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Jan 26, 2019
I am going for a creative career, mainly out of writing and singing, but I'd like to know based on what you see in my chart what career do you think I'd be best suited to or best suited to out of my two options, thank you. (I'd really like help)


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With a Neptune Rising, you are definitely a creative type. Highly sensitive, poetic, and in touch with your emotions and every one else's. It's in opposition to Venus in the 7th, so I feel you often struggle with putting yourself first. This could be an issue when deciding on a career path. You can easily get sidetracked due to your relationships. And with a Mercury conjunct Saturn in 5th opposite Pluto in 11th, you do find it hard to communicate your natural creative expression and put limitations on it. However, there's a really lovely Mystic Rectangle occurring between your Neptune, Pluto, Venus, and Mercury. So when you learn to separate your relationships and yourself, and learn not to be afraid of creative expression, you'll be able to have a career of your choosing.

Your Libra MC placement is often seen in musicians, therapists, beauty consultants. With Ruler of the 10th sitting in the 7th, it indicates you will have a career based on who you know. Creating important contacts will get you ahead.

It's very difficult to say "this is the career you'll have" cause that's ultimately up to you. I can see both singing and writing in your chart, however writing seems to be more prominent. Perhaps writing music? You've a very good imagination, as seen with 3rd house in Pisces. I have this same placement and I compose music.

With a Neptune Rising, you are definitely a creative type. Highly sensitive, poetic, and in touch with your emotions and every one else's. It's in opposition to Venus in the 7th, so I feel you often struggle with putting yourself first. This could be an issue when deciding on a career path. You can easily get sidetracked due to your relationships. And with a Mercury conjunct Saturn in 5th opposite Pluto in 11th, you do find it hard to communicate your natural creative expression and put limitations on it. However, there's a really lovely Mystic Rectangle occurring between your Neptune, Pluto, Venus, and Mercury. So when you learn to separate your relationships and yourself, and learn not to be afraid of creative expression, you'll be able to have a career of your choosing.

Your Libra MC placement is often seen in musicians, therapists, beauty consultants. With Ruler of the 10th sitting in the 7th, it indicates you will have a career based on who you know. Creating important contacts will get you ahead.

It's very difficult to say "this is the career you'll have" cause that's ultimately up to you. I can see both singing and writing in your chart, however writing seems to be more prominent. Perhaps writing music? You've a very good imagination, as seen with 3rd house in Pisces. I have this same placement and I compose music.

Thank you so much, this was really informative! :)