I am thinking that there really is a way to combine psychology with fashion, you don't have to be torn between the two, you could just see it as "divide and conquer."
So with that said, before I take a look at your chart I just want to point out the relationship pyschology has to fashion implicitly. We say the "clothes make the man," and so in this day an age, with more and more people wanting to express their individuality through fashion, it makes sense we'd want look at HOW clothes make the individual.
So you could study psychology and then move into fashion design, be your own creator of a unique line of clothing that reflects people Enneagrams for example, or maybe explore the newer topic of "Gender-oisity" that's going on.
Well now, let's look at your chart.
I think with a Sun in Pisces, you want to emotionally connect to others and be creative, soulful, demonstrative, and passionately and emotionally motivate to well-being of others. It is opposing Virgo, the Moon, so you are really driven, compelled, and motivated, inspired even, by relating to others directly.
This is important for you to do. With Virgo ruling the MC you would rather concerned with details, and in this case it could go with either people's minds/psyches, or perhaps even detailing, putting-together, manifesting and creating a composite image of something, which Virgo likes to do as Virgo is the Middle Element of Earth between Taurus and Capricorn. Taurus brings together pleasure and sensuality and Capricorn desires to oversee this manifestation. Virgo resides in the middle, balancing the materials (Taurus) and the need to authorize what is done with those materials (Capricorn). Virgo simply says, here are the materials, what should be with them, and enjoys the process of bringing this to fruition. It's a very objective place to operate from and this would be well-suited to both Psychology and Fashion Design. A good Fashion Designer needs to be able to objectify and conceptualize.