I am at a loss in regards to choosing a career. Right now I am in college taking care of my general education requirements, but when those are all taken care of I won't have any direction to go in. Like most people, I don't have the money to spend on all the classes I just simply feel like taking.
I do have some knowledge of astrology....but after looking at some of the threads on here I could not help but notice when someone suggested one of the career paths they considered that's all the answers ever focused on. So I am intentionally leaving out my ideas about my chart's direction so that I may get less focused answers.
Thanks much if you help!
[EDIT: Here's my natal chart!]
[EDIT:I skim the rules to every seems that it wasn't such a good idea here. Can I blame the planets in the 8th house? I kid, I kid....onto my point....I've considered a small handful of careers: teaching [at the collegiate level, I hate kids/people my age], a paranormal researcher [but how would I make money?], owning a store devoted to the Earth religions and New Age people [which is highly appealing, but I'm terrible with math...], or I pull a Ron Hubbard or Joseph Smith and create a religion MUHAHAHAHA---....>.>....<.<....but you didn't hear that.]
I do have some knowledge of astrology....but after looking at some of the threads on here I could not help but notice when someone suggested one of the career paths they considered that's all the answers ever focused on. So I am intentionally leaving out my ideas about my chart's direction so that I may get less focused answers.
Thanks much if you help!
[EDIT: Here's my natal chart!]

[EDIT:I skim the rules to every seems that it wasn't such a good idea here. Can I blame the planets in the 8th house? I kid, I kid....onto my point....I've considered a small handful of careers: teaching [at the collegiate level, I hate kids/people my age], a paranormal researcher [but how would I make money?], owning a store devoted to the Earth religions and New Age people [which is highly appealing, but I'm terrible with math...], or I pull a Ron Hubbard or Joseph Smith and create a religion MUHAHAHAHA---....>.>....<.<....but you didn't hear that.]
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