I personally have never really liked violence much. I don't have as many violent people around me, but I have had friends before who supported violence who decided to reject me because I advocated for a more peaceful solution.
The 11th house is associated with friends and acquaintances, and in your case the cusp is in Libra, with Venus in Libra inside of it. This should suggest you actually want to be involved with peaceful, diplomatic people. However, Chiron is also in your 11th house, though it's in Scorpio. This suggests you also have a deep emotional wound related to violence associated with your friends. Also, Saturn in Aries is opposing Venus in Libra, which could mean you struggle to achieve the peaceful friendships you want because of struggles with authority figures who may well be a bit capricious and short-sighted, tending to live in the moment.
Does any of that resonate at all?