Carl Payne Tobey's Correspondence Course

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Earth Sign

Well-known member
Mar 17, 2010
My favorite lesson in Astrology came from a Correspondence Course by an unfortunately forgotten Astrologer/Mathematician named Carl Payne Tobey. He taught Astrology as a science, and it was all mathematical. The course makes so much sense, and it's still interesting even though it was written in the 50's. His method is unique and almost no one else teaches what he knew. He rediscovered such things as the Secondary Ascendant, vital to the Secondary Chart.

He explains in his course how the signs work by describing them in terms of Individual/Family/Social Survival/Non-Survival(for some reason changed to the word "reform") Dynamic (Reactor/Guide). For example, Cancer is the Individual Survival Dynamic, across from it is Capricorn, the Individual Survival Dynamic Reactor. Many of his diagrams aren't included in this online version of the course, unfortunately.

Here is his course:

If you're further interested in his other works, I highly recommend Astrology of Inner Space, here:
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I knew Carl and took his Course back in my college days in Tucson. He is not *forgotten* and never will be while those of us who recognized his astonishing brilliance still live (and indeed we are introducing his work to *a few* of the young astrologers today.)

Within my knowledge, no other astrologer has ever come close to Carl's abstract thought and insight. Not one.

It IS a shame that, though he is not forgotten, it is true that greatly inferior and less creative minds have established fame for themselves among the less discriminating and less educated astrologers.

There is much material of his that is not commonly known to exist: personal letters, interpretations of planets in signs, and much more. Aside from the Secondary Chart (your mention of which prompted this user name ;-) we can mention, the Aspect Houses, Moon Wobbles, the Lunar Cycle, Pluto's rulership of Aries, the worthlessness of retrograde motion, and the importance of planetary nodes, as some of the most radical and important astrological discoveries of the 20th century.

Thank you so much for your post. The sheeple may not appreciate or even remember him, but he is not forgotten by those who have the vision to recognize his greatness.

Thank you! :cancer:
SecondaryChart said:
I knew Carl and took his Course back in my college days in Tucson. He is not *forgotten* and never will be while those of us who recognized his astonishing brilliance still live (and indeed we are introducing his work to *a few* of the young astrologers today.)

Within my knowledge, no other astrologer has ever come close to Carl's abstract thought and insight. Not one.

It IS a shame that, though he is not forgotten, it is true that greatly inferior and less creative minds have established fame for themselves among the less discriminating and less educated astrologers.

There is much material of his that is not commonly known to exist: personal letters, interpretations of planets in signs, and much more. Aside from the Secondary Chart (your mention of which prompted this user name ;-) we can mention, the Aspect Houses, Moon Wobbles, the Lunar Cycle, Pluto's rulership of Aries, the worthlessness of retrograde motion, and the importance of planetary nodes, as some of the most radical and important astrological discoveries of the 20th century.

Thank you so much for your post. The sheeple may not appreciate or even remember him, but he is not forgotten by those who have the vision to recognize his greatness.

Thank you! :cancer:

Thanks for your reply, SecondaryChart! I was beginning to think I'd never meet anyone who has studied Tobey's work. I hope you stick around here to preach about him, considering you were a student of his. I'm very much a beginner to his work and am still learning. I feel like I'm an inadequate torch-carrier for him, knowing as little as I do about it.

I was disappointed when I started to expand my knowledge of astrology and found that there is so little information about Tobey that is still out there. His revision of the houses from the Aries-Counterclockwise count to the Leo-Clockwise order doesn't seem to be recognized by many, or used by anyone. I've often wanted to start a thread about the houses, but my lack of experience and solid evidence in Tobey's favor has kept me from ever doing it.

By the way, what other astrologers or books on astrology have you found to be worthwhile? I've gotten a lot out of Grant Lewi's books, Heaven Knows What, and Astrology for the Millions, but I'm not sure what else to look for.


This is the first time I've been back to this forum in a couple months, at least. Luckily I got your message before very much time passed. Thanks for re-inspiring me to attempt to popularize Tobey's method. :biggrin:
Thank you so much. After years of study and not ever understanding any of it, Carl Payne Tobey makes sense.

That's a great link you've posted Earth Sign. I've fallen off the astrology wagon and need to get back on. Your link is the motivation I need :)
Tobey's argument relative to the zodiac (tropical zodiac) as being a projection of the Earth, is similar to that of Rouell ( and I largely adhere to this concept (albeit in a more "subtle earth energy" sense), and perhaps this is the real difference (and a not mutually exclusive one either!) between our Western "tropical" zodiac of signs, and the sidereal constellational zodiac of Vedic (and Western Sidereal) astrological models...
Can someone tell me where to buy these Carl Payne Tobey's booklets? The Zodiac in the Raw; The Sun and the Inner Planets; and The Moon and the Lunar Nodes.

Thank you,
I, too, have been looking for Tobey's various booklets for some time, with no success. There is one book that might be promising, Carl Payne Tobey's Collected Works on Astrology, which I don't own.

I've not been able to find a source for it, except iTunes, and that's not an option for me. I would have sworn that I'd seen a website on which you could buy new copies of some of his books, including that one, but I can't find it now. They were all $25 on that site, which is why I didn't jump on it.

Here's the link for the iTunes book, in case you're interested.
I think I have everything in CPT's Collected Works although not with that specific title nor in one collection. I don't think the three booklets are in it, and I'm beginning to wonder if he ever wrote them or only planned to write them.

Thank you for responding.

It's possible that he never had those booklets officially published. I think he self-published some of his work, probably for educating his students, and left them there. Since then nobody has taken the trouble of digging them up and republishing them.

There are probably only a few copies in existence, and they would probably be expensive. :unsure:
I've been in touch with people who knew him well, and they don't have the three booklets, either. That's why I wonder if they were not 'meant to do' pieces of writing. However, they were for sale in some of his books. It's a mystery.

Thank you for your response.

Contact Miss Naomi Bennett to get books written by Mr Carl Payne Tobey. I know she is in Facebook and printed published several books of him. Good stuff.
Sorry to bother you again, but I'm trying to locate Betty Baxter who (I was told) worked with Carl Payne Tobey. Does anyone have any ideas on how to contact her?

I was a student of Carl Payne Tobey in 1969. I sell his correspondence course and have published a new book "Collected Works of Carl Payne Tobey". I also reprinted his "Astrology of Inner Space". You can order these items at

I have also created a DVD seminar on the extension of these principles called "Sacred Geometry of Astrology" which is also available on the website.

Questions on his theories and techniques can be directed to me at [email protected]
I, too, have been looking for Tobey's various booklets for some time, with no success. There is one book that might be promising, Carl Payne Tobey's Collected Works on Astrology, which I don't own.

I've not been able to find a source for it, except iTunes, and that's not an option for me. I would have sworn that I'd seen a website on which you could buy new copies of some of his books, including that one, but I can't find it now. They were all $25 on that site, which is why I didn't jump on it.

Here's the link for the iTunes book, in case you're interested.
I am the publisher for "Collected Works of Carl Payne Tobey". It can be purchased at my website Write me at [email protected] iTunes sells the epub version of this book. Hardcopy can only be bought through me.