Chiron conjunct North Node

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Night Sky

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
I'm throwing this one out there because I have a superficial understanding of both of these.

And also they are actually almost exactly conjunct and bothe moving in retrograde motion.

I have a friend with chiron conjunct Mercury, conjunct NN in Gemini. This person has a very very powerful way with words, reads everything, talks non-stop to the point where you want to throw something at them.

But I suspect that there is something much more subtle going on with both chiron and the NN. I can't put my finger on it exactly.

I call Chiron "SPECIAL" but i am not sure of it's nature exactly. It has something very very special. And perhaps as it is conjunct NN right now... Maybe we can all be enlightened on Chiron somewhat.:)
Greetings Night Sky...

From what I've studied, many astrologers believe that Chiron represents the reoccuring "wounds" that we've carried throughout our lives or past lives, the ones that we have a hard time healing. Perhaps one might say that it represents the "root" of all of our other "dysfunctions".

With Chiron conjunct Neptune, both in retrograde motion, perhaps this indicates that these energies are turned inwards, giving the person a means of "delving" into the deepest depths of their subconcious to locate and heal the wound themselves, perhaps via meditation, musical meditation perhaps? Being conjunct the NN could represent that this healing is vital for the persons "ideal manifestation" in this life.

Perhaps your friend with Chiron conjunct Mercury, conjunct Gemini NN, finds healing in doing research, then expressing his ponderings and findings outloud so it makes more sense to him...Ever noticed how sometimes one learns so much more by sharing what we've learned with others? Sometimes a person can study a subject, yet not truly grasp it until they begin "explaining" it to others...

Just some thoughts :)
My north node is tightly conjunct my mum's chiron and my healing path always comes back to this core relationship and has brought up many past lives for me. It is not apparent in the relationship as we see things quite diffferently so the healing I do is not part of our relationship, yet impacts it from afar in a way....

Still playing it out so we'll have to wait and see what comes...

Love Light Flea
flea said:
My north node is tightly conjunct my mum's chiron and my healing path always comes back to this core relationship and has brought up many past lives for me. It is not apparent in the relationship as we see things quite diffferently so the healing I do is not part of our relationship, yet impacts it from afar in a way....

Still playing it out so we'll have to wait and see what comes...

Love Light Flea

my north node is tightly conjunct my fathers chiron so i can relate. i only discovered this last week so am still pondering. what is your relationship likewith your mother?
Adarahaspolias said:
Perhaps your friend with Chiron conjunct Mercury, conjunct Gemini NN, finds healing in doing research, then expressing his ponderings and findings outloud so it makes more sense to him...Ever noticed how sometimes one learns so much more by sharing what we've learned with others? Sometimes a person can study a subject, yet not truly grasp it until they begin "explaining" it to others...

Just some thoughts :)

This seems to be quite a good interpretation... I like it. Also might suggest that the healing thing is about being able to heal others with words... OR WOUND them too, which I found is a particular power of this person with chiron-mercury-North Node.

Ability to wound others... I think must be part of chiron, I think that maybe if you are hurt sometimes you wish others to feel what you feel, and the only way to do that is to hurt them.... Is chiron like this? I think so.
Night Sky said:
...Ability to wound others... I think must be part of chiron.

Interesting point. Makes sense that a planet whose positive characteristics include healing the wounds of others might work negatively to inflict wounds upon others. Needs research though - for example, Mercury might be the planet doing that here rather than Chiron or the Mercury/Chiron combination.

In relation to the opening question :-
NN in Gemini = soul growth through mental expression/rational analysis;
Chiron in Gemini = deep feelings of being unable to communicate with others;
Mercury in Gemini = communication skills and
Retrogrades = greater emphasis on learning the lessons involved.

So, this conjunction drives your friend to achieve the objectives of the NN in this lifetime. The Chiron feelings of inadequacy drive the development of the Mercury skills required by the NN - culminating in the "Chiron gift" of being able to help others express themselves/fit in socially.

Flea, there is the exact same aspect between my mother's Chiron and my North Node, also her North Node conjuncts my Pluto and slightly more so my Saturn, plus my Chiron conjuncts her Uranus, plus her Mars conjuncts my Mercury. Which, while she's a good person, this is probably why we disagree, a lot.

And according to someone who read my past lives, in the one immediately before this one, she was my daughter, I was 15 when I gave birth to her, and I travelled around France and Europe because of my dancing career, which she hated. In this lifetime, she was 42 when she gave birth to me, and has tried very hard to put a damper on things that fulfill me, like travelling overseas and acting, she keeps accusing me of dressing like a skank when I'm actually slightly conservative in the way I dress for someone my age, she thinks I'm weird for enjoying sushi and spicy food, and she will probably freak out when she sees the Obama bumper sticker on my car. :)

We do have a few common interests though, we are both addicted to history documentaries, in particular those about archaeology.
Night Sky said:
Also might suggest that the healing thing is about being able to heal others with words... OR WOUND them too, which I found is a particular power of this person with chiron-mercury-North Node.

Ability to wound others... I think must be part of chiron, I think that maybe if you are hurt sometimes you wish others to feel what you feel, and the only way to do that is to hurt them.... Is chiron like this? I think so.

Good reasoning, this could be so, as we know that everything has it's "shadow" side, where the exact opposite qualities can be manifested also. Though I wonder if the fact that Chiron is Rx means that the wounds he inflicts upon himself are greater than those inflicted upon others...?

I've noticed that when Pluto aspects mercury, this effect of "Wounding/Healing with words" is greatly intensified. Does your friend's Mercury make any aspects to Pluto?

From personal experience, my son has Rx Chiron (in Sag) conjunct Rx Pluto (in Sag) in the 1st house, Pluto is in opposition with Mercury (in Gem) in the 8th and Mercury trines Uranus(Aqu) in the 3rd add to that a Mars/Mercury conjunction (both in Gem) plus a Scorpio Asc and Gemini Sun, wow, this little boy has a way with words, many people have mentioned it, no matter what comes out of his mouth he gets strong reactions, from others, also from himself:D

Yes I think that Chiron when connected to the "communicative", also "transforming" planets manifests the ability to wound/heal, self/others, with words, and I think when Chiron has different sign placements and aspects the this would play out in a similar fashion just with different qualities.

More thoughts...
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I think I will start another thread on NN conjunct your parents north node.....

Love Light Flea
Night Sky said:
I'm throwing this one out there because I have a superficial understanding of both of these.

And also they are actually almost exactly conjunct and bothe moving in retrograde motion.

I have a friend with chiron conjunct Mercury, conjunct NN in Gemini. This person has a very very powerful way with words, reads everything, talks non-stop to the point where you want to throw something at them.

But I suspect that there is something much more subtle going on with both chiron and the NN. I can't put my finger on it exactly.

I call Chiron "SPECIAL" but i am not sure of it's nature exactly. It has something very very special. And perhaps as it is conjunct NN right now... Maybe we can all be enlightened on Chiron somewhat.:)

Mercury in Gemini with NN means this person is born to be a communicator but there are limits I agree. Lots of nervous energy no doubt.

I dont deal with Chiron except to hear that it has to do with the wounded healer scenario and conjunct NN it may be your path to help others that have the same wounds as you which in turn helps you.

Martin Lass has a CHiron website and is expert with this. I remain doubtful as to the nature of it, planetoid, comet or what???However I do take note of it if it adds to an analysis.
flea said:
I think I will start another thread on NN conjunct your parents north node.....

Love Light Flea

THe nodes say that we have been together in the past and no doubt about that. I feel also that significant partnerships have to have some kind of nodal connection also. Either negative or positive. Where our SN hits in another's chart is what that relationship was in the past and all its effects.
Yes let us throw the spotlight on the nodes as they are so so important!!
LadyV said:
Flea, there is the exact same aspect between my mother's Chiron and my North Node, also her North Node conjuncts my Pluto and slightly more so my Saturn, plus my Chiron conjuncts her Uranus, plus her Mars conjuncts my Mercury. Which, while she's a good person, this is probably why we disagree, a lot.

And according to someone who read my past lives, in the one immediately before this one, she was my daughter, I was 15 when I gave birth to her, and I travelled around France and Europe because of my dancing career, which she hated. In this lifetime, she was 42 when she gave birth to me, and has tried very hard to put a damper on things that fulfill me, like travelling overseas and acting, she keeps accusing me of dressing like a skank when I'm actually slightly conservative in the way I dress for someone my age, she thinks I'm weird for enjoying sushi and spicy food, and she will probably freak out when she sees the Obama bumper sticker on my car. :)

We do have a few common interests though, we are both addicted to history documentaries, in particular those about archaeology.

Saturn is the influence for archaeology and the past marking of events and time. It also deals with the earth and the elements found there. Your mother was in her Pluto midlife transit at your birth. There is an element of jealousy with your mother as you are in your sexual power prime and she has past hers. Also it is a control thing. Her SN is opposite your Pluto and she was behaving this way in the past also. Of course you have your part to play in that you allow her influence to affect you which is natural of course.
Claire - Very touche. When I ws growing up, it was like my mother didn't want me to be attractive to men at all, seemingly because she thought I would sleep around. Even now when she gets me clothes they're almost always the granny variety I wouldn't be caught dead in. Also, when I was a child, she would buy a lot of junk food like these Little Debbie cakes, and as I didn't know any better, I succumbed, developed an unhealthy addiction to chocolate, and was a fat kid. When I went overseas, she didn't see me for 3 years, flew out to see me, and once she saw me and noticed that I lost a lot of weight and grew my hair out she acted happy for me at first but then very quickly got defensive about it. She's gotten better now, and I have mentioned about the weight loss that half my genes come from her so if I can do it she can definately do it. Though she scoffs at so many things about my generation, in particular, she thinks we dress like hookers.

And I can see very clearly that jealousy goes way past this lifetime, if she was the daughter of a Moulin Rouge-esque dancer(me) as was the case in our previous lifetime, she would have been extremely jealous of the attention I was getting. And these things always carry over lifetimes if they're not resolved, and for her, the best way for her to resolve these is to resolve her feelings of powerlessness, then the rest will follow.

Which makes it very challenging now that I'm her daughter, as most parents don't like taking advice from their kids.
I too believe that my mother was my daughter in the past or perhaps a sister. I never liked taking any orders from her and I have Moon Square Pluto. She was also jealous and liked to have my father's attention all to herself. She would criticise anything I wore just before I was due to go out. She didnt like me to show any cleavage at all and I got the impression that sex was a bait to catch a man and to "give it away" before you walked down the aisle was just foolhardy. She did however encourage the use of make up and high heels etc which was rather contradictory.

I have to agree that some young women today do dress like hookers, sorry.
I wish I had had the guts to let it all show and not be afraid of inviting rape as the girls today dont seem to feel that vulnerability.
Claire19 said:
I wish I had had the guts to let it all show and not be afraid of inviting rape as the girls today dont seem to feel that vulnerability.

Claire, I've rea your posts and know you mean well so please rest assured that this is not an attack, what it is is someone who has been there several times(me) sharing some facts.

Besides me being molested, I have had 4 times in my adult life where there has been an attemt to rape me, 2 of them have been successful. As I am now in shape for the first time in my life, 3 out of those 4 times were when I was big enough to have noticible fat rolls, with one of those times being by a flatmate, and this was a flatmate who would call me fat and ugly when he was drunk. The most recent attempt, I was in shape, and he attempted to force himself on me while I was asleep at a backpackers hostel in Los Angeles. I was under the sheets, and it was freezing that night, so I was rugged up in warm bedclothes that weren't glamorous at all. Fortunately, in this case, him pulling the bedsheet off me woke me up so I was able to kick and scream, which woke the rest of the dorm up but did save me. Out of all 4 times there have been an attempt to rape me, thinking back to what I was wearing at the time, only once was I dressed sexy, and this is when I was simply trying to have a good night out on the town with my flatmates. The guy who attempted to rape me only spoke to me for maybe a minute, after that I didn't have really any memory of things, next thing I knew it was daylight and I was back at my house with something that felt worse than a hangover that lasted 2 days. My flatmates filled me in on what happened, apparantly that guy was trying to hang around me way too much to not be suspicious, they think he spiked my drink(and this probably did happen, I only remember having 2 drinks that night and I am not a cheap drunk, so certainly couldn't lose consciousness on 2 drinks), then the guy who was living with us at the time bashed up the guy who was more than likely trying to rape me.

Society often conditions people to believe that women "asked for it" in the form of the way they dressed. Actual statistics are that most of the time when women are raped, they are wearing pants not skirts, and their hair is pulled back, which makes it easier for an attacker to walk up behind them and grab them. Also, rape is about power, not sexual attraction. I could go on and on, but I think those of you reading get the idea.

Even in the shape I am in now, I have a policy when I dress that I never show my stomach unless I am at the beach. I can wear tight clothing as well as tank tops and short shorts now and look good, but in my mother's eyes that's hooker clothing. But then I get cold very easily, so out of this list you will usually only catch me in tank tops if anything once it's below 20C/80F, that is unless I'm exercising.

One piece of advice I got too as I was getting in good enough shape to wear this sort of clothing is to pick one area, clevage, shoulders/back, or legs, and show only one of them, never more than one at the same time. That seems to work for me, if I am having a moment where I feel like wearing short shorts, I wear at least a sleeved t-shirt with it.

Maybe this is a stage I will grow out of, for now, I am thoroughly enjoying the fact that I am in shape for the first time in my life, especially after a childhood of kids at school bullying me for being fat to the point where they would often trip me to see if the ground would shake when I fell. Even so, most people around me would agree that I don't dress like a skank at all, just in a way that's suitable for the hot weather we've been having.

Anyway, the point is, no one invites rape by the way they dress. Why else are a large number of rape victims elderly women and children, and why else was I mostly targeted back in the day where society by and large found me to be very sexually unattractive? Society by in large is extremely misogynistic so it will be a miracle if they ever get over this brainwashing, but I know what I know from unfortunate experience.
Greetings Night Sky...

From what I've studied, many astrologers believe that Chiron represents the reoccuring "wounds" that we've carried throughout our lives or past lives, the ones that we have a hard time healing. Perhaps one might say that it represents the "root" of all of our other "dysfunctions".

Yeah, that's the bottom line of all dicourse bout Chiron.

I'we analized mine with sabians, trying to boarden researhing around, and yet, i fail to comprehend fully his nature too.

Your sum made me a hint what is that wich upon Chiron has made his mind . .

You see, i think we emphsize too much on a wounded and to litle on a healer . . that is, does not Chiron rapresent basicly the one who was able to heal his own wound, and not the wounded one ? He did that by respectively soulful laws, and not the material ones. Basicly, he is saying : you are children of spirit, not of flesh. Death cant destroy you, but every 'place' has it's laws, and you cant break them. So bether get wise :whistling: . .

When we look at the myth, the myth say's he's "born from Chronos lap" and that's nobody else but Saturn itself, and 'died' for Prometheus sake, that is the quintesential figure behind the Water bearer story, who is governed by the planet that is next in line, mean Uranus.

So, as Chiron is the 'bridger', by alowing the kind of transaction that pleases the spiritual forces (gods) he is able to give back to humanity something of inmesurable value, and that's fire, what means light too.

The 'Water bearer' does not really bear water but 'air' instead. Dont know the reasons but some misconceptions was gladly puted there . . as i see it, the symbol 4 Aquarius has to be vertical and not horizontal, as tradition wants. This is a simbol of micro and macro waves of cosmic proportions, and the ability to deliver to that range.

Saying that and coming back to Chiron, there is shown a need 4 concrete action, some kind of soul-to-earth transaction, and to maping what kind of we have to turn to him 4 answers. If we understand what gifts of soul in general we have to deliver to the world, to gain it's love that comes from the prosperity provided, we gain our peace of mind too, and the earthly 'meaningless' wounds hurt no more that bad. We gain some sort of freedom, a gap between the pure actional/reactional type of pschologic make up, and the one that models it's actions according to more deeper motives.

This is just a piece of thought or two :sideways:

I have natal retrograde Chiron Gemini cj NN in Taurus both in the 8ht . . meanwhile, Saturn on SN aspecting the node only . . Can someone give me an overall hint or a piece of his mind on that ?

Warmly thankful,
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Claire, I've rea your posts and know you mean well so please rest assured that this is not an attack, what it is is someone who has been there several times(me) sharing some facts.

Besides me being molested, I have had 4 times in my adult life where there has been an attemt to rape me, 2 of them have been successful. As I am now in shape for the first time in my life, 3 out of those 4 times were when I was big enough to have noticible fat rolls, with one of those times being by a flatmate, and this was a flatmate who would call me fat and ugly when he was drunk. The most recent attempt, I was in shape, and he attempted to force himself on me while I was asleep at a backpackers hostel in Los Angeles. I was under the sheets, and it was freezing that night, so I was rugged up in warm bedclothes that weren't glamorous at all. Fortunately, in this case, him pulling the bedsheet off me woke me up so I was able to kick and scream, which woke the rest of the dorm up but did save me. Out of all 4 times there have been an attempt to rape me, thinking back to what I was wearing at the time, only once was I dressed sexy, and this is when I was simply trying to have a good night out on the town with my flatmates. The guy who attempted to rape me only spoke to me for maybe a minute, after that I didn't have really any memory of things, next thing I knew it was daylight and I was back at my house with something that felt worse than a hangover that lasted 2 days. My flatmates filled me in on what happened, apparantly that guy was trying to hang around me way too much to not be suspicious, they think he spiked my drink(and this probably did happen, I only remember having 2 drinks that night and I am not a cheap drunk, so certainly couldn't lose consciousness on 2 drinks), then the guy who was living with us at the time bashed up the guy who was more than likely trying to rape me.

Society often conditions people to believe that women "asked for it" in the form of the way they dressed. Actual statistics are that most of the time when women are raped, they are wearing pants not skirts, and their hair is pulled back, which makes it easier for an attacker to walk up behind them and grab them. Also, rape is about power, not sexual attraction. I could go on and on, but I think those of you reading get the idea.

Even in the shape I am in now, I have a policy when I dress that I never show my stomach unless I am at the beach. I can wear tight clothing as well as tank tops and short shorts now and look good, but in my mother's eyes that's hooker clothing. But then I get cold very easily, so out of this list you will usually only catch me in tank tops if anything once it's below 20C/80F, that is unless I'm exercising.

One piece of advice I got too as I was getting in good enough shape to wear this sort of clothing is to pick one area, clevage, shoulders/back, or legs, and show only one of them, never more than one at the same time. That seems to work for me, if I am having a moment where I feel like wearing short shorts, I wear at least a sleeved t-shirt with it.

Maybe this is a stage I will grow out of, for now, I am thoroughly enjoying the fact that I am in shape for the first time in my life, especially after a childhood of kids at school bullying me for being fat to the point where they would often trip me to see if the ground would shake when I fell. Even so, most people around me would agree that I don't dress like a skank at all, just in a way that's suitable for the hot weather we've been having.

Anyway, the point is, no one invites rape by the way they dress. Why else are a large number of rape victims elderly women and children, and why else was I mostly targeted back in the day where society by and large found me to be very sexually unattractive? Society by in large is extremely misogynistic so it will be a miracle if they ever get over this brainwashing, but I know what I know from unfortunate experience.
Of course you are right about it being about power.....but I was not so aware of that in my younger days and felt that to dress too sexy was to invite unwanted attention. Which did happen. I am sorry about your experiences and it would be of interest to see your chart and the condition that Pluto is in. It is more than the vulnerable are targetted and walking with confidence and purpose we are advised, defrays attack of all sorts.
NOt a large number of elderly women are rape victims but some, yes.
It is has to do with mother hatred with a lot of men. Society is misogynist in many ways and the more power that women gain in all areas the thinner and physically powerless, they are pressured to be.. have you noticed?? the tragedy is that females fall for all that and become anorexic..

Enjoy your fitness and health and congratulations for losing the weight. Mothers can be very competitive with their daughters and resent their sexual powers at a time that they lose theirs. My mother would criticise me when I was about to go out socially no matter what I wore, she would comment that she wished I had worn something else. She also discouraged any display of bosom and I felt rather ashamed of being female for a long time until I worked out what was going on....
one thing i like to add about the healing part of chiron...for those of us who are manifesting chironic healing qualities and purpose, i quickly learn its a tragic pitfall thinking you're superman/woman or spiderman/woman or any of the comic super heroes here to rescue humanity from its plunge into spiritual darkness... Your very own personal wounds that need to be healed that will heal the realize you are of this world but yet not a part of cannot obligate to carry on the spiritual karmic burdens of other which essentially is extra baggage and is like working overtime for no rewards...sounds selfish but this is an individual journey/path you are taking and you will only prolong whatever your soul is yearning to learn and get rid of to become its true magnificent god self...

this is something i contend with, though chiron in pisces is conj my south node in 8th and both are opposite pluto/north node conj. in 2nd. they all seem to feed off each other for better or worse so it's been difficult to deal with in my life ~ the dichotomy of personal power and powerlessness, especially in matters dealing with money, sex and loyalty. these are frequently the matters i recreate harm or where i experience it from others.
South node is comfortable/familiar with old patterns and north node is asking us to take a leap of faith into something that isn't familiar or comfortable or recognizable.

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