Children's Book Author???

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Feb 26, 2008
I'm about to send my manuscript to a literary agent. I wonder, is there any indication in my chart that I would be a successful children's book author :unsure:? Successful enough that I could leave my corporate job in finance (in which I find no meaning/happiness)?

I'm not feeling particularly encouraged by the 10th, 6th and 2nd houses.

10th house cusp ruler moon in 2nd house - earn a living from own business?

6th house cusp ruler neptune in 2nd house - income from within service industries or health sectors or working with animals (was a professional horse groom for years before finance - but I feel that ship has sailed even though I'm still horse crazy :smile:)

2nd house cusp ruler pluto in 12th house - financial dealings behind closed doors, working in institutions such as universities, hospitals or libraries (sounds like my current job :sleeping:)

Which aspects in my chart would indicate a writing career?

venus conjunct uranus
venus sextile neptune
ascendant semisquare neptune
mercury semisquare venus
moon conjunct mercury

I'd appreciate any thoughts :smile:


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ceres in taurus

i've read that if ceres is in taurus then the person is prone to overindulgence in food is this true? if so or if not can u tell me what ceres in taurus means for the person
You have some nice things for being a writer. You have Sag, which rules publishing, on the cusp of the 3rd, writing. Mercury, which rules the 9th, of published works, is in scorpio, conjunct the 2nd house cusp. [ money from 9th house mental pursuits possible.]

Your Mercury has a very auspicious placement, being at the midpoint of a Mars/Jupiter trine. Especially since mars is in the 3rd, and Jupiter in the 11th of 'wishes granted.'

Cancer on the MC often denotes a chef or a money manager, a professional 'caretaker' OR a career involving children. The ruler of the MC, the MOon is in Scorpio in the 2nd. So working in a biz involving children can bring money and emotional comfort, although finances may be fluctuating at best.

Venus, the ruler of the asc is exactly conjunct Pluto, in the 12th, It is actually sandwiched between Uranus and Pluto, so I would think that you have a very creative take on how to teach intense lessons to children, incorporating ethical lessons in personal responsibility, and one's place in the world at large, while still being fun and exciting to read.

The biggest obstacle may be your own insecurity, as Saturn in Aries conjunct the desc
may lead to some pessimistic feelings, which go back to the square to your 4th house mars, unreleased anger from childhood programming?

Pluto is now t approaching it's transit to that Mars/Sat square, so you will likely be empowered enough to give it a go.
I think there are quite strong indicators that you might be succesful as a children's book author. For one thing, your MC is ruled by the Moon, which suggests that your vocation may be related to children. It is moreover in the second house of the creative potential and conjunct Mercury (writing). The conjunction with the Sun, in h.2. indicates that this is also where you greatest individual potential lies. The Neptune-Venus sextile further points to a strong imagination (especially with Venus in 12) that sympathizes especially with the weak (i.e. children); the Jupiter in the 11th house provides good opportunities to find a public for your work, and the trine to Mars in h.3 again indicates it may be related to writing.

The only thing that would make me hesitate, is the powerful Plutonic influence on Venus, Sun, Moon and Mercury. In artistic terms, I think the vision suggested by these planets might be altogether too dark and turbulent for a conventional children's book. Pluto always digs beneath, and what he finds isn't always suited to a young public. Also, Venus in 12 suggests your artistic creations may remain a solitary pursuit, hidden from others. Nonetheless, I think there are enough elements which suggests you might succeed.
Where is the part of fortune in your chart? To make lots of money from writing, Mercury should either rule or be on the 11th sign from the part of fortune, and if ruling, should be angular from the part of fortune itself (i.e in the same sign as fortune, 4th, 7th or 10th from fortune - 10th for a real famous author).
katydid - thanks - this is very inspiring to me :biggrin:. I don't consciously harbor any anger from childhood, but no childhood is perfect, so who knows??

kasper - your interpretation is also very inspiring :biggrin:. As far as the powerful Plutonic influences in my chart, would this indicate a different genre, such as psychological thrillers instead of children's?

Mr stellium - I've posted a chart with the part of fortune. What do you think?


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Yes, that's usually more associated with Scorpio influences; on the other hand, your Scorpio stellium makes a trine to the MC, so that suggests you might be able to integrate them fairly easy with your career possibilities (which have to do more with children).

Somethinig else that strikes me looking at your chart again, is the complete absence of planets in the air signs, coupled with a Libra ascendant: there might be something of a conflict between the practical and deeply emotional side of your nature and the way you come across at first sight and present yourself to others, which is more through mental communication. The Libra wish for superficial harmony and grace especially does not sit very easily with the Scorpio/Pluto need to disrupt things and get to the bottom of people and situations (even when it's not so nice).
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The 11th from the part of fortune and Asc is Leo, ruled by the Sun. The Sun is in the 2nd conjunct Mercury (Ruler of 9th and 12th) and the Moon (ruler of 10th). You seek to make money (2nd) from writing (Mercury) as a career (10th ruler is the Moon) but must first overcome some difficulties (12th) and perhaps get some further education on writing (9th house means learning and further education). Whats good is that the 2nd house Scorpio planets are disposited by a very strong angular Mars showing a measure of success at whatever you decide to do but the square from Saturn shows that you will meet with frustrations along the way. The key for you is to be persistent and not get discouraged if they don't accept your manuscript the first time. I think you should also try writing gritty/crime type stories given your strong 12th house/Scorpio/Mars/Saturn. Best of luck to you!
Mr Stellium - Your reply put a big smile on my face, and I was at work at the time!!! Smiling & work rarely coincide :sad:

kasper - Is my ascendant not in Libra?

Thanks everyone for helping me. If I happen to encounter rejections along the way, I will read this thread for inspiration :biggrin:
Mr Stellium - Your reply put a big smile on my face, and I was at work at the time!!! Smiling & work rarely coincide :sad:


Thanks everyone for helping me. If I happen to encounter rejections along the way, I will read this thread for inspiration :biggrin:

Pleasse do. And you WILL get a few rejections along the way. Writing for a living is tough competition and you get dozens of no's for every yes. But keep going.:kissing:
I went to a tarot card reader a few years ago :rolleyes:... and she said that she sees me either writing or illurstrating children books. My tenth and sixth house is ruled by venus, also my fifth. Venus and Mercury is located in my second house making good aspects to each other. I don't know if that shows children book author???