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Mar 25, 2009
Bay City, Michigan
On Monday this week [4-19-10] I was officially hired into this supermarket-type store as a cashier. Thusfar, I've only been introduced to hours of computer work. I'm 20, and still with my parents as school is expensive and I don't want to drown in debt...but still find it necessary to be employed. So landing this job after 7 months of not having one would should have made me quite happy. The issue is however, is that the position would have me standing still, facing a steady onslaught of the general public for hours more or less on my own. Initially, I thought I could do it. But upon further introspection I am greatly doubting my overconfidence/optimism. I'm wondering if there is going to be an opportunity that will arise elsewhere, but I couldn't find what helped me land this position in the first place @.@

All I really saw was because the ruler of my 6th house was in the 12th would be the type of job--service oriented. What other house/planet placements should I be looking for a job [to be distinguished from my career]?

Thanks in advance o_o



[Note: I don't personally use equal house, but I saw others on here did, so I'm throwing that up]
I think you can do it (that is, the current job you have landed)
-a "human" sign (Gemini) rises as ascendant; that's often very people (public) oriented
-Leo in the 3rd house of communications; that's the Lion, with Sun as ruler: strong!
-Pisces in 10th; ok, that's watery and a bit susceptible (and could indicate lack of self confidence), but its ruler is the benefic Jupiter; Jupiter is in 2nd house (of money and wealth), and in good natal aspect to Moon (emotions and physical body) and Sun (basic inner vital force, and ruler of Leo in your 3rd house of communications)
-Sun is up at top of natal chart in 10th (house of public attention, jobs, profession), in a fruitful sign (productive of results sign, Pisces), showing inner power to handle the public, in a profitable way; Moon high up too, and conjoining a direct Mercury (communications again), Mercury near the benefic Dragon's Head, all up there near the top of the chart...
No, I don't see any astrological reasons why you shouldn't easily be able to handle that job! :biggrin:
Hi there, AnishakaNeti, I was attracted to your post because you prepared it so well, with clear questions, and even an equal house chart for those who use that. Wow!!

I don't use equal house, but I'll try to give you a brief answer.

Firstly, you have Pluto in the 6th house, so you have a deep desire to `serve' others. Perhaps the temporary job you have now is a manifestation of that inner knowledge. Whatever you do in your life, you will have to feel that you are doing some good.

I'm interested in the date you got the job, and what is going on over your IC. I will focus on that alone, and let others look for other things. With your IC - the opposite angle to your MC, or where you are going/how you wish to be seen in the world - being a little over 9 degrees in Leo, you are experiencing transiting Mars crossing your IC, and so opposing your Midheaven. One of the effects of this, apart from your own obvious ambitions, and plans to sort out your own financial needs, is that you will probably have the anger and frustrations of others in the world around you projected on to you. Now, were you sitting at home and studying this may still happen to you, but given you are in such a public place, where the whole world (sort of) passes by you daily, you are something of a sitting target. For now.

Unless others pick up any transits or progressions which say otherwise, my suggestion is that you stick it out if you can because by the end of the 1st week in May Mars should be well away from your IC. By late June tr Mars will be through opposing your Aquarius and Pisces planets also. Your natal Mars-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn gives you a lot of stamina and the ability to stick it out under difficult circumstances.

My suggestion is that you stay there in the short term, although if you are in any kind of danger by working there, then you have no option other than to leave.

A lot depends also on your level of enjoyment of the actual work itself, and that means putting aside the dealing with the public. Dealing with the public can be very stressful, but if on top of that you find the work boring or repititious, then this adds to the stress. You have to weigh up whether you can sustain this for another couple of weeks. Remember that others' behaviour towards you is all about them, and says nothing at all about you.

I have taken the above approach because so often in my life I have prayed and raged and pleaded for a change in circumstances, and the situation has been changed by a shift in my own perspective or attitude, and sometimes this shift is only very slight, but the results have been dramatic.

PS: Just read dr farr's post - I agree. You have a superb chart - very strong, and hugely capable. Do not underestimate the value of this experience to teach you that you are capable of anything at all!!.
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Gemini Asc, pisces sun, both these are restless procrastinating and indecisive signs. the sun is a singleton ie: only planet in 'mutable' Moon in Aquarius - needs mental stimulation and independence and friendships. This will develop over time with work colleagues of course.

Career options are assessed by MC any planets conjunct, where the ruler of MC is placed, it’s aspects, then 2nd house ‘how you earn your money’ and planets there, ruler of cusp and where it’s placed, then 6th house of ‘type of work you do’ any planets there and how they are aspected.

So Aquarius MC ruled by Uranus placed in 8th house working with 'other people's finances resources', insurances, good of the deceased, occult

Cancer rules 2nd house and venus rules 6th and placed in 8th conj 9th cusp.
that stellium planets in Cappi 8th (death and transformation) can be rather difficult to analyse, so I'll break it down a little. Saturn conj Mars creates stop/go situations and frustrations and restricts energy. Then Mars is conjunct Neptune which drains it even more altough it could add some psychic and intuitative abilities here. Saturn conj Venus shows a cautious reserved affectional nature and possibly a feeling of unloved from childhood.

The Mysteries of the 8th House: House of Death & Transformation
by Carmen Turner-Schott

Chart ruler mercury in 9th suggests higher education would be of interest and having moon in 9th suggest you may work or live abroad at some point

Jupiter should be interpreted as if in 2nd and suggests you should always have an inner faith that you will always be able to 'earn your own income' to keep yourself. Although Jupiter is retrograde is does have nice trines to sun, moon

So just to recap, Uranus MC loves computers technology, communications, group activities and represents large organisations. Uranus placed in 8th house shows where Uranus expresses, Uranus aspects show 'how' it functions and the opposition to Jupiter in 2nd suggests that on occasion you may 'act' too quickly (jupiter) and disruptively (uranus) to cut your nose off to spite your face.
You could earn your money (moon ruling 2nd)placed in 9th house matters, teaching, travelling, journalism, higher education, the law, philosophy, religion. Pisces sun quite often loves the 'caring professions' Gemini 'service industry' dealing with general public, shops stores etc. Moon 9th conj 10th cusp

First two weeks April Transiting Neptune has been conj natal Moon causing 'rose tinted glasses' and disillusionment and confusion as to your emotional needs. It could even 'dissolve' relations with women or mother, so do be careful.

T Jupiter going through 10th is good and will be making sextiles 'opportunities' with Cappi planets in 8th

All I really saw was because the ruler of my 6th house was in the 12th would be the type of job--service oriented
Ruler of 6th is venus in 8th conj 9th house cusp and therefore more effective in 9th house. Do you have a love of travel and distant shores?

Also watch the Pluto square MC ( I have this one)

"Don't be surprised if you have your share of power struggles with authority figures. This aspect suggests domination and control. You can rise to a position of important influence over the lives of others. All efforts to climb to the top should be kept completely honest and aboveboard.
Consider some of the following career potentials: archaeology, espionage, psychiatry, mortuary science, the secret service, banking, or the medical profession--especially surgery."

Money & you

career significators
Professional & Destiny

Hope this all helps
