising sign Sagittarius shows the desire for freedom and search for truth, while the Sun in Virgo can describe perfectionism and critical nature, which may be connected to family issues. Considering the position of transiting Pluto’s potential aspect with the houses of communication, it points to deep emotional patterns associated with past experiences that define the way of self-expression.

As much as it is possible that there are future prospects for development and transformation if you are willing to seek individualism and recovery. With such support, pondering over these dynamics might help you discover your life’s purpose – which is to serve and be free. In any other case, consult the right authority to help you overcome the odds.
I already know my purpose. I feel I am the new Maximilien Robespierre. Think about the people in my life are very violent but in a righteous sort of way and why is that? We need to learn to embrace our dark nature, and this is now Pluto in Aquarius and soon Neptune in Aries. I see a violent revolution on the way. THIS WILL BE BIGGER THAN THE FRENCH REVOLUATION. I WILL IIBERATE HUMANITY WITH MY SUPER NATURAL POWERS HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People are celebrating the death of the United Healthcare CEO, and soon the real revolution will BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Violence is good and humanity needs to learn that.
Oh that be the time of the transits, my birth time is 12:58PM which is oddly the same time my mom was born, and it is on both of our birth certificates yeah! I am certain.
right, sorry for not being clear. I recognized that this was a recent chart (12 November 2024). I wondered if you were using a time on the chart for 12 November that was the same as your time of birth. Now that I know that your birth time was 12:58 PM. I'm going to recast the above chart for that time and then share a few thoughts...