Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

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I asked a question about my financial aid for school. (My parents still have not gotten to their part.) What do I have to do to get it in before the deadline?
I guess this question answers it.

I leave The knight of cups, reversed.
knight of cups

going on a holiday in 5 months and want to loose weight to feel healthier knight of cups say yes i will be loosing enough to feel better and fitter.

I leave the magician
Oh thanks for the Magician!
I asked about my ex who I've known for over a decade, who got in touch with me yesterday! This is a very nice card and shows a new beginning! I also get the Rider card with the Heart with my Lenormand cards!

Temperance (again...)
I asked a general question about when I was going to get over my ex. It's been 9 months, but when I found out last night that he got a new girlfriend, I lost it. I've been crying ever since.

I leave Page Of Wands
Thankyou for that card

2 of wands is about balance
and I asked if i could get some type of romance going soon generally
I think its a good sign considering ive had no romance at all for years

I leave the 8 of cups
I asked if this guy I like, likes me back and what do I have to do for him to like me back if its possible.

I leave: Five of Swords (reversed)
I asked if this guy I like, likes me back and what do I have to do for him to like me back if its possible.

I leave: Five of Swords (reversed)

Well I was wondering why my affairs didnt go smoothly like a previous tarot card suggested, and my pendulum is giving all the wrong answers too, must take break
to decide if its wishful thinking/nonsense, anyway
i leave temperance for peace and balance
I asked should I change my profession and become a pro astrologer?

For the next person I leave eight of swords - reversed
I asked what will happen in the future regarding my relationship...

I leave the The Chariot... hoping it will bring you success
i asked how things will go with someone today..i was expecting to see them and it turns out that due to transportation issues we never saw eachother....which goes to i've read from several sources chariot has to do with transportation, mobility, etc.

i leave the 3 of swords
I asked if there is a chance for me and the guy I like to be together?

I leave five of wands
I've been contemplating leaving my current job because of the emotional stress it's causing and the toll it's taking on my health.

The card chose for me was: The 5 of Wands:
The Five of Wands shows two types of conflict - outer and inner. The former arises when the world around you is filled with hassles and minor obstacles that would normally not slow your progress by themselves, but, when combined, they become increasingly difficult to overcome.

It can indeed seem that you are being held back and attacked from all sides in such times.

Expect several problems to crop up all at once, each demanding immediate attention and none seeming particularly easy to solve. There is a tendency towards rashness and loss of control, and you must be careful not to let that overwhelm you.

Strategy is the key, because the energy of this card is natural, wild and untamed, an "every man for himself" philosophy.
The card I chose for the next person is: 2 of swords


Contradictory characteristics brought together as a means of resolving a conflict.
Refusing to be ruled by negative emotions.
Strife brought to a close through clarity of mind and restraint of force.
Turning a blind eye to the minor infractions of others.