Career dead-end- Why?

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Oct 12, 2013
I took the advice to post on this section of the forum as similar things keep resurfacing in my life and career.
My issues are that since I have more that 3 university degrees in the field of visual arts and museum studies (currently staying on my 4th) and can't seem to find financial stability or even paid positions. Most of my career opportunities have been unpaid positions or even part-time retail jobs (which I am still doing).
I have been told in the past that I would encounter delays in my career goals...but this situation of not being able to plan your life ahead has been mentally exhausting.
There are days where I feel mental exhaustion by the external circumstances.

Is there anything in my chart that really shows repeated failure and struggles?
Thank you!


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I wouldn't say that your chart shows "repeated failure and struggles." But I wonder how well the chart supports your chosen field.

Can you saying something about the meaning that your love of art and museum studies have for you? What types of art and museum collections particularly "sing" for you?

I ask also because Venus rules the fine arts generally. She's exalted in Pisces and conjunct your North Node of personal growth; so fine arts, yes. But the 8th house can deal with somber themes.

Your sun in the 9th house in Pisces has a connection with activities that broaden your mental horizons, including higher education. I assume your 4th degree would be a doctorate? I don't know whether it would mean accumulating a lot of student loan debt, but if a Ph. D. is the union card in your field of study, then you would be advised to get it. What about research or teaching assistantships in your program?

The other thing that occurs to me is that if you have retail experience, running a museum gift shop or an import (9th house) business might be feasible.

This is just speculation, but sometimes thinking laterally, and using the experience you already have, is helpful.
No I started my adult life studying visual arts and theatre. Making art was my foundation and aspiration in life because I am the ideas person. My latest masters focused on exhibition/ curatorial projects and I briefly worked for a gallery. Curating is not my main goal in life but I always told myself I could work in a museum and it suits me. (Most people I know that work in a museum now are from the field of economics and much less art history)....
Actually my 4rth degree is in film (that would probably shock you) directing and I just presented a very experimental project in a local festival.
The issue with me is that I am a very experimental person. full of ideas (passion) and my environment expects me to be successful in terms of money. (because they were) This alone creates a big conflict one I can't run away from.

Yes, I agree about the museum gift shop, I have sent countless CV's but the truth is that at this point in time everything is about networking.
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Hi Tamara. Your name rings a bell from the now closed forum. If I'm right I can no longer retrieve to what it referred.

The chart shows a natal Sun in Pisces in a soft aspect to the Uranus-Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. Sun-Neptune can corroborate/contribute to the vocation aspect of a visionary, and this would seem to confirm the direction you have chosen to which to give a concrete form (Capricorn). The issue with with Pisces and Neptune is that their visionary aspects can be idyllic of nature. As an astrologer using modern techniques, I place 'the arts' under the influence of Neptune. With a positive aspect from Pluto to both Sun and Neptune, it isn't a job or a career for any other purpose than to fulfil an inner passion which drives one on regardless. Anything else is bulldozed as a means to an end.

It's a strong personal view that Sun aspects can only manifest positively once the conditioned Moon aspects have lost their reflective influences.
The chart shows a conflict between how one feels (Moon) and what one wants (Sun). Both planets are in signs referring to the ideals of visions. The difference is that a Moon in Sagittarius 'believes' its ideals are possible to manifest (through Capricorn), whilst Sun in Pisces has 'faith' in the strength its visions can become (through Aries). Moon aspects have need of another to bring their visions to fulfilment (Sagittarius, through its ruler Jupiter). Sun is individualitic of nature and its aspects do not. It has faith in itself.
The chart shows Moon opposite Jupiter in Taurus, a fixed sign based upon physical substantiality, from which it is attempting to remove itself (separating aspect).

Through progression over the years the Sun has left Pisces (taking its traits with it) and moved into Aries. During the late 20's years it made an promising aspect of self development to natal Moon. Could this have coincided with when your visions of success within your chosen field began to take form? As Aries and Sagittarius are both 'fire' signs, they are full of lively enthusiasm. Yet when Sun reached the conflict aspect to Saturn-Neptune in rational and manifestational Capricorn, circumstances could have arisen as if a cold shower dimmed the power of the fire. It was NOT a failure in your creative self. More likely 'the sign of the times' and the focus one has towards it. I.e. positions in your field are not exactly readily forthcoming. It's a Sagittarius/9th house 'specialised' area, which is far less common than an everyday (3rd house, Virgo) type of employment to pay the bills.

Looking at the chart and seeing transit Neptune's forthcoming move into Aries, still in the 9th house, my first thought was 'why not a move in a new direction?' Amongst many other realms, the 9th house refers to 'far horizons'. I looked up the post you mentioned to have posted elsewhere and saw the word 'abroad'. As a home-loving Cancer Ascendant with Moon in harsh aspect in Sagittarius to Jupiter, 'far horizons' might be something you have not considered whilst working towards your academic achievements. When Neptune reaches Aries, its first major aspect will be to natal 12th house Chiron. What internal conflict within yourself could keep you from broadening your experience 'further afield' elsewhere?

The progressed Moon in late Pisces has been influencing your feelings regarding 'failure', possibly because its ever present visionary quality has not been materially realised. If it has already entered Aries (no birth time given), 'new' active and assertive feelings will be stirring. As it aspects the natal planets in Capricorn in turn, Moon in Sagittarius, and crosses the M.C into the career house, new opportunities can arise IF you are prepared to accept and take them.

The progressed Sun, Mercury, and Venus are forming a major conjunction in Aries in the 10th house, that are activating the strained natal Mercury-Pluto aspect. Progressed Mars in Gemini is doing the same from the 11th house. Maybe a time has arisen to give new appraisal to the forceful mental aspect within you that may have dominated and controlled life to date?

For starters to think about? :smile:
Hi Tamara. Your name rings a bell from the now closed forum. If I'm right I can no longer retrieve to what it referred.

The chart shows a natal Sun in Pisces in a soft aspect to the Uranus-Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. Sun-Neptune can corroborate/contribute to the vocation aspect of a visionary, and this would seem to confirm the direction you have chosen to which to give a concrete form (Capricorn). The issue with with Pisces and Neptune is that their visionary aspects can be idyllic of nature. As an astrologer using modern techniques, I place 'the arts' under the influence of Neptune. With a positive aspect from Pluto to both Sun and Neptune, it isn't a job or a career for any other purpose than to fulfil an inner passion which drives one on regardless. Anything else is bulldozed as a means to an end.

It's a strong personal view that Sun aspects can only manifest positively once the conditioned Moon aspects have lost their reflective influences.
The chart shows a conflict between how one feels (Moon) and what one wants (Sun). Both planets are in signs referring to the ideals of visions. The difference is that a Moon in Sagittarius 'believes' its ideals are possible to manifest (through Capricorn), whilst Sun in Pisces has 'faith' in the strength its visions can become (through Aries). Moon aspects have need of another to bring their visions to fulfilment (Sagittarius, through its ruler Jupiter). Sun is individualitic of nature and its aspects do not. It has faith in itself.
The chart shows Moon opposite Jupiter in Taurus, a fixed sign based upon physical substantiality, from which it is attempting to remove itself (separating aspect).

Through progression over the years the Sun has left Pisces (taking its traits with it) and moved into Aries. During the late 20's years it made an promising aspect of self development to natal Moon. Could this have coincided with when your visions of success within your chosen field began to take form? As Aries and Sagittarius are both 'fire' signs, they are full of lively enthusiasm. Yet when Sun reached the conflict aspect to Saturn-Neptune in rational and manifestational Capricorn, circumstances could have arisen as if a cold shower dimmed the power of the fire. It was NOT a failure in your creative self. More likely 'the sign of the times' and the focus one has towards it. I.e. positions in your field are not exactly readily forthcoming. It's a Sagittarius/9th house 'specialised' area, which is far less common than an everyday (3rd house, Virgo) type of employment to pay the bills.

Looking at the chart and seeing transit Neptune's forthcoming move into Aries, still in the 9th house, my first thought was 'why not a move in a new direction?' Amongst many other realms, the 9th house refers to 'far horizons'. I looked up the post you mentioned to have posted elsewhere and saw the word 'abroad'. As a home-loving Cancer Ascendant with Moon in harsh aspect in Sagittarius to Jupiter, 'far horizons' might be something you have not considered whilst working towards your academic achievements. When Neptune reaches Aries, its first major aspect will be to natal 12th house Chiron. What internal conflict within yourself could keep you from broadening your experience 'further afield' elsewhere?

The progressed Moon in late Pisces has been influencing your feelings regarding 'failure', possibly because its ever present visionary quality has not been materially realised. If it has already entered Aries (no birth time given), 'new' active and assertive feelings will be stirring. As it aspects the natal planets in Capricorn in turn, Moon in Sagittarius, and crosses the M.C into the career house, new opportunities can arise IF you are prepared to accept and take them.

The progressed Sun, Mercury, and Venus are forming a major conjunction in Aries in the 10th house, that are activating the strained natal Mercury-Pluto aspect. Progressed Mars in Gemini is doing the same from the 11th house. Maybe a time has arisen to give new appraisal to the forceful mental aspect within you that may have dominated and controlled life to date?

For starters to think about? :smile:

First of all thank you Frisiangal for this thorough analysis,

I was never a member in a different forum ( and I only use this website to make charts. However, I remember your name from this forum here as I usually post on horary section. I have to say that I agree with what you are saying here, and I know that my failures were not mine completely. There was an interesting conversation between my mom when I had just graduated from my first studies in 2013 and I said: "I have failed" and she replied "No circumstances did".
However in life you expect that you will always move forward and that you will have impressive results early. It is how we are trained to think.
Technically I started a new university course (distance learning) in filmmaking to light up the fire again and I have met really interesting people there. They are not toxic at all, they only have constructive feedback for me and others. I recently presented a new short film in a local festival and it received positive feedback.

If I could I would live abroad again the reasons I returned home were mostly financial at the time after university. (meaning I could not get an actual job)
Currently I am doing a lot of networking and at the same time I work part-time in retail for a high-street brand. Its eaxahsuting because I have been doing this for the last two years and it doesn't help me advance. Its an intellectual dead-end.
I have started therapy since April 2024 and the therapist could help but I could take more months to see a result.

Maybe it is time to forgive myself, let go and focus on the future.
Thank you.
Hello again I have been thinking the last comment by dear Frisiangal about my natal Mercury- Pluto strained aspect. I am wondering whether this could lead to a mental crisis/breakdown....
Mercury square Pluto is something you've lived with all your life. If you're feeling extra stress right now, please think of what you can do to minimize it before putting yourself in some kind of crisis mode. How can you simplify your life? Get the counseling that would be helpful to you?
Aries mc is basically against it.
You need a literature degree
Thank you but I think its a bit late to invest myself in literature. I prefer teamwork.
Mercury square Pluto is something you've lived with all your life. If you're feeling extra stress right now, please think of what you can do to minimize it before putting yourself in some kind of crisis mode. How can you simplify your life? Get the counseling that would be helpful to you?

I am in therapy since April but I am not sure whether he is helping me or not. Honestly its complicated....
The ruler of your 2nd House, about finances and resources, is the Sun, so a loss of confidence in this could in itself be a setback. Your heavily tenanted 6th House looks to be pretty challenging for you in the workplace, a little rebellious on the one hand (Uranus) , sensitive to the pressures of having to conform on the other (Saturn) and generally maybe having a history of being a fall guy on some other significant occasion? Do you find office politics to be unpleasant? Any sense of failure could stem from a past experience here. If however you have the inspiration and you have put in the practice to hone your skills, that is already a whole lot of long steps to not being a failure. Recognition of course is something else, it maybe someone can chime in with observations about your Jupiter and Venus placements.

Being self employed in a day job can be a bit like a small leaky boat in a large ocean can be scary too, but your vision of directing films sounds like a superb vision by which to marshall your creative energies. A Sagittarius Moon should do well abroad, if there is a way you could find a day job. If you are in the EU that might be easier to get away with.

If you are cognisant with astrology, why not get an astrocartography chart done up? That might have hints about where in the world might be a favourable place to settle, although my caveat there would be that the culture of a place might trump what your stars for the location might have to say.
The ruler of your 2nd House, about finances and resources, is the Sun, so a loss of confidence in this could in itself be a setback. Your heavily tenanted 6th House looks to be pretty challenging for you in the workplace, a little rebellious on the one hand (Uranus) , sensitive to the pressures of having to conform on the other (Saturn) and generally maybe having a history of being a fall guy on some other significant occasion? Do you find office politics to be unpleasant? Any sense of failure could stem from a past experience here. If however you have the inspiration and you have put in the practice to hone your skills, that is already a whole lot of long steps to not being a failure. Recognition of course is something else, it maybe someone can chime in with observations about your Jupiter and Venus placements.

Being self employed in a day job can be a bit like a small leaky boat in a large ocean can be scary too, but your vision of directing films sounds like a superb vision by which to marshall your creative energies. A Sagittarius Moon should do well abroad, if there is a way you could find a day job. If you are in the EU that might be easier to get away with.

If you are cognisant with astrology, why not get an astrocartography chart done up? That might have hints about where in the world might be a favourable place to settle, although my caveat there would be that the culture of a place might trump what your stars for the location might have to say.
In all honesty I want to return to Switzerland, I was an graduate student there prior to the Covid-19 crisis when my school closed for months. Also my boyfriend want to move there as well as there are many opportunities for his field (For him its easier to move even next year lets say because he has an excellent architectural portfolio)... For me life was always chaotic because I am called to create in a way my job so I have been investing my earnings to study film for the last two years. I have developed my own style but its moving slowly.
I find office politics extremely unpleasant, because I love having a routine, perform my tasks etc. (Every environment I have ever been has been toxic, advertising, galleries and fashion retail) On the other hand I love teamwork and my theatre training has helped me a lot)

The problem here is that my most important degree so far is in curatorial studies and this could lead me to a museum abroad. But I have to find powerful connections in order to do this.
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I have been wondering whether after September 2024 I could see some progress. Should I focus on transits, progressions on the MC or both?
Update: My therapist said earlier that I demonstrate lack of motivation (in relation to past failures)band that creates my current state of pessimism, denial and slow process. Could this be cured via starting a new job.
What is the therapist saying you lack of motivation with?
I think he meant that I am not motivated enough to show my work or approach people but its also ambiguous. What I do know for sure is that I loose faith easily when I encounter an obstacle on my path. Its like I allow pessimism to win the game (and I don't do it consciously) ... At this point and age I should be able to think constructively and not allow my negative emotions to win.
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Update: I have taken a break from therapy because after 9 months it felt I had talked about everything that I felt was blocking my path.
However it feels that life is moving extremely slow and I have already booked a trip abroad for my birthday in February. I think this will also influence my Solar Return chart.
your pluto mars jupiter, mercury configuration always will present itself as a willfull fight for self determination and maybe survival in specific circumstances. by its existence it places you in direct comflict with your community and the potential it offers. Though sun trining pluto offer personal support, and affords recovery from knocks and loss….the way you insist on driving your decisions, plans and needs…..‘your way or the highway’ ….pitts you in conflict of what your community can offer. in some way you could be a force to be reconned with or force for change…. so strong is your will to forge your own path….if it wasnt that pisces sun avoids confrontation and runs short of resolve so lets the side down and you cave in ….causing self harm…..which is reflected in your chart with the mars, jupiter sun, moon configuration.

changing environment may alter the position you use at present and posting a relocation reference chart for wjere you intend would be interesting to see what area you will move these stresses to. definitely the wilful drive will still be there and so will the self harm…but what areas will you feel them in?

for the present the solar eclipse squared neptune saturn uranus bringing in changes …frustration, discontentment, disappointment and responsibility. take care at end of year when crisis will present itself…it might just be a bout of short illness given the crisis point is also sextile to sun… February though brings the april eclipse nearer and that is again square the saturn neptune uranus so more of the same discontentment. You may then return home from your trip to this?

Right now (as in these days…) travel can be disruptive. and winter travel may be worse. please make sure you support with good travel insurance. airlines tend to cancel at short notice and leave people stranded. but also with cost of living now straining everyone and jibs in short supply, paying badly…. people are starting to target foreigners. they are anti strangers. we have just had a bad summer where many went negative and abusive over tourism. so be aware of this. its not personal, its just a side effect of massive cost of living hikes that seem to be never ending. i mean toilet paper has just gone up 30% overnight where I am! This is having knock on effects which for sure are unfair….

there is no reason you cant continue to explore film making where you are but show elsewhere…and the effects of relocation will afford you wider success in specific places….just check the relocation chart where you will receive stronger benefits by lacing sun in 10th. you dont have to live there to benefit from the location. work by positioning your mini triangle to 10th house.
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Saturn in Capricorn in the house 6 in your natal chart reveals constant struggles and stagnation in your professional life, as well as at the workplace, which results in frustration of some kind concerning your job. This combination of the Moon in Sagittarius and Pisces Sun represents an artistic, dreamer, but, unfortunately, it can explain poor money management and weakness in chosen careers, especially in business world.

Mars and Jupiter in the 9th house show the individual to be a great scholar in areas such as art and education but Saturn here shows that things are slowed down or not linear. Endurance is important even though it might be tough; generally, as Saturn gets older it does pay off.​
your pluto mars jupiter, mercury configuration always will present itself as a willfull fight for self determination and maybe survival in specific circumstances. by its existence it places you in direct comflict with your community and the potential it offers. Though sun trining pluto offer personal support, and affords recovery from knocks and loss….the way you insist on driving your decisions, plans and needs…..‘your way or the highway’ ….pitts you in conflict of what your community can offer. in some way you could be a force to be reconned with or force for change…. so strong is your will to forge your own path….if it wasnt that pisces sun avoids confrontation and runs short of resolve so lets the side down and you cave in ….causing self harm…..which is reflected in your chart with the mars, jupiter sun, moon configuration.

changing environment may alter the position you use at present and posting a relocation reference chart for wjere you intend would be interesting to see what area you will move these stresses to. definitely the wilful drive will still be there and so will the self harm…but what areas will you feel them in?

for the present the solar eclipse squared neptune saturn uranus bringing in changes …frustration, discontentment, disappointment and responsibility. take care at end of year when crisis will present itself…it might just be a bout of short illness given the crisis point is also sextile to sun… February though brings the april eclipse nearer and that is again square the saturn neptune uranus so more of the same discontentment. You may then return home from your trip to this?

Right now (as in these days…) travel can be disruptive. and winter travel may be worse. please make sure you support with good travel insurance. airlines tend to cancel at short notice and leave people stranded. but also with cost of living now straining everyone and jibs in short supply, paying badly…. people are starting to target foreigners. they are anti strangers. we have just had a bad summer where many went negative and abusive over tourism. so be aware of this. its not personal, its just a side effect of massive cost of living hikes that seem to be never ending. i mean toilet paper has just gone up 30% overnight where I am! This is having knock on effects which for sure are unfair….

there is no reason you cant continue to explore film making where you are but show elsewhere…and the effects of relocation will afford you wider success in specific places….just check the relocation chart where you will receive stronger benefits by lacing sun in 10th. you dont have to live there to benefit from the location. work by positioning your mini triangle to 10th house.
First of thank you you for your feedback,
I definitely have faced my struggles in the past (not only in terms of career) because I have I had issues with communication as I have been recently diagnosed with ASD (formerly known as Asperger's) and that was the main reason I went to therapy for. So yes in way I don't really belong in my community and always wanted to move/work abroad. The issue is that I have already tried to move abroad (twice) for my studies and both times I didn't really find a way to support my self and embark on an actual career.
The theme of the next year would be I guess self improvement because the SR chart shows Sun in the 1st House (actually a stellium). I really hope there was a way to start my career.

Saturn in Capricorn in the house 6 in your natal chart reveals constant struggles and stagnation in your professional life, as well as at the workplace, which results in frustration of some kind concerning your job. This combination of the Moon in Sagittarius and Pisces Sun represents an artistic, dreamer, but, unfortunately, it can explain poor money management and weakness in chosen careers, especially in business world.

Mars and Jupiter in the 9th house show the individual to be a great scholar in areas such as art and education but Saturn here shows that things are slowed down or not linear. Endurance is important even though it might be tough; generally, as Saturn gets older it does pay off.​

Hello and thank you so much for your input on my chart. To be honest I haven't experienced stagnation so much because I haven't started my career. I graduated from 3 different universities quite early and mostly did internships in my twenties and started making my own money very recently (in my thirties) while working in fashion retail. It feels good to earn my own money at this point but I am someone who wants to use my creativity and imagination on a daily basis. (Basically I want to start my career!) Also I have never run out of money since I started working and I would say I only spent when I can. For instance I will travel on my bday next February but I have planned it since last summer. Very conservative and conscious choices generally.

I have always been told that my Saturn is extremely well fortified in my natal chart and that would help with my career. The problem is that it haven't really seen it yet.

p.s. You mentioned earlier something about "weakness in the business world". I haven't clarified that I haven't done any business degrees so yes technically I always rejected these options even as a teen. I am currently pursuing a filmmaking course where I am learning to create my own short films in collaboration with other of course :)
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