Cancer or Leo Rising? Vote and help me

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Cancer or Leo rising?

  • Cancer

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • Leo

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2010


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I wouldn't attempt it.

Most people don't resemble their ascendant sign anyway.
Its hard to tell with just appearances.Are you one who is sensitive to criticism (at least when younger), did you need more attention from loved ones then your siblings and peers and did you act really bent out when you didn't get it, also are you highly empathetic and mothering? or, are you more interested in being in charge, the center of attention (cancer likes attention as well but in general more so from loved ones and not so much from others), and do you present yourself as one who knows best and wants whats best for those around them and can you get bossy with people because of such? When people don't give you attention Are you more "woo is me no one loves me (at least when younger)"? or, are you more like "if they can't see how great and right I am and don't appreciate the wonderful things I do then forget them."?
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I see myself much more in one but I will not answer now, because I don't want to influence the question...:happy:

Most of astrologers when the person is not sure about the time of birth, one thing that the astrologer analyse is the physical traits... to guess the ascendant... the starting point in a birth chart. That could work or not ok, but I want you to give me your opinion...
I see myself much more in one but I will not answer now, because I don't want to influence the question...:happy:

Most of astrologers when the person is not sure about the time of birth, one thing that the astrologer analyse is the physical traits... to guess the ascendant... the starting point in a birth chart. That could work or not ok, but I want you to give me your opinion...

This is my area of expertise and even I cannot tell from your pictures. You need to include your chart so we can see things in context. You may be able to tell for yourself without anyone else's opinion if you read threads like mine:

Understand that planetary parallels and conjunctions to the Asc can factor in to make the sign less obvious than normal.
This is my area of expertise and even I cannot tell from your pictures. You need to include your chart so we can see things in context. You may be able to tell for yourself without anyone else's opinion if you read threads like mine:

Understand that planetary parallels and conjunctions to the Asc can factor in to make the sign less obvious than normal.

But how I can put my chart if I'm not sure of my birth time?
Sun/mercury/mars Libra, Moon in Pisces, Venus in Sag...


A "lazy" picture of me... maybe it's easier for you... My husband has Scorpio Rising.
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Am I really the only one who sees so much more Leo there than Cancer? Sure, most people's ascendants are a little obscured, but that only gives us more room to actually be able to say someone who is a little off in appearance looks like their ascendant, and you look very, very much like many famous people with Leo ascendants (Elton John, anybody?). Sure, people might think "rounded face + hugging = Cancer," but that's a cat-like rounded face (and cat-like in more than just the roundness) and the Leo need for affection. You have fierceness in your eyes in every pictures, and all the "beastly grace" or whatever that's supposed to go with Leo rising. You are being really quite dramatic in all those pictures too. And I am an Aquarius rising person with a Leo descendant. I think I know Leo when I see it. If I'm wrong, I'm seeing some other kind of Leo somewhere, maybe just in the horoscopes of the time those pictures were taken.
But how I can put my chart if I'm not sure of my birth time?
Sun/mercury/mars Libra, Moon in Pisces, Venus in Sag...

Well if you go to you can enter an 'unknown' time and you'll get your chart with all your aspects just not in their houses.
and how this will help to figure it out?

I'm a Virgo rising, but my mother is a little unsure about my exact birth time, so had I been born half an hour later I could be a Libra rising. I read some descriptions of Libra risings vs Virgo risings and sometimes it is the Libra that sounds more like me and sometimes it doesn't. Someone looking at my chart could see the thing things that I attribute to Libra rising being the result of a particular aspect, not because I'm a Libra rising. Actually in my case it is more likely that it is because my progressed ascendent is in Libra.

It is also my experience that Virgo risings don't like to be Virgo risings.

BTW, I'm guessing you're a Cancer rising.
Here is it the chart without time, and some pics so you have more things to judge and decide...

I think it would be hard for me to assess, as I don't know enough about you. Perhaps the other astrologers can do it better (I'm only an avid enthusiast). I think you might be in the best position to judge. I think when you decide to 'reveal all' and why you think you're one particular rising instead of the other, it will be easier for others to say if it makes sense or not.
I think it would be hard for me to assess, as I don't know enough about you. Perhaps the other astrologers can do it better (I'm only an avid enthusiast). I think you might be in the best position to judge. I think when you decide to 'reveal all' and why you think you're one particular rising instead of the other, it will be easier for others to say if it makes sense or not.

The fact is that i see myself a little in both... :sad:

For sure I'm very moody (but maybe it's my moon in Pisces), for sure I had a strong, almost karmic bond with my mom and my family, I'm attached to the past... I'm emotional and overly sensitive. When I first meet new people I can be sympathetic and kind, but if i'm not comfortable I can be cold and quite....
I'm generous.... but as I said these characteristics can possible come from other signs/aspects...
For sure I'm very moody (but maybe it's my moon in Pisces), for sure I had a strong, almost karmic bond with my mom and my family, I'm attached to the past... I'm emotional and overly sensitive. When I first meet new people I can be sympathetic and kind, but if i'm not comfortable I can be cold and quite....
I'm generous.... but as I said these characteristics can possible come from other signs/aspects...

The question is would other people describe you as 'emotional and overly sensitive'? Have you ever had that description in a performance review at work? Pisces is a different kind of sensitive to Cancer imho. I don't think they are moody in the way Cancers are (I'm a Pisces and my mother and sister are Cancers). I would say that the coldness comes from trying protect yourself and going into your shell. I think you have enough other indicators of generosity in your chart.

Actually this might amuse you (or not hehe), but my mum has been telling my sister for years that she is a Leo rising. My sister likes this a lot as my both of them hate the 'Cancer' part of their personality. I have recently put my sisters details through and she is very definitely a Cancer rising. She hates this and my mother refuses to accept this and keeps saying I have made a mistake :pinched:. As much as she hates it though, the Cancer makes more sense to me.

first post first picture, do I see the scorpionic gaze of an 8th moon here? :)

I'd say Leo from optical evaluation but it's true that a lot of things are influencing the way you look. Cancer people would often have a problem to forgive people they were wounded by.

Is that a tattoo on your right thigh there? I'd cautiously consider a big tattoo to be a might-be aspect of an leo ascendent. The idea is, that a tattoo is to show your attitude towards some issues and of corse is to be SEEN.

But it's also quite common in my experience that an early ascendent is influenced by the former sign.
There is no way you can determine an ascendant sign by looks alone. Robert Downey Junior, Johnny Depp and George Michael all have Leo rising, but then so does Elton John and Barry Manilow, purportedly. See what I mean? Marilyn Monroe, Katie Homes and Meryl Streep have Leo ascendant...And then there's me... I don't look anything like any of them!

Also, I too have a pisces moon and used to think I had cancer rising for that reason, AND I am very maternal, at least where babies and pre-teens are concerned, but how much of this is biology and how much is in the signs we are?

Have you tried dowsing it? Only problem with dowsing is that if you have any subconsious beliefs or preconeptions it will translate through the pendulum into the answer you receive.

So what do you believe, and why? An asendant doesn't define you - the beliefs and options of others can encroach on what you believe yourself to be, but what do you believe and why? Here's what I think - Leo - self-aware, strong, direct, challenging, stubborn, passionate, confident, generous, self-centred. They prefer to give orders rather than take them, at a push, but basically they hate being told what to do, like all the fire signs. Cancer - Indirect, reflective, emotional, bubbly, moody, creative, changeable, imaginative, clingy, emotive, nurturing, often value themselves more through their relationships, partiularly family, for good or bad, rather like Libra can. Which desribes you the best? But you will have your own opinions about what the signs mean. Don't forget you can be both signs in sidereal and tropical systems, which may mean you don't have to reach a decision at all! Good luck and namaste!
The rectifications I've got point always for Leo rising, 2 decan.

but I see myself a bit more as a cancer rising... I don't have the will-force of Leo rising... but I do like to command, and in school I always want to be the one who says what others should do... lol and today this still the same... but I think that everyone likes it.

People say that i'm moody, and temperamental.

I just have one word that describes me: UNSTABLE

I'm not optimistic, I'm not loud... I'm not affirmative.
Leo risings, they talk with their eyes (if you don't know what I mean watch Robert Downey Jr in FUR). You have Leo eyes. No question about it. Just accept it, an embrace your inner Leo! =P