I am still letting myself be excited to like him, but I worry that there’s something I’m missing. So, will this turn into anything good?
Referencing the very first chart, because as IleneK wrote you can't keep writing and re-writing the chart hoping for a different answer.
If something basic does change in the situation, you might think of another question and do a chart for it.
In the meantime, this one clearly shows the state of mind you are living right now, with neptune having touched the cusp of the 11th of hopes and wishes.
However, it is square to both ascendent and descendent, so there is a very romantic, dreamy quality to what is happening, but as so often happens with neptune, once the veil lifts and the fog clears and we see more clearly, we almost always remain with a disillusion.
He as jupiter in your 12th has entered your subconscious, but it will square saturn putting the brakes on.
You on the other hand are mercury, retrograde with moon just leaving a conjunction with you, which is what brought this emotional rapport to you.
As moon moves forward, and neptune tightens its square to asc/des you will see things more clearly and probably back away.
You are in the 4th house of endings.
Mars rules the 11th of friends, together with him jupiter gave this lovely interval of friendship. Saturn is waiting to cool things off.
The chart has Chiron in the 11th of friendships.
Considering your comments about your previous relationship, this one may have served the specific purpose of restoring your confidence in this area, making you less cynical, reassuring you that friendship is at the base of all good relationships and can still be had by you.
Remember, not every relationship is meant to be long term, some can last just the flicker of a candle flame but leave a lasting note for us spiritually.