Comprehensive Books of Karakas

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Apr 10, 2020
Please suggest some comprehensive books about Karakas of Planet and Houses. In Hindi and English language.

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First master basic karaga , thats enough , no need to get into deep . most of life issues revolves around basic things only . venus kalatra karaga , guru dhana putra karaga , mars siblings karaga , guru karaga for husband in womens chart , venus for man . venus is also for sisters , moon mother and mind . sun father ,soul and govt . mercury lovers , friends maternal uncle . thats it , its enough for basic astro prediction . rest is your wish , todays astrogers on youtube saying many things that even parasara didn't said those , its just showy types , projecting to world that they are great among others dont get deluded by that . just make your foundation strong its enough. just know house planets and rasi significance its highly enough , for eg venus in scorpio gives controlling , highly sexual , nagging , suspecting wife , she may be in occult or in medical line . dark and obsessive, possessive wife . like this just master karaga and rasi significance .

I suggest brighu nandi naadi to you, its superb book on karagas and life events , sage brighu takes each charts and expalins the life events of native , in between he shares some secrets which normal astrologers dont know . give it a try , also go for saptarishi nadi for each lagna which is avaliable online . seven sages sits around goddess parvati discusses each chart , its very interesting to read ...
Do try KAS DIMENSION BOOK by krushna ji.

You can get an insight of ancient astrology, how to use karaka and it's ansha's.

Good luck