Career Orientation

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Apr 9, 2008
Hi everyone!

I would like to know your opinions regarding these two career paths: Chemistry and Translation.

I was thinking about taking a Chemistry major, while learning a few new languages outside of the university, and try to pursue a career on Chemistry or teaching it. Then, a bit later in life, when I felt more financially secure, I could take a master's degree in Translation too and maybe try to combine both careers ( or not - these are just some general ideas ).

I have always loved Chemistry ( although I have doubts regarding the possibility of building my career in a lab, if it happens that way ) and Languages. So instead of thinking "either this or that" I was thinking of eventually combining both... While I'm almost convinced that I would be happy in any kind of job regarding languages, I'm not sure if the same would happen with Chemistry! And I definatelly don't want to take another false step into my career direction.

Regarding my Natal Chart:

MC in Virgo, ruler Mercury in Aries in the 4th house. The 4th house connection I feel could be good for translating my native language into any other language or vice-versa, taking also in consideration the 3rd/9th activities in my Chart. Besides making a sextile to Saturn in the 3rd and a trine to Quíron ( healer work through Chemistry perhaps? ), Mercury also squares Uranus & Neptune in the 2nd... Interesting taking in consideration that these two planets make a very close trine to my MC. Neptune obviously points to Chemistry and Uranus relates to sciences in general and technology. I think that this could be a successful path for me but I have some reservations regarding the financial security. Pluto in Scorpio in the 12th house of Pisces sextiles the MC - again healer work through Chemistry (12th)? Having both the Sun and Venus in Pisces, I think these explains my interest in Chemistry... Just wondering if it would actually be a good career for me to pursue, though! lol

Hope to read some of your opinions on this, thanks in advance! :)


Tu tens potencial nas duas areas. MC em Virgem é excelente para detalhes e ambas as areas que mencionaste são meticulosas. Eu também tenho MC in Virgem e eu adorava Quimica assim como ter afinidade para linguas lol; mas agora estou numa area completamente diferente.
(Vou escrever o resto em inglês para o resto do pessoal me perceber. :wink: )

Another career I thought about after checking your chart was pharmacy. It also relates to chemistry and depending where you work, you might not have to be so much inside a laboratory. You could work in a hospital, for example.

You have POF in Gemini which points for a field involving some sort of communication. MC in Virgo. Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo is in the 4th house. Perhaps, a chemistry field where you work with architects or in the property business and where you analyse the materials or the ground composition?

This is just a quick reflection on your chart, I hope it helps you in anyway.

Boa sorte! :wink:

Tu tens potencial nas duas areas. MC em Virgem é excelente para detalhes e ambas as areas que mencionaste são meticulosas. Eu também tenho MC in Virgem e eu adorava Quimica assim como ter afinidade para linguas lol; mas agora estou numa area completamente diferente.
(Vou escrever o resto em inglês para o resto do pessoal me perceber. :wink: )

Another career I thought about after checking your chart was pharmacy. It also relates to chemistry and depending where you work, you might not have to be so much inside a laboratory. You could work in a hospital, for example.

You have POF in Gemini which points for a field involving some sort of communication. MC in Virgo. Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo is in the 4th house. Perhaps, a chemistry field where you work with architects or in the property business and where you analyse the materials or the ground composition?

This is just a quick reflection on your chart, I hope it helps you in anyway.

Boa sorte! :wink:

Olá Olá! :smile:

Wow, it's funny how we both have similar areas of interest while having the MC in Virgo! Where is your Mercury positioned at in your Natal Chart?

Yes, you're right, the Pharmacy area is also appealing to me. :joyful: Aswell as working at a hospital ( having the ruler of the 6th house - Venus - exalted... It's no surprise I like the hospital environment, hehe )! So yes, if I was given the opportunity to work at a hospital I'm sure it would be a very rewarding experience for me!

Also it's very interesting that you've mentioned analysing the materials and the ground composition as one of my options would be pursuing Geochemistry, as I like Geology very much aswell. If I am accepted in the Chemistry major this Summer, they will give me the opportunity to take a minor on another subject too and Geology is a strong option for me! I've never related that to having Mercury in the 4th but it does make sense! And yes, I love communication and interaction with other people, that's why I was thinking maybe trying the teaching side of it later... But we'll see. :smile:

Obrigada pela ajuda, you gave me food for thought! :wink:
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Olá Olá! :smile:

Wow, it's funny how we both have similar areas of interest while having the MC in Virgo! Where is your Mercury positioned at in your Natal Chart?

Yes, you're right, the Pharmacy area is also appealing to me. :joyful: Aswell as working at a hospital ( having the ruler of the 6th house - Venus - exalted... It's no surprise I like the hospital environment, hehe )! So yes, if I was given the opportunity to work at a hospital I'm sure it would be a very rewarding experience for me!

Also it's very interesting that you've mentioned analysing the materials and the ground composition as one of my options would be pursuing Geochemistry, as I like Geology very much aswell. If I am accepted in the Chemistry major this Summer, they will give me the opportunity to take a minor on another subject too and Geology is a strong option for me! I've never related that to having Mercury in the 4th but it does make sense! And yes, I love communication and interaction with other people, that's why I was thinking maybe trying the teaching side of it later... But we'll see. :smile:

Obrigada pela ajuda, you gave me food for thought! :wink:

Fico feliz por te ter ajudado! :smile:

It is important (in my opinion) to not only have the skill or talent in a profession, but mainly to enjoy what you do and I think all these options we are talking about are ones that I think you would enjoy.

My Mercury is in the 9th cuddling nicely with Sun, Mars and POF there too. :lol: As a result, I am now studying law.

Good luck with rest of the school year, almost time for the summer holidays! (super boa sorte para os exames nacionais!)
Fico feliz por te ter ajudado! :smile:

It is important (in my opinion) to not only have the skill or talent in a profession, but mainly to enjoy what you do and I think all these options we are talking about are ones that I think you would enjoy.

My Mercury is in the 9th cuddling nicely with Sun, Mars and POF there too. :lol: As a result, I am now studying law.

Good luck with rest of the school year, almost time for the summer holidays! (super boa sorte para os exames nacionais!)

Exactly, I agree with you. :smile: I actually tried to go with a different path but it just wasn't working out... I know I wouldn't be happy and I needed to make this change. So definatelly, I couldn't agree more!

Oh yes, the 9th house... The typical house of law, hehe. :joyful: Very nice!

Ahaha, por acaso com os exames nacionais estou um pouco descansada pois já os fiz em 2010 e as notas foram razoavelmente boas, mas sim, vamos ver se dá para melhorar qualquer coisinha este ano, apesar das recentes mudanças. :tongue:
Thanks and good luck with your studies too !! :wink: