poshslob said:
I have an afflicted Chiron in the 4th house.
I still haven't found a place to live on my own.
reedstar said:
I've known about these issues ever since I discovered I had Chiron in the 4th. but it seems right now to be really in my face - the whole family history of being a european immigrant family, cut off from our ancestral roots, from a culture that I learned as a small child was socially unacceptable...
Housing - well, I never realized it before - I suppose I have always had issues - more like fears, really. I've moved a great deal in my life. I once owned a flat in London, UK.. When I came back to North America, I had a bit of a hard time finding somewhere to live, and eventually ended up living common law.. It seems I've lived in other people's houses for ever.
Now the urge to move is enormous, and I want to have my own place, I have dreams of owning a house, but can only afford something old that needs a lot of work doing to it, and it all seems so futile. I have the opportunity now.., but am so full of dread at the notion of taking on all that responsibility. And I wonder if really, being in this part of the world, it is only exacerbating the natal issue of Chiron in the 4th., yes, definitely being triggered by Pluto at the IC. I sometimes wonder if I should return to Europe, where I was actually much happier.
The IC - one's roots - and how fundamental having a place to live is to life... Something needs healing, and not just for myself...
All that sounds very Chiron like, which is why I first wanted to check on how that natal Chiron placement has manifested itself before venturing on the current transits, etc. This is a very common issue that I have seen with people with Chiron in the 4th, and both you and Poshslob just added onto those statistics. Transiting planets are mainly triggers, whilst natal placements show (prevailing) issues that continue somewhat like a sequel through life, and, which are like the native's task to resolve in his life. The transits give you the chance to do it, if you use them, ie. So, for instance, with you, Reedstar, the urge to own (have) a place of your very own is strong, as you seek to heal that wound of not knowing "where I belong" and often feeling that you have "lived in other people's houses for ever". The
current Pluto
transit at the IC (your home) is bringing all such ever-prevalent issues to the forefront again, or, as you said, "it seems right now to be really in my face". But, deep and intense Pluto never just scratches the surface, so deeper issues about "the whole family history of being a european immigrant family, cut off from our ancestral roots" (all linked with the IC) are now coming up, so you may confront them throughly and once and for all. With Pluto now marching right over your IC and by and by your 4th house, you can be sure that its transit will thoroughly cleanse this part of your life and be transformational experience. Of course, other factors, such as the prog-Moon-Ura aspect might also act as catalysts.
Btw, I noticed that you have a very elevated Uranus - in the 10th house of professional, but also public life - so yes, you will be confronted with sudden Uranian changes and the urge to break free, which will all be quite connected to your public image/status in life. Then, with that Uranus opposing your Mars in the 4th, there will always be enormous energy and even inconsistency (typical of these two planets) attached to the 10th-4th plane. I am wondering, if you hadn't actually left for North America due to work (?).
Further, with the Moon - known for its fluctuating tendencies - also quite elevated in your chart, and placed in the 9th (things and places foreign; long travels), it will be nothing extraordinary, if you oscillated between your real home and foreign homes. This is another theme in your life. Note also how that Moon (home and family, mother) aspects both Venus (lord of 9th and placed in the natural sign of the 9th: Sag) and Saturn (lord of 4th), and Saturn (lord of 4th-home) sits in your 1st house, thus making home a very prominent issue in your life.