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My previous card was correct.
Taking the Sun, I asked about a friendship, this suggests lots of fun, mutual growth and enlightenment!

5 of wands
My previous card was correct.
Taking the Sun, I asked about a friendship, this suggests lots of fun, mutual growth and enlightenment!

5 of wands

My question was about a friend who got arrested for assault and would they be charged, Im hoping this means alot of banter and talk and argument but no charge, maybe a caution as he was provoked and the person had previousky beaten up his daughter

Leaving 2 of cups
Oh, I asked about a chap that has me intrigued, this is interesting.... I Wonder when the 2 of cups will manifest...

10 of pentacles!
I asked about the issues I am having in communication with my Husband... 10 Of Pentacles shows me happiness is comming,... Just not whether its together or apart... I leave:
The Seven of Cups!
Ah, yes...daydreamer... I'll take the 7 of cups and leave behind

8 of Cups

for the 3 of pentacles in a love reading, I never get a very romantic feeling from it, but there is something there...
In a love question, the 3 of Pentacles is a good omen. Particularly if you already know someone that you are interested in, this tells you that they see you in a positive light, as someone who has the qualities that they are looking for, although love has not quite developed yet. So there is a need for patience. If you're unattached but looking for love, this card indicates that you are likely to meet someone through your work or through theirs. Keep your eyes open!

Well, if Mr Dreamy ever does see me in a different light, I'll keep my eyes open!

2 of swords
Thats sweet, I asked if I would see him soon, he's gone away on holiday... Page of cups - We may be meeting up soon, having a nice time in each others company

Awesome, I'll taking the 4 of Wands. I asked a question about my career. =]

Okay, I'm leaving Fool Hope you will have a nice journey.
I'll be taking the Fool then... I need him on my journey... I asked about a new job I'm applying for :)

I leave the King of Wands for you
asked straight up

whats the likley hood of fixing my relationship with my ex

Lovers couldnt get a better card- self explanitory:love:

I leave the Knight of Cups :surprised::love: more love hehehe
asked straight up

whats the likley hood of fixing my relationship with my ex

Lovers couldnt get a better card- self explanitory:love:

I leave the Knight of Cups :surprised::love: more love hehehe

I asked whether a certain person was guilty of a crime, i dont know how to interpret knight of cups here

Anyway i leave queen of cups
Taking the 10 of cups, I asked a question related to a health issue which began affecting me last year and I'm wondering if I am ever going to get well.

The meaning of this card has given me some hope rather than nothing, despite the fact that the interpretation states that if it's a genetic illness that I'm suffering from (which there are traces of it in my family's history), all I can do is relax and choose what nutrition/exercise I should perform in order to keep it at bay. In other words, it isn't going to be cured. But nonetheless at least I can try keeping it under control by not stressing unnecessarily.

All is well that ends well :).

I leave the Oggun (five of discs) for the next person.