Confirmation wanted

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The rust on dust

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2014
Good day,

I recently underwent quite a few tests due to me feeling sick with a number of symptoms. Almost all tests came back negative and the blood tests if anything was differing from normal I was told it was normal and it could occasionally be lower or higher without any sickness being involved.

After waiting a week I still feel sick though with pretty much the same symptoms. I have cast this horary just to find out if I really am sick or just healthy like the tests concluded.

I am not that well versed in horary but it seems a yes to me, that I am in fact healthy. The 7th lord venus being domicile in libra confirms this I think.

I would very much appreciate some confirmation if my conclusion from this chart is correct,

Thank you.


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Good day,

I recently underwent quite a few tests due to me feeling sick with a number of symptoms. Almost all tests came back negative and the blood tests if anything was differing from normal I was told it was normal and it could occasionally be lower or higher without any sickness being involved.

After waiting a week I still feel sick though with pretty much the same symptoms. I have cast this horary just to find out if I really am sick or just healthy like the tests concluded.

I am not that well versed in horary but it seems a yes to me, that I am in fact healthy. The 7th lord venus being domicile in libra confirms this I think.

I would very much appreciate some confirmation if my conclusion from this chart is correct,

Thank you.

I am not sure about looking to the 7th with this question. I think I would look to the 6th house ruler, Mars in Virgo in the 11th. The 6th rules the querent's health concerns.

You share the ruler, Mars. Mars rules the 1st and 6th---So I am not sure what that means exactly. Maybe that you are really in tune with your body and know your body really well. And you should trust your instincts?

Mars is in an applying Trine with Pluto in Cap. Maybe you will get your answer soon and it will be a positive one?

I am not very good at horary so hopefully someone more experienced will chime in...
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Good day Katy!

Thank you for your response,

I never know what to do when a case like that happens with the double ruler. I looked at the 7th since it rules questions or so I read somewhere. It does make sense to look at the 6th though.
I also read somewhere that if the 1st house is involved in medical horary, it was something in the whole body? Not sure if I remember it correctly. Hopefully someone can pitch in with that.
I do tend to follow my instincts but they have led me nowhere with this persistent problem sadly. My doctor just seems to shoot me down whenever I bring something up concerning this. Which is why I have casted some horary's on this issue over the years.

Would appreciate anyone giving me some confirmation if I read the chart correctly or if my conclusion is flawed.

Thanks again for your valuable opinion and sharing your thoughts Katy!