Creativity (Design) or Psychology

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Hi Elyn,

If you are looking for a more creative side of psychology, have you looked into the following?

1) Transpersonal Psychology
2) Depth Psychology
3) Somatic Psychology
4) Expressive Arts Therapy
5) Jungian Psychology

You can google them and get more info... might be of some help... if you are interested by these, let me know and I can also post links to Graduate courses in these subjects. :)
Ebenia, I just want to say your chart is impressive with your strong moon in cancer. I definitely felt this type of 'nurturing energy' about you. I guess this strong energy gets channeled in the work you do. strong academic qualities perhaps, business, architecture.. anyway.. Its just a very quick glimpse of your chart and Im definitely new to this. It was not surprising to me when I saw that strong moon sign in your chart.

Thank you Elyn! That really made me smile! :) I am happy that you found my post nurturing, cause that's what I felt when I wrote it. :)

My career will be in psychology actually. :) I have a dream about having my own practise and maybe doing some lectures in University (10th house ruler Saturn in Sagittarius in 9th), maybe some bookwriting too (Chiron in 3rd sextile Venus Aquarius and trine Jupiter in 12th, Mercury in 11th). I have actually gone through very similar themes concerning career that you are going through now. Few years back when I was trying to think about what I want to do, I was thinking of politics and subjects concerning developmental countries and later I found out that actually when I chose these subjects, I had just tried to please my father, with whom I had a challenging relationship at that time. It was very hard lesson for me and triggered a huge transformation in myself. When I became really honest with myself, I understood that psychology was the thing that I had always loved and I should do that then. Now I am happy doing that degree, but it wasn't a easy road to get here. It's odd how much our need to please our parents actually mean to us and if we do not knowledge it, we can make totally wrong decisions with OUR LIFE because of it. It's scary.

And because of my own experience, I always try to make people question their ideals and dreams, cause sometimes the dreams that we are dreaming about are not our own...

But the most interesting thing in life is that you don't really have to do much to get much. If you do the things that you like, you will probably do it more in the future and usually things start to blossom from these things. When we are doing the thing that we should do, things just start to happen for us. School places appear, opportunities start to appear, we are happier doing it and so on and sometimes we are led to something that is far more better than our dreams were in the first place. Life is a beautiful mystery and you'll never know where you will end up in. You can always plan (tell this to a Capricorn ;)), but in the right time, you have to throw all the plans in to the rubbish bin and just go with the flow. Maybe a little bit off-topic, but something I wanted to share.

Something came to my mind concerning your mother who has never achieved to her potential. I find it very inspiring that you are now trying to think about how to fullfill your own potential and doing it with open eyes that you don't end up in the same positions as your mom. That's great. What ever you choose, choose it that you really want to do it and you enjoy it and that you can use your talent in it. Nothing is more terrible than life that hasn't been lived.

Good luck. :love:
It's true Ebenia, it is incredible the influence the people in our surroundings have. It is hard to block our of our minds what other people would think. One of my vulnerabilities is listening too much to what other people think and doing things in function of others. I can't remember which part of my chart says that right now.

And yes, its true I do believe that everyone has something really special to bring to the world. If we follow it, things just happen in our lives to make it happen. For example, I needed to go to a new city for my program but did not have the money to go on one really important week. I seriously prayed to God to help me out. Then, its crazy, 2 days later or something, a complete stranger who was also a millionaire handed me the exact amount I needed for the trip! He was talking about how he did not need the money and I would be a fool not to take it. (he did not know my situation) I gave it back to him but he kept insisting. On top of that, he was talking about how the holy spirit helped him in his life! What a strange moment in my life..
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It's true Ebenia, it is incredible the influence the people in our surroundings have. It is hard to block our of our minds what other people would think. One of my vulnerabilities is listening too much to what other people think and doing things in function of others. I can't remember which part of my chart says that right now.

And yes, its true I do believe that everyone has something really special to bring to the world. If we follow it, things just happen in our lives to make it happen. For example, I needed to go to a new city for my program but did not have the money to go on one really important week. I seriously prayed to God to help me out. Then, its crazy, 2 days later or something, a complete stranger who was also a millionaire handed me the exact amount I needed for the trip! He was talking about how he did not need the money and I would be a fool not to take it. (he did not know my situation) I gave it back to him but he kept insisting. On top of that, he was talking about how the holy spirit helped him in his life! What a strange moment in my life..

This is about the sweetest thing I've heard in awhile. I wish more people spoke about living this way, cherishing what one another can bring, and appreciating how everything is so interrelated and had experiences like this. Praying to God should never go out of style. ;)

This story absolutely makes me cry.
ohhh thanks :love: Among one of the most magical moments in my life. I could not stop smiling that whole night and the day after. I couldn't believe it :)
Hi Elyn,

If you are looking for a more creative side of psychology, have you looked into the following?

1) Transpersonal Psychology
2) Depth Psychology
3) Somatic Psychology
4) Expressive Arts Therapy
5) Jungian Psychology

You can google them and get more info... might be of some help... if you are interested by these, let me know and I can also post links to Graduate courses in these subjects. :)

Hi Eviltwin,

They sound interesting. Expressive arts therapy, transpersonal psychology, Jungian. I'll have to look into it some more. I found some programs close to me. I think maybe I can try out fashion design and then see if I could incorporate that. Or then write on the subject.. The problem is you do need qualifications in life to achieve anything!

I would like to know what you guys think in terms of vocation when you look at my chart overall. I have gathered in depth knowledge of the individual parts of my chart but I'm still at odds between career directions. I am torn between Fashion Design and Psychology. I am going to study fashion design in the fall but would like to know if it is the right decision. I already have a degree in psychology. I am very interested in metaphysical knowledge and astrology (i guess that is where the psychology part fits in too). I also have a side of me that likes to write and is in search of knowledge.

I would also like to know more about the 0 critical degree of mercury in aries..

Thanks for your input!



I am thinking that there really is a way to combine psychology with fashion, you don't have to be torn between the two, you could just see it as "divide and conquer." ;)

So with that said, before I take a look at your chart I just want to point out the relationship pyschology has to fashion implicitly. We say the "clothes make the man," and so in this day an age, with more and more people wanting to express their individuality through fashion, it makes sense we'd want look at HOW clothes make the individual.

So you could study psychology and then move into fashion design, be your own creator of a unique line of clothing that reflects people Enneagrams for example, or maybe explore the newer topic of "Gender-oisity" that's going on.

Well now, let's look at your chart.

I think with a Sun in Pisces, you want to emotionally connect to others and be creative, soulful, demonstrative, and passionately and emotionally motivate to well-being of others. It is opposing Virgo, the Moon, so you are really driven, compelled, and motivated, inspired even, by relating to others directly.

This is important for you to do. With Virgo ruling the MC you would rather concerned with details, and in this case it could go with either people's minds/psyches, or perhaps even detailing, putting-together, manifesting and creating a composite image of something, which Virgo likes to do as Virgo is the Middle Element of Earth between Taurus and Capricorn. Taurus brings together pleasure and sensuality and Capricorn desires to oversee this manifestation. Virgo resides in the middle, balancing the materials (Taurus) and the need to authorize what is done with those materials (Capricorn). Virgo simply says, here are the materials, what should be with them, and enjoys the process of bringing this to fruition. It's a very objective place to operate from and this would be well-suited to both Psychology and Fashion Design. A good Fashion Designer needs to be able to objectify and conceptualize.
I'm a newbie too, but from what I saw, it looked liked your artistically minded, are into probing, and like communicating. Why not go for a fashion writer for a fashion magazine? Seeing runway shows and writing on them would be fun. You can critique fashion too if you like. And you could even write on the side for zines of psychology or parapsychology like Psychology Today. Best thing is to carve a niche for yourself out there. Also, you can get a license in a field of psychology that is semi-conventional just in case.

I am thinking that there really is a way to combine psychology with fashion, you don't have to be torn between the two, you could just see it as "divide and conquer." ;)

So with that said, before I take a look at your chart I just want to point out the relationship pyschology has to fashion implicitly. We say the "clothes make the man," and so in this day an age, with more and more people wanting to express their individuality through fashion, it makes sense we'd want look at HOW clothes make the individual.

So you could study psychology and then move into fashion design, be your own creator of a unique line of clothing that reflects people Enneagrams for example, or maybe explore the newer topic of "Gender-oisity" that's going on.

Well now, let's look at your chart.

I think with a Sun in Pisces, you want to emotionally connect to others and be creative, soulful, demonstrative, and passionately and emotionally motivate to well-being of others. It is opposing Virgo, the Moon, so you are really driven, compelled, and motivated, inspired even, by relating to others directly.

This is important for you to do. With Virgo ruling the MC you would rather concerned with details, and in this case it could go with either people's minds/psyches, or perhaps even detailing, putting-together, manifesting and creating a composite image of something, which Virgo likes to do as Virgo is the Middle Element of Earth between Taurus and Capricorn. Taurus brings together pleasure and sensuality and Capricorn desires to oversee this manifestation. Virgo resides in the middle, balancing the materials (Taurus) and the need to authorize what is done with those materials (Capricorn). Virgo simply says, here are the materials, what should be with them, and enjoys the process of bringing this to fruition. It's a very objective place to operate from and this would be well-suited to both Psychology and Fashion Design. A good Fashion Designer needs to be able to objectify and conceptualize.

Thanks! you write really well. Its true, describing the signs in a less stereotyped way, more abstract way, really describes the essence of the energy. you have a very intelligent and unique way of writing
I'm a newbie too, but from what I saw, it looked liked your artistically minded, are into probing, and like communicating. Why not go for a fashion writer for a fashion magazine? Seeing runway shows and writing on them would be fun. You can critique fashion too if you like. And you could even write on the side for zines of psychology or parapsychology like Psychology Today. Best thing is to carve a niche for yourself out there. Also, you can get a license in a field of psychology that is semi-conventional just in case.

Thanks for the input! yeah, fashion critic may be more my thing or serious fashion writer. thanks again, for now, i ive decided to go the fashion route, see where it takes me and in the meantime, see what opportunities i get :)
Interior design is the action of abstraction the acquaintance of interior amplitude which is a alloy of aesthetic talents and creativity. So it's not just autogenous adornment but it as well involves aspects of ecology psychology, architectonics and artefact design.
I'm new to this site and I'm a little late to your post but i did want to share my thoughts: Have you ever thought about early childhood education? it involves creativity, psychology, variety,fun ,art, nurturing, gestalt.
early chilhood experiences= 4th house. children,art,creativity,fun= 5th house.
moon= nurturing, caring, domestic experiences. Mercury=teaching