Court Case: Is the judge biased?

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I don't think the judge is necessarily biased. S/he is ruled by Mars, which is domiciled in Aries. Your opponents are ruled by the moon, and it's next aspect is a trine to Mars. It's possible that the judge isn't biased against you, but still thinks the law as it stands is with the defendants.
Moon is intercepted, she cannot be effective.

Preciding judge maynor may not be biased. Thats a human trait we cannot be rid of. But the judge is in the hands of the jury and the only influence the judge has is how they instruct the jury in their review of evidence and how the judge arbitrates the lawyers.

Jury to me is 3rd… a body of peers…ruled by venus. Outcome ruled by venus. Venus Combust.

If we consider the two sides as teams in a law game… your team is stronger.

But that intercepted moon is just not effective. She is caught. Why is anyones guess.

I would say that convention tends to the medical team and even though they are in defence and slightly weaker in the chart…that convention to side with respect for the work they do is why that moon cannot operate independently and is under rule by Sun who has combust of your team and final verdict.

Medics make mistakes. The more tired, the more mistakes. There is a convention of defence for their humanity otherwise we would have no medics. So while your team may feel wronged, it takes really strong and consistent wrong to really go against medics.

So even though your team is stronger they may not be strong enough to overcum convention of respect and be convincing.
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