Chris Rock was vaccinated in May. He recently caught what's being labeled a "breakthrough" case of Covid-19, meaning a fully vaccinated person who catches Covid. And, although he says it was EXTREMELY unpleasant, it looks like he's made a relatively easy recovery.
This is the latest narrative of the vaccination movement: MUCH greater chance of recovery (which also means natural immunity for at least a few months) for those "fully vaccinated"--meaning two weeks after receiving both shots.
For the vaccination movement, the choice should be clear: J&J, the one-shot vaccine, can provide resistance to Covid-19 THREE WEEKS before two-shot Pfizer or Moderna. And, it's even said to be more effective against the Delta variant than the other two. ESPECIALLY because the vaccination movement is insisting that any fatalities prior to receiving BOTH shots of Pfizer or Moderna, which require a 3-week waiting period in between, count as UNVACCINATED deaths. Logical question: Why ISN'T J&J the preferred vaccine under these circumstances?
Governor Abbott also anecdotally fits this theory, another breakthrough case, another relatively easy recovery. He himself publicly credited being fully vaccinated for the fortunate outcome.
And, of course the anti-vaccination movement looks for every anecdotal case IT can find where someone suffered a serious illness or death shortly after receiving a vaccine.
BOTH sides of the "To be or not to be vaccinated" argument are using sta-trick-stics, instead of honest statistics.