Hello Lilith97,
as early as 2025 you should be able to draw on resources within yourself to develop yourself and even, possibly, access a better version of yourself. You will be able to start taking a step back and understand that your current difficulties do not entirely define who you are, but rather reflect a restrictive environment. This will allow you to separate your self-image from external judgments and to become aware of acquired negative patterns. Communication problems and your anger are probably responses to years of frustration, misunderstanding and struggle to be heard or accepted. Working on these aspects, for example by consulting a therapist or a support group or community support can help transform this anger into creative energy and develop more assertive and clearer means of communication. This should allow you to express your needs and feelings in a constructive way. In addition to academic or logical skills, there is also emotional intelligence, resilience and adaptability. You can regain the liveliness of your childhood by working on your internal environment. By freeing yourself from this fear of being "stupid", you give yourself back the right to think, create and learn with less self-criticism. In this difficult family environment, power struggles may be a way of compensating for deep insecurities, and realizing these struggles allows you to no longer participate in them. Beyond family expectations and the roles you play in them, what do you really want for yourself? The therapist helps you identify these struggles and learn to respond to them in a detached way. Know how to find what interests you and feeds your curiosity and your spirit. You will find thoughts and ideas that bring you joy and satisfaction. This will awaken your spirit by promoting a feeling of competence and fulfillment. To move forward, you can fight to accept yourself and see yourself in a more favorable light. You identify the limiting beliefs and negative massages you have received in the past to restore self-esteem. With patience and regular efforts, you can take back control of your journey, reclaim your intelligence and reach your potential...
The transit of Mars, to which are added those of Pluto and Venus, are significant in your birth chart.
I hope this will help you.