rahu said:hi misagem
the composite has a venus/mars conjunction showing an intense emotional/physical attraction.it shows spontaneous affection between the 2 of you which is a necessary part of a successful relationship.with mercury also part of this conjunction,you 2 have good communication and a lot of joking and laughing and general good spirits.
the moon/jupiter conjunction trine neptune is a good aspect for long term relationships.it shows a caring and nurturing relationship.
the real downer in the composite is the saturn square to neptune,this shows that he needs to control the relationship though he seems not to.it is also a deceptive aspect indicating that he has some hidden issues he is not talking about.sometimes this can show alcohol/drug indulgence and can also mean that he has security or self esteem issues.uranus sextile saturn softens these issues a bit as it shows he can be adaptive to the needs of the relationship.
though there is ghood commmunication on a superficial level the sun/mercury midpoint is conjunct to pluto on the descendant.this shows that there is a block talking about deep,heart felt issues especially about things dealing with the relationship.the pluto position can indicate that there will be a test of wills in the relationship.
all in all it seems fairly favorable as long as he trust you enough to divulge any insecurities or "skeletons" he has.
hmmm... I hope other aspects will over-ride that result or play a stronger role in shaping the relationship. Time will tell. Thanks jjjjjj said:Hi,
on the site of cafeastrology they say that when Saturn conjuncts the south node or the north node in synastry or in the composite it does not work out. In my composite with my dream man I have the same aspect as you - Saturn conjunct the north node - and so long it has not worked out. I hope still. Maybe it works out for you![]()
kizmetbaby said:Misagem...
It appears to me that the two of you are together to help each other. I don't see the two of you getting married and living happily everafter...what I DO see...is that somehow you are going to be able to deal with some issues that you have been hiding from the rest of the world.
If either of you are dealing with addiction...(and by the way...addiction isn't just about drugs, alcohol, etc...it can also be an eating disorder, working too much or other compulsive behavior) it appears to me that you have been drawn together to force each other to work through these things. I'm looking at the 12th House Mars. The chart almost has a "clinical" feel...as if you've been drawn to each other to address and heal some emotional things that have been holding you back.
I am also taking note of the Moon/Saturn connections as well.
Looking at the synastry chart...and then the composite...I feel certain in saying that there is most definitely a connection here that is related to finding closure to something. It would almost seem that there are some traumatic childhood experiences that are either shared...or will become more easily assimilated and cleared up emotionally or psychologically as a result of this relationship.
I am very curious...do you have an eating disorder or food issues that you deal with? You don't have to answer...but if you do...that'd be great.
Many blessings and have a fabulous Monday...