College degree/Career path for a Scorpio rising

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Dec 13, 2007
I was you think that a correlation can be made between the rising sign/planet(in my case Scorpio/Pluto) and the educational/professional performances?

I mean I'm really really struggling at the moment with what I want in life..only dead-end jobs,only started(and abandoned degrees),not to mention the social/love life which has been zero.Can't decide on any direction.What am I good at?

Or maybe a Scorpio rising is condemned to a miserable wretched life.

Would you be willing to post and share your birth chart? The Ascendent may have some say so, but usually it is the 10th house and it's ruler that give a better picture. The entire chart is helpful so aspects between the planets can be taken into account also.

I was you think that a correlation can be made between the rising sign/planet(in my case Scorpio/Pluto) and the educational/professional performances?

I mean I'm really really struggling at the moment with what I want in life..only dead-end jobs,only started(and abandoned degrees),not to mention the social/love life which has been zero.Can't decide on any direction.What am I good at?

Or maybe a Scorpio rising is condemned to a miserable wretched life.


Hello fellow Scorpio rising :wink:

I've been there and done that. I can really understand what you are going through. It took me a few years to realize what I wanted to study and I even hold an incomplete degree as well... BUT don't despair, you will figure out your way.
I am from your generation, so I also share with you the ASC - Pluto conjunction, but with me things get a bit chaotic because it squares my Leo sun and stellium...

Anyway, I am still a student at Astrology, but here is what I think from your chart:
Midheaven or the 10th house is where we firstly look to get an idea of a person's vocation and yours is in Leo.
It seems to me you look for a work area where you can be acknowledged and recognized. You probably feel the best if you are the boss. You have leadership and managing skills and your sun and mercury in Virgo helps you in paying attention to details. This combination of planets would be very good for a career in business for example.
Teaching might be another option for you.

The moon trines your MC, perhaps your mother can have a good influence and help you in your career or women in general might be part of it. For example, you could work in a cosmetics business.

Uranus also trines your MC, meaning that sometimes you can have ups or downs in your career but since the trine is a friendly aspect, it should be more "up" times then down ones. It could also suggest an area related to electronics and computers.

This is just a reading from a newbie still learning Astrology, in any case, I hope it helps you. I am sure someone more experienced than me will also contribute.

I just want to add that Astrology can just suggest or advise, but you are always the master of own path.

Good luck! :)
Thank you very much,Isis.

But to be more exact,my question would be -is there hints in my chart about me finishing and getting the degreee or all my work,time and money is spent in vain?Will I get it or not?