Claire19 said:
I wish I had had the guts to let it all show and not be afraid of inviting rape as the girls today dont seem to feel that vulnerability.
Claire, I've rea your posts and know you mean well so please rest assured that this is not an attack, what it is is someone who has been there several times(me) sharing some facts.
Besides me being molested, I have had 4 times in my adult life where there has been an attemt to rape me, 2 of them have been successful. As I am now in shape for the first time in my life, 3 out of those 4 times were when I was big enough to have noticible fat rolls, with one of those times being by a flatmate, and this was a flatmate who would call me fat and ugly when he was drunk. The most recent attempt, I was in shape, and he attempted to force himself on me while I was asleep at a backpackers hostel in Los Angeles. I was under the sheets, and it was freezing that night, so I was rugged up in warm bedclothes that weren't glamorous at all. Fortunately, in this case, him pulling the bedsheet off me woke me up so I was able to kick and scream, which woke the rest of the dorm up but did save me. Out of all 4 times there have been an attempt to rape me, thinking back to what I was wearing at the time, only once was I dressed sexy, and this is when I was simply trying to have a good night out on the town with my flatmates. The guy who attempted to rape me only spoke to me for maybe a minute, after that I didn't have really any memory of things, next thing I knew it was daylight and I was back at my house with something that felt worse than a hangover that lasted 2 days. My flatmates filled me in on what happened, apparantly that guy was trying to hang around me way too much to not be suspicious, they think he spiked my drink(and this probably did happen, I only remember having 2 drinks that night and I am not a cheap drunk, so certainly couldn't lose consciousness on 2 drinks), then the guy who was living with us at the time bashed up the guy who was more than likely trying to rape me.
Society often conditions people to believe that women "asked for it" in the form of the way they dressed. Actual statistics are that most of the time when women are raped, they are wearing pants not skirts, and their hair is pulled back, which makes it easier for an attacker to walk up behind them and grab them. Also, rape is about power, not sexual attraction. I could go on and on, but I think those of you reading get the idea.
Even in the shape I am in now, I have a policy when I dress that I never show my stomach unless I am at the beach. I can wear tight clothing as well as tank tops and short shorts now and look good, but in my mother's eyes that's hooker clothing. But then I get cold very easily, so out of this list you will usually only catch me in tank tops if anything once it's below 20C/80F, that is unless I'm exercising.
One piece of advice I got too as I was getting in good enough shape to wear this sort of clothing is to pick one area, clevage, shoulders/back, or legs, and show only one of them, never more than one at the same time. That seems to work for me, if I am having a moment where I feel like wearing short shorts, I wear at least a sleeved t-shirt with it.
Maybe this is a stage I will grow out of, for now, I am thoroughly enjoying the fact that I am in shape for the first time in my life, especially after a childhood of kids at school bullying me for being fat to the point where they would often trip me to see if the ground would shake when I fell. Even so, most people around me would agree that I don't dress like a skank at all, just in a way that's suitable for the hot weather we've been having.
Anyway, the point is, no one invites rape by the way they dress. Why else are a large number of rape victims elderly women and children, and why else was I mostly targeted back in the day where society by and large found me to be very sexually unattractive? Society by in large is extremely misogynistic so it will be a miracle if they ever get over this brainwashing, but I know what I know from unfortunate experience.