Can you please read my chart? Anger issues, trust issues, and just completely broken right now.

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Deep inside ne i know it is wrong. Yet i see it normalized among my Generation on Reddit, Tik Tok, and YouTube. Part of me feels i just need to unplug from social media now. I hate feeling this angry and now i know I should get out of this situation. Thanks for helping me see the truth.
Unplugging from social media is an excellent choice. Take quote a bit of time to gain perspective on its use as a manipulative tool before venturing back to it, particularly TikTok.
All of my Generation and the one preceding mine on Reddit is saying similar or things much much worse. Plus at the end i feel we should only expose people not harm them. I am still open for exposing their secrets now. Though I do wonder why it seems most Millennials and Gen Zers have the itch for violence. I genuinely don't myself, i just split a lot in a BPD sort of way I'm sorry Moon Bucket. Also i would never harm anyone but myself.
Thank you for your reply. Some people would interpret exposure as harm (and probably betrayal, if exposed by a family member). You seem to be describing chronic domestic violence, even if the domicile is the family's car.

I didn't mean to suggest that you call the police to have your mother roughed up or put down. Some enlightened police departments try to deal with situations like this compassionately, with the involvement of mental-health professionals.

However, Katydid offered much better suggestions in post #40 above.

You've made a good start by recognizing there's a problem and coming here to discuss it, to find some avenues for hope. I don't know how far you are allowed to stray from the car or what kind of contacts you might have around town, but I think eventually you should mention to someone locally that you're in a difficult situation, you need help, and you don't know what to do next -- someone who would know about programs that could help, whether it's a social worker, a pastor at a church, or a reference librarian.
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Hello Lilith97,

as early as 2025 you should be able to draw on resources within yourself to develop yourself and even, possibly, access a better version of yourself. You will be able to start taking a step back and understand that your current difficulties do not entirely define who you are, but rather reflect a restrictive environment. This will allow you to separate your self-image from external judgments and to become aware of acquired negative patterns. Communication problems and your anger are probably responses to years of frustration, misunderstanding and struggle to be heard or accepted. Working on these aspects, for example by consulting a therapist or a support group or community support can help transform this anger into creative energy and develop more assertive and clearer means of communication. This should allow you to express your needs and feelings in a constructive way. In addition to academic or logical skills, there is also emotional intelligence, resilience and adaptability. You can regain the liveliness of your childhood by working on your internal environment. By freeing yourself from this fear of being "stupid", you give yourself back the right to think, create and learn with less self-criticism. In this difficult family environment, power struggles may be a way of compensating for deep insecurities, and realizing these struggles allows you to no longer participate in them. Beyond family expectations and the roles you play in them, what do you really want for yourself? The therapist helps you identify these struggles and learn to respond to them in a detached way. Know how to find what interests you and feeds your curiosity and your spirit. You will find thoughts and ideas that bring you joy and satisfaction. This will awaken your spirit by promoting a feeling of competence and fulfillment. To move forward, you can fight to accept yourself and see yourself in a more favorable light. You identify the limiting beliefs and negative massages you have received in the past to restore self-esteem. With patience and regular efforts, you can take back control of your journey, reclaim your intelligence and reach your potential...
The transit of Mars, to which are added those of Pluto and Venus, are significant in your birth chart.

I hope this will help you.
Ecliptique. :)

Hello Lilith97,

you will start a new year with the transit of Mars still in progress then those of Pluto and Venus which come in January 2025. You will tend to show your commitment by fully apprehending a goal...
Good luck for the future.
Ecliptique. :)
Maybe you should study your 12th house, as I think that is the key focal point of where your problems might arise. You have Mars in your 12th house, so it could be that you are indeed attracting violent people or hidden enemies. You could also be your own worst enemy with that placement, it is the house of self undoing, so any anger issues might lead towards that path.

Other than that, you might want to look at your progressed chart as there might be other indications that impact your life right now.

Wishing you all the best!
Thanks everyone. The last couple of days have gotten better for me mentally and I feel much more calm. I am gonna try to get out of this situation and I know it might take some time but I am willing to be patient and hopefully get through this all at the end.
While you are in this calm state it would be a good time to reach out to Social Workers or Pastors to ask what kind of Self Help programs are available to you. Your planetary aspects are good for this now.
Hello Lilith97,

soon you will be able to draw strength from within yourself through your thoughts and in relation to what you love in life...

Ecliptique. :)
Hello Lilith97,

soon you will be able to draw strength from within yourself through your thoughts and in relation to what you love in life...

Ecliptique. :)
Oh? Is there a big transit coming up soon? Oh btw it looks like I won't be homeless anymore within hopefully a month or two. My family found help with another family member though we are gonna have to move cities and such.
Hello Lilith97,

yes, you can reread my post #3 from November 13.

Ecliptique. :)
Alrighty, I decided to go back to that and see as it is now January : o

I kind of hoping it starts soon as things have been mixed for me the past week or so after a decent week. I sort of had a wild rant on this forum as well as a sort of breakdown a few days ago. But I do have good news! By either February or March of this year I will no longer be homeless!!! It is the wait in the middle of winter (though I live near the Gulf of Mexico so it isn't extremely cold but there is a coming cold snap coming soon) and the next month or two that I;m worry about and the health of myself and my family. Just hope my family and I can keep sane and healthy until we move cities into our new place. I am just gonna take time to work on myself and try my hardest to stop all these crazy outbursts. I feel normal sometimes and then other times I go off.
Hello Lilith97,

start seeing what you enjoy, to dedicate yourself to, and that you find rather difficult to achieve so that it leads you to be passionate about. You will also need to bring your ideas to fruition in order to foster what you love, until mid-May 2025.

Ecliptique. :)
with your pluto moon square mercury…and that square also in a Thors hammer to saturn…you most certainly do have the power for some very serious damage to others from emotional rage. and some very serious consequences.

you need to move away from this. while you are with them you are at worst influence…gutter level destructive potential.

if you continue then you are choosing to become them. That Thors will surprise you one day with your emotions running away suddenly to some very bad result for you.

right now you have a choice.

that door will close soon.
Oh one more thing. I am trying my hardest to suppress my anger recently. I am no longer in agreement with all that I said about violence, and am trying to better myself in those terms. However, I will be living with my parents for the foreseeable future, and I wonder being in a home with them would still be dangerous for me as I do see them (my parents) still having their issues. In fact, today my mom even said that if we keep embarrassing her or keep arguing that she will call her family member and tell them we don't wanna move into the house as she will not tolerate our craziness. I sometimes don't get along with my dad as he is always sort of demanding stuff and it is okay for my mom to say no but if I do it it is like the worst thing in the world. She got angry with me rolling my eyes with my dad and because of that she considered that maybe we should be homeless for another year to teach us a lesson.

Yet it is okay for her to kick my dad but they are equals while I'm the son and the parent so rolling eyes to your dad is EVIL yet kicking your husband is a godly thing to do.

Ofc I am being very sarcastic about the kicking I am not actually praising violence this time.
Edit: Urgent edit... It was all a misunderstanding. The library had a computer virus and well things happened that made it look like something else to my mom. So all is good.
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