Chain Tarot: Ask a Question Before Clicking Here!!!!!

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Asking what is someone thinking about me if i mean anything to them still?

The lovers could mean that someone is rethinking our situation and good to know im still on that someones mind.

I leave the 6 of swords

Sigh, taking 6 of swords, I was asking about someone I had a wonderful 4 days with this summer, he is from overseas. I've not smiled like that in a long long time. Not sure how to take this card. It could mean travel overseas, well I can't travel, it'd have to be him coming here. It could also mean a separation, but that has already happened, geographically. I feel a bit less stress though, worrying about everything too much lately but feel a lift today.

Edit: funny enough, just heard, he is travelling here!


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...Yes how will I feel about exercising tomorrow.... Wasn't much of a question, considering (no I'm not overweight haha).

Well... Do or die I take it. Both in a way. To get out of this ditch...and no longer face this opposition.
Well it just reinforces my idea of it's importance. And my important role as the one making a conscious decision, untill there is no opposition and it will just be a good habit.

Leaving The Hierophant
Another relationship q for me as well, as usual! The Sun is very positive though, it suggests a yes to my question of will we. Happiness anyway, or, coming through a period of stress and sorrow.

2 of cups
Taking the Star, asking if there was hope. I feel I'm sitting in that tower at the moment, but what is left is only hope = the star.


6 of cups
Ok, so I'm taking the 6 of Pentacles, which was actually the card I got to try to clarify the meaning of the Death card I just got in response to the question of whether I had already met my future significant other. My interpretation of the 6 of Pentacles is a clarification on the Death card indicating it's going to be someone new that I haven't already met.

Leaving behind:
Three of Wands (Virtue)
i took the 3 of wands... for a relationship question.

i am leaving the world


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I leave 10 of wands.
Great. Edit: OK, well I asked a silly question I knew the answsr to namely if a certain someone had some feelings for me in a particular way... I just take it as my question was a dumb one, but perhaps there is some unrelenting feelings in other ways more academic lets say.

Nine of Swords
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Hi all,

The idea of this thread is to randomly select a Tarot card, and then leave it here for the next person who comes along to comment on, and explain how it relates to thier life, why it is that they were meant to find this card here.

In turn, this person then leaves a card behind of thier own, for the next person and so on.

If you doi not own a deck of cards, then go here: , and select a single card at random, form the 'one card' option, and just post the name of the card here, along with the description as well if you like.


How do you relate to this card, why was it meant for you?

Don't forget to leave a card behind for the next person.

As this thread develops, it would be a good idea to have a question in mind before coming in, and then see what card has been left behind, and take it as the answer to your question.

Draco :wink:[/i]


another reminder, this is a learning thread as well as a sharing thread. Please add something about how you relate to the card you picked. Otherwise, it gets out of balance with some of us sharing, others not.

taking the 9 of Swords. I asked why i feel stressed out. This doesn't answer my question in terms of reasoning but only shows my state of mind. I guess i've lost fate of a happy future

Leaving the 4 of Cups

still leaving the four of cups....
but to the above poster...i think what it means is that your worries are unfounded.. it's saying that you're worriing about things that aren't really a big deal, that you're making mountains out of mold hills...
So the question was how will I feel about todays class and all in it.
I've been slacking off and indeed just the basic interpretation of the card makes sense. I won't feel so satisfied (knowing myself), and I must do as I planned i.e. work harder and get more real day by day to get there. Find satisfaction [which I know I can] in work for it's own sake almost in this case, but like I wrote.

The Sun
i am taking the magician. my question was which would be my next step to get unstuck from my current situation which is not good for me.

the magician is a great card, but also shows me the possibilities are endless or something will be revealed to me. i have so many options right now (only limited by financial resources) that it's overwhelming and i find myself paralysed and very afraid for making the wrong choice (again). the magician could also be a trickster... mmm... lots of food for thought.

i drew a card to leave here... and guess what...

the magician
I would take the Magician: in my question it was about Health: the magician certainly seems to brewing up trouble for me on that front; it also suggests 'many things hidden' [as in mysterious] and indeed my health problems seem to be very mysterious and difficult to diagnose. I think that in the case of the Magician, the one hand may be doing one thing, while the other works in secret, creating ILLUSIONS.
I leave behind the 7 of FIRE: respect:
Here we see a great temple of the spirit, lit by many flames, all drawn from the same sacred fire. The candles of a cathedral and a Shabbat table... Kwanzaa lights and fires for the ancestors... they are all symbols of the fire of the spirit that burns in each of us. Celebrate the differences between people, do not let them divide you. Seek to find communion with those you are in disagreement with. Honor the fire that burns in their temple.
Interesting we could be relatives in spirit; my signature Sun in Cancer, Moon in Pisces and Scorpio Rising. Do you have a grand water trine as well?​