Hey hey,
I've never been in a situation like this before.
Me and this guy have a majority of all the beneficial love aspects and all the separating aspects as well.
This is an insane combination - I feel such love towards him, he's the embodiment of who I want - successful, loving, talkative, rich, really handsome, super funny, intelligent, etc etc etc.
These are our charts.
We have Sun, moon, Venus, Mercury conjunct, all square Jupiter. And all these also square Uranus, Saturn, Neptune.
However, I feel these separating aspects as kind of resistance to get really close, he does seem perfect but somehow there's cross-interests which I find irreconcilable. I absolutely can't stand his music choices - he's super fanatic about just one type of music. As a Capricorn, he's also too rigid for me, yet he has the practicality I crave. He's the initiator and also the one to break it up. We dated two years ago for two weeks, then he broke it off. I could never hold it against him. Now he came back, but we are both more cautious, in the sense that before he would call me every minute when apart, now we're like - Ok maybe see you sometime soon, but had the best time tonight ever.
But he is on my mind all the time... can't get him out of my head. It's not ever specifically sexual, it's just about having good time together! He takes me to the beach in his convertible while making me laugh all the way, ah, man of my dreams.
I feel this time we might establish a more open, friendship based type of free love, since we also share some work related interests. Probably with gaps in between seeing each other.
What are your insights?
(I don't have his birth time.)
Thanks so much!
I've never been in a situation like this before.
Me and this guy have a majority of all the beneficial love aspects and all the separating aspects as well.
This is an insane combination - I feel such love towards him, he's the embodiment of who I want - successful, loving, talkative, rich, really handsome, super funny, intelligent, etc etc etc.
These are our charts.
We have Sun, moon, Venus, Mercury conjunct, all square Jupiter. And all these also square Uranus, Saturn, Neptune.
However, I feel these separating aspects as kind of resistance to get really close, he does seem perfect but somehow there's cross-interests which I find irreconcilable. I absolutely can't stand his music choices - he's super fanatic about just one type of music. As a Capricorn, he's also too rigid for me, yet he has the practicality I crave. He's the initiator and also the one to break it up. We dated two years ago for two weeks, then he broke it off. I could never hold it against him. Now he came back, but we are both more cautious, in the sense that before he would call me every minute when apart, now we're like - Ok maybe see you sometime soon, but had the best time tonight ever.
But he is on my mind all the time... can't get him out of my head. It's not ever specifically sexual, it's just about having good time together! He takes me to the beach in his convertible while making me laugh all the way, ah, man of my dreams.
I feel this time we might establish a more open, friendship based type of free love, since we also share some work related interests. Probably with gaps in between seeing each other.
What are your insights?
(I don't have his birth time.)
Thanks so much!