I've been contemplating leaving my current job because of the emotional stress it's causing and the toll it's taking on my health.
The card chose for me was:
The 5 of Wands:The Five of Wands shows two types of conflict - outer and inner. The former arises when the world around you is filled with hassles and minor obstacles that would normally not slow your progress by themselves, but, when combined, they become increasingly difficult to overcome.
It can indeed seem that you are being held back and attacked from all sides in such times.
Expect several problems to crop up all at once, each demanding immediate attention and none seeming particularly easy to solve. There is a tendency towards rashness and loss of control, and you must be careful not to let that overwhelm you.
Strategy is the key, because the energy of this card is natural, wild and untamed, an "every man for himself" philosophy.
The card I chose for the next person is:
2 of swords
Contradictory characteristics brought together as a means of resolving a conflict.
Refusing to be ruled by negative emotions.
Strife brought to a close through clarity of mind and restraint of force.
Turning a blind eye to the minor infractions of others.