Christianity and Astrology

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Aug 3, 2009

I've noticed that there seem to be Christians on the board who seem very devout followers of Jesus (Just MY observation don't read anything into this)

So I am wondering how you came to study astrology? I was a raised a Christian, but after, what I'll call, a spiritual evolution I could no longer call myself a Christian as I now believe with all my being that we reincarnate.

Do you find there is a clash in your faith and the study of astrology? Doesn't Christianity preach against astrology as the Devil's work?

Just curious!:sideways:

[Moderator note - thread moved here, as discussing Astrology's connection with another field, but not discussing the field of Astrology itself.]
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I think this is an interesting question too. I believe it all boils down to the religious mindset of the individual. I was raised in a style of Christianity that is extremely inflexible. Everything was right or wrong. Mysticism was okay, only if it was part of the religion and introduced by the leaders of the church. Astrology was not only evil, it was patently false. When I was active in that church, I had zero interest in astrology. It wasn't until I left that church and re-evaluated my religious beliefs from the ground up that I was willing to consider astrology as anything more than weird and superstitious.

My best friend, on the other hand, is passionately Christian and she's always been into astrology. The difference between her and me is that where I was a strict, inflexible type Christian, she has always been an open minded one, prone to questioning things.

I think it all boils down on the individual Christian and how seriously they take the "rules", which of course, relates back to Astrology in terms of their natal chart. My friend is Sagittarius and I'm Virgo.
I've always been interested in Truth and from whatever source it might appear. I bought my first astrological charting program on a whim almost 20 years ago, did my chart and was amazed at the accuracy. So I found Truth in the study of astrology.

About 8 years ago, following a personal crisis I re-embraced my childhood Christianity and started attending a church that, while conservative, never espoused hatred for those of differing beliefs. I never rejected the Truth of astrology but stopped using it in my daily life.

I've slowly evolved from a Christian perspective to more of a spiritual perspective. I believe in a higher power I choose to call God and I see God work in the lives of those who are not Christians. That, too, for me is Truth.

I still claim membership in that church, but fervently believe they offer A Truth and not The Truth.

My more flexible beliefs have allowed me, encouraged me to pick up my interest in astrology again. Around most people I keep my interest in astrology to myself. Around these boards and other internet-based groups like this I can be more open about who I am and what I believe.

It's all about knowing your audience, I guess. Nothing can be gained from being in-your-face about my apparently-contradictory beliefs. And if anyone needs to come to an understanding of either God or astrology, well, maybe I will be in the right place at the right time to be of some use.
Interesting question. But yes... I am a Christian. I was into astology way back into my 20's. But I got married I pretty much quit asrology because I felt it did come in between my thoughts of being a believer of the Lord.

So nearly 20 years later. (After two failed marriages and three daughters... Ha!) I sat down and started thinking on who was the first to look for Jesus back in the Bethlehem time. It was the Astrologers.
V/r LionKing :biggrin:
I think Christianity and astrology can be compatible, so long as one takes care not to assign to astrology as much importance as to God, and when I say that, it's not a question of time spent doing one or the other, it's a matter of consciously recognizing what Astrology MEANS in the context of a created universe overseen by an omniscient God. And, as such, always relating astrology to God and His plan.
I'd probably type up a huge wall of text to accompny this right now, but I've homework to do, so hopefully I'll remember to return to this thread when I have more time on my hands.
I think Christianity and astrology can be compatible, so long as one takes care not to assign to astrology as much importance as to God, and when I say that, it's not a question of time spent doing one or the other, it's a matter of consciously recognizing what Astrology MEANS in the context of a created universe overseen by an omniscient God. And, as such, always relating astrology to God and His plan.
I'd probably type up a huge wall of text to accompny this right now, but I've homework to do, so hopefully I'll remember to return to this thread when I have more time on my hands.

Please do remember to come back and do just that when you have more time. I would really like to see your 'wall of text' because you made a really good point about the necessary ineraction between the 2 fields.
We always went to church when our kids were young because we felt they should get a good religious/spiritual foundation while young, and then they could decide for themselves when older, what they desired. It was always a balancing act however, because having a mom who was an astrologer brought up interesting situations for them with other church members and their families. And I tried to explain it much you just did. I was never trying to usurp the place of or authority of god, in my readings. I was simply attempting to help describe the beauty and mystery of HIS world. :piscesimg:
I forgot I posted this :w00t: and then when I DID remember, I couldn't get the site to work *shrug*

I resonate with everything you have all posted...especially Leosunscorpiorising...

I have also had both my children in church at a young age...I think it's a good place for them to start. My son, now age 18, has taken on his own beliefs. My daughter, age 6, is still too young to understand anything other than Jesus and the basic principles of the church. Very good for teaching right from wrong eh?

I always wondered about the role astrology played in the First Testament and even my sister who has a firm faith in the Bible doesn't fully discredit what I do with astrology.

Thanks for your input!
I know this is an old tread, but I'm a new member. LOL!!! Yep, I'm a Christian , and into Astrology! They blend PERFECTLY!!! God created the heavens. There is so much scriptural evidence to support astrology! I know most Christians are still in the dark on this, but there are a few of us who get it. Just listen as Jesus gives His Wisdom in teaching us to pray. "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven" sound familiar?????
I think Christianity and astrology can be compatible, so long as one takes care not to assign to astrology as much importance as to God, and when I say that, it's not a question of time spent doing one or the other, it's a matter of consciously recognizing what Astrology MEANS in the context of a created universe overseen by an omniscient God. And, as such, always relating astrology to God and His plan.
I'd probably type up a huge wall of text to accompny this right now, but I've homework to do, so hopefully I'll remember to return to this thread when I have more time on my hands.
Have you read anything by EW Bullinger? Just curious
I know this is an old tread, but I'm a new member. LOL!!! Yep, I'm a Christian , and into Astrology! They blend PERFECTLY!!! God created the heavens. There is so much scriptural evidence to support astrology! I know most Christians are still in the dark on this, but there are a few of us who get it. Just listen as Jesus gives His Wisdom in teaching us to pray. "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven" sound familiar?????

I particularly love the Do Unto Others As You Would have Them Do Unto you.

I think with the strong Pluto t-square to Saturn and Uranus, it will be very important to remember this.
Yeah, that's one of my faves too, Mod. It's important for all of us to remember, and sometimes very hard to do. We're just people, after all. Its really neat that you noticed a configuration in your chart that leads you to take care in this area. If more of us (myself included) took the time to do that kind of "soul searching" the world would be a better place. Once again, you've given me alot to think about...
Thanks for that

"On earth as it is in heaven"="As above, so below".
I was baptised Catholic but always drawn to finding answers myself, not necessarily through the Church, maybe that's my 9th house Pluto.

Twice now I've bumped into Christians preaching, one on the street yesterday as I wandered home. I let her talk to me, and as she was talking, the things she was saying reminded me of astrological aspects, like healing and Chiron and being saved, which I could resinate with, I understood spiritual understanding, and holding that understanding in the heart when she was saying about Jesus being in the heart. Though I didn't express my thoughts on Chiron. I was hesitant to stop at first, but after walking away I felt very uplifted. Maybe because I was reminded to reach for my own spiritual understanding.

I feel deep down religions have the same goal in mind - spiritual understanding, but its a unique individual journey for each person, with these being signposts along the way.

hey H

I think you misunderstood me.
"I'm sorry for the anger that you feel toward all Christians, I know that "we" have not always shown the light of Christ as we should. That makes me very sad, but it inspires me to work harder to do just that!"

i have no anger towards Christians nor Christianity. Who sees and does not I have a problem with every religion that is openly DENYING astrology. There is a difference.
I have friends from every religion you can and cant think of.

"I'm sorry for the anger that you feel toward all Christians,"


I have known people of other religions who were very uncomfortable with me studying astrology, but then I have known people who follow no particular religion to feel the same discomfort. Perhaps it just depends on how accepting the person is of something they do not understand, or something they want to control or keep a handle of...?


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there are always people who feel discomfort about somehting and anything. when someone is shoving their beliefs into you that is where hell begins. back in ancient days, if you were into astrology you were considered to be a wise one

if someone is bi or homosexual, people start having a fit.

Thats an interesting clip HeyPlay Girl, I've seen if before, nice to see it again.

It brought to my mind, that astrology is symbolic, and the story of the birth of Christ could also be symbolic as depicted in the clip... therefore alot of things in life, as we take them at face value, can also somehow be symbolic... need to think about that one for a bit.. :sideways:
I believe that most Scientists recognise universal laws like gravity etc,and spend their whole time attempting to discover more but dont attribute a conciousness to these laws.
I believe that most people in religions recognise that the universe is organised and attribute a higher conciousness to these laws.
I believe that astrology is somewhere between these 2 systems of 'knowing',but is open to conciousness/no consciousness
I believe these 3 views are very similar but from different ways of 'knowing'.
I believe that its quite possible for a person to 'know' from 2 of the ways of 'knowing',but its rare for someone to be able to accept all 3 ways as equally valid.
But i see no reason why someone cannot be a christian and an astrologer,
or a christian and a scientist,or a scientist and an astrologer.much harder to be all 3.
As astrologers we know the art works,we know we need to use scientific methods to calculate a chart,We know we need to have a spiritual attitude to interpret a chart well for the client.
All 3 views are valid in their correct place.