Career Possibilities - The Journey of a Pisces MC

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Sep 4, 2006
Hi guys,

I'm just wondering if anyone would be willing to give me a quick analysis on the types of careers that may be suitable for me and if I am going into the right direction thus far. BUT before that, please read below for some brief background info and a bit of my own analysis:

I'm a recent grad. Throughout my undergrad studies (approx. 5 years), I have been pondering about my career possibilities. For a while I have thought I was set to be an accountant until the last couple years when I realized that I was just not fit to be an accountant (b/c I suck at it and most importantly, I don't have a passion for it). That was the turning point that got me started to do some serious thinking about what I want to do after I finish with schooling.

Well, I thought about going with what I am passionate about...and my passions happened to lie in the arts & literary, particularly acting and writing. Well, I know that acting is not really a feasible option for me since my family hated that idea and had pretty much made that clear to me since day one (fine, I will just take acting class for fun in the future). However, writing seemed okay, as long as I managed to have a stable job to support my creative venue when I finished school. So, for a while, I tried writing (while still in school)...but eventually it seemed to have a negative impact on my health when I began to really become serious about it. Anyways, I finally came to the conclusion that it's okay to keep writing as a hobby, but definitely not a career.

Eventually, I thought going into the customer service or human resource fields may be a good idea. After all, I enjoy working with the public and people (and really like to make presentations and public speeches). As well, these fields do not seem as unrealistic as my passions (acting & writing). Furthermore, it seemed my birth chart concur with this idea.

Actually, I don't think that I would have as much trouble thinking about my possible career paths if I had studied psychology...because then, it seemed that my birth chart would have make more sense. Of course, I know that I can't simply live being dictated by what my birth chart seems to be telling that would be stupid (sorry that I seem to be debating with myself here).

Anyways, since going into customer service & HR seem like a good idea, I started my job hunt focusing on these two areas. I have been job hunting for a couple of months now (applied about 20 to 30 jobs) and had only gotten one interview (yes, I know I shouldn't really rush but...). Now, I'm just thinking, is it just my luck these days (maybe the economy is partially the blame...) or is it that I have misread my chart and that I'm not even meant to be in the customer service & HR field?

Thanks guys for taking the time read through my post (and suffer through my semi-rant). Any insights would be very much appreciated!


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Midheaven in Pisces: You shine in fields where you're able to swim in deep waters. A very creative Mid-heaven, that sets you up to be an artist, performer, a healer, a friend to kids and animals, and use your intuition as a tool. Your strength is your sensitivity, but also may keep you from claiming your full potential. Your gift is to shape the collective messages, through song, story, nurturing, spiritual teachings, and just by being who you are.

You may be drawn to working on or near the water, and have the ability to tune into non-verbal kinds of communication (animals, marine life, nature spirits, elementals, inter-dimensional beings). Pisces rules the feet, and this could lead to work as a reflexologist, podiatrist or just someone that loves to give/receive foot massages!
RealityStarfish,I'm going to speak to you mostly in terms of my personal experience...I don't have a Pisces MC but a Pisces Sun with Libra MC.Reading your post was like seeing myself and my interests:writing,literature,psychology.But we have to be honest,a career in writing or the arts isn't very viable these days-not even a career in psychology is!So I decided to take my graduate studies in Human Resource Management.It's a good choice for us folks that are interested in the workings of the human mind and like to see deeper into things.You took your studies in accounting and that's a major benefit for you as HRM has some things related to accounting and finance,though those aren't the ones that you're passionate about.But a degree/career in HRM is very connected to psychology,sociology,and just dealing with people overall.There's a more 'burocratic' side to it of course but I bet you can deal with it.

Speaking of your chart now...NN on the MC shows trouble finding a suitable career path.Ruler of your MC is in the 12th and retro so this adds more into this.But,you have a Capricorn Sun and Mars in Aries.You are no quitter and will put much energy and drive into whatever you do.

Pisces MC with its ruler Jupiter in a venusian sign suggests an interest for the arts and creativity endeavours.It's also important for you to do something that adds value to others.9th house Moon/Mercury in Aquarius is great for an interest in travelling and getting to know new cultures,new people.Overall looking at the chart you are immensely driven and you direct your energy towards others and other people's worlds,but there's a pratical side to you that is Capricorn and Aries.You just can't sacrifice the part of you that likes things to be interesting,creative and new.

Personally I think a career in HRM would be good especially if you get to work as a consultant as it would allow for a good deal of variety on the job,working in different companies,with different people,different challenges.Public relations and diplomacy would also be suiting and you'll always have the advantage that you can somehow manage the finance/accouting areas,even if you're not good at it,I'm sure you have the basis.You should always pursue your interests in the arts on the side.It'll be very important for your personal fullfillment.

Transiting Jupiter will approach a conjunction to your natal Jupiter ruler of your MC,but,I've found that a natal retro Jupiter tends to work in the opposite way so the conjunction will either not bring you nothing and have a negative impact.I suspect times will be best for you when transiting Saturn enters Scorpio and trines your MC which will happen near the end of this year.At that time,transiting Jupiter will also be taggling around your ASC so that's a double whammy there.

For the time being transiting Saturn is going over your 5th and in sextile to the 5th house ruler,Venus,so this a time for you to 'formalize' your interest in anything artsy and creative.Join group theatres,volunteer to work for the local newspaper,just don't keep your creativity to yourself.

After transiting Saturn trines your MC it'll enter your 6th,which is likely to show restrain and stress in daily routines.These could be the effects of a challenging job causing a change in daily habits and a lot of daily work.

Hopes this has helped and many luck to you,if you can afford do invest in your training for the time being,the times when we are jobless are very important for personal development and making ourselves more atractive to the job marketing.This doesn't necessarily mean going back to school it can be as simple as being proactive and engaging in a diversity of activities that are pleasurable to us and help us find out what we really like:)

Cheers and blessings,
I have MC in Pisces and currently i am interested in studying astrology and learning keyboard .

I kinda think those have MC in pisces placement are usually those serving the human society like nursing industry etc

just my 2 cents
Hmm I'm much less experienced about the MC but I think that Lissa above has given many good points of reference. Astrologers much more experienced than I have commented in my case that some forces will overcome others you've a Pisces MC but the rest of the chart must connect with it. I'd start with the rulers of the 2nd, 6th and 10th for money matters, day to day work and long term aspirations. But, there are many other hints which could show a severe alteration in your character, planets on the angles, strongly aspect them, the strength of the Sun and Moon etc.

I've Pisces MC too, I think Hillary Clinton does too and CEO of Microsoft Steve Balmer, is there work just about flighty creativity? Nope, they have more going on in their charts which has nothing to do with art, music, writing etc. Your MC may act as second fiddle to other parts of your chart, or perhaps lead everything else. I'll say something very specific about this MC though - it adds depth to human interactions, meaning and emotion, Pisces cares about others and doesn't want to abuse them. Even if other parts of your chart add something like extreme talent in business, you won't feel comfortable with taking advantage of anyone. It's taken time for me to learn this, you won't feel happy or fulfilled if you lie/steal/take advantage of others in any profession. The MC I think has more and more influence as we get older, it's the top of the chart, loud, obvious and aspirational.
Hi guys,

I'm just wondering if anyone would be willing to give me a quick analysis on the types of careers that may be suitable for me and if I am going into the right direction thus far. BUT before that, please read below for some brief background info and a bit of my own analysis:

I'm a recent grad. Throughout my undergrad studies (approx. 5 years), I have been pondering about my career possibilities. For a while I have thought I was set to be an accountant until the last couple years when I realized that I was just not fit to be an accountant (b/c I suck at it and most importantly, I don't have a passion for it). That was the turning point that got me started to do some serious thinking about what I want to do after I finish with schooling.

Well, I thought about going with what I am passionate about...and my passions happened to lie in the arts & literary, particularly acting and writing. Well, I know that acting is not really a feasible option for me since my family hated that idea and had pretty much made that clear to me since day one (fine, I will just take acting class for fun in the future). However, writing seemed okay, as long as I managed to have a stable job to support my creative venue when I finished school. So, for a while, I tried writing (while still in school)...but eventually it seemed to have a negative impact on my health when I began to really become serious about it. Anyways, I finally came to the conclusion that it's okay to keep writing as a hobby, but definitely not a career.

Eventually, I thought going into the customer service or human resource fields may be a good idea. After all, I enjoy working with the public and people (and really like to make presentations and public speeches). As well, these fields do not seem as unrealistic as my passions (acting & writing). Furthermore, it seemed my birth chart concur with this idea.

Actually, I don't think that I would have as much trouble thinking about my possible career paths if I had studied psychology...because then, it seemed that my birth chart would have make more sense. Of course, I know that I can't simply live being dictated by what my birth chart seems to be telling that would be stupid (sorry that I seem to be debating with myself here).

Anyways, since going into customer service & HR seem like a good idea, I started my job hunt focusing on these two areas. I have been job hunting for a couple of months now (applied about 20 to 30 jobs) and had only gotten one interview (yes, I know I shouldn't really rush but...). Now, I'm just thinking, is it just my luck these days (maybe the economy is partially the blame...) or is it that I have misread my chart and that I'm not even meant to be in the customer service & HR field?

Thanks guys for taking the time read through my post (and suffer through my semi-rant). Any insights would be very much appreciated!
Gauquelin's research found that planets in the 12th/9th house have the most influence on a person's career/vocation/psyche. He found moon in 12th/9th of prominent writers and politicians. He found jupiter in 12th/9th of prominent actors, playwrights, journalists, executives and politicians.

Ruler of MC (career, vocation, ambition, social standing) Neptune is in the 7th (partnerships, others) which would make you very good at working with others - you could also be a good counsellor. Stellium in 7th means that you really are focussed on others and are able to see their point of view. You could definitely do very well in HR or customer service.
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Thanks everyone for your inputs so far. I was able to confirm some of my own analysis while learning something at the same time from your insights! =]

I actually thought it was funny when I first learned about astrology and my birth chart because I was definitely not a "people-person" then (in fact, I wanted to have a career that deals with things or information more than anything else). So for awhile I wondered if I was adopted and thus, I got my birth info wrong (I was a really naive kid back then). However, the birth chart seemed to got everything else right...for example, the strong emphasis on the 9th house indicate travel and even having the final home not the same as my birth place, and I did immigrated with my family at a young age. Though eventually, as I grew up, I realized that I enjoy working with people. But I still not sure about being involved with people all the time (7th house stellium, rulers of most prominent houses’ signs are of course also in the 7th house) as I place a high value on personal freedom (Moon in Aqu). I guess that I will just have to wait and see. Just a side question out of curiosity: when you first learned about astrology, did you think that some of the information indicated in the your chart were either impossible or completely crazy?

stephenseah2007: I agree with you on this MC of having a human touch and somehow leans towards spirituality and creativity. I find that these are the good points of the Pisces MC. However, a bad point that I can think of and feel most of the time is that I'm a darn"wanderer". As a fellow Pisces MC, did you ever feel like that too?

Also, it seemed what the Pisces MC stands for, in general, is a bit contradicted to the current values of society (capitalism) – I wonder about how to improve the conditions of the marginal classes, the society talks about how to make more $$ and keep the cost down. It’s no wonder that I’m kept getting slashed at in my business classes. >.>

Lissa: Thanks for your in-depth input. I resonate a lot with what you said. Ah…the impact of NN on the MC and ruler of MC in the 12th. No wonder I thought I had everything together initially, knowing where I want to go (accounting), and in the end, just to realize that I didn’t actually know where I should and wanted to go…and thus, the wandering began.

Hm…maybe I should start learning how to read transits aside from natal charts…it’s interesting that you mentioned about the possible effects of the transiting Jupiter, because I already knew this kind of things may happen through Chinese astrology (Zi wei dou shu)…haha, yes, I’m learning both Chinese and western astrology, and that’s why I’m still a master of none. Though, I did not foresee the transiting Saturn going over my 5th house. But now, it seems to make more sense of my strange interest recently. Though, instead of pursuing the arts (since I’ve been focusing on job hunting & possible ways of making $$), I decided to become a decent amateur poker player eventually (don’t worry, I’m just practicing with play $$ through pokerstars at the moment). Well, gambling is a 5th house affair, even though I’m not gambling with real money. Yes, I’m aware that I’m not a very conventional person.

byjove: Thanks, it’s a good reminder that MC is not the only thing to look at when it comes to career, work, and money. It’s just that for my chart particularly, the emphasis seemed to be always on other people. So I thought the Pisces MC seemed to align with the whole chart quite well, since this MC is about connecting with people one way or another.

Yes, I agree that Pisces MC isn’t that comfortable with abusing power at the expense of others. There were times when I knew that I can take advantage of others fairly easily, I didn’t simply because I knew it would hurt others somehow. And when I did take advantage of others without any regards to their welfare, I was quickly hit with guilt and strong self-hate (I guess that might also have to do with Jupiter in 12th house). Btw, are you also a Pisces MC?

Carris: Interesting research…I have always associated the 12th house as a spiritual one and the 9th house as a philosophy & travel one. I never knew that it could have an impact on career/vocation…psyche, though, I understand. I’m also delighted to see that my passions are indicated with these placements. Though, I fear that passions are only stay as passions and not for career/vocation since serious writing seems to impact on my health negatively (I’m just beginning to make some recovery process recently) and when it comes to the topic of acting, my family seems to avoid it with interesting (but understandable) excuses or simply ignore that I even brought it up nowadays.

Anyways, I’m glad I’m on the right track though with HR & customer service. I just need to keep at it and hopefully I will find something. =]
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For me personally wise I curb my "wandering spirit" by investing more time and efforts on my main interests , I would also think that in order to be more grounded we will have to follow the opposite of pisces which is virgo being more practical and realistic

Do you know that MC which is house 10 is also the long term impression of you to people who know you
For me personally wise I curb my "wandering spirit" by investing more time and efforts on my main interests , I would also think that in order to be more grounded we will have to follow the opposite of pisces which is virgo being more practical and realistic

Do you know that MC which is house 10 is also the long term impression of you to people who know you

I like your thinking as I value practicality and a balanced lifestyle as well. Sounds like a good piece of advice. Thanks!

And as for the 10th house as the long term impression...yep, I kinda knew that since the 10th house is about reputation presented to the world after all.
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You are a gemini rising too aren you ?
just to sidetrack a bit do u happen to be a data freak as well and learning new things and interests all this time?
Er...please define data freak. Do you mean math stuff or just a information junkie? I'm usually the latter if that's what you're asking. And yes, learning new things and interests...and that's why I'm still a master of none. :whistling:

Why the sudden curiosity of Gemini asc?
Because i am the same like you and it is hard for me to find people who have gemini as their ascendant so i am kinda interested and curious as well lol

ya data freak in the form of information junkie

I also have the same jack of all trades and master of none that is why i am trying to concentrate so hard on my main interests haha
lol, I knew it...but I really didn't want to assume when I didn't have to. Awesome, now I have a fellow companion who's a gemini rising & pisces mc. =]

Ah...on the subject of concentration, I just read book recently on that...and it did help me, especially comes to completing important tasks. However, when it comes to main interests, I still get sidetracked every now and then. =/
Yeah it is awesome for me as well maybe we can discuss the encounters and challenges that we have faced in the past

I think it is fine to have a few main interests so there are room to grow and further improve yourself

i think for gemini rising, we can say 'variety is the way to life' lol
Hi everyone! Just a quick update since the last time I was on this thread, in case anyone want to confirm where his/her chart-reading skill is currently at! =] It's the least I can do since everyone here has give me some great advice and insights.

Since mid-June, I start to volunteer at a local arts&culture theatre, mostly contributing my time on the administrative sides of things, especially now that the theatre in the preparation stage for a major sponsorship project. I also did express my interest in the performing arts, so the founder of that theatre did take note of it. Although, there are no opportunity for me to try at the front stage at the moment, I am still learning a lot and really glad that I got up the courage to volunteer at this theatre (despite a bit of initial protests from my parents).

Work-wise, I just recently accepted a job offer at a mid-size accounting firm. It's quite ironic because although I have been applying for a lot of jobs in the customer service sector, I have received no offer despite that I do have the experience for the job. However, despite the fact that I suck at accounting (even though my field of undergrad studies was in accounting), I somehow ended up getting an offer after a series of interviews at the same accounting firm (I really thank those at the firm who got a good impression of me). Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that I now have a job, and to think that I'll be working at an accounting firm too, especially under this economic downturn. If everything goes well, I'll be starting next week. =]

Now, I guess I have earned a bit of right to tell everyone who's still looking for a job out there to not give up. If the job market is bad, just go volunteer first at an organization that appeals to your hobbies or study something that you really like, because somehow that's when opportunities start flowing in. Oh yea, read "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. The book was a great inspiration for me while I was still searching for opportunities in the job market. =]

I wish you all the best!!
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