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NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Airborne Lithium and Other Chemicals (Video)

If you don’t know about chemtrails by now or if you are a skeptic, we have various articles on the subject that you should check out here. Recently a video has been circling around of a NASA employee admitting that lithium is being sprayed in the atmosphere.
The NASA employee ([email protected]) admits that lithium is being sprayed into the atmosphere, and in the video, he also says that It is “harmless to the environment.”
Lithium is a pharmaceutical drug that is used to treat people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder. The medication alters how we think by changing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine secreted by our endocrine system. Lithium strongly alters the brain system, yet the NASA employee in the above states that “it is not dangerous” and does not harm the population.
Doctors who regularly prescribe this medication for the mentally ill have said that it is dangerous because it is hard to figure out proper dosing. So the logical though would be that spraying copious amounts of lithium into the air via aerosol is not safe, especially for the people who do not need it.
Lithium has a lot of dangerous side effects such as:

  • Excessive Urination
  • Seizures
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Fever
  • Confusion or Hallucinations
  • Swelling of the hands and feet
  • Diarrhea or Vomiting

CIA Director Admits Plans of Aerosol Spraying for Geoengineering — Media Silent

During his long-winded talk of threats to US interests and how the largely CIA-created ISIL threat is impacting the world, Brennan brought up the topic of geoengineering.

Another example is the array of technologies — often referred to collectively as geoengineering — that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.

One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.

Brennan went on to echo the calls from some scientists who have called for aerial spraying.

An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels.

The process is also relatively inexpensive — the National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.

The extent at which Brennan talked about stratospheric aerosol injection shows that he and the CIA have likely been considering this for some time.

As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community.

On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions at the expense of others could trigger sharp opposition by some nations.

Others might seize on SAI’s benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions. And, as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SAI.

“Chemtrails” have long been the talk of conspiracy theories with massive amounts of disinformation being posted all over the internet including fake studies and photos. However, several real studies show that some ‘seeding’ or geoengineering may be taking place.

A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health is suggesting that geoengineering has already begun, and the substance being used is a toxic by-product of coal burning call coal-fly ash.

“The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years.

The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health.

Also, it has been proposed that unintentional geoengineering may already be taking place as well.

As Derrick Broze points out, researchers with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are suggesting contrails from airplanes may be inadvertently geoengineering the skies.

Chuck Long is a researcher with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

At the recent American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Long and his team released their paper, “Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?

The analysis found that vapor from airplanes may be altering the climate through accidental geoengineering.

It may be a very long time before we know what, if anything, is actually going on in our skies.

However, when the CIA, who is responsible for so much turmoil on a global scale, begins talking about geoengineering, we should listen.

Please share this story with your friends and family who think it’s only conspiracy nuts who talk about spraying things into the sky.

The part of the speech where Brennan talks about geoengineering begins at the 12:05 marker.

Saudi Princess of the Royal Family Says Geoengineering is a 'Weapon Of Mass Destruction'

I notice people don't really argue this as fervently as they did 5 years ago. They still say "its a con trail...." but gone is the humor at such a "perposterous" idea. They clam up when you ask what Weather Inc. purpose is for, which is n actual business. Even NASA doesn't deny what it is anymore... Euro Bezminov lectured about the cold war effects of subversion tactics in the 80s, and its being demonstrated in full mass...apparently. Some people still have value though... You won't meet them in town though lol
I notice people don't really argue this as fervently as they did 5 years ago. They still say "its a con trail...." but gone is the humor at such a "perposterous" idea. They clam up when you ask what Weather Inc. purpose is for, which is n actual business. Even NASA doesn't deny what it is anymore... Euro Bezminov lectured about the cold war effects of subversion tactics in the 80s, and its being demonstrated in full mass...apparently. Some people still have value though... You won't meet them in town though lol
Too much has been made public for chemtrails to be doubted anymore.
Plus the fact chemtrails are seen worldwide by billions of people..
How many workers would it take to supply the world nations airports with the millions of gallons of chemicals that would be needed on a daily basis to do what you're claiming the government does. It would take thousands of trucks, pipes, tanks, pilots, airport staff, to all be working together on this conspiracy.

I've never heard of one person involved in this conspiracy show evidence that this exists. According to you there should be a mountain of evidence everyday.For chemtrails to exist and be the problem that you people are saying it is, there would have to be thousands of workers who load chemicals onto the planes themselves at the airport. How are thousands of lowly paid chemical loaders keeping their mouth shut? Show me one person who is involved in transporting chemicals to an airport and loading onto a plane.Show me just one airport worker who fills the chemical vats when the truck comes to the airport and then fills the planes tanks.

Just how gullible does a person have to be to lap this hysterical fear **** up without asking the simple question: "How would they do that?"

"Chemtrails" are the most uneducated, idiotic, ignorant thing you can come up with as a conspiracy theorist. There is all the knowledge and info in the world to disprove it.

Anyway...let's look at old books. 1942 ''If amount of moisture is great enough, the trail will be persistent and will not disappear until is finally blown away by the wind or dissipated by atmosferic turbulence''

1951 report from Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory to the Office of Naval Research, "Prediction of Aircraft Condensation Trails: Project Contrails": "Contrails of ice particles, the more common situation, will persist for hours if environmental conditions exceed ice supersaturation, i.e., exceed ambient relative humidities of approximately 60 to 70%."

See also Knollenberg, RG. 1972. "Measurements of the growth of the ice budget in a persisting contrail," stating: "If sufficient air carrier traffic exists, an entire overcast of contrail cirrus may develop and persist for hours with rapid growth in the ice budget of individual contrails."
And what exactly those pics prove? Just that contrails can last long. Nothing new, they are above us since a long time ago

And I see that water barrels are still used as ''evidence'' of chemtrails.

Oh, and Harald Kautz-Vella. The man who is talking about artificial intelligences sweeping the galaxy, eradicating civilizations! Yeah, that guy is really reliable
It started with cloud-seeding to get clouds to drop rain. Spraying chemicals into the sky to produce weather-changes is nothing new. The science has just gotten more sophisticated.
How many workers would it take to supply the world nations airports with the millions of gallons of chemicals that would be needed on a daily basis to do what you're claiming the government does. It would take thousands of trucks, pipes, tanks, pilots, airport staff, to all be working together on this conspiracy.

I've never heard of one person involved in this conspiracy show evidence that this exists. According to you there should be a mountain of evidence everyday.For chemtrails to exist and be the problem that you people are saying it is, there would have to be thousands of workers who load chemicals onto the planes themselves at the airport. How are thousands of lowly paid chemical loaders keeping their mouth shut? Show me one person who is involved in transporting chemicals to an airport and loading onto a plane.Show me just one airport worker who fills the chemical vats when the truck comes to the airport and then fills the planes tanks.

Just how gullible does a person have to be to lap this hysterical fear **** up without asking the simple question: "How would they do that?"

"Chemtrails" are the most uneducated, idiotic, ignorant thing you can come up with as a conspiracy theorist. There is all the knowledge and info in the world to disprove it.

Anyway...let's look at old books. 1942 ''If amount of moisture is great enough, the trail will be persistent and will not disappear until is finally blown away by the wind or dissipated by atmosferic turbulence''

1951 report from Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory to the Office of Naval Research, "Prediction of Aircraft Condensation Trails: Project Contrails": "Contrails of ice particles, the more common situation, will persist for hours if environmental conditions exceed ice supersaturation, i.e., exceed ambient relative humidities of approximately 60 to 70%."

See also Knollenberg, RG. 1972. "Measurements of the growth of the ice budget in a persisting contrail," stating: "If sufficient air carrier traffic exists, an entire overcast of contrail cirrus may develop and persist for hours with rapid growth in the ice budget of individual contrails."

What are you a government troll. Virtually every objection you raise is fallacious.
I don't know where to start to rebut you fanatical ranting.
First off the government has authorized TRILLIONS of gallons of chemical for geoengineering.
If you would take the time (and I know you won't ) there is video of a air force officer whose job was to keep track of all toxic chemical procured by the Air Force to make sure the environmental regulations where adhered to. What she started to see were vast quantities of toxic chemicals being purchased. Many of the purchases had not point of programs or identification of the manufactor. She pursued here inquiries as her job description required. When she received no clear answers,she went up the chain of command and was finally told that if she didn't step down, her daughter would be taken from her and she would be placed in a institution.
She resigned and know is a advocate of the danger of chemtrails,
There are other videos of chemtrail jet pilots who admitted to the toxic nature of their flights. There are other videos of the insides of these jets whose inside are packed with vats of chemicals.
Clearly your ranting show you have a vested interest in this corrupt. So I will end this by a example that I child could see. Anyone who ever looked up and saw Contrails,, that is moisture condensation formed by the exhaust of jet engines.. will have noticed that the Contrail within a few minutes will be blown around by the prevailing winds and within 5 minute will disappear. Chemtrails on the other hand to not disappear, rather they expand laterally and connect to parallel chemtrails to form a continuous cloud cover. I have seen this exact scenario occur over the bay area in SF.
Plus there many video of black chemtrails over many different parts of the world. Again black chemtrails. There is absolutely no way to confuse these with contrails. Well I have wasted enough time on your ridiculous post. But it was a good attempt
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It started with cloud-seeding to get clouds to drop rain. Spraying chemicals into the sky to produce weather-changes is nothing new. The science has just gotten more sophisticated.
Another ridiculous posts. Read the above post. You are correct that geoengineerings first manifestation was cloud seeding 50 years ago. But chemtrails aren't simply silver iodine, they are made up of 100's of chemicals and bacteria. The most toxic being nano aluminum, barium and lithium. These are admitted to. It nice to see you rise your colors
Another ridiculous posts. Read the above post. You are correct that geoengineerings first manifestation was cloud seeding 50 years ago. But chemtrails aren't simply silver iodine, they are made up of 100's of chemicals and bacteria. The most toxic being nano aluminum, barium and lithium. These are admitted to. It nice to see you rise your colors

That was a reply to danije100, who is in TOTAL denial about chem trails. Having a discussion with a friend about this the other day, and speculating about WHY "they" are poisoning the planet, and why it's such a "hidden in plain sight" topic with so many deniers? We concluded "they" are the military, but the "why" eluded us. Especially the aluminum, which accelerates forest fires. At least the deniers can't dismiss cloud-seeding as a "conspiracy theory"! That's how it started.
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That was a reply to danije100, who is in TOTAL denial about chem trails. Having a discussion with a friend about this the other day, and speculating about WHY "they" are poisoning the planet, and why it's such a "hidden in plain sight" topic with so many deniers? We concluded "they" are the military, but the "why" eluded us. Especially the aluminum, which accelerates forest fires. At least the deniers can't dismiss cloud-seeding as a "conspiracy theory"! That's how it started.
yes the whys are difficult to understand, such as the why has the fukishima catastrophe been allowed to kill the planet. the only why I can come up with is that bill gates are determined to killof 90% of the human populations but that still does answer why kill of the planet.
one of the relatively recent chemtrial conspiracies are that these are being used to block the view of the approach of planet,nibiru. which when it disrupts the axis and magnetic fields will cause the destruction of humanity also..... so maybe since this catastrophe is in the near future, there is not regard to causing man made destruction.of course it seems "they" would be killing themselves or would they?
the dinosaurs survived the KT extinction event because they could fly.....
maybe the elite have enough UFOs that they will simply take to the sky and keep out of the earths destruction.those of the elite who are going underground are certainly dead as 15.0 earthquakes will create tectonic catastrophe where no faults currently lie.

yes the whys are difficult to understand, such as the why has the fukishima catastrophe been allowed to kill the planet. the only why I can come up with is that bill gates are determined to killof 90% of the human populations but that still does answer why kill of the planet.
one of the relatively recent chemtrial conspiracies are that these are being used to block the view of the approach of planet,nibiru. which when it disrupts the axis and magnetic fields will cause the destruction of humanity also..... so maybe since this catastrophe is in the near future, there is not regard to causing man made destruction.of course it seems "they" would be killing themselves or would they?
the dinosaurs survived the KT extinction event because they could fly.....
maybe the elite have enough UFOs that they will simply take to the sky and keep out of the earths destruction.those of the elite who are going underground are certainly dead as 15.0 earthquakes will create tectonic catastrophe where no faults currently lie.


Many in my town saw a large, dark "X" formed by one chem-trail crossing over another overhead (missed it myself). Sounds ominous!
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What are you a government troll. Virtually every objection you raise is fallacious.
I don't know where to start to rebut you fanatical ranting.
First off the government has authorized TRILLIONS of gallons of chemical for geoengineering.
If you would take the time (and I know you won't ) there is video of a air force officer whose job was to keep track of all toxic chemical procured by the Air Force to make sure the environmental regulations where adhered to. What she started to see were vast quantities of toxic chemicals being purchased. Many of the purchases had not point of programs or identification of the manufactor. She pursued here inquiries as her job description required. When she received no clear answers,she went up the chain of command and was finally told that if she didn't step down, her daughter would be taken from her and she would be placed in a institution.
She resigned and know is a advocate of the danger of chemtrails,
There are other videos of chemtrail jet pilots who admitted to the toxic nature of their flights. There are other videos of the insides of these jets whose inside are packed with vats of chemicals.
Clearly your ranting show you have a vested interest in this corrupt. So I will end this by a example that I child could see. Anyone who ever looked up and saw Contrails,, that is moisture condensation formed by the exhaust of jet engines.. will have noticed that the Contrail within a few minutes will be blown around by the prevailing winds and within 5 minute will disappear. Chemtrails on the other hand to not disappear, rather they expand laterally and connect to parallel chemtrails to form a continuous cloud cover. I have seen this exact scenario occur over the bay area in SF.
Plus there many video of black chemtrails over many different parts of the world. Again black chemtrails. There is absolutely no way to confuse these with contrails. Well I have wasted enough time on your ridiculous post. But it was a good attempt

Interesting. When you actually know something about how weather or airplane works you are immediately a government troll. Does that mean that around the world millions of pilots, air traffic workers, mechanics, plane manufacturers etc are also part of this government conspiracy? And tell me, which government I'm part of? Because I'm from Croatia. Does that mean that I'm paid by them? That also mean that thousands of people in the government around the world are also quiet about this :( and no, there is exactly ZERO pilots or any workers around the plane that are admitted that they are doing something like this. Only thing I saw so far was seeing pilots joke with you guys, because you're easy to fool.

An evil scheme in which 100,000s commercial pilots and air traffic controllers world-wide are in on the plot to poison their own children... because frozen water, ice crystals and condensation are too weird to be believable, right?

The bigest lie(or half truth) you guys keep on saying is that contrails can't last more than few minutes or half an hour. Of course you all readed that lie on some conspiracy sites. It's been well know for at least 70+ years that contrails can last for hours in the sky. Or you think they are spraying us that long?

But let's say that they are spraying. Now, at 33000ft, there is absolutely NO way that a chemtrail would be able to stretch from horizon to horizon as an aircraft flies over. There is no possible way for an aircraft to hold enough stuff to spray for that long!
Contrails are very very simple to understand.. The exhaust of a turbine engine contains high temperature water vapor and other things like carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, soot, etc etc.. As soon as this water vapor enters the extreme cold of the air at 25,000+ feet it condenses on small exhaust particles and then freezes. This is why you see a space between the engines and the contrails.. It takes a second for the vapor to condense and freeze. After a while depending on the humidity and temp at that altitude the ice can either sublimate or melt which is why contrails are different lengths or not existent at all. Its all because of different variables. But its ice... Its always been ice... There is no way that its chemicals meant to do harm to humanity or whatever.. Do you even realize how much all those chemicals to make "chemtrails" that big would weigh? Just to make 4 contrails a mile long would easily take several gallons of liquid. Lets just say a mile long "chemtrail" from a four engine jet aircraft would take 4 gallons of liquid chemicals. (Trust me this is totally reasonable and probably a low ball..) This means to make a "chemtrail" on a flight from New York to Los Angeles would take 10,000 gallons of chemicals.. Where would they store this? In the overhead bins? And 10,000 gallons of liquid would easily weigh 30 tons... Who's paying to fly this stuff? The airlines are barely making ends meet as is. Why do you think people are crammed in planes like sardines? Because they need as much money per square foot as they can get.. Lets be reasonable though... Just to make a "chemtrail" as long as Colorado it would take, say... 1,500 gallons of fluid.. At maybe 6 pounds per gallon thats over 4 tons... Thats about the weight of 32 passengers with baggage.. Who the f*** is gonna pay for these "Chemtrails" when airlines are switching from paper flight manuals to lighter digital ones to save 1.2 Million dollars a year on gas?

As for the black ''chemtrail''...This is when contrail itself is in shadow and appears dark. This can happen a number of ways. The sun can be low on the horizon and the contrail can be shadowed by a mountain or a thick cloud bank. In rare cases the plane can be flying directly towards the sun, and the contrail will shadow itself. When self-shadowing, the leading edge of the contrail will be brightly lit, with a dark area behind it.

Everything is so easy to understand when you actually learn something about all of that. And no, not from youtube or some crackpot websites that are also talking about a lot of other conspiracies besides chemtrails.

And for the end I'll show you this graph you don't understand it, it's in Croatian. Anyway that graph shows you temperature, air pressure, humidity..all at different altitudes in my town. And when the blue line is very close to the black line in higher know what happens? There are long lasting contrails above my town. Everytime, just like it's described in books. That's because it's cold enough and humidity is high at that point. I've been watching this graph for years..

You can believe everything you want and I know I will not convince you to see how ridiculous this theory is...but I'm with science on this one. Even though you can just use logic to disprove the theory, but science is doing his work too :) And not some people who don't understand that contrails can last in the sky(do you ever ask yourself why are clouds not dissapearing?)
Any theories as to the motivation for doing so? Aliens posing as humans and taking leadership positions would explain it, but that's just so "out-there"! More like sci-fi. :alien:

No, but those were analyzed to be some kind of fungus combined with self assembling nanobot technology.
well the government rolls are alreay at work, I have already had on post deleted
Originally Posted by rahu A

some chemtrail vids

and then they sent a troll specifically to rant and rave idiocy on this thread...

Join Date
Total Posts 3... quess what all 3 are on this thread.

CHEMTRAIL PLANE SHOT DOWN Above CHINA - Linked to "Depopulation, Lethal Bio-Virus & Rockefeller"

very interesting, the cia spraying foreign countries with pathogens including mutated swine flu .

heres another youtube that goes into many the poisonous substances they are spraying.

this is a video of a Shasta county public meeting discussing the cemtrails. it gives a list of over 30 toxic elements in the chemtrials...nano aluminum, baruim, lithium, human blood dna, bovine blood dna pathogenic bacteria, unidentifiable bacteria.... just to mention a few..
reports that redwood trees are dying because the aluminum inhibits their ability to absorb water, ground and watyer source with high levels of aluminum when in 2012 there were no traces of aluminum

this one is a ex air force woman whose job was to check chemtrail spraying
she was threatened to have her daughter taken from her and placed in a mental institution if she didn't stop asking questions. threatened for doing her job description. she resigned and is now a whistler blower of the air foece chemtrial program
Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014
Could our government really be spreading toxic chemicals through our air? Believe it or not-it's true, even discovery channel has reported on them.
NWO Killing Us With Chemtrails Geoengineering
NWO Killing Us With Chemtrails Geoengineering is NOT a "conspiracy theory." This video will show you the obvious evidence that can't be denied.

If we don’t protest their proposal to spray the skies now, in 20 years we’ll be living in an aluminum poisoned nightmare where questioning the health of geoengineering the weather, hazing out the sun to combat climate change, will be as taboo as being critical of vaccines

short but explanatory video about chemtrails
NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Airborne Lithium and Other Chemicals (Video)

CIA Director Admits Plans of Aerosol Spraying for Geoengineering — Media Silent


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cognitive dissonance focuses on how human beings strive for internal consistency. A person who experiences inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and so is motivated to try to reduce the cognitive dissonance occurring, trying to "justify" their behavior by changing or adding new parts of the conflicting cognition, as well as actively avoids situations and information likely to increase the psychological discomfort.[1]

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