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Any theories as to the motivation for doing so? Aliens posing as humans and taking leadership positions would explain it, but that's just so "out-there"! More like sci-fi. :alien:[/QUOTE

Sumerian texts. Book of Enoch. Book of Genesis. Hopi prophecy. Many many more. This is not a new idea at all globally. Or historically. If we apply mathematics to the probability,it is exponentially even more unlikely that we are alone.
Can chemtrails manipulate the weather?

That would be so cool to make it rain when you want to.
here a video from humboldt county that contains testimony by scientist of the makeup of chemtrails and the damage they are causing to the invironment aand the increase in diseases that are asscoiated withareas of chemtrial spraying

[here a video from humboldt county that contains testimony by scientist of the makeup of chemtrails and the damage they are causing to the environment aand the increase in diseases that are asscoiated withareas of chemtrial spraying

What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts.
NASA Admit To Spraying Americans With Poisonous Chemtrails - Lithium “harmless to the environment
Well, when even the jahovas witnesses can come over and talk about geo engineering, you know your the last one coming out of the chem trail denial closet.

MSM Normalization of Geoengineering: ‘The Fact is, We Are Living Through a Test Already’

The fact is, we are living through a test already.” — The New York Times

The New York Times recently printed a cheerleading article in obvious support of spraying the atmosphere (and thus, the population) with tons of particulates.

The article’s headline, “Is It O.K. to Tinker With the Environment to Fight Climate Change?” should have been: “It is O.K. to Tinker with the Very AIR We All Breathe to Fight a Crisis Created by Dishonest ‘Scientific’ Data”.

The Truth About Global Warming: We're Not Causing It, But We're PAYING for It

Apparently Harvard scientists David Keith and Frank Keutsch are moving ahead with plans for atmospheric geoengineering experiments, according to Harvard Scientists Moving Ahead on Plans for Atmospheric Geoengineering Experiments, published in MIT Technology Review. (Shocking, isn’t it? That was rhetorical).
NATO General Wants Answers to Chemtrails

NOTE: The fact that a NATO Commander has to ask questions about aircraft spraying chemicals over a potential battle area under his command speaks to a sophisticated and organized coverup that surpasses development of the atomic bomb known as the MANHATTAN PROJECT.

In both cases we see the development of secret weapons intended to target Civilian Populations.

“Concerning chemical trails, I’ll tell the truth. I try to study this phenomenon in depth. Now I’ll say something that could bother someone. I used to think it was a swindle too but the pictures we can find online are really dreadful because the trails intersect regularly.”

General Fabio Mini and Sandro Brandini, a member the Italian Parliament went public in 2016. The Cypriot government was reportedly taking action.

Due to many complaints, Agriculture Minister Nicos Kouyialis was ordered to conduct an official investigation.

Why Are the Global Elite Terraforming the Earth? The Hidden Agenda

Why Are the Global Elite Terraforming (Destroying) the Earth

Why are the global elite terraforming the earth? From Fukushima to chemtrails to the Gulf oil conspiracy, the earth is slowly but surely being transformed and it is quickly becoming unfit for human habitation. And with the recent announcement that TEPCO is going to dump all of the Fukushima radiation into the ocean, the conspiracy grows wider by the moment.

TEPCO plans to dump all available radiation in the Pacific Ocean. This could be an extinction level event. The entire story is in the video at the bottom of the page.
We all know that the Fukushima disaster has created complete dead zones in the Pacific. What TEPCO is planning to do is nothing short of an extinction level event. Even the mainstream media is picking up on this.
From Newsweek:
Toxic waste produced by one of the world’s worst nuclear disasters will be dumped into the sea, according to the head of the Japanese company tasked with cleaning up the radioactive mess, despite protests from local fishermen.
Takashi Kawamura, chairman of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), told foreign media that nearly 777,000 tons of water tainted with tritium, a byproduct of the nuclear process that is notoriously difficult to filter out of water, will be dumped into the Pacific Ocean as part of a multibillion-dollar recovery effort following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. That year, an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, killing more than 15,000 people and leading to a series of meltdowns at the TEPCO-owned Fukushima No. 1, or Daiichi, nuclear power plant, causing it to spew radiation that has plagued the region ever since.
While much progress has been made to clean the area, the company has yet to deal with the water that was used to cool the plant’s damaged reactors, causing it to become tainted with tritium.”

Chemtrail Pilot Signals World! 100% Proof!

Before It's News)

I sincerely believe this chemtrail pilot signaled the world that Chemtrails are NOT the exhaust from jet engines! He did it by turning on and off the chemtrails over and over and over again! This gives us case closed proof that we are being sprayed by Chemtrails! You can’t get any better proof than this! Send this video viral! I first noticed chemtrails in 1996 and sent the proof to Matt Drudge dozens of times over the next few years. Drudge has hidden the proof of Chemtrails to this very day! He’s not your buddy! Anybody who censors chemtrails from you is working for the evil ones!
the government finally acknowledges they are "ging" to make chemtrasi;s using aluminum oxides, which the have already been spraying for nearly a decade.rahu
US Government Openly Announces Plan To Chemtrail-Spray Our Skies
The US government and MIT are now admitting what we already know about the “conspiracy” of chemtrails.

Plans have been announced for an experiment to “cover the sun” on a “small scale”. The project has been named “solar radiation management” (SRM).

Their plans involve spraying the skies with various substances and chemicals such as Aluminium Oxide to see if they can alter “climate change” by blocking sun rays to “cool the earth”.

As reported by the Guardian, “US scientists are set to send aerosol injections 20km up into the earth’s stratosphere in the world’s biggest solar geoengineering program to date, to study the potential of a future tech-fix for global warming.”

Another ‘take’ on how all this reprogramming of society, government and the new ionized atmosphere we breathe possibly came about is discussed by investigative reporter extraordinaire Jon Rappoport in his exposé article “Antony Sutton: Skull & Bones, Hitler, The Bush Family” published at Activist Post.
I will not discuss Jon’s excellent article, as I want readers to digest and parse it for yourselves as it ‘outs’ some of the prominent politicians of our times and how they have been involved in or helped to bring about the current events we now are experiencing and, unfortunately, paying a very high price for:

  • Mandated poisonous vaccines/vaccinations or you can’t go to school, work, engage in other activities, or become neutralized in various ways if one rejects toxic vaccine pseudoscience;
  • Mandated AMI Smart Meters, which pump harmful EMFs/RFs over the electrical wires of your house making you live in something comparable to an operating microwave oven, plus being the perfect surveillance device making your home your very own ‘prison’ subject to 24/7/365 surveillance and part of a grand-scale scientific experiment since no studies have been performed on how AMI SMs affect human health;
  • Living in a Corporatocracy instead of a democratic republic where rules, regulations and memes are created without regard for human compassion by high tech corporations working in lockstep with the unelected governments running things behind the scenes for the genetic modification using Artificial Intelligence for absolute control of the human race, i.e., transhumanism, and Planet Earth; and
  • Deliberately reconfiguring your human biochemistry without your knowing, consent and/or implicit cooperation
Shock of a Lifetime Will Silence the Critics! You Will Never Guess Who Openly Admits to Controlling the Weather!

If people have ever scoffed at you and rolled their eyes because you mentioned chemtrails, cloud seeding, geo-engineering, weather modification or government controlled weather wars…stay tuned because things in this video are gonna get crazy interesting in the next couple minutes.

But the craziness will be documented and if you’re one of those people who continue to scoff after reviewing this information leave your detailed reason for your mocking tone.
Hopefully we’re all adults here and we can resist the temptation of launching unfounded ad hominem attacks. Besides, last time I checked accussation without substantiation is STILL the height of ignorance.
So, what if you had the power to actually control the weather?
What would you do with that power? What if OTHER people had that power?
Would you trust them to use it responsibly?
Would you trust them to use it for good all the time?
They say that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely…what about the power to control the weather?
If that were possible, it seems like that would definitely classify as an absolutely corruptible power.
Share this video everywhere:
the government finally acknowledges they are "going" to make chemtrasi;s using aluminum oxides, which they have already been spraying for nearly a decade.rahu
US Government Openly Announces Plan To Chemtrail-Spray Our Skies
The US government and MIT are now admitting what we already know about the “conspiracy” of chemtrails.

Plans have been announced for an experiment to “cover the sun” on a “small scale”. The project has been named “solar radiation management” (SRM).

Their plans involve spraying the skies with various substances and chemicals such as Aluminium Oxide to see if they can alter “climate change” by blocking sun rays to “cool the earth”.

As reported by the Guardian, “US scientists are set to send aerosol injections 20km up into the earth’s stratosphere in the world’s biggest solar geoengineering program to date, to study the potential of a future tech-fix for global warming.”