Confusion depression

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May 15, 2009
I was wondering if someone could please look at my chart.
Life has been pretty good lately. But suddenly since November 22, 2024 I’ve been severely depressed. And it just trippled even more so now that Mars is retrograde.

Can someone tell me when my mind will go back to being normal or when this will get better for me? I wish I could say there was a specific reason. I have a good life right now but my mind is in a very dark place. Indescribably bad. And I’m calm about it which is even more scary. I’m just ready to let go.

Anyway. My info is September 18,1984 at 9:48am central time
Birthplace is Corpus Christi Texas USA

Thanks to anyone for any guidance
I was wondering if someone could please look at my chart.
Life has been pretty good lately. But suddenly since November 22, 2024 I’ve been severely depressed. And it just trippled even more so now that Mars is retrograde.

Can someone tell me when my mind will go back to being normal or when this will get better for me? I wish I could say there was a specific reason. I have a good life right now but my mind is in a very dark place. Indescribably bad. And I’m calm about it which is even more scary. I’m just ready to let go.

Anyway. My info is September 18,1984 at 9:48am central time
Birthplace is Corpus Christi Texas USA

Thanks to anyone for any guidance
The V from Moon is the mind. It is represented by Libra, Scorpio and Mars. Mars enters Cancer on 21/Oct/2024 and casts exact aspect on Libra on 01/Nov. Being a representative of mind itself it is simultaneously debilitated. At the same time it gets into mutual aspect with birth Saturn occupying the V from Moon. They are in mutual aspect. The trouble took root with this from 1/Nov. The V house is badly afflicted. Mars in retrograde motion moves to Gemini and gives you respite on 23/January/2025. It comes back to Cancer on 04/April/2025 and remains there till 6/June. The trouble will leave you then.
The V from Moon is the mind. It is represented by Libra, Scorpio and Mars. Mars enters Cancer on 21/Oct/2024 and casts exact aspect on Libra on 01/Nov. Being a representative of mind itself it is simultaneously debilitated. At the same time it gets into mutual aspect with birth Saturn occupying the V from Moon. They are in mutual aspect. The trouble took root with this from 1/Nov. The V house is badly afflicted. Mars in retrograde motion moves to Gemini and gives you respite on 23/January/2025. It comes back to Cancer on 04/April/2025 and remains there till 6/June. The trouble will leave you then.
Thank you
But if mars goes retro every 1.5 years and is in cancer every year almost, I just don’t understand why this time it’s affecting me so much
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Your chart has inauspicious Venus, Mars and Ketu. They become inauspicious by there placements in various divisional charts. A planet in any dasha will have effect on him by 5 ways- by self, by conjunction of planets, by house lord, by aspect and by it's nakshatra lord. If any of these are inauspicious they will not give good results related to their placement in the birth chart.

Your 5th house is affected. 5th house represents creativity, passion and personal expression, wisdom, intelligence, romance and joy. All these are affected by Venus, being the house lord of Saturn and activating 5th house, resulting in all those mind games, lack of enthusiasm and depression.
Your social circle, friend circle are also affected by 11th house.

Sub periods of Venus, Mars and Ketu will not be so good in terms of health.