On Monday this week [4-19-10] I was officially hired into this supermarket-type store as a cashier. Thusfar, I've only been introduced to hours of computer work. I'm 20, and still with my parents as school is expensive and I don't want to drown in debt...but still find it necessary to be employed. So landing this job after 7 months of not having one would should have made me quite happy. The issue is however, is that the position would have me standing still, facing a steady onslaught of the general public for hours more or less on my own. Initially, I thought I could do it. But upon further introspection I am greatly doubting my overconfidence/optimism. I'm wondering if there is going to be an opportunity that will arise elsewhere, but I couldn't find what helped me land this position in the first place @.@
All I really saw was because the ruler of my 6th house was in the 12th would be the type of job--service oriented. What other house/planet placements should I be looking for a job [to be distinguished from my career]?
Thanks in advance o_o
[Note: I don't personally use equal house, but I saw others on here did, so I'm throwing that up]
All I really saw was because the ruler of my 6th house was in the 12th would be the type of job--service oriented. What other house/planet placements should I be looking for a job [to be distinguished from my career]?
Thanks in advance o_o


[Note: I don't personally use equal house, but I saw others on here did, so I'm throwing that up]