Canes Venatici and Actaeon by Paul Manship

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Multi-composite of the Polis person, the Satanic Bible, and the Chara example. Sun is conjunct the Polis person Venus/Black Moon Lilith/Dark Moon Lilith stellium, also conjunct the Church of Satan's Neptune.

Unukalhai with Sun (Lilly):

Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake


With Sun: Many quarrels and disappointments, unfortunate life, seriously affected by death of family or friends. [Robson*, p.213.]

With Mercury: Dishonorable, accused of forgery or theft of papers, ill-health, narrow escapes, danger of bites from poisonous animals. [Robson*, p.213.]

With Venus: Enmity, jealousy of own sex, bad for domestic matters, favorable for gain, secret death probably by poison. [Robson*, p.214.]

With Neptune: Shrewd, ingenious, courageous, persistent, intuitive, evil environment, often criminal, trouble through opposite sex and marriage, violent death. [Robson*, p.214.]

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Multi-composite of Beauty and the Beast, the Polis Person, and the 9/17/79 example:

Serpentis: 19 Scorpio
the "Accursed Degree"
A malefic degree, tragedy, misfortune, the "Accursed Degree". This degree does not precess.

Unukalhai: 21 Scorpio
Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake

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Coincidence Sun is conjunct Sabik in this chart, I think not:

Sabik: Wastefulness and lost energy, perverted morals, success in evil deeds


The Full unedited version! This book, once described as "surely one of the most incendiary works ever to be published anywhere" is a no-holds-barred philosophical venture into the meaning of the Jewish origins of Christianity, of nature over nurture, might over morals, of power over weakness, the right of the strongest to rule, the survival of the fittest and the belief that the world is governed by force, not by religious or moral creeds. It is a book which, even a century after its first publication, still stirs huge debate. The reader is likely to be staggered, shake his his or her head in agreement, be dumbfounded or laugh out loud-even in anguish-from page to page. It is a call to man's primeval instinct of survival, of struggle and of the power of life over death.

"Blessed are the Strong for they shall possess the earth - Cursed are the weak for they shall inherit the yoke. Blessed are the Powerful for they shall be reverenced among men - Cursed are the Feeble for they shall be blotted out . . ."


Man took dominion over man. The conquered were made to serve the conqueror. The weak were made to serve the strong. And freedom was gone from the world! - The Ten Commandments

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The Rose is a 1979 American drama film which tells the story of a self-destructive 1960s rock star who struggles to cope with the constant pressures of her career and the demands of her ruthless business manager.


Multi-composite of the film, the Polis person and Chara example:

Sun conjunct Zuben Elgenubi
Loss, theft, betrayal, abuse, venereal disease, poisoning, drowning, anguish, revenge, criminality

Multi-composite of

Sun conjunct Andromeda Galaxy: Merciless, uncaring, dispenser of punishment; mercenary; hideous death when afflicted by Mars; blindness; weakness

Mercury conjunct Baten Kaitos: Isolation, depression, accidents, emigration, shipwrecks. Belly of Cetus (the Whale)

Mars conjunct Algol: Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe; the "Evil One", the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. A pulsating, eclipsing double-star also associated with extreme creativity; an expression of the Dark Side...

Algol with Mars or if Mars be elevated above the luminaries when Algol is angular, the native will be a murderer who will come to an untimely end. The same is caused by Algol angular or with the hyleg



The mid-point for Sabik and Asterion falls on Miaplacidus, the sabian symbol for Miaplacidus is 1-2 deg Scorpio A Delicate Bottle Of Perfume Lies Broken, Releasing Its Fragrance

The first mass gassing of Jews began in Chełmno extermination camp on 8 December 1941, when the Nazis used gas vans to murder people from the Lodz ghetto.

Sun conjunct Ras Algethi / Sabik

Ras Algethi:
"The head of the kneeling Hercules", possesses a character of Mars-Venus with a slight blend of Mercury. If in good aspect, it is supposed to give much enjoyment and favors from women. However, if unconnected with helpful planets, it is said to cause much irritation, especially in connection with the female sex. But, by its very Mars nature, Ras Algethi corresponds to boldness and a drive to gain power. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.72.]

According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Saturn and Venus; and, to Alvidas, of Jupiter and Venus. It causes wastefulness, lost energy, perverted morals, and success in evil deeds. [Robson*, p.199.]

Asellus Australis (Lilly):
Military preferment, blindness, eye trouble, shipwreck, mass murder, horrors, self-willed, uncooperative

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Multi-composite of the Polis person, the Church of Satan, and a web article called Malignant Narcissists Are Morally Insane.

Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe; the "Evil One", the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. A pulsating, eclipsing double-star also associated with extreme creativity; an expression of the Dark Side...

With Mars: or if Mars be elevated above the luminaries when Algol is angular, the native will be a murderer who will come to an untimely end. The same is caused by Algol angular or with the hyleg

Malignant narcissists are unconsciously possessed by the power-drive of the archetypal shadow. Being possessed by an archetypal energy means that they have lost their internal freedom, as a more powerful, trans-personal, archetypal force has so taken them over that it unconsciously and compulsively acts itself out through them. If left in a position of power, malignant narcissists ultimately destroy themselves and everyone under their dominion. Malignant narcissists literally poison their field of influence, whether it be with depleted uranium or psychic toxicity, which is just as real and just as deadly. Malignant narcissists are what are called “necrophiles,” in that their impulses are perversely directed against life─the spontaneity of which they are afraid of─and towards death and destruction, which they are secretly attracted to. Malignant narcissists have a sadistic “willingness to kill” so as to protect their own self-serving delusions, which makes them particularly dangerous, as they will literally stop at nothing to hold onto the position of power in which they find themselves. War and an atmosphere of violence is the situation in which they feel most themselves. Malignant narcissists are murderers (whether it be physically or psychically) who are criminally and morally insane.

I knew Christians where personifying Bootes as Jesus:



Multi-composite of Jesus/Jesus 1979 film/91079/91779

The astrological influences of the star Ras Elased Australis

Note: Epsilon (ε) Leo, Ras Elased Australis, is listed as Algenubi in Robson's book Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology which is an alternative name for this star.

Of the nature of Saturn and Mars, and has been called "He who rends." It gives a bold, bombastic, cruel, heartless, brutish and destructive nature, but artistic appreciation and power of expression. [Robson*, p.123.].

These star in the Lion's head; ε Leo, Ras Elased Australis, and μ Ras Elased Borealis; are said to indicate those with an appreciation for language and a power of expression, but also those who may be heartless and cruel. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.32.]

Credited with properties such as conveying higher spiritual gifts of the Logos to those men who are able to conceive them. In primitive natives, this star may become a danger, if bound up with a poorly placed Saturn or Neptune, severe psychological depressions are indicated and possibly even suicide. In conjunction with a 'strongly' placed Mars, the Lion's Head will make for feverish diseases and if conjunct with Uranus, dangers of accidents are present. Bismarck had this fixed star positioned exactly conjunct his Ascendant; this fact as well as the part played by other configurations gave this chancellor his mental superiority. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.50.]



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Multi-composite of:


Emptiness as a human condition is a sense of generalized boredom, social alienation and apathy. Feelings of emptiness often accompany dysthymia,[1] depression, loneliness, anhedonia, despair, or other mental/emotional disorders, including schizoid personality disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizotypal personality disorder and borderline personality disorder. A sense of emptiness is also part of a natural process of grief, as resulting of separation, death of a loved one, or other significant changes. However, the particular meanings of “emptiness” vary with the particular context and the religious or cultural tradition in which it is used.[2]

The astrological influences of the star Baten Kaitos

It gives compulsory transportation, change or emigration, misfortune by force or accident, shipwreck but also rescue, falls and blows. [Robson*, p.145.]

The Whale really means "monster". The Saturnine properties, such as inhibition, reserve, caution, solitude and simplicity are often forced onto such people, either by a mundane power or a higher power. Sometimes ideas are propagated which make life for the native trying or troublesome. To such persons, fate is usually one of change. People influenced thus, tend to depression or dwell on the thought of death. Life often is full of humiliation, renunciation and obstacles. But the position of the complete chart is always important. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.14.]
Historical Note:
In the chart for the beginning of World War1* (declaration of war by Austria-Hungary, July 28, 1914, 9 AM, Vienna), the ascending degree of that chart was posited in Canes Venatici-I have come to regard this asterism not as "hunting dogs", but rather as "the dogs of war"...

(*World War 1 led directly to the Russian communist revolution; the effects of the treaties ending the first world war led to Hitler and World War 2; the situation between the communist world-started in World War 1-and the West after the end of World War 2 led directly to the Cold War (which spawned the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Russian war in Afghanistan)-results of the involvement of the United States supporting Islamic fighters during the Russian war in Afghanistan, led to the explosion of Islamic militants and the "war against islamic terrorism", which takes us up to the present time: a LOT of the world's problems since 1914 originated in the First World war...)
Historical Note:
In the chart for the beginning of World War1* (declaration of war by Austria-Hungary, July 28, 1914, 9 AM, Vienna), the ascending degree of that chart was posited in Canes Venatici-I have come to regard this asterism not as "hunting dogs", but rather as "the dogs of war"...

Here is some food for thought:

2016 Sacramento riot

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2016 Sacramento riot Date June 26, 2016 Location California State Capitol, Sacramento, California, U.S. Methods Riot, rally Result Rally permit revoked[nb 1] Parties to the civil conflict Traditionalist Youth Network, Golden State Skinheads
By Any Means Necessary (BAMN),[2] Antifa Sacramento and other organizations and supporters
Lead figures Matthew Heimbach
Yvette Felarca
Number 30
Casualties Injuries 10 Arrested 0

The 2016 Sacramento riot was a civil disorder at a rally outside the California State Capitol in Sacramento, California on June 26, 2016. Left-wing protesters and white nationalist groups were involved. Police say the violence was started by the left-wing counter-protesters[3] while many of the counter-protesters disputed this claim[who?]. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds with the majority being counter-protesters.
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Composite of

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

Symbol type: Racist/Extremist Group
Symbol Desription: A cross in a circle with the "blood drop" in the center
Hate Group/Extremist Organization: Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Background/History: According to the Klan, the blood drop represents the blood shed by Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for the White Aryan Race. The KKK originated as a secret society organized in the South after the American Civil War to reassert white supremacy through terrorism and intimidation.
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Multi-composite of Jesus, the Satanic bible and Asterion/Chara mid-point (21-22 VIR):

Sun conjunct The South Scale (Lilly):
Zuben Algenubi: Loss, theft, betrayal, abuse, venereal disease, poisoning, drowning, anguish, revenge, criminality

The astrological influences of the star Zuben Elgenubi

Notes: A double star, pale yellow and light grey, situated in the southern scale of the Balance. Its proper name is Zubenelgenubi, from Al Zuban al Janubiyyah, the Southern Claw. Symbolically called the Insufficient Price. [Robson*, p.205.]

According to Ptolemy and the old writers it is of the nature of Saturn and Mars, but later authors substitute Saturn and Venus or Saturn and Mercury, and Alvidas likens it to Mars, Venus and Saturn. It causes malevolence, obstruction, an unforgiving character, violence, disease, lying, crime, disgrace, and danger of poison. [Robson*, p.205.]

It is well to remember here the association of this star with a scorpion's claw, used for making love as well as for slaying its prey. It does not let go until one or other matter is complete and onlookers are not sure which of the two acts are in process. Sometimes even the Scorpion seems to get it wrong along the way! It frequently shows up ill-aspected in many unfortunate situations, from domestic strife and miscarriages of justice to psychopathic killings that started out in the guise of love. Its appearance in better aspect is often just the right moment to repair a relationship and to reconsider an earlier harsh judgment. Well aspected and on the 'right planet' we have someone of courage who will fight for right, but is generous to his opponents when they are defeated. If harshly aspected, especially to Mars, Saturn or the Moon, justice may well take a back seat to vengeance




Another multi-composite: Jesus, the Satanic bible and Velveteen

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Composite of with

Proctor, in his attempt to simplify constellation nomenclature, called them Catuli, the Puppies (Canes Venatici).
Sun conjunct Alphecca

According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury, but Alvidas considers it to be like Mars and Mercury. It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability. [Robson*, p.131.]

Alphecca is noted for conveying honor, dignity and artistic ability. But like all Venusian stars it can also have its undesirable effects. Medieval astrologers, who tended to emphasize the more perverse side of astrology, asserted that Alphecca rising indicates a life spent in a variety of pleasurable pursuits by an individual who decked his body with adornments, secretly engaged in love affairs or adultery and who "bedded boys and girls" according to Firmicus Maternus. If the star is setting, disgrace will come of all this. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p10.]

Because of its Venus-Mercury properties, this star, if in good position and found on the ascendant, is credited with a liking for literature, art and science, artistic talents and also success in trade and commerce. If conjunct the Sun or Moon and well placed in a map, this star promises honors and preferment. According to tradition, it is said to be associated with "The Lord of the House of Death" and if connected with Neptune and Mars, infectious diseases and poisoning are indicated. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.64, under the name Gemma]
Acrux: Interest in astrology and spirituality, metaphysics, sacrifice
South Scale (Zuben Elgenubi): Loss, theft, betrayal, abuse, venereal disease, poisoning, drowning, anguish, revenge, criminality



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