Crazy mix of all good & all bad

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Jun 13, 2018
Hey hey,

I've never been in a situation like this before.
Me and this guy have a majority of all the beneficial love aspects and all the separating aspects as well.
This is an insane combination - I feel such love towards him, he's the embodiment of who I want - successful, loving, talkative, rich, really handsome, super funny, intelligent, etc etc etc.
These are our charts.
We have Sun, moon, Venus, Mercury conjunct, all square Jupiter. And all these also square Uranus, Saturn, Neptune.

However, I feel these separating aspects as kind of resistance to get really close, he does seem perfect but somehow there's cross-interests which I find irreconcilable. I absolutely can't stand his music choices - he's super fanatic about just one type of music. As a Capricorn, he's also too rigid for me, yet he has the practicality I crave. He's the initiator and also the one to break it up. We dated two years ago for two weeks, then he broke it off. I could never hold it against him. Now he came back, but we are both more cautious, in the sense that before he would call me every minute when apart, now we're like - Ok maybe see you sometime soon, but had the best time tonight ever.
But he is on my mind all the time... can't get him out of my head. It's not ever specifically sexual, it's just about having good time together! He takes me to the beach in his convertible while making me laugh all the way, ah, man of my dreams.

I feel this time we might establish a more open, friendship based type of free love, since we also share some work related interests. Probably with gaps in between seeing each other.

What are your insights?
(I don't have his birth time.)
Thanks so much!


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Wow! It's nice when you have those types of sparks with others! Been there, done that lol. So it's a bit hard to get the whole picture without his birth time, obviously. It would be nice to see a composite as well and see where your planets fit into his chart. But given what we have, I can see there is a lot of attraction going on. I'm guessing in that synastry chart, you're on the inside and he's the outside.

Just a bit about you-- Having a Sagittarius DC, you like lightweight relationships where you can have fun and grow. With Saturn and Uranus conjunct there, you have two conflicting energies that can come into play. You don't commit easily or often find others dont commit to you cause of that Saturn in 7th. And with Uranus in 7th you can often jump head first into something that makes you feel happy upfront, but may not have longevity. That's not to say you'll never find someone, but with these placements in charts, I do see the same patterns. You also feel connections with Aquarian and Capricorn energies. Your 7th house ruler is in 12th house, and is intercepted, so you can be attracted to relationships that keep your head above the clouds and who you might idolise. Who are very romantic, and who will give you a lot of one-on-one time with them. However, these gentleman will seem elusive in some way or unattainable. And you might keep this to yourself and still be drawn to them. Your fifth house shows you will easily fall in love with earth type energy, as Virgo is there. Ruler of your Fifth (Mercury) falls in your first house, so you are charmed by very loquacious men who talk a lot about anything and every thing.

So with most of his Capricorn planets sitting in your 8th house, there is definitely a high attraction there on both ends. It can feel obsessive and all in or all out. However, with his Venus conjunct Neptune sitting there, he will idealise you and put you on a pedestal until he realises you have flaws like every one else. And with the 8th house energy, it happens sooner rather than later cause there's nothing to hide there. It would be easier if we had his chart to see how comfortable he is with that Neptune energy. Being a Capricorn, he's not going to show his emotions readily, or at all. He's got his Sun conjunct Mercury, which makes him a big gabber, which you like, but about more easy going subjects. His moon is in Aries, which is usually good for being upfront about emotions, but his square between his Moon and Saturn make it all too difficult for him to trust his emotions or anyone for that matter. I like to think of it as the Ice King aspect. Not to mention his Moon is sitting close to your 12th house. You might find him a robot at times, but with your watery placements you'll be able to work with it. He on the other hand has no watery placements, and might find it a difficult aspect. But again, I'd have to see where your moon fits into his chart.

I think overall, the chemistry is there for sure. You've got a lot of Neptune energy in your synastry that might smell a bit like roses up front and then wilts fast, as it's evident you both put each other on pedestals. Like I said, you might be comfortable with this energy, but he might not be. Take it a step at a time for sure and I definitely agree with slowing things down. Don't have all feet in straight away. Capricorns need to build a relationship slowly and take their time with commitment. If it looks like it's going to end fast, they won't have any issue dropping it. You being a Cancer Sun/Pisces Moon could get deeply hurt and take it personally.

Let me know if there's anything else you need answered. I think a Virgo you'd do well with. Someone with a bit of water in their chart too. You need balance and familiarity. :)
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I can't read that Synastry wheel so I'll just look at the Composite.

Can't tell the orbs but it seems you have a love stellium there? (Mercury conjunct Venus opposite Sun) and with Moon in the mix... this is really loving and close (probably a lot of gentle kindness, affection, sweet nothings, etc) + Jupiter brings laughter and generosity. The only problem (besides Moon-Sun opposition) is that they're ALL squaring Uranus/Saturn/Neptune! :pinched:

Treat this r/s with lightness...just have fun & no pressure is good.
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You are absolutely on point with everything you wrote.

I have always attracted Capricorns... in kindergarten I vividly remember a boy being in love with me - Capricorn. Elementary school - crushed on me or broke my heart - Capricorns. My first date ever was with a Capricorn - broke me. My third serious bf was a Capricorn sun/Cap rising. Had PTSD from him. My next bf Cap rising with other Cap placements, was so painful. Next two guys, including this one, had Cap placements (Sun or Moon). Both hurtful and rejected me at one point or another.
The thing is, somehow I am not even attracted to a person unless they have some serious Cap energy going on. And if they don't, I find myself assuming the harsh Saturn role and crushing them. Could this be related to my painful Mars&moon/Saturn square? I feel that one so strong, and it's infuriating. Either the partner restricts my Mars/moon, or I restrict them.
Either way, there's always a power play, and I always come out short. As if I'm always looking for that Saturn energy to crush me all over again.
This could also be due to the ruler of 7th being in the 12th - somehow I always endure losses due to relationships.

Saturn in the 7th house.... my mom has it too and she's been alone her whole life.
Not much hope there huh....

Super interesting about the Virgo and water placements. Thanks for this insight!!
One of my best friends, a guy, also my close collaborator, is a Virgo with Pisces moon. Really love him, he's getting married soon.
I've never been with a Virgo in a relationship... I find them super reliable, but not excitable enough somehow...

This has been eye-opening!
I can't read that Synastry wheel so I'll just look at the Composite.

Can't tell the orbs but it seems you have a love stellium there? (Mercury conjunct Venus opposite Sun) and with Moon in the mix... this is really loving and close (probably a lot of gentle kindness, affection, sweet nothings, etc) + Jupiter brings laughter and generosity. The only problem (besides Moon-Sun opposition) is that they're ALL squaring Uranus/Saturn/Neptune! :pinched:

Treat this r/s with lightness...just have fun & no pressure is good.
Yessss, it's sooooo loving and affectionate... but it also ends as it begins. And somehow it doesn't surprise me at all.
It's quite hard to take it lightly tbh... his planets in my 8th... the energy is so charged.
You are absolutely on point with everything you wrote.

I have always attracted Capricorns... in kindergarten I vividly remember a boy being in love with me - Capricorn. Elementary school - crushed on me or broke my heart - Capricorns. My first date ever was with a Capricorn - broke me. My third serious bf was a Capricorn sun/Cap rising. Had PTSD from him. My next bf Cap rising with other Cap placements, was so painful. Next two guys, including this one, had Cap placements (Sun or Moon). Both hurtful and rejected me at one point or another.
The thing is, somehow I am not even attracted to a person unless they have some serious Cap energy going on. And if they don't, I find myself assuming the harsh Saturn role and crushing them. Could this be related to my painful Mars&moon/Saturn square? I feel that one so strong, and it's infuriating. Either the partner restricts my Mars/moon, or I restrict them.
Either way, there's always a power play, and I always come out short. As if I'm always looking for that Saturn energy to crush me all over again.
This could also be due to the ruler of 7th being in the 12th - somehow I always endure losses due to relationships.

Saturn in the 7th house.... my mom has it too and she's been alone her whole life.
Not much hope there huh....

Super interesting about the Virgo and water placements. Thanks for this insight!!
One of my best friends, a guy, also my close collaborator, is a Virgo with Pisces moon. Really love him, he's getting married soon.
I've never been with a Virgo in a relationship... I find them super reliable, but not excitable enough somehow...

This has been eye-opening!

This may be part of the reason you attract Capricorn relationships that don't work: you're quite comfortable with Neptune energy, having your Mars and Pisces Moon, so whenever a Capricorn comes into your life, they hit your Neptune and 8th house. Your Moon craves that Neptune energy. The issue with it is although you're comfortable with it, possibly the other party doesn't have water or very much Neptune in their chart to be able to connect positively with it. The relationship will start out with a huge high, ultra romantic, then fall flat.

With the Saturn in 7th energy, a commitment comes later, usually after a Saturn Return, sometimes even after the 2nd Saturn Return. With that Moon/Mars square Saturn, as you mentioned, you do have trust issues in relationships. Commitment issues as well with opposition between your first house planets and seventh. You may find your sense of self expression gets lost when dating. But if anyone's luminaries hits your Saturn, you will definitely be the one clamping down on them.

Very tricky lol. But I know someone with a Saturn in 7th and she's in a happy marriage. She met her partner much later in life though. She's the serious one and he's the more upbeat one in the relationship as he's a Sagittarius.
This may be part of the reason you attract Capricorn relationships that don't work: you're quite comfortable with Neptune energy, having your Mars and Pisces Moon, so whenever a Capricorn comes into your life, they hit your Neptune and 8th house. Your Moon craves that Neptune energy. The issue with it is although you're comfortable with it, possibly the other party doesn't have water or very much Neptune in their chart to be able to connect positively with it. The relationship will start out with a huge high, ultra romantic, then fall flat.

With the Saturn in 7th energy, a commitment comes later, usually after a Saturn Return, sometimes even after the 2nd Saturn Return. With that Moon/Mars square Saturn, as you mentioned, you do have trust issues in relationships. Commitment issues as well with opposition between your first house planets and seventh. You may find your sense of self expression gets lost when dating. But if anyone's luminaries hits your Saturn, you will definitely be the one clamping down on them.

Very tricky lol. But I know someone with a Saturn in 7th and she's in a happy marriage. She met her partner much later in life though. She's the serious one and he's the more upbeat one in the relationship as he's a Sagittarius.
That sounds reassuring tho - the person you know in a happy marriage!
My mom was in a happy marriage (she has Saturn/Jupiter in 7th) and then my dad died very young. Since then she's alone.
I'm already past my first Saturn return, year or two past it now.

I feel myself also drifting away from even wanting a relationship tbh.
I was never really monogamous, I'd love to be in a few relationships but then my Cancer sun will get hurt. And with the mars/moon in the 11th, I find much emotional satisfaction in groups, and am trying to channel my energy into my work collaborations instead of finding a relationship.

Super interesting insight into the Capricorn energy... I think you're absolutely right and I've never looked at it that way. I just always thought I attract Caps cause of Saturn in the 7th...
But wouldn't his Venus/Neptune conjunction make him comfortable with Neptune energies?