Career dead-end- Why?

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From reading above the only thing you repeat is…. you havent experienced dead ends, failures, problems etc….because you havent started yet. you cant start because….. you cant start. you dont know how.

you cant start because no ready made solution recipe to follow has not been presented to you. you can only function if you have a set of instructions that you follow, like in a learning situation. you need a very structured environment.

I think you need professional help …not the talking help kind though… you need to learn to function in an unstructured environment….you need professional behavioural help to learn to take action. you can only function when you have instructions, when you are told what to do.

your mars pluto tsquare so controls you, that you are almost immobile.

creative careers though unstructured environments and require ability to function with chaos and need unstructured ability to allow them total free reign. you cant bottle creativity. you have to go with the mood. you go with feelings. this is where you are unable to cope, so you cant, wont, start.

so you are fine in a learning situation when told what to do but unable to cope when that ends. this is why you hanker after foreign countries…because you studied there so had instructions to follow. and that you can function under.

you need jobs that instruct you. you cant cope without instructions.

sorry that I repeat and repeat. hope something gets through to you…..
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From reading above the only thing you repeat is…. you havent experienced dead ends, failures, problems etc….because you havent started yet. you cant start because….. you cant start. you dont know how.

you cant start because no ready made solution recipe to follow has not been presented to you. you can only function if you have a set of instructions that you follow, like in a learning situation. you need a very structured environment.

I think you need professional help …not the talking help kind though… you need to learn to function in an unstructured environment….you need professional behavioural help to learn to take action. you can only function when you have instructions, when you are told what to do.

your mars pluto tsquare so controls you, that you are almost immobile.

creative careers though unstructured environments and require ability to function with chaos and need unstructured ability to allow them total free reign. you cant bottle creativity. you have to go with the mood. you go with feelings. this is where you are unable to cope, so you cant, wont, start.

so you are fine in a learning situation when told what to do but unable to cope when that ends. this is why you hanker after foreign countries…because you studied there so had instructions to follow. and that you can function under.

you need jobs that instruct you. you cant cope without instructions.

sorry that I repeat and repeat. hope something gets through to you…..

To be honest yes I agree. Believe it or not my current job (fashion retail) has helped me more than my education because I have to improvise on a daily basis with humans and in a way there are no instructions. I never know what will happen. Also the films I am currently making are very improvisational lets say. There is planning but at the end of the day (on the day that you shoot) you just do what feels right.
My parents and boyfriend would totally agree with you too, because they have seen this pattern.

I discovered that I have ASD right on my Saturn return year (when I turned 29) and probably it explains why I feel safe in universities. Probably I shouldn't have studied theatre and should have gone to film earlier as well....
Thank you for taking the time to really observe my chart as well. I think I was always meant to experience failure and find alternative ways to exist.
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Your progress to learn and apply skills is excellent. keep going. you will learn coping skills to help you apply your own structure and help you learn how to begin projects.

your fixed t square is extremely difficult causing habits that will not change easily. its good and bad. if the habit is positive, its good but if the habit is destructive and unhelpful…. obviously it holds you back and makes your life worse. get help to work on destructive bad habits because for you its impossible to change them easily. you are far too stubborn and set in your ways. and be careful also on new habits! because times change and what is good today is unhelpful to your success tomorrow!

enjoy your filmaking. it sounds fun!
Your progress to learn and apply skills is excellent. keep going. you will learn coping skills to help you apply your own structure and help you learn how to begin projects.

your fixed t square is extremely difficult causing habits that will not change easily. its good and bad. if the habit is positive, its good but if the habit is destructive and unhelpful…. obviously it holds you back and makes your life worse. get help to work on destructive bad habits because for you its impossible to change them easily. you are far too stubborn and set in your ways. and be careful also on new habits! because times change and what is good today is unhelpful to your success tomorrow!

enjoy your filmaking. it sounds fun!
Thank you! Yes I have made progress over the years in terms of creating my own structure, going to the gym-therapy etc. I never drink or do anything self destructive besides my negative thinking. Also I have positive friends who are also in the same life situation but I used to have a lot of toxic friends as well. Last year I had to let go of 2 "friends" and it was extremely painful for me in a way I never got over it. But that's life I guess. I also want to get I dog (again ) because I miss having a dog in my life :)
Update: It feels as if I am stuck in the same loophole. Work- home- Investing on my film studies and then again toxicity at work. I am wondering what will happen to my mental health if I never find a way to start my career. Its really depressing how many hours I have invested in this vision. I feel that there is a dead-end situation for me and other astrologers had seen its somehow relevant to my exalted Venus in Pisces conjunct the Sun. Maybe Venus is literary burned by the Sun here....
Hey dear, sorry I haven't read all the comments above so sorry if I repeat things...
Art seems just the perfect field for you, lots of water in your chart, a strong 5th house and sun in the 9th house is a sign of a lifelong learning attitude. I also have 3 degrees (not in art) and still struggling to get a job. There are work fields where money and success just do not flow, or flows in directions that are so random that much is made by chance. So don't be to hard on yourself about this, since I guess in art what fullfills you goes far beyond salary and wide recognition :)
I would definitely trust saturn + jupitet transiting on your MC (I think in an year or two). You will have a challenging but essential time where you will finally get to the point you want to, which could also include finding a day-job and keep art as a side in your life, or being finally recognized for your art but knowing you can't live with that only... or maybe becoming finally rich and famous? :D that would be surely great.
Don't lose hope and go back to what nurtures you, for there only is the real meaning of your path... which could also be that you will not earn a lot of money and be succesfull as your realtives want. But who cares, right? Don't let career define who you are, you are much more than what you make for a living. A lot of great artists where poor and lost in their life, that doesn't mean their lifa and production is less valuable.

All the best

Hey dear, sorry I haven't read all the comments above so sorry if I repeat things...
Art seems just the perfect field for you, lots of water in your chart, a strong 5th house and sun in the 9th house is a sign of a lifelong learning attitude. I also have 3 degrees (not in art) and still struggling to get a job. There are work fields where money and success just do not flow, or flows in directions that are so random that much is made by chance. So don't be to hard on yourself about this, since I guess in art what fullfills you goes far beyond salary and wide recognition :)
I would definitely trust saturn + jupitet transiting on your MC (I think in an year or two). You will have a challenging but essential time where you will finally get to the point you want to, which could also include finding a day-job and keep art as a side in your life, or being finally recognized for your art but knowing you can't live with that only... or maybe becoming finally rich and famous? :D that would be surely great.
Don't lose hope and go back to what nurtures you, for there only is the real meaning of your path... which could also be that you will not earn a lot of money and be succesfull as your realtives want. But who cares, right? Don't let career define who you are, you are much more than what you make for a living. A lot of great artists where poor and lost in their life, that doesn't mean their lifa and production is less valuable.

All the best

Thank you for taking the time to check my natal chart! I agree with everything that you are saying about randomness and chance affecting careers etc. The problem with me is that I have a rational mind but my field is my passion and its actually hard to believe that I "failed" to enter a field that I have fought my entire life to enter. It feels sad and it's a constant threat to my mental health. I literally cannot sleep at night because I think to start my career. A hobby is not what I am interested in...that is why I am pursing a 4th degree at the moment.
Neither becoming rich and famous. What I really want is to find my creative team (film) and start creating things with them.

The other issue is social expectations. I come from a family that was successful financially and those "expectations" were just there without being said verbally. My longtime partner helped me to see this issue. And therapy has not helped me with relieving that anxiety.
Thank you for taking the time to check my natal chart! I agree with everything that you are saying about randomness and chance affecting careers etc. The problem with me is that I have a rational mind but my field is my passion and its actually hard to believe that I "failed" to enter a field that I have fought my entire life to enter. It feels sad and it's a constant threat to my mental health. I literally cannot sleep at night because I think to start my career. A hobby is not what I am interested in...that is why I am pursing a 4th degree at the moment.
Neither becoming rich and famous. What I really want is to find my creative team (film) and start creating things with them.

The other issue is social expectations. I come from a family that was successful financially and those "expectations" were just there without being said verbally. My longtime partner helped me to see this issue. And therapy has not helped me with relieving that anxiety.
Hello Tamara,
to find a creative team seems like a beautiful goal. I am sure if you put all your efforts and intuition in connecting with the people you like, you will find the way. You still have Jupiter in yout 11th house, so you're lucky with teams and social connections! Check your Saturn transit on MC to see when it hits the peak point. Also, consider you are now in the middle of a Saturn transit on (conj) your Sun, which is usually quit harsh on our whole self and forces us to let go what is not needed and build back our foundations.
Regarding anxiety, there are different theapeutic approaches to that, so if it's not working it may mean that you need to try another type which suits you better.
All the best,

L. :sagittarius:
Thank you for taking the time to check my natal chart! I agree with everything that you are saying about randomness and chance affecting careers etc. The problem with me is that I have a rational mind but my field is my passion and its actually hard to believe that I "failed" to enter a field that I have fought my entire life to enter. It feels sad and it's a constant threat to my mental health. I literally cannot sleep at night because I think to start my career. A hobby is not what I am interested in...that is why I am pursing a 4th degree at the moment.
Neither becoming rich and famous. What I really want is to find my creative team (film) and start creating things with them.

The other issue is social expectations. I come from a family that was successful financially and those "expectations" were just there without being said verbally. My longtime partner helped me to see this issue. And therapy has not helped me with relieving that anxiety.
Hello Tamara,
to find a creative team seems like a beautiful goal. I am sure if you put all your efforts and intuition in connecting with the people you like, you will find the way. You still have Jupiter in yout 11th house, so you're lucky with teams and social connections! Check your Saturn transit on MC to see when it hits the peak point. Also, consider you are now in the middle of a Saturn transit on (conj) your Sun, which is usually quit harsh on our whole self and forces us to let go what is not needed and build back our foundations.
Regarding anxiety, there are different theapeutic approaches to that, so if it's not working it may mean that you need to try another type which suits you better.
All the best,

L. :sagittarius:
Hi Tamara,

The chart shows another pattern of repeat, recognizable through evolutionary astrology. That's not for everyone because it involves the notion of Soul and reincarnation. So I'll keep it short because maybe this is not for you, if it is thoughts can be expanded and maybe visiting a professional in that field is recommendable.

The repeat-pattern is repeated through your Moon and Jupiter being square the nodal axis. In general that can be seen as 'skipped over steps' from another or other lifetime(s).

The Moon, your feelings, emotional life, inner workings. Your ascendant ruler, you in the world and vice versa. In evolutionary astrology it's also involved in how your ego is made up. The Moon, in part shows something about your upbringing and conditioning from caregivers, through that 'you' formed basis for egostructuring.

The chart has it on 'repeated lessons/skipped steps', through the mentioned square. Just heading out of the aspect so on the way to getting better.

Same for Jupiter though he is heading into the aspect and will have to change sign, to Mercury ruled Gemini. I'll mention Mercury later again.

The repeat of university degrees is almost a literal translation here.
Jupiter is tied into the Moon because it rules Sagittarius. He co- rules Pisces, 9th house, the learning repeated, rules Sun and Venus and the North node of the Moon.

Jupiter rules the node ánd is squaring it. I found a quote by Jeffrey Wolf Green, answering the question of what this would mean. I hope nobody makes a problem of me pasting this quote here:

How would you interpret the North Node ruler also being a skipped step?

(A): There has been an inflation of the ego thinking that his ways, methods, beliefs or philosophies, and his way of 'interpreting' a given phenomenon has been the only right way. Also, even though the soul has been thirsty for information and philosophies and the meanings of such, there have been patterns of collecting information relative to this desire without that information being linked with actual inner revelation or understanding. That is, he has collected all types of knowledge from external sources and in his own eclectic way tried to synthesize it into his own 'knowledge.' The lesson through the skipped step is to stop the external collection of knowledge and to go deep within himself intuitively and learn to ask questions within and then wait for the answer to inwardly appear of its own volition.


There are also the Sun and Venus conjunct the North node with more information to that.

Generalized here, the Pluto placement in Scorpio 5th and the south node of the Moon in Virgo would give pointers to this/these other lives and they show serfitude,slavery pertaining to communication and learning or even siblings in that live combined with possible brutal emotional impacts to your (or the other then and there), ways of self expression in the world, children, romance in past lives lived.

So say for example you were obstructed in your self expression by a sibling or Virgoan neighbour through emotional misconduct on their part and you passed that on to your children in that life.
Then now you'd be dealing with finding and living solutions to resolve the built up Kahrma. Obstructions of your own.
!Mind you, this is an example build up from the possibilities given, I'm very much so, not saying that this is exactly what happened.!

Anyway it does already line up with the Pluto-Mercury square in this life, that you had a question about.

Solution wise evolutionary astrology uses the Node that was last in conjunction with the squaring planet for integration, solution.
Jupiter in your chart last conjuncted the N.n., the direction you are heading in, solutions through life, strategies of finding direction there's more but the motion is forward for Jupiter.
The Moon comes from the S.n., dealing with residue ego-structured, emotions, feelings through looking back. That could be meditation, regression, those things if they mean anything to you.

So the question is, would this be for you? If so maybe we should try and delve in some deeper or you have a new direction to find help in. If not, no problem at all.

What I do hope is you'll find your way into a career in the field you studied so much in if and when that's best for you.
Hi Tamara,

You have my sincere apologies I made a mistake on the nodal axis placement and I wouldn't be surprised if you have picked up on it. I read some of your other threads and saw a mention you made about the South Node in the second house related to a YouTube you had seen.

I related the S.N. to the third house, while the axis spans over houses two to eight.

So I should set all your siblings and neighborhood - people in other lifetimes free immediately, so to speak and redirect that portion of your chart and my reply to be relative to money, valuables, values etc.
Perhaps even more in line with the idea of money-making being obstructed.

With the Virgoan idea of 'service to others' , being a servant or even enslaved maybe gets stronger now. The idea of not being payed, being consistently robbed of value and valuables, in other lives that is. Your question and story about money and work in this life in mind, this idea of influence from other life's spilling over in this one does add up.

I also read you do identify consciously as being spiritual, or at least interested in that direction.

Again my apologies, I hope this straightens it out.
Hi Tamara,

You have my sincere apologies I made a mistake on the nodal axis placement and I wouldn't be surprised if you have picked up on it. I read some of your other threads and saw a mention you made about the South Node in the second house related to a YouTube you had seen.

I related the S.N. to the third house, while the axis spans over houses two to eight.

So I should set all your siblings and neighborhood - people in other lifetimes free immediately, so to speak and redirect that portion of your chart and my reply to be relative to money, valuables, values etc.
Perhaps even more in line with the idea of money-making being obstructed.

With the Virgoan idea of 'service to others' , being a servant or even enslaved maybe gets stronger now. The idea of not being payed, being consistently robbed of value and valuables, in other lives that is. Your question and story about money and work in this life in mind, this idea of influence from other life's spilling over in this one does add up.

I also read you do identify consciously as being spiritual, or at least interested in that direction.

Again my apologies, I hope this straightens it out.
First of all no need to apologise (I am an amateur) and thank you for taking the time to reflect.
It took me a while to think of your first post here because I am not familiar with past lives. I have never touched this theme before and my intuition tells me that possibly I have been here before serving society via a different role.

I definitely have a very difficult relationship with my brother, he is very antagonistic and my therapist said that he feels threatened by me. I am not sure if I believe that because I always loved my brother even thought we are different. We don't speak so often now that he has moved with his girlfriend (a few months ago). I feel extremely sad over the fact that I never began my career after university and that I am currently working a customer service role (Virgo). Its a dead-end situation and its offers nothing but money that I keep spending on university education, the gym (pls don't laugh) and (next year) a short trip abroad. I really hope that somehow karma is influenced by the love that your spend on craft.

I have only shown love for my craft my whole life. Also I am not relationship person in the sense that I didn't have many romantic partners and I am not sure if I have fallen in love. I am currently in a relationship where we share a lot of interests, do a lot of things together but are mainly very good friends. (Possibly in the future we will remain friends and not lovers) But all these questions can only be solved by acquiring new experiences and honesty.

Maybe the plan (karma) was that I should fail in this lifetime.
Hello Tamara,
to find a creative team seems like a beautiful goal. I am sure if you put all your efforts and intuition in connecting with the people you like, you will find the way. You still have Jupiter in yout 11th house, so you're lucky with teams and social connections! Check your Saturn transit on MC to see when it hits the peak point. Also, consider you are now in the middle of a Saturn transit on (conj) your Sun, which is usually quit harsh on our whole self and forces us to let go what is not needed and build back our foundations.
Regarding anxiety, there are different theapeutic approaches to that, so if it's not working it may mean that you need to try another type which suits you better.
All the best,

L. :sagittarius:
Once again thank you. Yes basically that was the goal behind my studies I always knew that I will have to open up and meet new collaborators and that would to something greater than myself. The problem is that because I am a person that is considered an introvert my friendships don't last long. My longest friendships last 10 years or so and usually we reach a point where its hard to communicate or I realise that it wasn't a real relationship. I also checked my transits and it turns out that Saturn won't be near my MC anytime soon.


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First of all no need to apologise (I am an amateur) and thank you for taking the time to reflect.
It took me a while to think of your first post here because I am not familiar with past lives. I have never touched this theme before and my intuition tells me that possibly I have been here before serving society via a different role.

I definitely have a very difficult relationship with my brother, he is very antagonistic and my therapist said that he feels threatened by me. I am not sure if I believe that because I always loved my brother even thought we are different. We don't speak so often now that he has moved with his girlfriend (a few months ago). I feel extremely sad over the fact that I never began my career after university and that I am currently working a customer service role (Virgo). Its a dead-end situation and its offers nothing but money that I keep spending on university education, the gym (pls don't laugh) and (next year) a short trip abroad. I really hope that somehow karma is influenced by the love that your spend on craft.

I have only shown love for my craft my whole life. Also I am not relationship person in the sense that I didn't have many romantic partners and I am not sure if I have fallen in love. I am currently in a relationship where we share a lot of interests, do a lot of things together but are mainly very good friends. (Possibly in the future we will remain friends and not lovers) But all these questions can only be solved by acquiring new experiences and honesty.

Maybe the plan (karma) was that I should fail in this lifetime.

Tamara thank you for your reply,

What to say, maybe, maybe but this lifetime of yours isn't over yet, so in my book you're still in a place where failure can lead to more strength and growth. If that takes lifetimes, thats's not in our power to control.

Your tenaciousness fueled by your passion demands respect, you have mine and so I hope you get that job, get to make your career in film.

Out of curiousity, is there a place on the internet where (parts of) your work are accessible to public, like myself?
Tamara thank you for your reply,

What to say, maybe, maybe but this lifetime of yours isn't over yet, so in my book you're still in a place where failure can lead to more strength and growth. If that takes lifetimes, thats's not in our power to control.

Your tenaciousness fueled by your passion demands respect, you have mine and so I hope you get that job, get to make your career in film.

Out of curiousity, is there a place on the internet where (parts of) your work are accessible to public, like myself?
I just read this and yes thank you for reminding me that its not over yet. (Generally I am not an optimist) Its hard when you feel that your life is too generic and you want a more specific path. Maybe its unfair game I don't know what to say to you because I haven't found the answer.
No, I don't have a formal website but I am planning to create one. Its a good idea. Thank you.

You're welcome.

(I know how that can be, very long times of not optimistic)

"When will reality catch up with me "containers a measure of victimhood you don't strike me 'as that'
Maybe it is, some little or bigger good can be had from the several people writing about the wisdom in not knowing, if you'd believe that.

I'd like to see some of your work when it's out and about. Curiosity, that.

Thanks for replying
I have checked my transits and its shows that I will experience Uranus conjunction Jupiter transit around April 2025? Could this bring new opportunities for career? Jupiter rules my 9th house and is located in the 11th House.

I have reached a point where I am patient but I really want to quit my job in customer service. It feels as if I have outgrown the place.

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