Hi Tamara. Your name rings a bell from the now closed astro.com forum. If I'm right I can no longer retrieve to what it referred.
The chart shows a natal Sun in Pisces in a soft aspect to the Uranus-Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. Sun-Neptune can corroborate/contribute to the vocation aspect of a visionary, and this would seem to confirm the direction you have chosen to which to give a concrete form (Capricorn). The issue with with Pisces and Neptune is that their visionary aspects can be idyllic of nature. As an astrologer using modern techniques, I place 'the arts' under the influence of Neptune. With a positive aspect from Pluto to both Sun and Neptune, it isn't a job or a career for any other purpose than to fulfil an inner passion which drives one on regardless. Anything else is bulldozed as a means to an end.
It's a strong personal view that Sun aspects can only manifest positively once the conditioned Moon aspects have lost their reflective influences.
The chart shows a conflict between how one feels (Moon) and what one wants (Sun). Both planets are in signs referring to the ideals of visions. The difference is that a Moon in Sagittarius 'believes' its ideals are possible to manifest (through Capricorn), whilst Sun in Pisces has 'faith' in the strength its visions can become (through Aries). Moon aspects have need of another to bring their visions to fulfilment (Sagittarius, through its ruler Jupiter). Sun is individualitic of nature and its aspects do not. It has faith in itself.
The chart shows Moon opposite Jupiter in Taurus, a fixed sign based upon physical substantiality, from which it is attempting to remove itself (separating aspect).
Through progression over the years the Sun has left Pisces (taking its traits with it) and moved into Aries. During the late 20's years it made an promising aspect of self development to natal Moon. Could this have coincided with when your visions of success within your chosen field began to take form? As Aries and Sagittarius are both 'fire' signs, they are full of lively enthusiasm. Yet when Sun reached the conflict aspect to Saturn-Neptune in rational and manifestational Capricorn, circumstances could have arisen as if a cold shower dimmed the power of the fire. It was NOT a failure in your creative self. More likely 'the sign of the times' and the focus one has towards it. I.e. positions in your field are not exactly readily forthcoming. It's a Sagittarius/9th house 'specialised' area, which is far less common than an everyday (3rd house, Virgo) type of employment to pay the bills.
Looking at the chart and seeing transit Neptune's forthcoming move into Aries, still in the 9th house, my first thought was 'why not a move in a new direction?' Amongst many other realms, the 9th house refers to 'far horizons'. I looked up the post you mentioned to have posted elsewhere and saw the word 'abroad'. As a home-loving Cancer Ascendant with Moon in harsh aspect in Sagittarius to Jupiter, 'far horizons' might be something you have not considered whilst working towards your academic achievements. When Neptune reaches Aries, its first major aspect will be to natal 12th house Chiron. What internal conflict within yourself could keep you from broadening your experience 'further afield' elsewhere?
The progressed Moon in late Pisces has been influencing your feelings regarding 'failure', possibly because its ever present visionary quality has not been materially realised. If it has already entered Aries (no birth time given), 'new' active and assertive feelings will be stirring. As it aspects the natal planets in Capricorn in turn, Moon in Sagittarius, and crosses the M.C into the career house, new opportunities can arise IF you are prepared to accept and take them.
The progressed Sun, Mercury, and Venus are forming a major conjunction in Aries in the 10th house, that are activating the strained natal Mercury-Pluto aspect. Progressed Mars in Gemini is doing the same from the 11th house. Maybe a time has arisen to give new appraisal to the forceful mental aspect within you that may have dominated and controlled life to date?
For starters to think about?