career as an astrologer?

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madame moon

Active member
Apr 3, 2012

I'm in the midst of a mid-life crisis and am considering a new career. I'm totally clueless as what direction to go. I'm in a huge fog, which is unfortunate since I need to make a move ASAP. I don't want to do what I've done in the past anymore. I've had a couple astrologers tell me I should consider a career as an astrologer. I'm not sure why exactly they said that. I would LOVE that, but I fear that it's impossible to financially support myself doing that alone. So, if that's the case I need something else to do meanwhile.

I'm feeling a bit lost and am wondering if any folks could take a look at my chart and offer any suggestions. For some reason, finding my "calling" has been illusive and confusing for me. I'm considering getting training to become an esthetician, since it's relatively easy and quick to get, and I'm not stuck in an office behind a desk all day. I want to work with people directly in a healing, peaceful atmosphere if possible.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


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Complete astrological amateur here, but going by 10th house cusp in Aries, and Saturn in the 10th, have you considered teaching/lecturing? I don't necessarily mean school-teaching (as in, kids), I mean generally, in any subject you feel passionate about - perhaps even astrology?
I have considered it, but as a school teacher or even college. But, that requires degrees in education and teaching certification, which is too long for me to do, so I nixed it.

However, I really like the idea of teaching astrology! I think I have issues with feeling I need proper credentials/experience to teach, so I don't consider it. I wonder how I could do that? Thanks for your input!
I have considered it, but as a school teacher or even college. But, that requires degrees in education and teaching certification, which is too long for me to do, so I nixed it.

However, I really like the idea of teaching astrology! I think I have issues with feeling I need proper credentials/experience to teach, so I don't consider it. I wonder how I could do that? Thanks for your input!

Why do you feel it would take too long? A degree is a wonderful exercise in personal growth, as well as academic, and it is much easier to be a teacher of anything when you know how to teach. If it is something you have considered, and going by the placements I pointed out, I think you may find the degree process more rewarding and worthwhile than you suspect.
I don't honestly understand why you were told to work in Astrology because I would see that as someone who has a 6th, 9th, 10th house cusp in Aquarius or Uranus in one of those houses.

I would recommend you consider starting a fitness club or nutrition as I am sure you would have something to offer here especially in healing possibly massage where you would work in your local community. Sagittarius ruler jupiter is in your third house of local community. You have 4 major planets in your third house I think your career will be wonderful if you are guided by what can i do to serve my local community one example is being active in local council.Aries on the M.C you will be known as a leader, you like doing and office work could stifle you and you will be at your best as your own boss. With saturn in 10th in Taurus you will be responsible and grounded. Sun in cancer in the 12th could be a good omen for healing work, but you would have to free yourself from a painful childhood first.


I appreciate feedback as to what felt right and what was incorrect.
I don't honestly understand why you were told to work in Astrology because I would see that as someone who has a 6th, 9th, 10th house cusp in Aquarius or Uranus in one of those houses.

I am an astrologer with Uranus in the 4th house and Aquarius on the 8th cusp.
Hi madame moon. Until transiting Uranus and Pluto have finished aspecting the Moon Chiron opposition across your meridian axis you will probably understandably have a sense of urgency around issues of your calling. This opposition across the meridian is the kind that needs considerable self-exploration to understand, and if it is not understood, then it could undermine your efforts at settling into a vocation in a satisfying way. I'm not assuming that you have blind-spots in this area - I just mention it in case. It is a placement that suggests wounding through a parental relationship (probably involving mostly the mother - at least on a conscious level) and any unresolved issues could get replayed through your experience of offering some kind of healing to others. These transits are a perfect time to expose any hidden issues and thus pave the way for greater satisfaction through vocation. I would see this as the priority, rather than pinpointing the exact path which you need to follow.

You're also having your Saturn half return, and since your Saturn is natally in the 10th house, this will perhaps add a sense of urgency to the need to consolidate something in this area of life. You may well do that, but I would see the priority as to use this time to reflect on the internal processes that have influenced your vocational life so far so that future decisions are made with greater clarity.

Neptune is also trine your 12th house Sun in Cancer. This could be seen as a cleansing time, and this watery Sun does need to be cleansed periodically in order to function at its best. Its obviously important to express one's solar vitality through one's vocation.

My hunch is that this is a time of looking to the past rather than the future, in particular addressing issues of how validated you felt as an individual during your formative years. But you could also get useful insight and inspiration about your future path at this time, with transiting Uranus, Neptune and Pluto opening your mind to new possibilities.

There is no such thing as a chart that contra-indicates astrology as a vocation, imo.
madame moon,

You can be anything it is that you want to be. There are many different markers for an Astrologer. Your concern you say is financial and a quick fix. Honestly, very few people can carve a living out of Astrology and many older career Astrologers are finding that without benefits like insurance, it can be financially draining. A long term plan with marketing, education (like accreditation from a reputable Astrology school) financial management would be better than jumping right in for anyone wanting to become an Astrologer.

Your chart does have the ruler of the 10th house in the 5th. Speculation, children, hobbies, socializing are good areas for you. I notice that Neptune is hovering close by, maybe working as a bartender would work out well for you. Seeing the position you are in, if it was me I would consider working as a nanny or Au Pair for a family.

Where you bring in income is the 2nd house. The ruler, the Sun, is found in your 12th. Ego is Ego, so it isn't that you have to "hide" it, but it performs best when you are behind the scenes... like may be a party planner or even a manager that over sees a recreation destination. Oooh, like an events coordinator on a cruise ship!

Since you are having family issues, a job that would also move you from your home may give you the freedom to heal, and then really decide what it is that you want to pursue.

Good luck what ever it is you decide to follow!

Dispositorship chain: Midheaven (career cusp) in Aries, with Mars as the ruling planet. Jupiter (rules 6th House of Health). Mercury (rules both 3rd House of Communications and 12th House of Self-Undoing) is final dispositor = health and/or public service (6th House), teaching/writing/public speaking (3rd House), and altruism (12th House)

Mercury Oriental (the planet which rose immediately before the Sun on your birthdate) = further corroboration of communications theme in life

Midheaven makes contact with Moon (rules 1st House of Self), Sun (rules 2nd House of Value), Mercury (rules 3rd House of Communications and 12th House of Self-Undoing), Mars (rules 10th House of Social Status), Uranus (rules 8th House of Reincarnation) = makes money (2nd House, 10th House is career) in healing/consultant capacity (9th House) that plays to self-identity (1st House), teaches/speaks (3rd House) to the public and altruistically serves others, possibly in a large public institution (12th House)

Chiron conjunct Midheaven = further corroboration of teaching/healing/counseling role in career

Reigning need: Libra Moon emotionally needs to have relations with others and be popular with others. Moon makes contact with Sun (rules 2nd House of Value), Mercury (rules 3rd House of Communications and 12th House of Self-Undoing), Mars (rules 10th House of Social Status), Jupiter (rules 6th House of Health), Uranus (rules 8th House of Reincarnation), and Chiron = writing/teaching/speaking (3rd House), altruism (12th House), health and/or public service (6th House), healing/teaching/counseling (8th House)

Summary: Your chart suggests that you'd be the most fulfilled in a vocation that enabled you to work with the public, in a teaching/healing/counseling capacity whereby you are regularly communicating with the public. Altruism is a significant theme in your chart, so perhaps working for the public sector or a non-profit group. Health care worker? Case manager / counselor? Teacher?
Your chart suggests you could include one or more of the following life areas in your career:

-Home life and relations with your family including very close friends
-houses, lands, mines; everything pertaining to the earth
-working with and for others
-serving as group leader or manager.
-taking care of details
-police service, hairdressing, armed forces, physical therapy work, construction or any sports-related occupation
-acting, writing, art, poetry, singing, music, nursing or humanitarian work
-positions of authority

Your chart also suggests, that since you can be at times your own worst enemy, the advice of a trusted friend regarding career is recommended, since you tend to get carried away making career choices. There's possible difficulty with authorities and the law and/or differences with older people. You also need to develop domestic virtues: routine work, regular growth, commitments, and so on.
Thanks Miquar, I really think you are right about dealing with my issues first. My only concern is that I don't have the luxury of taking time to figure it out first, as I'm in a financial position of needing secure income. I'm thinking that I need to find a way to make enough cash, maybe in some work that has nothing to do with my vocation in the meantime. I feel a bit like a kid just out of college starting from scratch. I have years of graduate education that doesn't help me now, since I'm completely done with it. I can't go back, must go forward to new area. So, maybe work in service industry or something. I have no idea, but I think you hit on important point that I need to heal before I know what the next move is. It's funny you mention all of this, since I'm experiencing a family crisis, where it looks like I'm going to be cut off from their financial help I've been receiving while in school. I've reached the point where I can't endure my family's abuse, and it's ALL about that Chiron/Moon/IC access you mentioned. It's been terribly painful and I'm in a state of panic about how I will support myself. We'll see...

Hi. It sounds life strong Lunar issues are around for you at the moment, not surprisingly. Perhaps this time could be seen as a time of addressing issues that you have previously not been strong enough to address - in other words until now, and especially when you were a child, you have had to play along with the abusive behaviour of your family. It seems that your Self (and/or some other force in your life) has decided that this is the time to become an adult with regard to this particular issue. Your chart should be able to give you clues to how you can build up your sense of being a capable individual, and also how you can alleviate any anxiety. I'll go to your chart and see if I can see anything.
With the strong Cancer emphasis and Moon opposite Chiron, you are more sensitive than most to change in your life. You perhaps need to look for a sense of belonging and source of nourishment other than through your family. This is something that you ultimately need to find inside of you, but things in the outer world may be a great help as long as you don't become too dependent upon them. Look out for the tendency to repeat childhood patterns. Such repetition may be a necessary and natural part of your path to some extent. But entering into the same dynamic you had with your mother in an attempt to rewrite history can backfire over and over again. If possible try to put your 'story' behind you. The relevant feelings will still come up to be processed, but not so much in the form of a narrative (which may have a momentum of its own).

Moon in Libra benefits from a sense of balance and harmony of course, and keeping your home beautiful could have a restorative and reassuring affect on you. You might be able to make changes to your physical environment the cost little or nothing. And in your social life, you might benefit from harmonious interchanges with others. Friends cooking for one another comes to mind. Try to keep the dynamic balanced, rather than leaning on someone or offering excessive support - The Cancer part of you may be prone to such imbalance when you feel anxious, especially if your relationship with your Mother was highly conditional (as Moon opposite Chiron implies).

With the loaded 3rd house, and the Mercury Mars opposition across Gemini and Sagittarius and the 5th and 11th houses, you may be prone to communications with others which are not always harmonious. The provocative tendency of your mind (which may manifest as a tendency to attract provocation from others more than as your own consciously provocative expression - especially with the Cancer emphasis and the Moon Chiron opposition) may undermine your need for harmony, and so this is perhaps worth keeping in mind.

With the highly inventive Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Virgo, and with Venus and Saturn in Taurus, you've got plenty of earthy energy with which to tackle the practical side of reinventing yourself career-wise. My overall sense of the chart is that you would make a particularly good family therapist, or a therapist who helps people in difficult family situations - perhaps involving some body-work of some kind. This is also something that you could specialise in as an astrologer.
My tuppence worth is how about some kind of writing, journalism? its a very flexible field like photography, many subject options and places of work. And wont take forever to do a course.

Im looking at mars the mc ruler opposite mercury in gemini in 11th house, which would bode well for refreshing interesting writing with chart ruler conjunct uranus with an extra unique twist. You could practice by beginning to blog on subjects you are interested in, its free too and might attract other people with similar interests, maybe leading to contacts eho can help.

i think your astrology interest comes from moon conjunct uranus too.

All in all I think creative is your field.

Good luck.

I'm in the midst of a mid-life crisis and am considering a new career. I'm totally clueless as what direction to go. I'm in a huge fog, which is unfortunate since I need to make a move ASAP. I don't want to do what I've done in the past anymore. I've had a couple astrologers tell me I should consider a career as an astrologer. I'm not sure why exactly they said that. I would LOVE that, but I fear that it's impossible to financially support myself doing that alone. So, if that's the case I need something else to do meanwhile.

I'm feeling a bit lost and am wondering if any folks could take a look at my chart and offer any suggestions. For some reason, finding my "calling" has been illusive and confusing for me. I'm considering getting training to become an esthetician, since it's relatively easy and quick to get, and I'm not stuck in an office behind a desk all day. I want to work with people directly in a healing, peaceful atmosphere if possible.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

With transiting Neptune stationing from direct motion last June to square your natal Mars, ruler of your MC, it is no surprise that you are in a fog about job /career direction. Neptune's characteristic illusiveness and confusion may continue during its cycle to your Mars through the coming year. So the idea of doing something quick and easy, like an aesthetician does indeed seem like good idea for the next several months.

It also sounds like Neptune may be highlighting your desire to work directly in a healing, peaceful atmosphere, as it rules your NN in Pisces. I believe you will have much greater clarity about what you want to do after Neptune has finished its work with your Mars in Jan 2014.
Yes a useful reminder that every step is part of the path, and the realisation that there is a temporary stop-gap available can be seen as a form of support from the cosmos (or a reminder that we have the resources to keep going even though we're not sure where we're ultimately headed). Most of us would rather just win a lottery and get on the fast-track to our ideal role in life, but there you go...
Uranus-Pluto is passing through your Career

and is by rulers effecting your Saturn and Mars.

Now Saturn eventually in scorpio turning in to your 5th
is going to make you concentrate on something creative.

Uranus is currently retrograding near your chiron and your MC.

you would have to wait for the direct Uranus through your MC
with saturn entering 5th house

for the results.
Hi madame moon. I think you should take great pride in what you've achieved so far. I'm sure that you will continue to become more aware and to heal. This is the other side of Chiron - the impetus to explore and understand the issues that have wounded us. But Chiron's wound never healed in myth, and where we have Chiron in the chart is where we may always feel like a bit of an outsider. But you will come to understand things that most people will never will.

Keep in mind that your family's behaviour is in no way a reflection of who you are, but rather a reflection of who they are. Its also a reflection of the potential cruelty of human beings and the unfairness of life, both of which Chiron shows to us so that we can understand that however well we might bolster ourselves with integrity and effort (Saturn), there are forces completely beyond our control which we just have to make the best of. No one can give you back the loving childhood which you were deprived of, but you can find a truer tranquility along side your pain, which will lessen over time I'm sure.

If you go to an Ashram or somewhere similar, be sure to stay body-centred in any spiritual practises which you engage in, and keep your Earth element flowing. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is your inner magician, while Saturn will help you to bolster your sense of being a solid and self-sufficient individual, and Venus will bring greater self-love.
I do see that you may teach astrology but it is a precarious profession at best and only those who run schools or have a high profile can earn really good money. However if you consider an online site you may have more luck. If you have many years of experience then you can charge for your time with a clear conscience. I did not become a consultant until I was well into my late thirties and felt I could give sessions without recourse to notes or textbooks. It is a big responsibility and you have to be wise and mature about how you deal with it all.
Good luck.:smile:
Hello Madame Moon,

I'm considering to become an astrologer too.

I guess, actually, to become an astrologer, like wintersprite1 said, a long term plan with marketing, education (like accreditation from a reputable Astrology school) financial management are crucial.

but, my friend say, do what you want to do right now with all resources you have in the present time.for the rest, you can do/learn/search it while you're doing it.

Me myself actually not really agree with that statement for I value greatly in perfect plan.

But, perfect plan doesnt exist :D So, yes, I take my first step, made my FB page. >_<

Maybe you can do that too. But this wont make quick money, I guess, since so many think to learn from astrology. The courses to become a real astrologer I know even take 4 years! >_<

Thats a little sharing for me. I hope it can help you to take the right way.

Whatever you choose, I guess, the real importance is, do what you love and love what you do. Do with all of your passion and heart and the money, popularity will come itself
