Haha, "Will I get a C on my math exam?"Taking the Star, asking if there was hope. I feel I'm sitting in that tower at the moment, but what is left is only hope = the star.
6 of cups
Rather simple card, well to my ellusive simple question... So I'll refreshi took the 3 of wands... for a relationship question.
i am leaving the world
Great. Edit: OK, well I asked a silly question I knew the answsr to namely if a certain someone had some feelings for me in a particular way... I just take it as my question was a dumb one, but perhaps there is some unrelenting feelings in other ways more academic lets say.I leave 10 of wands.
Hi all,
The idea of this thread is to randomly select a Tarot card, and then leave it here for the next person who comes along to comment on, and explain how it relates to thier life, why it is that they were meant to find this card here.
In turn, this person then leaves a card behind of thier own, for the next person and so on.
If you doi not own a deck of cards, then go here: www.facade.com/ , and select a single card at random, form the 'one card' option, and just post the name of the card here, along with the description as well if you like.
How do you relate to this card, why was it meant for you?
Don't forget to leave a card behind for the next person.
As this thread develops, it would be a good idea to have a question in mind before coming in, and then see what card has been left behind, and take it as the answer to your question.
taking the 9 of Swords. I asked why i feel stressed out. This doesn't answer my question in terms of reasoning but only shows my state of mind. I guess i've lost fate of a happy future
Leaving the 4 of Cups