Well-known member
This did not make the canon but from a very fimilar author. Check out Chapter 7...
Not exactly. Let's look at some older ideas on the matter. Angels were created without free will, yes? Lucifer, one of the archangels, rebelled against God. How exactly did that happen? How could one rebel without free will? There was free will involved, but it was ours, not his. We reshaped the heavens and the angels by reshaping ourselves. God created the potential for all this to happen, but man gave form to Satan. The dark one, the tempter, is man-made. Every human life is meant to help the individual living it to meet themselves. The dark one slows down that process by helping us to gratify ourselves without the changes that we need. The relationship is much like the relationship between humans and the planet/plane Saturn. It can be helpful as long as you don't try to get out of walking the hard path.
I've noticed that there seem to be Christians on the board who seem very devout followers of Jesus (Just MY observation don't read anything into this)
So I am wondering how you came to study astrology? I was a raised a Christian, but after, what I'll call, a spiritual evolution I could no longer call myself a Christian as I now believe with all my being that we reincarnate.
Do you find there is a clash in your faith and the study of astrology? Doesn't Christianity preach against astrology as the Devil's work?
Just curious!
[Moderator note - thread moved here, as discussing Astrology's connection with another field, but not discussing the field of Astrology itself.]
Christians don't believe in astrology.
They think it was just a full of ****.
sorry for being mean.
oh well we have our own opinion
Me too, LionKing, because I'm a Christian that's believing in both Jesus and astrology at the same time..Interesting question. But yes... I am a Christian. I was into astology way back into my 20's. But I got married I pretty much quit asrology because I felt it did come in between my thoughts of being a believer of the Lord.
So nearly 20 years later. (After two failed marriages and three daughters... Ha!) I sat down and started thinking on who was the first to look for Jesus back in the Bethlehem time. It was the Astrologers.
V/r LionKing
Yes, not all Christians narrowminded as Evangelical Christians are. I'm not an Evangelical/Non-denominational Christian at all, I'm an Anarchist-Aquarian-Christian, and also an LGBTQ+ person too (Note: LGBTQ+ people are here to be accepted, not to be humiliated)Lol, not all christians are narrowminded.
That's even worse, Mark, because it's their negative Leonianness/Solarianness that causes them to care about themselves TOO MUCH and forget other people's needsAgnostics and atheists do the same for self and money, rather than pretending it's for God. Does that really make you feel better?
Ptolomy, I'm interpreting the Bible in an astrology-compatible and science-compatible way, as I'm a very Aquarian Christian compared to mainstream ones...I would have thought that for independent spiritual thinkers they could interpret the bible in a way that could incorporate astrology irrespective of whether the main stream christians accepted the concept or not.We dont have to be bots.There are many varieties and different factions of christianity,Be your own master i say.
For me conciousness is the only thing that exists,consequently i believe that is the most likely part to continue after my planetary bodies demise.Astrologically its the only thing that makes sense to me that im involved in a conciousness refining program and there is no idealistic retirement home for my aledged one incarnation existence...unfortunately.
Onwards and upwards
I'm all three of them, because I'm very accepting of different viewpoints (but NOT intolerance of viewpoints) due to my Neptune-Jupiter-Chiron all in 9th house (It has aspects with all planets, ASC, DSC, Vertex, Antivertex and even NN-SN axis, maybe except Saturn which has a wide sesquisquare to my Jup-Chiron conjunction)I believe these 3 views are very similar but from different ways of 'knowing'.
I believe that its quite possible for a person to 'know' from 2 of the ways of 'knowing',but its rare for someone to be able to accept all 3 ways as equally valid.
But i see no reason why someone cannot be a christian and an astrologer,
or a christian and a scientist,or a scientist and an astrologer.much harder to be all 3.
As astrologers we know the art works,we know we need to use scientific methods to calculate a chart,We know we need to have a spiritual attitude to interpret a chart well for the client.
All 3 views are valid in their correct place.
@david starling, can you share your views about Christians and Astrology in here?
No matter which religion I am, I will use astrology forever as I'm a very Aquarian person that is wishing for Aquarian Age to come fast IRL... (I'm an Aquarian Christian, whose believes in both astrology and science at the same time)There's so many different types of Christians it comes down to specific denominations. Some accept astrology as legitimate, some don't.
I see Christianity as a varied response to a combination of the dawnings of the sidereal Age of Pisces and the tropical Age of Capricorn.